7DaysToTheWolves — Christmas Ficlets
Published: 2011-12-26 04:18:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 333; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 3
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Description Christmas Ficlet #1 – Amy/11 (Doctor Who)
**Takes place after the 2011 Christmas Special**

"Do you honestly expect me to tell you everything?" the Doctor finds himself saying, sitting on the recliner seat across from where Amy and Rory are sitting on the couch. "That's a whole two years' worth, you know."

Amy stares at him like he's gone crazy. Then he realizes he's always been slightly crazy and makes a point of leaning back and straightening his slightly askew bowtie. It was his favorite one, as blue as the T.A.R.D.I.S. and he kept it for this special occasion. Rory suddenly gets up, clearing his throat and obviously slightly uncomfortable.

"I'll go get some champagne or something." He says and fumbles with his cardigan before exiting the room. The two remaining are silent until Amy gets up, looking around as if to see if the coast is clear. She finds it satisfactory and walks to the side of the Doctor, too happy to see him again to stop herself from the move she makes next. She lays her hand atop his, pecking him on the cheek softly and then backing off.

"You have no idea how hard I cried when River told us you would come back. I never stopped believing you were alive somewhere."

"It's good to know you have faith in me, Pond. Mad, impossible Amy Pond." He laughs, more of a chortle as he leans back forward and watches her as he sits down again. The two share the glance they need before Rory walks back in. He doesn't notice the way the two stare at each other, the way Amy hasn't looked at Rory before. When Amy finally breaks that glance, the both of them smile like the goofy idiots they are whenever they fly the T.A.R.D.I.S. through a time vortex. The two really are the best of friends.

Christmas Ficlet #2 – YunJae (DBSK)
**This is…well, post-split secret meeting type thing**

Yunho sighs as he drops his bag into the back of his car. Changmin has already left for his family's house, and he feels lonelier than ever. Before he takes off at an astounding speed, he slips his phone out of his pocket and checks Twitter. He can't tear his eyes off of the pictures, the tweets, anything. He sighs, shifting in his seat and he turns the key in the ignition. He backs out of his spot in the parking house and yawns, forcing his brain to remember that tomorrow is a big day and that the coming night is going to be even bigger.

He drives and drives, keeping the tinted windows down and keeping himself in the shadows to avoid any suspicion. When he parks after at least half an hour of crossing Seoul, he gets out of the car, grabs a neatly wrapped set of presents out of the trunk and smiles. He can smell the cooking already, and he is looking forward to it more than he thought he could.

All it takes is one knock and already he hears shuffling feet and a loud "JUNSU GET OUT OF MY WAY!" He hears the infamous Eu Kyang Kyang he has missed so much in the last few weeks, and already he sees Yoochun open the door, take the presents and step aside. Yunho walks in quickly, sees Yoochun shut the door behind him and then he is bombarded by an impatient and very emotionally unsettled Jaejoong. Nevertheless, the laugh that escapes his throat is a happy one and he holds to the other tightly. "I missed you." He murmurs into Yunho's shoulder. He leans his face away and pecks Yunho on the lips harshly, with force that he's managed to build up through all that's happened.

"I missed you too, boo." Those words are all it takes for them to begin to cry.

Christmas Ficlet #3 – MinFood
**I'm sorry to all of Cassiopeia but I had to**

Changmin is only half awake. After eating almost a whole turkey, a whole bowl of mashed potatoes and an amazing rest of the meal prepared by his mother, he could swear his waist is at least three centimeters bigger about the front.

He frowns. Why his parents still leave out cookies for Santa really makes him think.

He scuffles out of the room, grabs to plate of cookies, and takes it back into bed with him.

Said cookies were delicious.

Christmas Ficlet #4 – OnJi (/brick'd)
**Again. Excuse me. But I have to. I've seriously been needing it.**

If you had told Jung Min Ji five years prior to this very day that she'd someday be sitting beside Onew of SHINee (who would have his arm about her waist) with Taemin of SHINee's legs draped across her lap, she would have called the police on you for being delusional. Yet here she was. While Jinki sat on one end of the couch (the right end, to be exact), she sat right beside him. Taemin was sprawled with his legs across her lap and his torso draped across Minho who was sitting on the far left. Key and Jonghyun occupied the other couch, their eyes glued to the TV as they counted down the last few hours of Christmas. Whatever movie they were watching they found absolutely hysterical, and being a Western movie (American, actually), Min Ji wasn't surprised. Her eyes skimmed the subtitles every now and again but she was more preoccupied with averting her eyes from the evident kissing session going on to her left.

She tried not to wince inadvertently and leaned her head against Jinki's shoulder. It would be their three-year anniversary in three days. It was exciting, and they had both agreed on giving all presents, whether it was for that or Christmas, on that actual day. This didn't surprise either. They rarely disagreed on things simply because their mindsets were similar. She smiled fondly up at the man beside her, and his response was an Eskimo kiss which lasted quite a few seconds, probably closer to a minute.

Jinki broke out into loud laughter once he heard Key say to Minho and Taemin, "Would the two of you get on with it and get a room? There's sexual tension breaking out with every damn couple in this room and the noises you're making don't make a good distraction. We're actually trying to watch this movie for once." He crosses his arms and pouts and Minho blinked, breaking from Taemin with a small smooch noise. Min Ji doesn't wince or grimace because Jinki already has. He crossed his own arms as well. "What? Just because it's been a while for us doesn't mean you can…"

"Whoa there, Kibum, don't go too far." Jinki said holding up a hand. "I really don't want to hear about it."

"Why, has it been…"

"Don't even go there, I am warning you. For your information, it hasn't been long at all." Min Ji lights up like the Christmas tree standing in the corner of the room and the idol kisses the blush away.

It takes a solid hour for Jonghyun to stop laughing hysterically at the look of sexual deprivation on Kibum's face.

Christmas Ficlet #5 [FINAL] – Kyosuke and Ryuichi
**I watched the third Takumi-kun this morning. I'm sorry**

"This is the second Christmas we've spent together in almost a decade." Kyosuke says softly and leans into the elder boy's touch, where his hands are weaving through the younger's hair. He can vaguely hear the music still playing through the stereo speakers. He smiles, and the two kiss for the umpteenth time that night. Ryuichi lets Kyosuke continue to claim his spot on his lap, tongues slowly beginning to battle as he holds the younger close. For once he is happy to have feigned sick in order to spend some alone time with his lover. That term still felt new on his lips.


Ryuichi decides he likes the sound of it and holds the smaller's waist tight, making sure he can see that the ring on the index finger of Kyosuke's is glittering.
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