Aileen-Rose — Survive the Shadows Chapter 6

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Published: 2016-04-21 16:42:09 +0000 UTC; Views: 4818; Favourites: 31; Downloads: 4
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Chapter 6: Fragments

“They’re related to THAT thing…!?”

Wilson looked at Willow stunned before looking back into the area around the fire pit, seeing the two little girls fast asleep, Abigail’s cloak draped over her sister partially. “But… they’re nothing like... It.”

Willow crossed her arms.

“Well, this adds a new view on Charlie then. SHE wasn’t always like this. You’ve seen what’s possible in this world. I think it’s quite plausible Charlie is someone who got cursed.”

The scientist ran a hand through his hair as he processed the possibility. “And Maxwell knew her name rather than just calling her the monster… So she was human… Which means there’s a way to reverse it… Goodness, that’s going straight into alchemy….”

“Well, if you can find a way that would be good… and something to bring Abigail back maybe?”

Wilson gave a nod. “I’ll begin researching immediately… I have been wondering about supposed revival methods considering how many things in this world want us dead…”

“Yeah… Not that I want to find out what it’s like to die here.” Willow shuddered. “Or see you die.”

Wilson frowned, squeezing her shoulder. “I promise you, that’ll never be a concern… I swear it…”

Willow looked him right in the eyes.


He didn’t look away, instead taking both her hands into his. “I promise on my very life.”

Willow nodded, hugging him quickly.

“Then I promise the same thing.”

He hugged her back, tightly.

“It’s a deal then, my fair lady.”


“Do the magic! Do the magic!”

“Alright, alright, only this once for you little ladies in private. Only because Jack is your father.”

“Yay! You’re the best!”

“Always the best!”

Maxwell found himself pacing around his throne room, his mind wracked with memories he found himself unfamiliar with. They had come to him late in the night and they didn’t seem keen on leaving him.

I didn’t know those two girls… I never knew any children personally… and who on Earth was Jack?

There was some hissing heard from around him. He narrowed his eyes a bit, growling.

“Don’t give me that, I brought more people in, I get to be out of my throne for a while because of that so don’t even start, Shadows!”

There was a screech coming from nearby that echoed out of the darkness.


Maxwell’s head snapped towards the source, surprised at hearing the voice.


Charlie tried getting closer but the light around the area sent her reeling. “What have you done?” She questioned growling a bit. “What did you DO!?”

“Eh?” Maxwell got a confused look. “This is the first time you’ve spoken to me in a long time and I’m met with this? I don’t know what you’re talking about. The only things I do is bring people in so I’m not stuck to that stupid throne all the time.”

Charlie snarled.

“Abigail and Wendy… They… They didn’t do anything to deserve this… They’re TEN. What would Jack say-”

“There’s that name again.” Maxwell went back to pacing. “I don’t KNOW a Jack but I FEEL like I do!”

Charlie growled, trying again to step into the light, furious. “This is all your fault… ALL OF IT!”

Maxwell growled, glaring at her.

“Oh, pin it all on me eh!? Says the one who has a hard time keeping her humanity together!”

Charlie gasped, stepping back, feeling as if she had been slapped.

“... At least I tried to protect the ones I love… Instead of dropping them next to a spider den…”

Maxwell held his glare for another moment before it faltered a bit… a different look in his eyes appearing for a moment.


She shook her head, keeping to the shadows.

“You still try huh…? Try to come out…?”

Maxwell shook his head, turning away from her.

“I have my masters to obey, Charlie… I give them what they want, by bringing people who want something here.”

Charlie lowered her head.

“You couldn’t give those two what they wanted… Jack would be disgusted with you if he knew what you did to his girls…”

Maxwell clenched his fists.

“I know no man by that name… I don’t know those two girls… They knew you though…”

“They’re…. My… NIECES!” Charlie shrieked as it faded into a frustrated scream. “They’re YOURS-”

Maxwell whirled around back at her, his glare returning.


Charlie let out an inhuman scream that echoed through the chamber in return, disappearing from sight.

Monster. You're the monster not me…

Maxwell held his glare for another moment before turning away, bringing his hands to his head.

Jack… Abigail… Wendy… They all seem so familiar… Yet… at the same time they don’t…

He gripped his hair a bit.

Oh Charlie… I’m so sorry…

I hope you can forgive me one day for what I’ve done to both of us.


“Hm…” Wilson was out and about gathering rocks, letting his mind wander as he did. “How to bring someone back from the dead… how to bring… someone…” He hung his head a bit. “Ugh… Chester, I don’t if I’ll be able to figure that out… This more so like witchcraft rather than science…”

Chester nudged his side before scratching into the dirt: “That’s what you said about the alchemy engine.”

“... Touche’ but alchemy is a type of science… A very odd and possibly outside of this realm fictional one but still… This… it really is more like delving into magic…”


Wilson sighed again, running a hand through his hair.

“I’ll figure something out… but it’ll probably be awhile… and might take a miracle.”

Thud! Thud! Thud!

“... What was that?”

Wilson looked around, readying his spear, seeing the area around them seemed to be vibrating.





“What in the blazes!?”

Wilson and Chester crept up over a large gold veined rock seeing a young woman in…. warrior garb? Fighting against a tallbird… With another person beside her… a… mime?

“What on…?”

“Over here!”

Another man appeared, a rather muscular one who gave the bird a hard punch, knocking it into a field of… balloons?


The bird let out a screech before falling over dead, as the woman rushed between the remaining balloons, grabbing up the meat that was dropped. “Aye, that was a great one boys!”

The muscular man took a bow.

“Thank you, Wigfrid. You were wonderful as well.”

The mime gave a thumbs up.

There was a screeching noise heard as another person approached… a man… made of metal?


“Oi, oi WX… We didn’t mean to. You said you were “AT OPTIMUM FUNCTIONALITY.” Wigfrid smirked.


Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!


The others got into position as Wilson looked around trying to spot what they were preparing for.

… Oh…. Fiddlesticks…

A giant wolf like creature came into view, staring them down, growling.

“Wes, better make some more balloons.” The muscular man said as he rolled back his sleeves. “This one’s probably gonna need a lot of them.”

The mime, Wes, nodded, getting right to work, inflating balloons at rapid speed as the others charged at that creature.

“C’mere you Varg!” Wigfrid shrieked as she thrusted her spear at it. “We’re not scared of the likes of you!”

The Varg snarled, snapping at her as she dodged, getting in a swipe before it sniffed the air… looking right at Wilson.

“... Oh no. No, no no…” The scientist lept off his rock as the creature ran straight for it smashing through with ease. “AHHHH!”

“Bli’ me!” Wigfrid gasped. “Hang on, we’ll take of it!” Wigfrid looked to the muscular man. “Wolfgang, get ‘im!”

Wolfgang grinned, rushing on over, punching the Varg away from Wilson.

“You leave the little man alone!”

Wilson spun around, spear in hand. “Excuse me!? Little man!? I am five foot ten thank you very much-” The Varg roared, cutting him off. “Aand this is a bad time!” He took a jab himself, dodging to the side.

The creature shrieked, trying to swipe at him.

“Oi oi oi!” Wigfrid called, standing next to a huge field of balloons. “Over here ugly!”

The Varg snarled, charging right at her. She smirked as he rolled to the side, the Varg getting tangled in balloons as they exploded all at once.

It fell over as a red gem along with several chunks of meat appeared where it was.

“That will never stop being strange.”

“Indeed, but least Wes has his ways.” Wolfgang crossed his arms, looking at WX-78. “Anything else to complain about, Shiny?”

WX-78 huffed, turning away from them.


Wigfrid shook her head.

“Now, now, boys…” She looked to Wilson. “I think we got something more important to know right now.”

“Ah right.” Wolfgang looked to Wilson as well.

Wes walked up, curiosity in his eyes.


“Can it, WX-78.” Wigfrid glared at him before looking at Wilson again. “Pardon him, he’s just naturally annoying.”

Wilson was just staring at WX-78 for a few moments. “... Is that a man in a suit of armor or… some kind of automaton..?”

“We honestly don’t know.” Wigfrid shrugged. “He’s a strange one.”

“Yup.” Wolfgang nodded. “But we keep him around since we need him as much as he needs us.”

“I see…” Wilson cleared his throat. “Well, it is interesting to run into more actual people around these parts… Goodness though, Maxwell just loves torturing us all doesn’t he?”

Wigfrid got a surprised look in her eyes.

“You’ve seen him? As in seen him recently?”

Wilson scowled. “As recently as the end of autumn. He was quite intent on bothering me during my harvest.”

Wigfrid frowned.

“I see…” She looked to the others. “Guess he hasn’t changed much has he?”

“Well, what did you expect?” Wolfgang scowled. “He was off the deep end when we last saw him. You expected him to be back to his old self with just a short passage of time, hm?”

“Don’t snap at me Wolf!” Wigfrid crossed her arms. “I could hope…. He wasn’t always like that you know…”

Wolfgang sighed.

“I know, I know. Sorry just… still not happy about being here… but I can’t blame him entirely.”

Wilson had a twitch in his eye.

“Not entirely… NOT ENTIRELY!?”

They cringed.

“Y-Yes… Not entirely-”

“How could you NOT blame him entirely!? HE probably did the same thing you that he did to me! Tricked you into coming here by saying he could give you something!”

Wolfgang shook his head.

“That’s not the case for us.”


“Quiet, WX-78.”

Wilson narrowed his eyes. “I want an explanation and for the love of science SOMEONE make SENSE! Because as far as I know he is the most absolute disgusting piece of SCUM that was ever born!”

Wigfrid looked to everyone in the group before focusing on Wilson, crossing her arms.

“Listen, pointy hair man-”

“Wilson. My name is Wilson.”

“Sorry, Wilson. Listen… I’m not going to deny Maxwell is horrible. He’s doing a lot of stuff he should not be doing like dragging new people here and basically committing man slaughter… But the thing is, we were brought here by mistake. He never intended for the three of us here to be in this world, let alone Charlie as well.”

Wilson’s eyes grew wide. “Wait… you KNEW them!?”

“Maxwell and Charlie?” Wigfrid raised an eyebrow. “Aye, they were in the circus with us.”

“They were quite the pair too.” Wolfgang chuckled. “The Amazing Maxwell and his assistant Charlie… Least before he went insane.”

Wilson frowned.

“... Did either of them have relatives?”

“Aye.” Wigfrid glanced downward. “Maxwell had a brother named Jack who had two wee lasses. Poor man was killed the night we were all brought here.”

Wilson sucked in a sharp breath.

Wes laid a hand on Wigfrid’s shoulder.

Two children… Lasses… Girls…

“... Were they twins?”

Wigfrid’s surprised look returned.

“Aye… Blond hair… I believe their names were Abigail and Wendy. They enjoyed coming to the circus. Charlie loved them to bits.”

Wilson frowned, thinking of the girls back at his base currently. The last he had seen of them, Wendy was fast asleep while Abigail was reading one of his books.

“Wendy and Abigail are here… Back at my base…”


“They’re in this world…”

“No…” Wigfrid shook her head. “Oh good ‘eavens no..”

“He really has lost it.” Wolfgang frowned. “Oh Willy, what’s become of you?”

Wes lowered his head.

Wilson crossed his arms, sighing heavily. “There’s more… There is such a thing as a ghost… Abigail’s already perished and now is a spirit to protect her soul until she can be resurrected…. They’ve been through so much already. Charlie protected them it seems. I only tell you this because I don’t believe in cruel surprises.”

“I see…” Wigfrid sighed. “Glad to see Charlie still has a bit of herself… I just hope we can still save Will-Maxwell.”

Wolfgang nodded. “We’ll keep trying, just seems like he’s never going to change back.”

“Well…” Wilson mused. “... Maybe life can find a way.”

“If there’s a way that’s why we keep fighting.”

“We ‘avn’t lost hope yet…”

Wes gave a determined look.

Wilson smiled.

“... Well, after this eventful day, can I interest you folks in a good meal?”

“Hm… Maybe… We wouldn’t wan’ to impose on ya. Food is kind of valuable here after all.”

Wilson then gave a grin.

“That’s what those who live with me also said at first. We have plenty and I know a thing or two. Come, I can make enough for everyone.”

“Well…. alrigh’ then.” Wigfrid gave a wave, the others gathering behind, all following Wilson as they began to walk. “Oh yeah, just so you know all our names. I’m Wigfrid, the mime is Wes, Mr. Muscles is Wolfgang, and the robot is WX-78.”

“Pleased to meet you all.”

Wigfrid smiled.

“I wonder if the girls remember us… It’s been so long…”

Wilson gave a curious look. “How long has it been?”

“Goodness… Hm…” Wigfrid looked to WX-78. “You seem to keep track of everythin’ and we met you not too long after we got here. Care to enlighten us?”


Wigfrid cringed.

“Two years then…”

Wilson cringed as well. “Goodness, and I thought Chester and I had been here a long time. This is only our second winter.”

“We’ve made it through thick and thin. Some close calls but we’ve made it. We’ve had our drive. We’ve admittedly haven’t seen Max since then. Last time we saw him was during the accident.”

“Skinny man got too big for his britches. We all paid the price.” Wolfgang huffed. “This world is not kind to us.”

“I can empathize.”

“It was all that darn book’s fault that’s what.” Wigfrid growled. “If he had never gotten that thing this wouldn’ have happened.”


“Righ’ righ’… Sorry…” Wigfrid shook her head. “I just miss Ol’ Willy.”

Wes hesitated before he reached out, squeezing her shoulder, giving a sympathetic look. He missed their old friend too.

Wilson kept quiet, knowing this was not a moment to interrupt. Instead, he focused on leading the way back to his base, Chester bounding right next to him.

It just gets more and more confusing from here doesn’t it?


I'm just going to say this again so I don't get mauled, but I want to just put the reminder out again that Storm and I are taking artistic license with this story. We don't follow game mechanics 100% and with this chapter, taking artistic license on character backstories. I have to thank my friend Beatrice for planting a lot of the ideas you see here. I originally had no idea what I would do with Wigfrid, Wolfgang and Wes and was content with not using them. Then Beatrice proposed the idea of them knowing Maxwell since they could've easily been in a circus together with their respective passions. WX-78 I didn't expect either, though of course not all has been revealed about him. But yeah, they're in the story because of her so much thanks to her. So yeah, just keep in mind things are not 100% exactly like the game.

So yeah, learning more about Maxwell, and boy is Wilson just dumbfounded. And this is only the beginning.

And Happy Don't Starve Together day everyone. Today Don't Starve Together has gotten its official release so... what timing for this update. Thanks Klei Entertainment, keep up the good work.

And that'll be all for the time being. Catch you next time.

Next: Survive the Shadows Chapter 7

Previous: Survive the Shadows Chapter 5

First: Survive the Shadows Chapter 1

Got a question for Wilson? Check out the tumblr blog and send him some mail. (Wilson: >8D Scientific inquiries!)

tumblr: survivetheshadows.tumblr.com/

Don't Starve (c) Klei Entertainment

Survive the Shadows (c)

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Comments: 2

OrcinusOrca27 [2023-01-14 21:13:50 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

theninjakid14 [2016-11-01 01:57:27 +0000 UTC]

And the rest of the gang arrives! Always good to see more faces.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0