7Swords7Lives — Helen Kagami

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Description And so, we come to the end of the Kagami Saga with the last of the main members of the immediate family: Helen, a Japanese-American from North Carolina, mother of the Kagami Siblings and the Diviner of Izanami, the sister-wife of Izanagi and fellow creator in Shintoism. You may be wondering why she's the last to go, especially since she is in every chapter of Megami from the beginning and into Megami 2. There are two reasons for that: one, she has ties to some of the G+ Universe's top players, as you'll read below and two is holiday-related.

For now, let's talk design. Hers was the hardest to think up since I was trying for something a little different. In the end, though, I'm happy with it. You may notice that her color scheme matches her husband, Ichiro's. That goes back to Izanami and Izanagi being siblings-marrieds. But don't worry, Helen and Ichiro aren't siblings, lol. Her Yumi is a scaled up version of the famous Japanese bow but with a twist. On the handle you'll see spikes, those are unique to Helen so she can still defend herself if an enemy manages to close in. 

For her Goddess Form go here: HERE  

For her darker Yomi Goddess Form go HERE

Being an American, Helen is definitely not your typical Japanese woman, as that saucy smirk and alluring outfit alludes. She's one bad mama and hot stuff to boot! If you like badass MILFs you'll love her! And, yes, she really is 56. Japanese people tend to age well and Helen takes good care of herself. Having a Goddess as a partner helps too, lol.

Helen Atsuko Kagami

Age: 56

Height: 5' 4"

Weight: 186 lbs.

Birthday: December 20th 1967

Birthplace: Raleigh, U.S.A.

Occupation: Kagami Family Matriarch/Master Medium, WRAL News Anchor (formerly)

Combat Specialty: Yomi Bow, Martial Arts, Onmyodo

Favorite Food(s): Southern American Cuisine, Traditional Japanese Cuisine

Likes: Her Family, her "Handsome Little Pupil" (see below), her Japanese and American heritages, Archery, Magic (as a concept and hobby), Journalism, travel, cooking, Theology Mythology

Dislikes: H.U.M. and people who think like them, Ancient Aliens (she has an ax to grind with that show), close-minded people, boring things

Short Bio: With her outspoken, vivacious, caring and passionate personality, it's not hard to see why Helen is the Matriarch of the Kagami Family.

Where her husband Ichiro and thier children Chizuru , Shizuka , and Shinji were born and raised in Kyoto, Helen is a Japanese-American born in Raleigh, North Carolina, to a well-to-do family. Her father was a textile magnate who later moved into electronics, making his fortune in Research Triangle Park. It was in the American South where Helen, the middle child and only sister of four brothers, developed the fiesty personality she's known for today. While her brothers all went into the family business, Helen's heart was in Journalism. She started off writing for the Herald Sun in nearby Durham. Her passion for the job and great writing and people skills made her a bit of a celebrity. This caught the eye of a reporter at WRAL, a well-known TV News studio in the Triangle, who offered her a job as a reporter to start. Helen couldn't reply fast enough and bade a cheerful goodbye to her friends and colleages at the Sun. Once again, Helen made a name for hersef rather quickly and it wasn't long before she made Anchor of the Evening News. Her success at WRAL made her family proud and allowed her to finally indulge in a longtime passion of hers: Travel. Whenever she could, Helen made time to go out and see the world and has been almost everywhere.

But it would be in her ancestral homeland of Japan that her destiny would take another turn. As a History Lover, Kyoto was a city that had always fascinated Helen. It helped, of course, that Kyoto is where her family originates. Once there, Helen fell in love with the city, figuratively speaking. Out of all the places she'd been, Kyoto was the only one she came back to over and over. As an attractive woman, Helen had her share of boyfriends in Kyoto; men who found themselves charmed by her spread-on-bread Southern American Accent and outgoing personality. She was Japanese like them but acted like an American. The boys couldn't get enough of her and Helen, for her part, loved the attention. 

Then came Ichiro Kagami. Ichiro was not new to Helen. In fact, Helen is a blood member of the Kagami Family and a distant cousin to Ichiro. They first met as children, where they were sworn in as next-in-line to inherit the Spirits of Izanagi (Ichiro) and Izanami (Helen) upon thier 18th birthdays. As a child, Helen had always found Ichiro to be boring and odd, while Ichiro though highly of her. But when Helen returned to Kyoto all those years ago she found a proud, reliable and humorous Ichiro. Though she tried to fight it, she was in love, much to Ichiro's happiness. After courting the two fell in love and, like thier partners Izanagi and Izanami, the two later wed. The rest is history.

Motherhood and matrimony have changed Helen. Though she's still a fireball, her days of travelling, reporting and wooing men are long gone. She is now a strong woman, decisive, wise and fiercely protective of her family and those she loves. She can be a little...difficult, however. She's the queen of the castle and wants what she wants when she wants it--somtimes to the dismay of her husband and children (especially the latter). But her children know she loves them dearly and would do anything for them, as does Ichiro. Her husband's brave sacrifice at the hands of Deus Mortem left her both heartbroken and determined. As a blood member of the Kagami Family she is determined to avenge Ichiro's death and keep the traditions of her clan alive.

But, unbeknownst to Chizuru, Shizuka and Shinji, thier mother has a secret shame. In additon to them, Helen is also the mother of the Seijyukenshi of Xuanwu Mizuki Kusanagi , her older brother Moriya Kusanagi , and the devious, vorephillic Seijyukenshi of Hydra, Sayoko Takahashi . Mizuki and Moriya have the same father, Jushiro, but Sayoko has a different father, Takato. Helen met Mizuki, Moriya and Sayoko's respective fathers before she met back up with Ichiro and had children with them before having Chizuru, Shizuka and Shinji. She got on well with Jushiro but split with Takato, who took baby Sayoko back with him to his hometown of Toyama because Helen refused to marry him. This wasn't because she didn't like him, rather, she just didn't want her philandering to come back on her. With Takato and Sayoko gone, Helen stuck with Moriya and Jushiro and had some semblance of a normal family. But Helen's fated meeting with Ichiro left her with conflicted feelings. She courted Ichiro in secret while being partner to Jushiro and mother to Moriya.

Though none of this is necessarily wrong so far, it would be the birth of Mizuki that would take Helen into questionable and shameful territory. She had managed to hide her pregnancy from Ichiro thanks to his going on a joint mission with David Holman II, a close ally of the Kagami Family and father of a certain well-known Seijyūkenshi. By then, however, Helen was smitten with Ichiro. But Jushiro shocked Helen shortly after Mizuki was born by revealing that he'd found out about Ichiro and, for Mizuki's sake, made her an ultimatum: break up with Ichiro and give the infant Mizuki a proper family or he will take Mizuki with him to the U.S. without her. Helen, secretly mad that Jushiro had uncovered her little game and also out of love for Ichiro, chose to abandon her daughter, sadly. Jushiro was as good as his word and, after leaving Moriya--who wanted to stay in Japan--in the care of his brother, the ninja Takamaru, left Japan with Mizuki the following day.

Though she didn't let on, Helen knew what she did was wrong from day one and her abandonment of Mizuki has been a secret source of pain and shame ever since. Through periodical visits back to North Carolina, Helen had been watching Mizuki from afar and is proud of the woman she's become. But she longs to meet with her daughter and apologize for her actions despite not quite having the courage to do so. Upon his passing, Ichiro's soul came to Helen, originally to console her but also to tell her that she should make amends. For while Mizuki is indeed hurt and angry at Helen for abandoning her, she, too, wants closure just the same. This in mind, someday, mother and daughter may indeed reunite.

Thankfully, Helen has someone that can help her in this regard: the Seijyukenshi of Qinglong and a hero known far and wide: Antonio Holman . Helen is Antonio's Sensei, having taught him Kenjutsu as well as how to use Ki and Magic (via Onmyodo) when he was 16 via her connections wiht his family in neighboring Alamance County. 16 was the start of Antonio's now well-known love and reverence for Japanese Culture and to have Helen, a Japanese woman with deep connections to Japan, was just what he needed. It is thanks to Helen's teachings that Antonio is the warrior he is today and both he and Helen have a deep reverence for one another, with Helen calling him her "Handsome Little Pupil". Like with all her children, Helen is proud of Antonio for the man he's become and his happy that he and Mizuki have become as close as they are. Unfortunately, Antonio has no idea that Helen is his best friend's mother and Helen is relectant to tell him for fear that he may lose respect for her. But she knows she she needs to tell him, for he is the go-between that can help her set things right. Though she is proud of him, she sees herself in Antonio's philandering activity and wants to warn him not to make the same mistake she did with Mizuki.

Helen's weapon of choice is the Yomi Bow, a special yumi (Japanese Longbow) passed down to Helen by her partner Izanami. It is said that the arrows have the ability to create life in addition to taking it. But, so far, this is just a rumor. The handle of the bow comes with a spiked knuckle guard for Helen to bash any opponents that get too close. Combine this with the elegance and prestige of the yumi and you have a perfect weapon for a fiesty Southern Belle like Helen. But, like all good warriors, Helen is not dependant on the bow. She's also an an accompished Onmyoji.

 More info coming soon!


NOTE: HeroMachine was merely the vehicle for my character's creation. All characters I post are thought up, created and belong to ME.

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