AkaPanuka — [SWGM] Annie Nolan

Published: 2017-07-09 12:16:01 +0000 UTC; Views: 4875; Favourites: 71; Downloads: 0
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➤➤ GENERAL INFORMATIONAnnie Guinevere Nolan"Stop breaking the law, asshole."


Age: 23 yrs
Birthdate: 14th of May
Sex / Gender: Female
Height: 5'11" / 180 cm
Weight: 242 lbs / 110kg
Nature: Bold
Characteristic: Proud of it's Power

Passes through the opposing Pokemon's barrier and strikes

| Giga Impact ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
"The user charges at the target using every bit of its power. The user can't move on the next turn."
Annie’s strongest move, and one that she has trained with intensely over the years. She learned this move in her teens and was persistant in learning how to control it. Thankfully, her hard work paid off.
Giga Impact allows Annie to focus an immense amount of energy into her attacks. Her fists, legs, head, whenever the energy is focused, will glow with an orange, fiery aura. The orange energy can ‘burn’ the target a little if touched. Being struck with the affected area of her body causes an intense release of energy topping at 2.5 times as strong as she'd usually be. The force behind some of her physical attacks can top at 10,000 Newtons (5000 newtons of force is the general maximum output a professional boxer can put out in a single punch) under the right circumstances. This move's top power should only be used in short bursts or she risks causing serious damage to her body, howeverー Even potentially irreversible damage. Her training with this move has been cautious and calculatedー one slip up and it could be over. Thankfully, she is able to use less power if she wishes too while under the influence of the move, drastically reducing the effects on her body. Keeping it going for more than 30 seconds, no matter how much physical activity she is doing will result in stronger drawbacks, however. How long she can keep it going without injuring herself is entirely dependant on how much energy she releases during the duration. More energy means less time.
The move draws upon the potential strength of her body that wouldn’t otherwise be accessible unless she found herself in a dire situation. The cost is a fast burning of her body fat and the deterioration of her muscles if used excessively. Her body draws upon all of her energy storage with no restraint. Because of the nature of the move, how Annie uses it is to be strictly moderated. Not only can it cause immediate damage to her body at the moment, but it can cause long-term health issues down the line if she's not careful.
There is also always an ‘aftershock’ to her Giga Impact which will stun and almost immobilize Annie for a short amount of time. At this level, she is actually able to brute force past the aftershock to attack again, but it is incredibly risky, and using Giga Impact twice in a row like this could cause irreversible damage. No matter how short the burst of the move or how little energy she uses, the 'release' of the move will come back to hit her once it has ended. This comes in the form of dizziness, pain, and general fatigue. Thankfully, the sensation doesn’t last for too long, and it will slowly fade, allowing her to attack again.

| Power-up Punch ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
"Striking opponents over and over makes the user's fists harder. Hitting a target raises the Attack stat."
Annie’s fist(s) becomes coated in an orange aura as she punches at her foe. This move is pretty straightforward, and a good alternative to her Giga Impact as the immediate strain on her body is far weaker. This move also sometimes has the chance to slightly raise her attack, which builds up upon each consecutive use. The heightened attack can become a problem after a while, as it can make her more prone to injuring her muscles if she isn’t careful, but she’s learned to manage the trade-off. Powerwise, her Power-Up Punch is decently strongー she's trained it up enough to make it feel stronger than her normal punches, at least. The gradual attack boosts are the real gain with this move though, and although it can take a few hits to build it up, it really pays off in the end

| Sucker Punch ★ ☆
"This move enables the user to attack first. This move fails if the target is not readying an attack."
A cool move she learned in order to be able to hit ghost types. Annies not very skilled with this one yet, and still has trouble timing it right to make sure it even hits. Her fist(s) becomes cloaked in dark aura as she quickly punches her foe before they are able to attack, or when they are off-guard. If not timed right, the speed of the move will cause her to miss or fall far off of trajectory. Stronger than her Power-Up punch, but still lacking in a lot of strength at this level. It's only a bit stronger than a usual punch, although the speed makes it handy (when it hits, that is). Abuse of the move makes her feel lightheaded, almost as if she was hit with a dark type move. Her body is still talking it's time to adjust to the foreign typing.

| Barrier (EGG Move) ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
"The user throws up a sturdy wall that sharply raises its Defense stat."
A move passed down from her mother. Annie creates a protective ‘cloak’ over her body which will raise her defense. Unlike screen moves, Barrier is a stat-enhancing move, therefore it does not typically wear off as quickly, and it can be used in succession to stack it’s effect. At this level, a single Barrier will raise her defense by two stages as intended, but will also lower her speed by one stage if she tries to stack the move. It will last for about 10 minutes before it’s effects begin to wear off. Her speed lowers due to the move's restrictive tendancies. Too many layers of shielding, and it will restrict the movement of her limbs as if she was wearing many layers of clothing. Due to the passive nature of this move, this move used to have no obviously apparent drawbacks (outside the restrictiveness put on her body when it’s in effect), but now, it is prone to giving her muscle fatigue. It will also make her more vulnerable afterwards (as if her defense was lowered by one stage), so he will be more prone to injury for a while.

{{ Bold | Tolerant | Patient | Blunt | Sassy | Stoic | Passive | Harsh | Contentious }}

To put it bluntly, Annie is a cold cat who’s not afraid to give you a piece of her mind. She is sure to try and make you feel bad if you don’t take it like a bitch. She comes off as distant and intimidating to the newcomerー her language is curt but laced with subtle hints of venomous humor and snide sass. Things, unfortunately, don’t change much the closer you get to Annie. She gives every individual the same level of ‘realness’ー close friend or stranger, no one is free from her unruly judgment.

Fortunately, this doesn’t mean that Annie is without her own brand of kindness. She isn’t snappy unless she feels she needs to be, and while she isn’t afraid to give you a piece of her mind, she’s extremely tolerant of her peers. Not in the agree to disagree manner, but It’s hard to really get Annie frustrated or to get into her head, as she’s generally pretty laid-back once you get past her tough exterior. Annie’s not quite as serious as one would expect either, and while her brand of humor is often as dry as sandpaper, she’s not afraid to be a bit of an idiot most of the time.
Towards kids or anyone with a more gentle nature, Annie can come off as ‘softer’ than she usually wouldーbut still, don’t expect her to look past your mistakes or shortcomings, no matter how soft you are.

When push comes to shove, Annie is, as expectedー a patient and level-headed individual. She’s excellent at working under heavy stress and makes sure that keeping herself in-control is always her number one priority. It’s rare for Annie to do something she didn’t mean to do or something she didn’t intend to do. While regrets aren’t rare afterwardsー in the moment, she is always one-hundred percent sure of herself, and what she’s trying to achieve. Annice faces adversity with strength and prideー her image is important to her, but her facade of an ego is quick to be tossed aside if the situation calls for it. Her biases and her image mean nothing to her when clear rationality is of the utmost concern. She can be a bit up-herself at times but is a clear-thinker nonetheless.

While Annie seems to have her shit together externally, she’s is a different story emotionally. She can sometimes be quick to switch between being cold and friendly, open and distant, as she battles with her sense of morality and identity. While Annie believes tackling the world alone is what builds her character, and will continue to make her stronger, she craves the support of her peers, and would gladly let herself rely on them if it wasn’t for the fear of becoming dependent on them. She keeps her friends close, but not too close. Annie doesn’t trust herself to keep stable relationships with others, and her weakness shows when she tries to cling to what she has out of fear of being hurt, or when she tries to ward them off before getting hurt can become a concern.

Overall, Annie is a bit of an opinionated dickbag at times, but she’s generally pretty fun to be around when you don’t get on her bad side.

Hometown: Ambrette TownA sweet little Meowstic by the name of Guinevere (Gwen for short) and her newly wedded husband, a tall, hefty Arcanine, Derek, had come to settle down in their new home, Ambrette Town as the Arcanine sought after new work as a coal miner in a site near the Glittering Caves. It was a dangerous job and strained the poor man the more hours and days he worked, but the pay was decent, and the two were hoping to finally start their family in this peaceful little town.

One day, Derek discovered something amazing in the mines. A treasure trove of fossilized Pokemon remains! This discovery brought the couple into a small fortune that was able to kick-start Derek's late career change into paleontology, and it was something that was finally able to bring them the confidence and financial stability to have their first child.

The couple was delighted when their first kitten was born! A little Espurr who they named Annie. She was a strange kitten, taking after her father a lot more than her mother, but she never let her oddities get to her.

Annie was a quiet child, but she wasn’t a shy one. She was always getting into everythingー always seeking out adventure. It wasn’t rare for her to return home with cuts, scrapes, bruises. She was a tough girl, though! And she never let the pain get to her. Her mother worried for her well-being, but Derek was quite proud of his scrappy little daughter. She was their pride and joy, and that wasn't about to change anytime soon.

As she grew older and started school, Annie was a big social butterfly. She had a well-mannered side to her, but she was rowdy nonetheless. She inspired adventure in her peers and had so many big ideasー the little kitten could ramble for hours. She was never pushy, though, and she was considerate of those around herー she was loud, but not physically. No, her voice gained it's power from the words she spoke. On the scholarly side of things, she was nothing better than average, but a good personality was always better than a brain full of books, right?

It wasn't long until Annie was able to pick up on her father's interest in battle and his enthusiasm towards moves. He was eager to train the young kitten, but Annie's mother wasn't so sure. She wasn't exactly against the idea of move-using, but she didn't support it either. Derek, on the other hand, was very supportive of it, and figured that teaching his daughter the ropes couldn't hurt. It was natural for Pokemon to use moves, and if Annie was going to learn them some day, she should at least learn how to control them. Gwen, unfortunately, couldn't disagree there. The young kitten was thrilled by the start of her training, and it ignited a fire within her that would burn brightly for years to come.

All through her early school life, Annie trained with her father in whatever spare time she had. The only move she had learned up until that point was Confusion, but she didn't want a silly old move like that! There was some...concern about her apprehension towards her only known moveー she just simply didn't want to train with it. Instead, her neglect for her Confusion ended up leading to a lack of control over her Espurr ear organs. Her confusion would act up randomly and without warning. Her mother and father urged her to try and practice, but still, Annie refused. She wanted to learn how to battle and use her moves, so what was wrong? Eventually, Annie revealed that she wanted a physical move, not a special one. It was odd how specific she was being, but it did make some sense regarding her personality. Annies mother thought it was downright laughable that an Espurr would want to train with physical moves, denying the power given to them by their ear organs, but Annie didn't see it the same way. Annie couldn't understand what was so wrong. She didn't like these ears she had, she just wanted to punch things! Why was it so difficult for her parents to understand that?

The next few years of Annie's life was riddled with soft disappointment after soft disappointment. Her suggesting moves to her father that she'd like to learn, only to hear that they weren't in her move-set. Talking about the potential to learn fire moves when she evolved into an Arcanine, only to slowly realize she would never become one. It slowly took its toll on the young kid, and by the time she had reached twelve years of age, she was beginning to realize her reality could never truly be fulfilled. The other move and battle oriented kids in her class picked on her for her unorthodox battle style, and her teachers tried to gently coax her into learning more about her Confusion as an 'Espurr should focus on their psychic abilities', just as her parents hand softly been doing through the years. The kitten eventually hit her breaking point, and she lashed out against those who tried to step on her hopes and dreams, only to be met with a bloody nose, detention, and the overwhelming feeling of failure. Why was she like this? Why did she feel this way? She had hope that her gentle nature would return and that she could eventually stop being so angry and frustrated, but nothing was getting better, and she couldn't let go of her feelings.

With no proper moves to call her own, Annie's constant challenges to fight with the other kids in her school almost always ended in her defeat. Annie just wanted to prove herself worthy. She prayed that one day, maybe she'd learn her first physical move, but the day never came. Her father complied with her drive to try and learn one out of fear of letting her down again, but the spark never came. Annie found herself trapped between those who didn't believe in her and her insatiable desire to fight in the way that felt right to her. It was frustrating how no one understood her feelings about this, but what was maybe even more frustrating, was that she didn't understand them either. The conflict within her made her far more aggressive and impulsive than she'd ever been, people were starting to get worried. It just wasn't like her to be like this.

The last straw came when Annie and one of her cousins (basically her only true friend at the time), decided to explore an abandoned mine shaft as rowdy kids like them did around their small town. It was dangerous, but nothing compared to the feeling of having a good adventure, right? Well, as kids do, they underestimated how dangerous such a situation could be. As they were leaving, part of the mine shaft caved in, crushing one of Annie's legs and putting her cousin in critical condition. Waking up in the hospital hours later and seeing her broken legー it didn't really hit her too hard until she was informed that she might loose her leg. The thought completely crushed her. If she didn't have two legs, how would she ever battle again? Not only that, but she was riddled with the guilt of dragging her only friend into this too. The next year Annie spent cooped up and in a wheelchair, wondering if she'd ever be able to properly walk again if her cousin would be okay. It was tough, and she felt even more frustrated than she did before. Eventually, she was lucky enough to hear the news that she'd be able to keep her leg, but at this stage, not even that could bring her joy.

Soon after she was finally freed from her wheelchair and the cast on her leg, Annie slowly learned how to walk again. Once she was back on her two feet, she realized she could finally get her life back on track again. She had had a lot of time to think, and although her once undying adventurous spirit had mellowed out a lot by this stage, she was eager to keep pushing forward with school and her hobbies. At home, her still unchecked Confusion was starting to get on her mother's nerves, and in a blind rage, Annie's mother took her Everstone and tossed it into the ocean, believing her evolution would help solve ear troubles if she wouldn't seek it out herself. Annie had always been apprehensive about evolving out of fear of turning into her petite and psychic dwelling mother, but the deed had been done, and he evolution into a Meowstic had been triggered.

Fortunately, Annie ended up liking her new form. She was bigger, stronger, and felt more in-control of herself than she had in a long time. Not only that, but something else had sparked within her, something she had been hoping for, for a long time. One day, while training with her father, a strange power manifested within her body. She became stronger all of a sudden but passed out after the burst of energy had subsided. Neither of them knew what it must have been when she awoke, but after more practice and research, they both came to a conclusion. Annie had learned Giga Impact, one of the strongest physical moves out there. Nothing could have validated her more than this. She wanted nothing more but to practice this move, dedicating all of her spare time to it. At first, Annies cousin and her smallish friend group were proud of her and supported her! But as time went on, things started to turn sour.

Annie became obsessive, and even more aggressive, consumed in this new strength she had. She was determined to step on every single person who had beat her in matches beforehand. There was nothing else she could think about outside of strengthening her Giga Impact. The abuse of the move left her thinner and more malnourished than she had ever been. She was a ghost of her former self but at the same time, she was at the high of her being. Her parents and friends were beyond worried for what she was turning into, but nothing could stop her. It was like an addiction, and she had no intention of quitting, not until she had completed her goal. What had happened to their sweet little kitten become?

Small victory after small victory, Annie worked her way up the ladder, her eyes fixated on the deemed 'strongest' man in the school. An aloof and quite Tyrantrum who went by the name of John. John had done his best to avoid Annie and avoid fighting her throughout the years, but as the social standing within their school shifted, it was suddenly social suicide for him to turn down her offer to fight. He had no choice but to accept. When the fight came about, however, John refused to fight back. Annie was infuriated by this, deciding to use her move on him anyway. The scene was a tragic moment for Annie, having her friends watch in fear as she fought this poor boy who refused to hit her back. She was relentless, and although she had won, the victory was hollow. What was the point in winning a fight that wasn't earned? It wasn't long until she passed out for abusing her Giga Impact once again, and Annie soon found herself stuck back in the hospital with nothing but her thoughts.

The next few months were filled with nothing but melancholy dreariness for Annie. She could think of nothing but what she had become. She had pushed away her friends, her family, everyone who cared for her in pursuit of this power she felt she needed to make her whole. But she didn't feel whole, Annie felt nothing but emptiness now. It had finally happened, she had burnt herself out on this, and there was simply nothing left. Her impulsive anger, her excitement for life, it was all gone. She was just...tired.

She was now coming into adulthood, and after almost getting expelled from her school for her behavior, Annie focused on the only thing she could as of now. Her education. She felt nothing but guilt in the eyes of her parents. They did their best to reassure her, but she felt like she felt like a failure, and she didn't know where she wanted to go with life anymore. Graduation was coming up soon, and with her sub par grades and her behavior as of late, where was she even going to go?

It was then that Annie had a fateful visit from the local cops. She was fearful at first but was surprised to find that they had only come in to check in on her. Her run-ins with the police in the past were always...strange to look back on. They were never terribly frequent, but she could recall some involvement after her incident with John. What was most surprising was that they caredー they weren't here to tell her that she was a bad person, they were here to help. Under everything Annie had morphed into, she was still the inspirational and adventurous young cat she was in her youth, as much as she tried to deny it. She didn't think much of the talk in the moment but after graduation, she finally decided on something to do.

Eventually, Annie decided to come out with the news that she wanted to go train at the police academy at Cyllage City. Her parents were taken back a bit, as it was the first real thing she had come out to them with in months. They were unsure of her motives, but anything that might cure their daughter's depressive slum in life was something they were willing to back 100%. Applying and taking the entrance exams was a tense process for Annie. She was aware of her past mistakes and she was aware it could deny her access from this career path she was eager to pursue, but she was prepared for the disappointment, she wouldn't let it catch her off guard again. Thankfully outside of the one incident that she had near the end of her schooling, her criminal record was considered to be mostly clean, and her mental state was far more stable. She almost couldn't believe it when she was accepted.

The next year or so of training was a tough one for Annie, but she persevered through it all. Part of her still felt like she didn't belong here like she was simply denying her fate which was to be a complete fuck up her entire life, but she couldn't let it get the best of her. If she wanted to mend the broken relationship she felt she had with her parents, and with herself, she had to do something that would restore pride to the family. She was still cold and distantー a shell of her former self, but it was who she was now, and she had to make the most of it.

After graduating from the Academy, she was assigned to work in Lumiose City. Even as a low-ranking officer, Annie noticed a jarring difference between the academy and the real world. Still, she had a surprisingly little amount conflict with her work. She was almost perfect for this jobー the grueling face of reality didn't phase her cold heart. The people she interacted with on the force reminded her of herselfー she could understand them and their motives, but she offered no sympathy. It was what it was. She was lucky and they weren'tー it wasn't her fault that they weren't able to catch themselves and turn their life around while they still could. Still, it gave her a weird outlook on her job. It wasn't cops vs criminals, it was people vs people, and she was just doing what she had to do to keep her image, and food on the table. There was no time for her to care about the casualties of her jobー she had to focus on herself and her needs.

Now and then, Annie would find herself lingering back to her old ways. Sometimes, when she was feeling confident enough, she'd be drawn to underground battle circuits where she could test her strength. She had to lay low, as a cop, however, so her participation was often sparse, but she enjoyed every moment of it. With the injuries she attained on the force now blending in with those she attained in the ring, it soon became normal for no one to question where that new cut or bruise came from. In between coming and going gay lovers, was life for Annie for awhile.

It was then that she got this...bizarre ass email from someone going by the name 'Mr.Cool'. The idea of the Argo Navis was cool, but Annie wasn't sure if she was prepared to risk everything she had built up just to support moves. It was a tough decision, but she couldn't let go of the thought of losing her ability to use her Giga Impact, and things were starting to look bad. She decided it was time to finally reply.

Proposal: “Alright so, listen here, I need moves, ok? They are apart of my being, you can't expect me to just stop. Trust me, I've tried, it doesn't work that way. I imagine it doesn't work that way for a lot of other people, either. This move law shit is just stupid, to be honest, can I just sign up so the fucking bill doesn't get passed? You guys are doing a shitty job with this so far, so I'm here to make sure it works. How the public sees us is most important here, so that's why I'm joining- what the fuck is it again, restaurant Nayloss? Yeah, whatever the fuck, that one. So am I in or not?”

  • Still working as a cop, goes by constable Nolan or officer Nolan when she’s working on the job. She’s currently a pretty low ranking officer, but she’s working on it.
  • Although she was rowdy in her youth, Annie has never committed an offense in her adulthood, and was able to pass off her one particularly bad incident off as just a being unable to control a new and powerful move. She was still somewhat lucky to be able to become a cadet at the academy
  • Her entrance into the AN is a bit of a tricky situationー she’s at a bit of a stalemate right now. She has provided information about her job to the AN so they are aware, and so she can make sure that she can be trusted. If she were to betray the AN, she would likely be arrested herself, so she has no intention of doing so.
  • On the flip side, she is still loyal to her job and refuses to offer confidential information to the AN out of fear of losing her job. She’s more worth when she’s not behind bars after all
  • She doesn’t plan to reveal her occupation to the general members of the AN, but feels that the information could come out. She’s hoping that no one is stupid enough to try and rat her out. She’s keeping that situation at bay by threatening to reveal information if she is caught in such a manner. She’s hoping the AN isn’t stupid, basically
  • The situation is sticky, but she feels like she’d be likely to lose her job anyway if a move ban came into place. She needs an outlet to be able to use them, and although it’s risky, the AN provides just that

  • Half sister to Blanchefleur Bacardi on her mother's side.
  • She got the scar on her face from a particularly badly coordinated police raid. Got pinned to the wall and knifed in the face, it was the first time she ever had to shoot someone. She likes to brag about it when she can.
  • Has a scar on her right ear organ, this one she earned from a certain someone in an underground battle.
  • Does generic cop things like eating donuts and sitting in her cop car all day checking for speeding. She thinks it's funny.
  • She’s naturally a pretty big girl, so she doesn’t really concern herself with her weight too much. She goes to the gym almost every day, she’s just born to be big.
  • Struggles with feeling like she should have been born an Arcanine, not a Meowstic. This alone accounts for a lot of the issues she’s gone through in life一 she doesn't particularly hate her body, it just feels wrong in a way
  • She knew Confusion in her youth but eventually lost the ability to use it as she avoided using it at all costs. It’s impossible for her to bring the move out anymore.
  • Her ear organs can be considered somewhat ‘defective’. When she had Confusion, they would often be volatile and would act up without warning. While not lacking in strength, the lack of control she always had over them immediately made her avoid using them. They sometimes still act up, causing her pain and headaches, but she can’t dispel any actual moves from them.
  • Learned to speak French from her mother
  • She’s gay, she’s very gay
  • Has a lot more scars than you can see, she’s just really fluffy, so it covers most of them up
  • Has a really monotonous voice
  • Also works as a bouncer and/or security guard for hire when she wants to make some extra money on the side

Character © to AkaPanuka
Pokemon © The Pokemon Company / Nintendo / Game Freak
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Comments: 14

DerezzedHorizon [2022-12-21 01:01:56 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Candy-waterfalls [2017-08-16 22:19:40 +0000 UTC]

I wanna cuddle her face

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AkaPanuka In reply to Candy-waterfalls [2017-08-20 18:09:17 +0000 UTC]

/do it/

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Iuthor [2017-08-16 21:58:02 +0000 UTC]


love her so much

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AkaPanuka In reply to Iuthor [2017-08-16 21:58:29 +0000 UTC]

you say that now
just wait

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

WildMaverick [2017-07-09 14:36:40 +0000 UTC]

The alpha cat :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Sun--Ray [2017-07-09 12:41:06 +0000 UTC]

god i want her to crush me and throw me in a cell hoh boi

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

Iuthor In reply to Sun--Ray [2017-07-21 15:46:09 +0000 UTC]

n i ne

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sun--Ray In reply to Iuthor [2017-07-21 15:47:44 +0000 UTC]

oh shit hi babe-

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AkaPanuka In reply to Sun--Ray [2017-07-09 13:53:03 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

FOWLLYN [2017-07-09 12:21:29 +0000 UTC]

dam wish she owuld throw me into prison

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AkaPanuka In reply to FOWLLYN [2017-07-09 12:23:27 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FOWLLYN In reply to AkaPanuka [2017-07-09 12:44:39 +0000 UTC]

oh shit whats that aka

ur powers have no affect in this realm

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AkaPanuka In reply to FOWLLYN [2017-07-09 14:02:21 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0