Comments: 34
boywiththesnares [2013-06-21 03:17:52 +0000 UTC]
Well, if you think about it, she didn't intentionally hurt Peeta. She was thrust in a situation where she was forced to pretend to love Peeta for the survival of both of them. The tragedy is that she thought Peeta was pretending in the same manner, but he was not. This is not Katniss' fault, nor is it Peeta's. It's just a sad situation. You can see in Catching Fire how much hurting Peeta bears on her conscious, she is not without guilt for hurting him. However, what should she do? Force herself to be with someone she didn't at this point love? The situation is sad, but I do love Katniss. I hope this helps you to love her too!
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Agatha-Macpie In reply to boywiththesnares [2013-06-23 10:17:10 +0000 UTC]
Actually, I love Katniss, but sometimes, I didn't understand her choices. You can feel in the end of the first book that she already liked Peeta very much. The kiss in the cave is a good example, or even, when they went back to district 12 in the end of the first book and she didn't want to drop his hand. She never loved Gale this way. She even described him as a "hunt partner", not as a lover. I didn't understand why she questioned herself so much at the end of the first book, because, from my point of view it's obvious she already like Peeta. And Peeta, from the very first beginning showed her he really and truely likes her. I understand your point of view, and sometimes I understand her (Nobody wants to be forced to love someone), but Peeta is a perfect guy and she likes him, so why ignoring him during 3 book ?! (Yeah, she didn't really ignored him, I know, but she could be nicer with him too)
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boywiththesnares In reply to Agatha-Macpie [2013-06-24 01:28:08 +0000 UTC]
I think she did have feelings for Peeta, but while I think they were obvious to the reader, I don't think they were as obvious from Katniss' perspective. I do also think she had feelings for Gale, at least at some point. Katniss is just a mix of confusion, I think, and I love her for it.
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Agatha-Macpie In reply to boywiththesnares [2013-07-14 23:22:24 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, you're right. And definitely she has really no time to think about her feelings and which guy to pick. She must save her life. And I love her strengh too. But, I love Peeta too, and I wanted to cuddle him all the time ! XD
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wonsee [2013-06-18 22:56:07 +0000 UTC]
love it! did you see all artworks in the Catching Fire chapter 1 contest?! [link] this would've been perfefct!
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MockingjayFly In reply to Agatha-Macpie [2013-06-24 21:16:43 +0000 UTC]
Yes!! You are very welcome! It's a shame that the movie Katniss does not fit the description, but she was a good actress.
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ClockworkShadows [2013-06-17 11:06:05 +0000 UTC]
I really enjoy Katniss's character, she isn't a very nice or likeable person but I understand why she acts the way she acts and therefore I can respect her character.
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Agatha-Macpie In reply to ClockworkShadows [2013-06-23 10:08:04 +0000 UTC]
Yes, definitely. She's a great character. She is a great leader, she is brave and calm, and rarely scared. But, sometimes, she's so strong that she's becaming less human. And then, it's hard to understand her. Especially with Peeta. You can feel, even in the end of the first book that she really likes him. But until the end, she hides it. I can understand why, but she hurted Peeta in the process. And he's far too likeable to be hurted this way ! Poor boy !
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Nadlia [2013-06-17 10:44:53 +0000 UTC]
Pareil que toi, je ne sais pas si j'aime Katniss ou pas. A certains passages, j'ai juste une méga envie de lui en coller une. En même temps, elle est passée par des trucs horribles, elle a du tuer, voir mourir des gens qu'elle aimait, alors que c'est juste encore qu'une gamine. Il faut une certaine force de caractère pour survivre, et il y a de quoi finir archi brisé (surtout à la toute fin, quand elle ment pour la mission pour aller tuer le président, que son équipe se fait décimer et tout ça... Pour absolument rien. Ils seraient revenus au camp comme prévu, rien n'aurait changé, si ce n'est que son équipe serait vivante).
D'ailleurs, j'aime le fait que l'auteur n'hésite pas à "détruire" son personnage, mentalement comme physiquement (cheveux tous brûlés, peau abîmée partout). Moi à la toute fin, je l'imagine le corps plein de cicatrices très moches même (parce que si elle a été soignée, sa nouvelle peau toute fragile est partie en lambeau avec ses vêtements).
Pour finir, ton fanart me rappelle l'horrible habitude hollywoodienne de "blanchir" les héros. Pour moi Katniss a la peau sombre, en film on se retrouve avec une blanchette. (Comme dans avatar: Sokka et Katara, clairement inspirés du peuple Inuit, ont la peau toute foncée. Dans le film, ils sont plus blancs que blanc. Agaçant.)
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Agatha-Macpie In reply to Nadlia [2013-06-23 09:56:46 +0000 UTC]
Katniss est un personnage ultra fort. Elle sait survivre, et prendre les bonnes décisions pour ça. Mais elle a aussi un côté très froid, parfois. Sauf, avec Prim. Mais même avec Gale et Peeta, parfois, je la trouve trop rude. Après, voilà, j'ai passé 3 livres dans "sa tête", je ne peux que m'y être attaché, mais ce n'est pas mon personnage favori...
J'ai été déçu par le film Hunger games. Je ne l'ai vu que récemment, et même si, le scénar' reste très fidèle à ce qui se passe dans le bouquin, je trouve que tout va trop vite et qu'on n'a pas le temps de s'attacher aux personnages. J'avais l'impression de ne pas du tout être émue ou touchée par eux. Pourtant, les acteurs jouent bien (notamment ceux qui interprètent Katniss et Peeta), mais malgré tout, j'étais sceptique. Et puis, ils ne ressemblent vraiment pas à ce que j'ai dans la tête ! :/
Pas vu le film Avatar. J'ai pas eu le courage ! XD J'aime tellement la série animée que je n'ai pas encore eu le cran de me l'imposer...mais bon, rien que pour critiquer en toute connaissance de cause, faudrait !
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Nadlia In reply to Agatha-Macpie [2013-06-23 10:30:01 +0000 UTC]
Tu ne rates rien en ratant le film XD. Ils ont même changé la "nature" de la maitrise de feu. Alors que dans la série, les maitre de feu créaient le feu par leur souffle, dans le film ils ont besoin de feu à côté...
Sinon j'ai le même avis que toi pour le film. Même si c'est assez fidèle, tout va trop vite. Malgré tout, j'ai bien aimé Peeta dedans quand même (peut-être parce que je l'adore trop dans le livre.)
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Agatha-Macpie In reply to Agatha-Macpie [2013-06-23 09:59:05 +0000 UTC]
Ah oui, le blanchissement hollywoodien..Je suis d'accord !Et à côté de ça, Cinna est interprété par Lenny Kravitz..Je t'avoue, là, je n'ai pas compris ! XD
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ErikRoger [2013-06-17 01:19:05 +0000 UTC]
I don't think of her as the great person many fans think of her as for many of the reasons you've said. Plus, she's always...eating. Everyone is always eating in those books. When there was one person she and Peeta had to kill, she wants to go huntin' turkeys instead. They just ate and have rations!
Aaaanyway. What I like about this drawing here is that you made it more literal to the description and this is your vision. Jennifer Lawrence is a cool person, but she doesn't fit that description but many people probably think of her first when thinking of the books.
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EllaMinnoP [2013-06-17 01:15:46 +0000 UTC]
You draw Peeta, Gale and Katniss verry close to how I imagined them!! They look great!!!
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EllaMinnoP In reply to Agatha-Macpie [2013-06-24 04:21:53 +0000 UTC]
You're very welcome!! They really do look fantastic!!
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Agatha-Macpie In reply to Lumosita [2013-06-16 21:09:41 +0000 UTC]
C'est vrai ? C'est vrai ? Elle te plait ? :3
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