a collab idea by GinasDream x) and what a wonderful one too!
A winners-picture of all Obertaurer placings and Pirate's choice of Fredensborg's Winter Dressage
What an event it was.
For Morgan, a wonderful experience at his first Kür performance to go home as a winner,
for Damon a proud moment to see his kiddo to do so well and have fun but also that Matador showed his best side
during the performance, as well as fully enjoying to ride alongside Lyo and not worry about a thing.
He left the show grounds with an uplifted feeling to have a temporarily peaceful situation with Simon,
at least until he had the right horse again to pick up the challenge and for once convince the judges of his performance
in a way he wished to. Lyo had emotional highs and lows, meeting Alexa again was one of the warmer things during the ice cold
event, not so much the chilling meeting with a former lover and the news that shifted his relationship with Kaira quite a bit.
THIS moment was spared to stand in line as happy founders of a breed, as the Obertaurers wins were overwhelmingly
beautiful to experience. It all fell so nicely into place, a winter event that had so successful representatives for the
cold-loving horses. There was an entire scale from Pure Obertaurer to Admiralskaya, Wild caught and Bred,
Obertaurer Foundation and Sporthorse. It perfectly showed the variety the breed offered and the bond with their riders.
Lyo and Damon congratulated the fellow breeds-mates with gratitude, that they chose to promote the horses
that means so much to their family and their legacy.
(and no Lyo can't handle looking so small on his beloved Haflinger cross XD)
THANKYOU ALSO SO MUCH for the collab partners in this one
bless your patience xD
GinasDream , Emii-M and sealle
Color & Delphina © by GinasDream
Lyo, Favorit, Damon, Matador, Morgan, Sixty © by the Cursed Pirate
Matteo, Alexa & Saba © by Emii-M
Cavan, Vitz © sealle
BG an overpaint of:…