Adiraiju — The Triumph of the Eggman - Novelization

Published: 2012-12-22 11:18:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 3351; Favourites: 38; Downloads: 5
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Description This is a novelization of the Eggman/Tails final boss battle in Sonic Adventure 2. I do not own Eggman, Tails, or any of the characters mentioned below, all rights belong to SEGA, etc etc...

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The tension in the room could have been cut with a knife.

The Cyclone was still in combat mode, and every bit of its weaponry was aimed at the Egg Walker – but Eggman knew Tails wouldn’t dare raise so much as a penknife against him. He held all the cards in this little game, and they were on the wrong end of a gun barrel.

For her part, Amy was an emotional wreck. Petrified of what Eggman could do to her, frustrated at being unable to wield her hammer in such close quarters, thrilled at being able to see Sonic again, and furious at Eggman for what he was doing – she was overtaxed in more ways than one.

The only doorway to the room slid upwards on polished rails, and Sonic the Hedgehog stood on the opposite side of the portal. His green windowed eyes were cold now, and they swept the room, deciphering the fearful panorama with a glance.

Eggman broke the silence first; his voice was as tense as Sonic had ever heard it.

“Let’s just get down to business first, shall we, Sonic? Hand over the Chaos Emerald… slowly… and then we’ll talk about your girlfriend. That is, if you really care for her…”

Sonic gnawed on his lip for a second, but he almost smiled. Eggman had known they’d trust Sonic with a Chaos Emerald – but he’d never anticipated it was a trap, that the real Chaos Emerald had to be kept safe at the moment, and that Sonic had entrusted it to his closest friend – and the one they all trusted the most. If the fake emerald was placed with the real ones, the resulting power surge would almost certainly cripple whatever machine Eggman had used to harness their energy, ending the Eclipse Cannon’s threat and causing enough confusion to get everybody out in one piece.

Handing over the fake emerald – he could kill two birds with one shiny stone.

Sonic pulled the fake emerald out, and glanced over to Tails. The young fox gave a tiny, almost imperceptible nod. He knew what was coming.

“Put the emerald down in the center of the room, and BACK OFF.” hissed Eggman.

Sonic strode over to the center of the floor, a cocky grin clear and prominent on his face. His eyes were locked with the doctor’s, and he couldn’t resist a crack at the scientist:

“You’ve turned into a BIG-time villain, doctor!”


Before anyone could react, a cylinder of Plexiglas had slammed down around the blue hedgehog. Sonic froze, his mouth still hanging open in shock. This was NOT part of the plan…

“You thought you could trick me with that fake emerald, didn’t you?”

Sonic blinked, but Tails was already speaking before he could wrap his head around it: “So, uh, how did you know it wasn’t the real one?”


“Because you just told me, fox-boy!”

Eggman smiled at his own brilliance. The sensors had detected eight emeralds, meaning one had to be a fake – but he had no way of knowing whether Sonic or Tails had the real one. He’d been a little surprised to find that Tails had the real one… but really, this made things so much easier…

Tails almost choked. He had just… how could he… he’d opened his big mouth again, and now Sonic would… would…

“Now for a little space ride!” cackled Eggman. “The capsule clears the colony, and BAM!”

He’d hoped the hedgehog would beg for mercy, but he still wasn’t surprised at the stolid, composed expression on Sonic’s face. The blue hedgehog seemed serene and calm in his moment of failure.

Sonic turned to his best friend, and nodded to him. “Tails, I’m counting on you! I’m not gonna be around to take care of you anymore… but I know you can do this. And Amy…”

Amy nodded, her eyes wide and disbelieving. “Yes?”

“…take care of yourself.”

Eggman smiled, turned, and punched something into the keypad within his walker. There was a sudden whoosh of air…

…and an instant later, the capsule was gone.


But Sonic was gone, the capsule was nothing but a tiny white blip in the window, threatening to vanish among a thousand stars… a blip that was fading, fading…

And then the window lit up as the blip exploded, tearing metal plates and elaborate wiring to shreds, incinerating everything within the capsule in a final blaze of incredible heat.

Sonic the Hedgehog was gone.

Flickering red light illuminated two horrified faces within the ARK’s research center – and one quietly pensive one.

“Farewell, Sonic… my admirable adversary!” hissed Eggman. His voice was calm and low, almost respectful.


Amy simply stared out the window… and with a heartbroken moan, she slid to her knees and began to sob madly.

Eggman finally shifted his grip on the gun – now it was pointing to Tails, the only one on the ARK who was near enough – and clearheaded enough – to still pose a threat. His deep voice rose over Amy’s cries with ease.

“Now, we have some unfinished business to take care of. If you give me the real emerald, I will release you both. You have my promise!”

At first, Eggman didn’t think Tails had heard him. The fox’s eyes seemed to be somewhere off in the distance. Eggman frowned, and was about to repeat himself when Tails spoke up.



“Sonic has asked me for the first time to do something for him…”

And now Tails looked up, and Eggman blanched. There was a fire in his eyes he’d never seen before, a burning glare that pierced Eggman to his core. For the first time in a very long while, Tails was truly angry, and his next words were a scream of frustration and rage.

“I won’t let him down! I won’t give up!”

Eggman shook his head. He was far from defeated. “You’re no match for me, you weak little fox!”

Tails didn’t respond at first, but his hands shot to the cockpit of his mech, and began keying something in. Eggman shook his head, and leveled the gun at the fox.. Fine, he’d brought this on himself…

Suddenly, a massive hammer whipped past his face, and slammed into the gun hand. The weapon went flying, and Eggman snarled in rage as he spun about in the cockpit.

Amy Rose stood before him, her eyes burning with anger.

“Do you think you can beat me?!” snapped Eggman.

“Oh, I’ll do worse than that…”


With one swift keystroke, a massive, crimson boxing glove suddenly popped out of the front of the Egg Walker, and slugged Amy dead in the face. She flew backwards, into the hall... and before she could get up, Eggman slammed his fist down on the door lock. The door slammed shut in her face, and an instant later, Eggman heard a tremendous crash from the other side of that entry port… but he could afford to chuckle at her. That thing was built to withstand far worse than Amy’s hammer. He was safe for now – or he would be, were it not for that insolent fox-boy. He turned back to Tails, leering coldly at him from within the Egg Walker.

Tails glanced up at Eggman, his eyes narrowed into frozen slits. Whatever he’d keyed in, it had done the trick; the Cyclone’s weapon systems were roaring to life. Yet, even over the din of both great machines revving up for combat, Eggman could still hear Tails yelling at him from across the room.

“What have you done to Sonic?! I’ll never forgive you for this!”

A barrage of rapid-fire shots lanced out of the front of the Cyclone, and the cerulean war machine stomped towards Eggman like an avenging giant. Yet, Eggman was already moving, the Egg Walker padding away past the firing range… yet, one shot connected before the mad genius could make his escape, blasting a small dent in the undercarriage and forcing the machine back with a sudden jerk. Eggman snarled.

“Oof… I’ll make you pay for this!”

Tails growled once more. The Cyclone was stomping around the Egg Walker now, both war machines – and their pilots – waiting and watching their foe, sizing them up, watching for any betrayal of distraction or fear. Tails knew his machine was a slightly smaller target, but Eggman’s looked far more heavily armored…

Suddenly, the mad genius pulled around, and the two massive legs roared into reverse gear. A long, crimson tracking laser lanced out of the front of the machine, and slid across the fuselage of the Cyclone… and before Tails could react, Eggman’s mech had fired a single homing missile directly at his machine. It crashed into the Cyclone with a dull roar, and Tails squinted at the sudden bloom of heat and light that suddenly covered the nose of his machine…

…but now the blast had cleared. Squinting through the afterimage on his retinas, Tails grinned to himself. Some of the armor on the nose had been blackened and warped, but otherwise the Cyclone looked intact. He glared up at Eggman, and roared another threat at the rival genius:

“I’ll show you how powerful my Cyclone is!”

The fox yanked on a small lever, and the war machine roared into action. A small hatch opened up on the machine’s tail, and something small and gray slid out…


A moment later, a single battery of homing missiles was lancing out of that hatch, directly towards Eggman. The scientist grimaced, and the Egg Walker pounded away at top speed… but while most of the missiles slammed into the floor, one clipped the side of the machine, slamming the thing to the side, smashing weapons systems and circuitry into ash…

The Egg Walker gave a high, whining screech, and Dr. Eggman snarled in frustration. Though the armor had absorbed most of the blast, he still felt a noticeable lag on the thing’s left leg. The boy had promise, he couldn’t deny it. His mech was in trouble… but he was far from finished.

“All right, no more games, Tails!”

Tails’s grin suddenly vanished as Eggman peppered the area around him with Vulcan Cannon shots. Most of the missiles lanced harmlessly past him, but one punched a hole in the left leg’s wingfin. The fox veered the Cyclone around, away from the majority of the shots, and lunged across the floor with desperate speed…

“Take this!”

Tails glanced towards Eggman, and it was over in an instant.

A massive, ivory beam of raw energy shot out of the front of the Egg Walker, scorching the floor beneath it, and slamming into the side of the Cyclone with incredible power. Tails’s beloved mech crashed to the side, and smoke now obscured his vision, making it impossible to see… and just as the smoke began to clear, he saw Eggman’s final blow coming… and realized he had been outwitted again. One of the small pods of nitroglycerine that had quietly been passing through a hatch in the floor and heading into the ceiling was directly in the path of the beam… and less than four feet away.

The blast shook the entire room, rattling every console and structure within the bridge of the ARK. Though relatively contained, the intense light burned an afterimage into Tails’s eyes, and it was a moment before he could see anything…

…but Eggman could see everything perfectly from behind his customized spectacles, and a satisfied grin spread across his face. The fox-boy’s mech had collapsed at last, smoke streaming out of the cockpit. The machine’s structural integrity was remarkably sound – Eggman couldn’t help but feel a certain admiration for his engineering – but it was obvious that, without repairs, the thing wouldn’t be getting up anytime soon.

Tails’s fingers flew across the controls, but nothing was responding at all – he’d lost all power to every system. He tried punching out, but something had pinned him in his seat. With a low groan, he saw the remains of his cockpit’s Plexiglas come into focus less than an inch ahead. His breath misted the broken screen, and he slumped in his seat, his head tapping gently against the Plexiglas. Tears were welling in his eyes as the full impact of the situation hit him.

His best friend had trusted him with everything… and he had failed him. He was shaking madly, and his next words came out in barely a whisper…

“Forgive me… Sonic…”

A cold, terrible smile spread across Eggman’s face as the impact of the situation came flooding in on him.

He’d won.

He’d finally won, in every sense of the word.

A terrible, mad laugh echoed about the room, and that sound rose over everything, over the dying clicks and pops of the cooling Cyclone, over Amy’s frantic inquiries into the door, over everything. The greatest scientific genius in the world had blown his last real threat out of the water.

It was over at last.
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Comments: 11

Hexidextrous [2018-10-22 03:32:06 +0000 UTC]

Tails: "How did you know it wasn’t the real one?"
Eggman: "Because you just told me!"

I dunno how to express how menacing that line was to me. Like Eggman is essentially being like "I don't care if that's the Chaos Emerald, I just want to have the last laugh and see my long-time nemesis suffer right before my glorious victory!" So downright diabolical!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Adiraiju In reply to Hexidextrous [2018-10-24 22:21:37 +0000 UTC]

Hah, that was Eggman's shining hour! Thanks for the comment!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Gamerboycube [2017-10-12 22:08:38 +0000 UTC]

I love video games where you can play as the bad guy and help the bad guy win. Who says all players want to be stuck playing the good guy all the time?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DestinyDecade [2013-02-03 18:42:22 +0000 UTC]

Tails vs Eggman: You're no match for me you weak little fox! (Though in Clement's SA2 playthrough it's you weak little fucks! Forgive me swearing.)

Eggman vs. Tails: What have you done to Sonic? I'll never forgive you for this. (Clement made me laugh when he imitated Tails.)

This is a really good picture. Captured the image of the final showdown between the mech type characters.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Adiraiju In reply to DestinyDecade [2013-02-04 10:52:46 +0000 UTC]

"I'll never forgive you for this, *WHIIIINE*!"

Hah, thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DestinyDecade In reply to Adiraiju [2013-02-04 19:15:32 +0000 UTC]

Knew you're a fan of him. Welcome.

"It's time for Eggman to win this time, fox boy!"

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Adiraiju In reply to DestinyDecade [2013-02-05 12:29:18 +0000 UTC]

"Son of a BITCH!"

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DestinyDecade In reply to Adiraiju [2013-02-05 18:01:59 +0000 UTC]

That never gets old.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Morgan-the-Rabbit [2012-12-29 13:00:04 +0000 UTC]

This is excellent man! (Or should I say.. EGGSellent *gets shot*)

Great work with the picture!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Adiraiju In reply to Morgan-the-Rabbit [2012-12-30 11:38:57 +0000 UTC]

Hey, thanks so much!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Morgan-the-Rabbit In reply to Adiraiju [2013-01-05 22:45:59 +0000 UTC]

no prob

👍: 0 ⏩: 0