Aeroslash — The Adventures of Team PET Chapter 2
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Description Chapter 2 All Wrapped Up 

    “Here’s my home,” Villow said, showing Aero the premises. It was a small lean-to with a leafy roof. He had a bundle of charred twigs near the lean-to where a fire pit stood. Inside the lean-to were a few nuts and berries that had been collected for food. A pool of water lay near the campground, out of sight from unwanted visitors “Do you like it?” he asked once he had shown her the whole camp.

    Aero nodded. “Yes, it looks wonderful. How long have you been staying here?”

    “For about a week. It took me four days just to get all this together. It takes a lot of time and preparation to build a shelter properly,” Villow explained. “It does help that I can shoot flames from my beak, though. That makes collecting some materials easy, so long as the wood isn't too dry,” he added thoughtfully. 

    “Yeah,” Aero sat down on a rock and her stomach growled loudly.

    “Are you hungry?” Villow asked. “I have a few Oran berries if you want some. I also have a Pecha berry and a couple apples.” 

    “I’ll have an apple,” Aero peeped, her stomach growling again even louder. 

    “Catch!” Villow tossed her an apple. 

    Aero caught it and took a big bite out of it. “Thanks,” she grinned, her cheeks full with food. She devoured the apple in no time. “Do you remember anything about being a human?” she asked while playing with the apple core. 

    Villow, who had been eating an apple himself, had stopped and looked thoughtfully at her. “Well,” he said after a short while, “I remember some things. Not a lot, though. I remember that I was from a big city with a lot of people. It was noisy and there was a lot of traffic. I liked it, though, because there was always something to do.” 

    Aero nodded, her gaze thoughtful. “That sounds like a cool place to live.” 

    “What do you remember about being a human?” Villow asked after a moment.

    Aero stopped playing with the apple core and her eyes grew dark with memories. Joyous memories. Sorrowful memories. Tender, loving memories. Malicious memories.  Finally, she answered. “I remember being from a place with many trees. There were many forests where I lived and not many people. A river ran through my town. I remember living with my mother and going to school in town. I didn't have very many friends, though. I remember getting picked on because I was not like all the other kids. I don’t really remember a lot else, other then feeling lonely a lot of the time. I didn't have any siblings and my father and mother weren't together, so it was just Mom and me a lot of the time.”  

    “Wow, you remember a lot more than I do about your human life,” Villow remarked, his eyes wide at her vivid recount. “I’m sorry you had a hard time as a human. I hope things can work better for you as a Pokemon,” he added gently. 

    “Thanks,” Aero sighed. “I remember playing Pokemon games when I was a human. I really liked the games, I had no idea that Pokemon existed in an alternate universe.” 

    “I know. I vaguely remember liking the concept of Pokemon, too,” Villow said. “It was really popular, I think.” 

    Aero nodded. “Yes, it was. I remember a lot of my friends would play the games. It’s hard to believe that we’re living as someone else‘s video game characters, huh?” she chuckled.

    Villow grinned. “Yeah, that’s kind of cool, isn't it?” 

    “That it is. My question, though, is why we are here; why we were brought into another world when we clearly remember being human before? It makes little sense, I just wish I knew why.” Aero looked up at the leafy canopy, her eyes twinkled with deep longing in the fading dusk. 

    “I know you miss them,” Villow said softly. 

    Aero looked at him; startled. “Huh? Oh,” she composed herself, “You meant my family,” she sighed. “Yeah, I do miss them a lot…” 

    “It will be okay,” Villow murmured and shuffled next to her. “I promise things will work out in the end.”

    Aero looked into his eyes. He's scared too...I feel like a total idiot now. He’s being so brave and I’m acting like a scaredy-cat. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled. “I’m acting like a total wuss about this. We both gotta be brave.”

    “It’s okay to be scared. I know how you feel, really,” Villow leaned in and nuzzled her. He then backed off awkwardly. “I hope I didn't overstep boundaries,” he said, feeling his feathered cheeks flush slightly. “I just enjoy your company, is all.” 

    “It’s okay,” Aero said softly, looking over at him. “I enjoy your friendly company as well,” she smiled, then shivered as a chilly evening breeze swept through the camp. “Good thing I have all these feathers to keep me warm,” she commented as she puffed up, downy feathers sticking out in an adorable light blue mass. 

    “Same,” Villow chuckled. 


    “What was that?!” Aero shot up. 

    “What was what?” Villow looked over, genuinely concerned.


    “It sounds like someone’s moving around outside the camp,” Aero said in a petrified whisper.

    “I heard that, too. I think you’re overreacting, though. It’s probably just a feral Pokemon. It will pass once it senses this camp is harmless,” Villow said softly as to not alert whatever lay beyond the camp. 

    Swish! The bushes rustled and a small, brown bundle of fluff landed on the ground a few feet from them. 

“Ahh! It’s an Eevee!” Aero ran around in panicked circles. “It’s an Eevee! It’s an Eevee! It’s an Eevee!” she kept on repeating frantically. 

    “Aero, would you please stop panicking? What did I tell you about panicking? It does no good, remember?” Villow reminded gently and then sighed inwardly.

    “Vee?” Eevee said as he got up. He then looked over at the panicked Piplup spinning around in circles. “Is she okay?” he asked, tipping his head slightly in confusion.

    “Yeah, she’ll be fine,” Villow answered, then said, “Who are you? We mean you no harm, feral Eevee. Please be on your way. We are merely setting up camp here for a short while and then we will be on our way.” 

    Eevee blinked. “Alright, I guess. I kind of stumbled upon your camp by accident. I didn’t mean to disturb you two.” 

    Villow nodded. “Okay, well, you’re free to leave, if you’d like.”

    Eevee scratched his ear. “I don’t really have anywhere else to be, but if you want me gone, consider it done.” he then began to pad away, “So long, stranger,” and disappeared into the forest undergrowth. 

    Aero, who had stopped panicking, looked over at Villow. “Where’d the Eevee go?” she asked.

    “He left,” he answered simply, then added, “You would have known that if you would have stopped flipping out.” 

    “Sorry,” Aero said, growing hot in embarrassment. 

    “It’s fine. Now, let’s retire for the evening,” Villow responded as he walked past her, his feathers stained silver in the moonlight. 

    Aero nodded and began to follow him, but something mentally stopped her. She looked up, seeing the bright, luminous moon in the night sky. It comforted her for a moment and reminded her of her past life. She then gazed up at the stars, each one lit up brightly like tiny, precious gemstones against a massive, looming pearl in the sky. A breeze gently ruffled her feathers. 

   It will be done, little one. 

    Aero blinked, her eyes wide. Had she just heard that soft voice against the rustling wind? She then nodded in confirmation. There was no mistaking it.

    “Aero?” Villow peeped. “Are you alright?” 

    Aero snapped out of her daze. “Yes, Villow, sorry, I’ll be there in a second.” she said as she plodded to the lean-to. 


    Dawn broke with a dull crack. 

    “Huh?” Aero looked around sleepily. She yawned, trying to make sense of her surroundings. She was in a nest with a warm, orange feathered body beside her. Oh, it’s just Villow. She curled back up and dozed off for a bit. Then she heard it again, this time it sounded closer. Aero shot up and got out of bed, stumbling as she ran into the camp. It sounds like something is walking outside of our campground…something big! 

    Suddenly she saw them: two glowering eyes and a silhouette in the undergrowth. “Aria…” Aero’s eyes grew wide in fear. It then locked eyes on Aero and launched out of the undergrowth straight at her. Aero yelped and screamed as the giant spider spat moist silk around her and wrapped her around. “Breakfast,” he hissed. 

    Villow, who had heard Aero’s screams, ran out to see what was going on. “Aero!” he yelled. “Let her go, Ariados! She’s not yours!” he puffed up to twice his size in anger. 

    “She is my breakfast; you shall not interfere!” Ariados spat. The horn on his head then began to glow a light purple. “Poison Sting,” he hissed as many needle-like barbs shot out at Villow. 

    Villow evaded narrowly. “I did not want to resort to violence, but I won’t allow you to eat my partner! Ember!” He cried. Small fireballs then shot out of his beak and flew at Ariados. 

    Ariados winced in pain. He then shot out a large wave of venom from his mouth. “Toxic.” 

    Villow was unable to evade the attack, as the gooey venom surrounded him with no way of escape. He gasped and suddenly began to grow ill. “I must keep fighting on,” he murmured and shot another Ember at Ariados. 

    “You think you have won?” Ariados panted, obviously close to fainting. “Guess again!” 

    Suddenly an electrical pulse hit Villow so hard it knocked him off his feet. “Argh!” he yelped in pain.

    “Good work, Galvantula,” Ariados praised. “Now finish him!” 

    Galvantula nodded and gleefully flooded Villow with an enormous amount of electricity. “Now that’s a well-done bird,” she chirped sinisterly.

    Villow lay on the ground, the poison starting to really take effect on him. He could feel his life points draining and his vision beginning to blur. “I can’t…move,” he winced, attempting to get up. “But I…Aero…no!” 

    Galvantula was right above him, her blue eyes glittering with malice. “Give up, fluff ball. It’s game over.” She then stomped on him. “Time to end it,” she hissed. 

    “EEVEE!” a small bundle of fluff cried as he rammed into Galvantula. 

    “What?!” Ariados gasped. “Kill him, too!” 

    Galvantula shot an electrical web at the Eevee. “How about that? We have lunch, too!” she chuckled. 

    Eevee evaded and launched himself again at Galvantula. “Close-range Sand-Attack!” he growled and vigorously lashed pawfuls of sand into her eyes with his hind legs. “Now that I've blinded you, I’ll attack!” he said as he bashed into her with a close-range Quick Attack.        “Tackle!” he yelled as he hit her again. 

    Galvantula tried to keep up with the flurry of attacks, but it was too much with her impaired vision. Finally, she collapsed into a heap on the ground. 

    “Galvantula!” Ariados hissed, then saw the Eevee edging toward him. 

    “Let the Piplup go,” Eevee said softly, his brown eyes glittered dangerously. “Let her go,“ he repeated, “and I’ll spare you.”

    Ariados nodded and let Aero go. “Don’t think you have won,” he hissed as he walked over to Galvantula. “We will get you in the end.” He then gingerly nosed her away into the undergrowth. 

    “Are you okay?” Eevee asked Aero once he knew they were gone. 

    “Yes, but what about Villow?” Aero cried and looked over to the crumpled mass of orange feathers a few feet away. “He’s really hurt bad, we have to save him!” 

    “Shh, let me help you out, first,” Eevee said as he ripped the silk off of her. 

    Once Aero was free, she bolted over to Villow. “Villow!” she cried. “Oh this is my fault, I shouldn't have investigated to see what was making all that noise in our campground…” she said, her voice filled with remorse. 

    “Villow’s his name?” Eevee said as he padded up next to her. “He’s in rough shape,” he added, looking down to see his matted, injured body. 

    “Is he still breathing?” Aero asked as Eevee lowered his ear to check his pulse. 

    He nodded. “Yes, but barely. He’s fainted and in critical condition. We need to get him to the lean-to so we can heal him up. Can you help me lift him?” 

    Aero gingerly grasped onto Villow. “Okay.” 

    Eevee hoisted Villow onto his back. “Alright, let’s head to the lean-to.” 

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