AkaliSaku — Confession

#dog #dogs #series #survivorsfanfiction #survivordogsfanfiction #abandonedseries #abandoned #lesbiancouple #lgbtcharacters
Published: 2023-06-05 19:45:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 825; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 0
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The sky was almost clear, with dots of clouds here and there. I enjoyed the warm sunlight on my fur, back at the barn, where there wasn't a dark forest to make everything horrifying.

Me, Fog, and Unknown arrived at the barn. Though quiet, Unknown asked a few questions involving the farm, which were all simple.

No one was around to greet us at first, but Thistle came from around a corner. He looked a mix of uninterested and something else I couldn't read.

"Hello," Thistle greeted. As he came closer to Unknown, he looked more annoyed.

*Probably because Unknown is the same size as him, if not bigger,* I thought. *I wonder what the world is like from that size...*

"Hello," Unknown said to him. She looked around.

"We have rules for new dogs, for the sake of safety," Thistle started. "I'll get you introduced to everyone else."

Unknown followed Thistle to a large haybale, getting the attention of nearby dogs. Spots emerged from the corner of a silo, and Primrose went through the dog flap in the Longpaw house. Talon also showed up, but only after Thistle barked for everyone's attention.

"Lone Dogs," Thistle barked. "We have a new member to the roster. However, since she's new, you will stay alert, but also treat her as a packmate. Unknown, come forward."

Unknown watched the dogs around her cheer, some louder than others. Although I couldn't see her expression too well, I could tell that Unknown was happy.

"You will stay as an Omega, doing the lowliest tasks every day until you prove yourself as a packmate. Then you'll be promoted to Patrol Dog, and can fight to a higher rank, if you wish."

Everyone tipped their heads into a howl. I felt strange, but amazing, to howl for another dog.

When the pack stopped howling, they went to greet Unknown. The area was filled with lots of 'Welcome to the packs' and the response of 'thank you'. I walked up to Unknown and congratulated her.

"Welcome to the Lone Pack!" I said.

"Thank you," she replied, a little fast, like she was trying to keep up with the dogs around her.

When everyone was done greeting Unknown, I walked up to Dusk, and hesitated multiple times for the question I prepared to ask.

Dusk was at the silos, getting some recently-caught rabbits from a pile of various prey. I paused, unsure if the time was right. *Maybe Dusk doesn't want to be bothered,* part of me thought. *What if she doesn't feel the same way?*

Another memory flashed inside her mind, appearing longer than the last, but it was blurry and hard to decode. I remember the last time a rejection happened, not to me, but to a former friend who asked me. He stopped talking to me after that, and he looked like he was full of grief.

"Uh, hi," I said nervously, mustering up the words I thought would never escape my muzzle. Dusk turned around, a little surprised, but put on a smile I was used to seeing.

"Hello," she said back, swallowing some of her rabbit. I stood awkwardly, searching for the right words.

"I was wondering if, uh," my heart seemed to beat faster as I spoke. I planned to ask Dusk out to hunt, but seeing as she was eating, I shifted my words.

"If you want to hang out at the meadow?" I quickly finished. Dusk took another bite, chewing it thoughtfully.

"Sure," she said at last. I was ready to leap like a pup. Did she feel the same way as me, or does she see it as a friend thing, or... ...am I thinking this too hard? *No, you're not!*

I told myself fiercely as we headed towards the fence around where I first entered. *She has to feel the same way. Why else would she come along?*

I thought about it for a moment, coming up with only two answers. *She either loves me, or is just being nice... and I wouldn't be able to tell the difference.*

It took some time, but we reached the valley in question. Cool wind clashed with the warm sunlight, and below, a small pond shimmered, reflecting everything around it.

The meadow is just as good as it was when me and Dusk sneaked out in the middle of the night. *I hope we don't get in trouble for this,* I thought, remembering what happened that night.

*Fog didn't do anything, but I don't know if Thistle would be the same way.*

"The meadow seems a lot nicer, now that there aren't any crickets chirping everywhere," Dusk commented. I barked a laugh. It felt good, having humor to distract me.

She ran down to the pond, beckoning for me to follow. We sat beside its edge, our front paws touching the water's edge. I leaned a little close so I could feel her fur. It was reassuring, and calm, and I enjoyed it.

"Dusk," I said, regretting the word as I said it. Dusk turned to face me, and we were left in silence. My words would not leave my muzzle, and I sat there, panic rising in my fur.

Her soft gaze unjumbled my mind, and I finally began to talk. "For a while... I've been... interested in you," I saw Dusk change into surprise, but it did not stop me from speaking. "Ever since that day, when you brought me here, and let me experience things I would never dream of as a Leashed Dog... I've been enjoying your company, sharing your feelings, hoping that I can continue to be with you, no matter what happens..."

I took a breath, knowing that I was too far to go back, "I have to know. Dusk, will you be my mate?"

There was a long pause as we stared into each other's brown eyes. I was glad to finally say it, after so long of waiting, but the worry came back. If she didn't love me back... what would I do? Would our friendship ever be the same? I wrapped my tail around my leg so it pointed towards Dusk.

To my surprise, I felt another bunch of fur fall on top of it, and as I looked down, I noticed a dirty brown tail, the one belonging to Dusk. My smile was an expression larger than anything I've done before.

"Yes, Astra," Dusk replied at last. We nuzzled each other. Dusk had a smile as big as mine. "I will be your mate."

Nothing could describe how my heart was beating. I had anticipated this moment for so long, and here it was. I didn't know what to do.

We nuzzled each other and sat there, enjoying the moment. No matter what, I couldn't stop smiling. Soon, Dusk stood up, and glanced upward. I

followed her gaze and saw a longpaw path. It poked out of the distant forest and past the valley opening, disappearing beyond our sight.

"Isn't that the Longpaw path where I found you?" Dusk asked.

I thought about that unfortunate day. The memories were harsh, but muted under my joy. I saw the valley going down, with burrows here and there and distant red silos...

"Yes," I said at last. "That is the Longpaw path! Maybe we should explore there."

"Are you sure?" Dusk asked slowly. She must've thought about the house, and how I got in trouble for it.

"Don't worry, Dusk, I'll take the blame if something happens," Astra said. To her surprise, Dusk shook her head.

"I don't want you to. If something happens, we'll be punished together."

I nodded, and we started to trek up the hill. It was steep, and our paws struggled for a pawhold, but the hill began to slow, and we stood in front of the hard Longpaw path.

The path was as gray as before, with yellow lines stopping and starting in some sort of pattern. I started to move onto it, but Dusk bit my tail and tugged gently, signaling me back.

"Don't go on it," Dusk warned. "I'm sure you know that Loudcages run on that, right?"

I nodded. "Yes, but there aren't any..."

A loud woosh cut off my word, and as fast as it started, it stopped. My eyes blinked in adjustment, and I saw the end of something fast and black, or maybe dark gray. It was slightly darker than the Longpaw path.

"...Oh," I finished. Dusk gave a knowing look, but in a good way.

"We shouldn't stay near it. I don't know if they'll stay on the path, or swurve and strike us," Dusk turned around, but stopped mid-turn. Her eyes widened as I squinted down the hill. Primrose, alone, surprisingly, came running and panting towards us. Their black fur reflected the sunlight, and their white paws struck the ground in a fast pace.

"Astra, Dusk!" Primrose shouted. "Why are you out here? Thistle won't be happy."

They climbed to the top of the hill, tongue falling as they recovered.

"How did Thistle know we were here?" I asked without reconsideration. Primrose looked up with sad eyes. "Astra, Dusk, not to... make you worry, but I knew you went here a few nights ago. And I saw you do it today."

Words were caught in my muzzle. Dusk glanced at me, concern and shock all over her face.

"I never fall asleep fast. When you went out, there was just enough moonlight that I noticed you. But you have to get away from the path," they turned to face me and Dusk from the side.

"Why?" Dusk asked. I was as clueless as her.

"The Longpaws know how popular this path is for abandoned dogs. More than once, I've seen a dog carried away by a van. Everyone at the farm are the dogs who weren't caught, out of the dozen I've seen. Come on, we need to hurry."

"O... Okay," I said, twisting my paws to head back down. Another set of steps reached my ears, along with the fresh smell of... smoke? I looked up, just in time to yelp.

The ground below me gave way, but I locked my jaws on Dusk and dragged her down.

We tumbled through the nearby bushes before stopping. Thorns clung to our fur, and a few saplings sprung from the soil. Carefully yet quickly, I reached a spot where my head could see the hill.

Primrose barked and struggled in some kind of long, shiny object locked around their neck. The dragged out of our sight, and soon the Loudcage roared once more. I tried to rush ahead, much two Longpaws were dressed strangely, with a tough-looking layer on them.

Primrose was against Dusk's whispers, but only saw the end of the Loudcage as it ran away. For a moment, I saw Primrose, trapped behind the meshed walls. Once it was out-of-sight, me and Dusk returned to where Primrose once stood. Worry built up, stronger than ever.

"What should we do?" I asked, swishing my tail. "Thistle... oh no, what would he do when he hears the news?"

Dusk looked at her paws. "I don't know... something really bad."

"We have to follow its trail," I stated, standing taller. If anything, it made Dusk stop frowning, which improved my mood. "I'll chase after it. We won't tell Thistle until later. If you can sneak inside and get Talon, then follow my scent..."

"Why do we need Talon?" Dusk asked. I opened my mouth, a little hurt, but Dusk added, "I'm not against her. I just need to know."

"Oh. Okay. I thought that the three of us could cover more ground."

"I think Talon has a good memory," I said.

"Really?" Dusk joked. "Really? That's as true as Thistle being happy when we return."

I nodded and begun to leave, but I softly woofed, "Hey, uh, Dusk..."

"Yes?" she turned around.

"Before you go, I just want to say I love you, in case anything happens, and I don't see you again."

She attempted to reply, but stopped and licked me. "I know you do. I promise I won't be long."

Satisfied, I thanked her and set off along the path, hoping that she was right.

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