Aileen-Rose — Survive the Shadows Chapter 16

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Published: 2016-08-26 23:11:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 3977; Favourites: 27; Downloads: 2
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Chapter 16: The Final Act

The survivors all narrowed their eyes, keeping their weapons drawn as they glared at Maxwell who just kept smiling at them.

Wilson stepped forward towards the throne, the group staying behind him.

“It’s over Maxwell… or should I say, William Carter?”

Maxwell growled at the man.

“I don’t know who you speak of, Wilson. I’m surprised you made it all the way here. Alive at that… Then again…” He looked to Wickerbottom, scowling at her. “There were some uncalculated factors.”

She smirked. “Aww you missed me. How sweet.”

Wilson crossed his arms. “I get it from her side.”

“Ah, so you found out, lovely.” Maxwell scoffed. “Which means you know exactly why I brought you here in the first place… Pity.” Maxwell got up, a shadow flame coming to his hand. “Considering you’re now useless to me and the shadows.”

Wilson raised his staff, swinging it at his legs to keep him where he was. “And you're not the only one using the powers of this place.”

Maxwell just grinned as he broke the ice, throwing flames at Wilson, sending the man flying. Woodie jumped up, catching him.

“Got ya!”

“Ngh…” Wilson growled, looking at Maxwell. “Cheap shot.”

“You’re in MY domain, Wilson.” Maxwell laughed. “My rules.”

Wilson narrowed his eyes. “You and what army? I believe we have the remains of your only family in one of our bags.”

Maxwell scowled.

“It was hard to drown out the riff raff you were all making. Although it was amusing to watch you struggle… but less amusing to watch my precious creations die… But what happens now?” He sneered. “What do you plan to do? Kill me?”

Woodie set Wilson down, the scientist keeping his gaze locked with Maxwell’s.

“I intend to free the man you have trapped here and open the portal back to our world. Where we belong.” He smirked a bit. “Hyde.”

Maxwell growled.

“What… did you call me?”

“Oh, did I strike a nerve? My apologies,... The Great and Powerful Hyde.”

Maxwell got an enraged look as he summoned shadow hands around Wilson, having them lift him up in the air in a chokehold.


“LET HIM GO!” Willow waved her staff at him, sending flames his way.

Maxwell sneered, putting the flames out with his free hand, knocking the whole group over with shadow flames, causing them to fall on one knee, bowing to him.

“You answer to me! I’m the king and you’re nothing but my subjects!”

They struggled, trying to get back to their feet but the magic was holding them in place.

Wendy gave him a pleading look. “Uncle Will… If you're in there please… Stop this… You’re not yourself-”


Wilson struggled, trying to break the hold around him.

C’mon… I need to get out of this…

… Unless…

“Hey! Maxwell! Maybe I could still be of use to you!”

Maxwell looked up at him, rage still in his green eyes that now seemed slitted around the pupils.

“I’m not in the mood for tricks, Scientist.” His grip with the shadow hands tightened around Wilson's throat. “You can’t serve the purpose the shadows and I want!”

“Who’s to say?” Wilson grimaced. “I have the blood of a shadow witch, that has to count for something… Right? What’s say we make a deal? I’ll work for you.”

Maxwell’s look faltered a bit… interest soon coming to his features.

“What do you want in return?”

Wilson mentally kicked himself for what he was about to say.

“Give me some shadow power. I’ll eliminate these fools for you in exchange for it… Then I’m all yours to order around for eternity.”

“Wilson…” Willow gasped. “No…”

“Hm...” Maxwell grinned as he lowered Wilson down near the throne, turning the hands into chains. “Just so you don’t get any ideas.”

Wilson nodded. “Of course.” I already have an idea. I don’t need to get any new ones. He glanced to the others, giving an apologetic look. I’m sorry if you think I’m a traitor now…

“What is he doing?” Webber whispered to Wickerbottom. “I thought he was with us.”

“I don’t know…” Wickerbottom whispered back. “But I can only hope it’s some kind of plan.”

Maxwell snapped his fingers, shadow beings coming around Wilson, bonding to him. Wilson cringed a bit, falling to the ground, gripping his head as he was consumed by them.

“Easy… they’re just trying to help.” Maxwell said, keeping calm.

The shadows soon faded, revealing Wilson to the survivors. Their eyes widened at his appearance. He was in a suit that was similar to Maxwell’s, save black in color. His hair was darker too and more wild looking, almost looking like a flame. His ears pointed as well.

Wilson was slumped over a bit as the last of the shadows faded into him as he looked up… A look in his now slitted eyes that couldn’t be deciphered.

“Release me from these chains at once.”

Maxwell nodded, doing as told.

“Now… keep your end of the bargain, or I will have the shadows turn on you.”

Wilson nodded, turning to the others, holding his hand out as a long sword made of shadow energy formed in his hand.

“Wilson…” Willow whispered, a pleading look in her eyes. “Please…”

He had a cold look in his eyes as he raised the sword at them… before he winked, turning to Maxwell  and slashing at his side.


“AUGH!” Maxwell fell to the ground, holding his side, his spell on the survivors dissipating. “WHAT!? But… you shouldn’t be able to have free will, you should be-!”

“You gave me dark knowledge, I stared death right in the face… And I’m not like you…Or any others who came before me. I can’t be easily controlled.” He held the sword close to Maxwell’s face, a glare in his eyes. “It’s over.”

Maxwell growled, trying to summon shadows, but stopped as the sword was brought closer to his face.

“... You kill me, you kill William.”

Wilson laughed, throwing his head back.

“You honestly think I’m that low?” He asked. “Say pal… You don’t know me as well as you think you do.”

Maxwell glared at him. He was silent… not moving… till he reached into his coat pocket, pulling out a book.

“The Codex…” Wickerbottom’s eyes widened.

Wilson didn’t even flinch.

“Papa…?” Wendy swallowed hard. “What’s he gonna do?”

“Maxwell… That book doesn’t scare me. I won’t kill you… But it doesn’t mean I won’t ensure you’ll be unable to run away. William Carter can live without things like an arm or a leg… But you? What would happen?” Wilson questioned. “Hm… A new scientific theory perhaps…” He mused, a crazed look coming to his eyes.

Maxwell, growled, summoning a shadow flame in his hand, not flinching this time at the sword. He opened the book, looking for anything to combat Wilson with… but then found his hand freezing.

“Ack! What the-” His expression changed to one of anger… but it wasn’t directed at Wilson. “Let… Me… GO!!!”

“I’ve had enough… This is my body…”


Maxwell threw the book at Wilson’s feet, a particular page opened for him to see.

“Wilson!” Maxwell shouted, a pleading look in his eyes. “HELP ME!”

Wilson made his sword vanish, picking the book up, reading the section off quickly. He closed his eyes, focusing… Feeling the energy go through him as he threw one hand out, saying something in a language he didn’t recognize.

Shadow hands came around Maxwell, engulfing his body in their grasp. After a moment, they came apart, revealing two people instead of one. One was Maxwell, the other, a man who resembled him save his hair was loose and his suit was one of a purple color with rounded shoulders rather than pointed ones. Both fell to the ground as they were released, the hands vanishing into the air.

“Augh… What…?” Maxwell got up shakily, looking at the unconscious man beside him. “... What… have you done…!?” He demanded, glaring at Wilson. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?”

“I gave you what you wanted and what William wanted.” Wilson replied, giving a sneer. “He wanted freedom, you wanted to act your own. You are now separate beings. You don’t have to worry about his guilty conscious ever again. However, your body isn’t exactly like his. I just gave you the pleasure of allowing you not to stay a shadow for the rest of your days.”

“You fool…. You FOOL!”

“Takes one to know one, Maxwell.”

Maxwell growled, getting up, summoning shadow flames in his hands.

“I still have my powers… I can still take away what I gave you!”

“Not quite.” Wilson smirked, holding up the book. “There is only one person here capable of controlling it now… You’re unfit for it…” Wilson’s look darkened. “But neither am I… I have no desire to be this world’s ruler.”

Maxwell sneered at him, trying to hit him with flames, only to be thrown by ones created by Wilson.

“Then who will be the ruler? The law of equivalent exchange can’t be completed if no one takes the throne!” Maxwell growled.

Before Wilson could speak, another gave their answer.

“I will.”

Wickerbottom stepped out of the group, joining Wilson’s side.

“I have no intention of letting my grandson be lost to the shadows… I however, have been in this world long enough to know how to cope with them and how to meet their demands, even if they will step out of line. Darkness will always be an issue, but a proper hand can help keep balance.”

“You…” Maxwell shook his head. “You can’t be serious!”

Wickerbottom gave him a look. “Oh I’ve never been more serious in my entire life. I’ve lived for a long time… This place was always my home… I want to see it do well versus be tormented…”

Wilson handed her the Codex as she gave him a small smile. “Thank you, Grandmother.”

“Anything for you.”

Wickerbottom went over to the throne, taking a seat. Shadows engulfed her, changing her appearance. Her outfit became a long black dress with raven feathers woven into the sleeves, her long silver hair was let down, curling at her shoulders, her glasses now gone.

Wilson gave a bow, and as did the others as she stood.

“All hail the queen.”

Wickerbottom nodded to them all before looking to Maxwell.

“You… Get out.” She ordered.

Maxwell growled, standing his ground.

“I don’t take orders from you.”

Wickerbottom shook her head.

“Very well…” She snapped her fingers as shadows came up, taking the form of knights that stepped towards Maxwell. “Seize him.”

Maxwell batted at them with flames, but they kept regenerating, pushing him to the wall. Maxwell for once had a look of panic as they grabbed him.

“... You know this isn’t over…”

“As I said, darkness will always be a problem. For wherever there is light, there is shadow, it’s just a matter of striking the balance. Something you clearly know nothing about.” Wickerbottom quipped. “We’re on even ends of the playing field now, Maxwell.”

Maxwell knocked the knights away from him, reverting to a shadow, making his way out.

“I will be back! Mark my words!”

“And we’ll be ready for that day.” Wickerbottom stated, looking to the group, a smile on her face. “I can think of a few people I can call… If they wish.”

Everyone looked to each other, nodding as they grinned at Wickerbotom, giving another bow.

“At your service, your highness.”

Wilson gave a bow himself.

“Anything to help.”

Wickerbottom had a warm look in her eyes.

“That’s my grandson.”

Willow came running up to him, throwing her arms around Wilson.

“Next time, tell me when you’re about to double cross someone, okay?”

Wilson chuckled, hugging her close.

“I’ll be sure to M’lady. I promise.”

The twins came running up as Wilson and Willow scooped them up.

“Papa that was amazing!”

“You totally got him good!”

Wilson chuckled, kissing their heads.

“I got lucky…”

“Though… is this look permanent?” Wendy titled her head. “I mean… it’s not bad just… it’s not you.”

“Let me fix that.” Wickerbottom gave a flick of her hands, shadow hands coming around Wilson, changing, his appearance back to his normal attire. “Though not to say the powers or form are gone. Those are there to stay.”

Wilson held out a hand, forming small flames in them.

“This… I can get used to. Definitely.”

Willow hugged him tightly.

“Just don’t go crazy on me.”

Wilson hugged her and the twins close to him.

“I would never dream of it…” Wilson’s gaze softened. “I’m sorry if I scared you… I had to tempt him in the only way I knew how… I’m so sorry…”

“Just don’t ever stop being you… Because that’s the you I want to see.” Willow kept close.

“Don’t worry.” Wickerbottom placed a hand on her shoulder. “He’s strong willed, the shadows will have a hard time trying to corrupt him. And on top of that, he has me to help. I’m the queen now so they listen to me… and by proxy, that makes Wilson the prince.”

“So they have to listen to Papa too.” Wendy hugged Wilson tightly.

Wilson nodded. keeping them close. “... And technically since you two are my daughters now.. That makes you basically princesses.”

The girls both giggled, huddling closer to Wilson.

Wickerbottom chuckled.

“I have a lot to teach you, along with all of you here.” Wickerbottom looked to the rest of the group. “All of you I dub as part of my court… But we shall worry about those matters later.” Her gaze turned to the body Maxwell had left behind… William’s body. “I believe there’s something else that needs our attention.”

Wilson pulled away from the girls, going over to William, kneeling before him. He turned him over, seeing the man was still unconscious… but he was breathing…

“Poor man is exhausted.” Wickerbottom shook her head. “Maxwell must’ve taken what he could when you separated the two.”

“Which can easily be treated.” Wilson replied. “But… I do know there is someone here who I did promise to find a way to change back… I believe I hold that power now don’t I?”

Wickerbottom nodded, handing the Codex Umbra over to him.

“Don’t over work yourself now, Wilson.”

Wilson gave a gentle look.

“What kind of gentleman would I be if I passed out after all this?”

Wilson looked to the shadows of the room, seeing a pair of white eyes looking at him. He held out his hand, creating a dark area.

“It’s okay, Charlie, you can come over here.”

There was a hiss as a form moved into the area, Charlie soon appearing in it.

“Wilson…” She gave a grateful look, tears staining her face. “Thank you…”

Wilson smiled gently, looking through the Codex before giving a flick of his hands, having shadow flames come around Charlie.

“It wouldn’t be fair to save one and not the other… Not when right now you’ll need each other.”

Charlie closed her eyes, her form changed. Disfigured arms became normal human arms, her shadow like body reverting to her original form along with the dress she remembered all too well, her legs finally returning. She landed on her feet, sighing in relief, the shadow flames disappearing into the dark with a hiss. She looked at herself, more tears falling from her eyes.

“I’m… I’m me…”

Wilson let the shadows fade from the area. “And able to be in the light… Welcome back, Charlie.”

Charlie smiled before looking to William, rushing over to him, bringing his upper body into her arms. She frowned a bit, seeing he was unconscious, but she didn’t care. She hugged him close, kissing his head.

“William… Oh thank heavens…”

In his unconscious state he shifted a bit, keeping close to her before settling down again.

“I missed you too…” She laid her head against his. “The nightmare’s over…”

The twins hurried over, bringing their arms around both Charlie and William.

“Auntie Charlie… Uncle William..”

Charlie kissed both their heads, smiling softly. “Oh my dear nieces… It’s so good to see you again safe and sound.”

“We missed you too..” Wendy kissed her cheek as Abigail offered her the rose back.

“Remember this?”

Charlie smiled, taking it back.

“I do… and I’m glad you kept it. It let me know where you were so I could do all I could to keep you both safe…” She put the rose back in her hair. “But now… my work is done… I just want to take care of William now.”

“We’ll help too.”

The twins kept close, sighing happily.

Wilson kept his distance, smiling gently. Willow joined his side, holding one of his hands.

“So… Prince, I’m guessing our work has only just begun?”

He chuckled.

“Indeed it has… But no titles please…”

“I prefer Wilson anyway.” Willow nuzzled him. “And sometimes Wildork.”

Wilson nuzzled her back, sighing happily.

“And you, my dear firestarter… I’m so glad this is finally over…” He took a glance back to the others. “Well… for the most part…”

“Wilson Percival Higgsbury do NOT use anymore power today.”

“Y-Yes Grandmother!”

Wilson heard a laugh, looking to the side to see Jack was standing by, a big grin on his face.

“As she said Wilson, you have a lot to learn!”

He rolled his eyes, giving a smirk.

“I think I can handle learning more. There’s plenty of room in here.”


Wickerbottom looked to everyone.

“Come, let us celebrate at least for this night. For the reign of Maxwell has ended.”


... Yeah. That just happened.

Nice knowing ya Maxwell. Hope you have fun in exile~

Next: Survive the Shadows Chapter 17

Previous: Survive the Shadows Chapter 15

First: Survive the Shadows Chapter 1

Got a question for Wilson? Check out the tumblr blog and send him some mail. (Wilson: >8D Scientific inquiries!)

tumblr: survivetheshadows.tumblr.com/

Don't Starve (c) Klei Entertainment

Survive the Shadows (c)

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Comments: 4

theninjakid14 [2016-11-01 02:30:14 +0000 UTC]

Happy ending! Yay!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ItalianAssassin77 [2016-08-27 15:35:45 +0000 UTC]

That just happened indeed.


I'm sad it's almost over, though, eeeeehhh ;-;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

WhiteLili [2016-08-27 03:38:21 +0000 UTC]

It's so sweet! I like your version of world, and it's good to know that William and Charly returned.
Do you plan to do it with Jack too? Or at least give all others ability to see him?

Oh, and Shadow Wilson is great! And please, paint the Queen too!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TheFabuPotato [2016-08-27 02:59:23 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0