Detective Crash catches up with one of his targets, Langpaws, created by my friend TigerEgern and drawn into existence by me
The following segment is what inspired this piece:
The bouncer took one swift look at the scenery. "We'll have none of that!" he roared. "Eh, we'll play outside." the brisk fennec shouted and did his best to look innocent. "Good." the bouncer gnarled. "And leave the raccoon here." he added. The young fennec winked at Crash and dropped the confused Longpaws on the floor. The other raccoons scrambled to rescue him, but Crash was faster. And sober. He grabbed Langpaws by the scruff and hauled him out before the bouncer could blink. The ensuing brawl enabled the hyenas to thwart the raccoons meager rescue attempt. "So, Langpaws." Crash hissed. "You are a long way from your dock, and your pitiful entourage is nowhere to be seen. Let's go for a walk." he barked. A few bouncers across the street peeped at Crash. Then, they shrugged and went back to looking menacing. Crash cocooned Langpaws in handcuffs and hauled him off towards a nearby back alley. (to be continued)
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