870Express — Officer Downsized

#boots #giantess #gts #officer #police #shrinking #policewoman #shrunkenman #shrinkingfetish
Published: 2022-09-22 02:34:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 11301; Favourites: 38; Downloads: 5
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Officers Michelle Sarna and Calvin Williamson are police officers assigned to patrol at the Western Division of the San Diego Police Department. They’re best friends and great partners, always looking out for each other. This is a scene you can probably find in every police department in every city across the country. But these two were different in one special way. Calvin was officially the worlds smallest police officer, standing at about 4 inches tall.

So how did they get here? Well, it all started on April 27th, 2019 during a traffic stop on North Harbor Drive, near the San Diego International Airport.

“Two-Adam-Seventeen to Dispatch. Copy a traffic stop. North Harbor Drive. Blue Toyota Camry. California Tag. Six-Baker-Edward-David-Seven-Four-Four.”

Michelle hit the lights and the vehicle pulled to the side of the road. Calvin, driving the squad car approached the driver’s side, while Michelle stood on the passenger’s side, monitoring the driver. Everything seemed normal at first. Calvin informed the driver he was speeding and requested his licence and registration. The driver provided it and Calvin went back to the car to run the name. It came back to a person of interest in a theft from a research lab at University of California San Diego. The two officers went back to the car and asked the driver to step out. He stared to comply, but suddenly he pulled a small, silver object from his waistband and pointed it at Calvin. Calvin reached for his pistol, but wasn’t fast enough on the draw. The driver fired his “gun”, but instead of a bullet coming out, an orange beam emanated from one end and enveloped Calvin.

“What the fuck?” he thought, but he didn’t have time to think much more, when loud sounds pierced the air.


Michelle fired her service weapon. Five well placed shots hit their attacker in the chest. He collapsed to the ground, the silver object skidding along the ground beside him.

“TWO-ADAM-SEVEN. SHOTS FIRED! SHOTS FIRED! SUBJECT DOWN. Request backup and an ambulance.” Michelle put out over the radio. She was authoritative, but still calm and collected.

“You good partner?”

“I’m good” Calvin yelled back, his gun now out and covering the subject.

A few more officers arrived on the scene and helped them take the subject in to custody. He was then moved to an ambulance and to the hospital. Unfortunately, he died in the back of the ambulance before he could get to the hospital. The worst part of this, was now he couldn’t be interrogated to find out what he had shot Officer Williamson with.

Per SDPD policy, the partners were separated until they were interviewed by investigators looking in to the shooting. Ultimately, Officer Sarna was cleared by the investigation and returned to duty. On the first day back, the two partners were standing in the break room, Michelle sipping on a cup of coffee before they hit the streets. That’s when Calvin started to feel dizzy, like his world was spinning. Michelle then let out a gasp, she couldn’t believe what she was looking at. Calvin was shrinking! He kept going down, getting smaller and smaller until he was just four inches tall. He stared at Michelle’s now massive leather boot. Michelle stared back down at her tiny partner, baffled at what she had just seen. She bent down and, as carefully as she could, picked him up with two fingers, both as big as him. She set him down in her other hand and brought him up to her face.

“You okay partner?” she said.

“Ummmm. I think so. Aside from the obvious” he replied. “What just happened?”

“I have no idea. I’m taking you to the Lieutenant”


Calvin stood in his partner’s large, yet surprisingly soft palm, with their Lieutenant and Sergeant staring down at him. The two cops explained what had happened, or at least what they were guessing had happened. They believed, quite rightly, that the orange beam that Calvin had been shot with a few weeks back was the cause of this. Lt. Bradford, a fit, bald, black man, made some calls and had the weapon dug out of the evidence locker. It would be given to the FBI to study it and what it does. Meanwhile, Michelle and Calvin talked with their Sergeant, blonde woman in her mid 30’s, about what to be done with Calvin.

“You want to stay on patrol?” Sgt. Applewhite asked, obviously surprised.

“Yes ma’am” Calvin said, confidently.

“Cal. You’re four inches tall” she said frankly.

“I’m aware. But I can’t do any desk job either. Let me keep riding with Michelle”

“I’ll take care of him” Michelle said, “I’ve been doing it for so long now. I’m the only one you can trust to do it”.

Sgt. Applewhite looked over at Lt. Bradford, flashing him a ‘Are you sure about this?’ glance. To her surprise, the lieutenant agreed with Michelle and Calvin. He thought the best possible option would be to keep the shrunk officer with someone who could look after him and make sure he wasn’t hurt. The only condition though, Michelle would have to make sure he got home safe after work. But with Calvin being single, she couldn’t leave him alone in a giant apartment overnight. He was smaller than a bag of chips for god’s sake. How would he feed himself? She’d take him home with her every night. He’d become like a piece of gear to her.


On their first day on patrol, the partners were trying to figure out the best place for Calvin to sit while riding in the squad car. He couldn’t sit on the seat, then he couldn’t see anything. And on the dashboard would bake him under the California sun. So, they settled on the top of the driver’s seat. He could talk to Michelle from there, and still see out the front of the car. But when Michelle exited the car, the seat shifted. Calvin lost his footing and tumbled down onto the seat. He staggered to his feet, just in time to see his massive partner re-enter the car.

“Michelle! Look out!” He yelled, but to no avail. She couldn’t hear him over the chattering police radio.

Michelle sat down on him, in her tight cargo pants. He was pressed into the seat, and unable to move. He yelled and yelled, but she still couldn’t hear him. He felt every bump and bounce of the car as she drove through their patrol zone. He suddenly felt some hope when Michelle shifted he massive ass upwards, he started to crawl towards his escape, but found out that Michelle was only scratching an itch, before putting her ass down, pinning he partner under her posterior. It wasn’t until she spotted a car that she thought might be stolen and tried to ask her partner about it.

“What color was that stolen Mustang from briefing?” she asked, but received no response.

“Cal?” Still no response.

“Calvin?” Still nothing.

By now she was worried. She pulled the squad car to the side of the road and started looking around. The glove box, the cupholders, she couldn’t find him anywhere. It wasn’t until she got out to look under the seats when she finally found him. He wasn’t hurt. Just a bruised ego. For months, the only thing any of the officers at the precinct could talk about was that him he got pinned under his partner’s ass.


A few weeks later, the partners were called to a late night noise complaint near the campus of UC San Diego. As they approached the house, Calvin suggested Michelle drop him off at the side window. Then he could look in the house to see anything illegal inside, while Michelle knocked on the door. Michelle had her doubts about the safety of this, but Calvin was insistent. He pointed out he’s too small to be noticed, and if anything did go wrong, he could radio her for backup. Michelle relented, and put him down on the window sill.

The tiny copper peered in the window, watching a bunch of drunk students party, their loud music nearly deafening him. He though he spotted a brick of cocaine on a table, but before he could look any further, he felt himself propelled into the air.

“OMG! What is that?” A shrill voice boomed.

“It’s a fucking tiny cop?” another slurred.

Calvin had been found and picked up by two gigantic sorority girls. One blonde and one brunette. They both held drinks in their hands, and from their slurred speech, he could tell they were quite drunk. He reached for his radio to call Michelle, but the giant’s fingertips had smashed it. He was completely on his own, at the mercy of two wasted titans.

“He’s so small!” The drunk giantess said, looking at the tiny cop.

“Haha! Fuck the police!” the other said, shaking him violently. He nearly lost consciousness from the shaking, and did get knocked out when she dropped him on the hard ground.

“Lets crush him!”

“Good idea Becky!”

Both giantesses raided up their flip flop covered feet, ready to squash a tiny police officer into smithereens. He regained consciousness just in time to see the pink rubber looming above him. He thought this was the end, and had never considered he would go by being crushed by to massive young girls. But then, the ground started rapidly shaking.

SMACK! Michelle ran in. Spotting he partner about to become red paste, she punched one of the girls square in the face, and gave a hard elbow to the other.

“Get off of him!” she yelled, planting her boots on either side of him, to guard him. If they wanted him, they’d have to go through her.

The drunk sorority girls still wanted to crush the tiny man, so they advanced back towards Michelle.

“Get the fuck back!” Michelle shouted with authority, deploying her expandable baton. The two quickly reconsidered. Michelle reached down and picked him up, quickly placing him in the pocket on the front of her bulletproof vest. By now, more officers started arriving, and took the two girls into custody. Is it attempted murder to be about to crush a tiny person? That’s for a judge to decide.

Michelle rushed him to an ambulance, only to have to explain to a very confused paramedic that the little blue thing in the middle of the stretcher IS the patient.




The last story from patrol they have. It was a hot and sunny day, like many in Southern California are. Michelle and Calvin were assigned to a traffic detail today. They didn’t really like traffic detail, but everyone had to do it every once and a while. As they sat running radar and just generally bantering, Calvin thought it might be interesting to make a bet.

“Bet you cant get fifty tickets today” he said.

“I totally can!” she replied.

“You so can’t! he playfully taunted. “But lets make it interesting. Winner buys dinner?”

“How about this… since you’re feeling pretty cocky for a little guy. Less than fifty tickets, dinner is on me. More than 50 tickets, you’ve gotta spend the whole night… in my boots”

“You’re on” he said confidently. He really doubted Michelle’s traffic enforcement ability. She had always hated traffic.

But with something on the line, namely humiliating her overly confident partner, Michelle was a traffic machine. She set an SDPD record that day. Sixty-Seven tickets in one day. Calvin was quite quiet for the rest of the day. Once they had taken their gear off and were ready to leave, Calvin tried to move to the far end of the locker room bench.

“Ah ah ah. I think you’re forgetting something” Michelle said with a sly smile.

With two fingers, she picked up her tiny partner and dropped him into her patrol boots. His eyes immediately began to water and he started to gag. She had worn those boots for twelve hours straight in the heat of California. They smelled absolutely horrible. Like the worst sweat he had ever experienced, mixed with some old cheese. He had no idea Michelle’s feet smelled this bad.

“Do you ever clean these?” he thought to himself, trying his best not to pass out. There would be no relief any time soon though. Michelle threw the boots in the trunk of her car and started the drive home. It was only once she got there and took them inside that she peered down into them.

“Oh jeez” she exclaimed, recoiling back at the smell of her own boots. “How’s it going in there?”

“Fine” he said between coughs and gags, obviously not fine.

“Come on” she said with a warm smile this time, as she tipped the boot over and poured him back into her hand. “I’ll buy you that dinner” 


This was a damn long one so congratulations if you made it all the way to the end. Definitely more story driven so let me know what you think. If you'd like to see more from these two characters, or think of a good scenario for them to end up in, let me know in the comments. 

More to come shortly  

Also, I know the girl here is Michelle Khare, a fantastic Youtuber. In the interest of fiction, I decided to change the last name. 

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