AkityMH — Dawn of Monsters: Kee'Kaw

Published: 2011-06-27 08:48:09 +0000 UTC; Views: 4029; Favourites: 33; Downloads: 17
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Description Stats

Name: Kee’Kaw
Alias: Joker
Taxonomic Name: N. notabilis colossus
Height: 30 Meters
Wingspan: 60 Meters
Weight: 12,000 Tons
Means of Locomotion: Flying, Walking, Hoping, Dancing
Alignment: Neutral
Rank: 4


-Vocal Mimicry: Members of the parrot family are stereotyped as creatures that can mimic noises and even talk. Of course it isn’t true with all parrot species, but Kee’Kaw can do it very well… if not too well. He can make nearly any noise he hears, speak human tongue, and make up noises and words all of his own. Given his obnoxious disposition, its no wonder the world wants him deceased.

-Smart Cookie: Of all parrots, it had to be a Kea that mutated into Kee’Kaw. Kea’s are very smart, if not the smartest animals on the planet besides human beings. Able to figure out most problems with ease and a urge to investigate every little thing around him, Kee’Kaw is always somewhere and causing trouble.

-Can Opener: Kee’Kaw has a powerful, powerful beak. With little effort, he can pierce nearly any metal and pull it open like a can of beans. No method yet has been able to stop him from tearing up cars, tanks, buildings and anything else wants to stick his beak into. Devastating if one is bitten.

-Sonic Boom: For when needed, the parrot can oddly create sudden booms out of his wings. The attack is more like a sudden explosion of sonic boom like noise that would be created at a high flying speeds, but without at all moving at such speed. Sometimes he will make the noise when sneaking up upon another monster, then startling them before flying away as he cackles.

-Flexible Neck: No matter how much you would want to break his neck, you might find it harder then it seems. Kee’Kaw’s neck is able to bend three-hundred and sixty degrees like an owl, making him able to turn his head around like one too.


-Mother Fucking Obnoxious: Day one of his existence, the bird has been a threat… and the most annoying creature on earth by unanimous decision. Making loud noises, playing horrible pranks that are just mean spirited, pestering humans and other kaiju alike, and returning to places he already attacked again and again has deemed him the most unbearable animal on earth. So, naturally, EVERYONE WANTS HIM DEAD. Even Rama wont stand to have him around.

-Bird Bones: All birds have hallow bones for lighter bodies and so they can fly. This has given Kee’Kaw the unfortunate liability of having brittle bones that break easily.

Personality: Kee’Kaw, the most obnoxious creature on earth, has about one thing on her mind. Having fun and being unnecessarily loud. The definition of fun for the monster is not for any orderly fashion, only chaos at the expense of humanity and anything else it wants to tear apart, or pester, or disturb.
Usually his day is all about finding at least one human building, then tearing it apart. Then he often eats the residence, before going on to taking a personal evacuation on somebody’s yard and ruining it. This is fallowed by picking up cars and usually crushing them, or just tossing them at random before dancing around and squawking a laugh. As if that wasn’t enough, he has the disposition of going against any military by not fighting them, but by mocking them by avoiding there traps and dancing around some more. Nothing but utter chaos to entertain itself.
For all the destruction and misery he causes, it isn’t for evil sake. This is all just his personal amusement that he thinks is innocent enough, and doesn’t seem to have a limit for it. In fact, he makes the noise of
“Keekawwww!” constantly as he dances around, hence his name.
In general, he is a coward as well. The irony is that he brings most of his troubles onto himself.

Oct 7, 2019
Once more Marian and her team were again onboard the Ammonite to continue fallowing Vastrato’s trail to unknown. That is, what events lay ahead. They knew very well they were in the Sea of Japan and heading south, only a few miles off coast as they fallowed there prized Kaiju.
Only over a week ago the team were back in north Korea’s mountain range and in the events that lead Marian to report on a benevolent kaiju; Rama the Divine Feline. Marian though the title was catchy and many agreed. She had completely left out all mention of Todd being present and only reported the situation.
After that fiasco, they kept trailing there star monster, who fallowed the mountains all the way to the East Sea of Japan. With a call to Heiberg on his ship, the captain docked nearby and picked up the team. Zero was more then happy to be back in his room, as was Vagrant since he could feel more secure. Marian was surprised at John though, who apparently knew of the monks and Rama’s existence.
“You knew?” She had said out loud in surprise.
“Of course I knew.” He elder man replied. “I been to the east many times in my life and spent much time there. I seen Rama and monk Myoshi in the past and they are good acquaintances.”
“What else do you know? First you tell me that the world is full aware of monsters, and that your family is like this bunch of kaiju savvy sailors, and that you know what Crypt Dragons are, plus Vastrato, and now you tell me that you know a ancient feline deity that could have benefited man kind?”
“Aye…” Was all he replied.
Marian’s eye twitched. “HOW IS THAT FUCKING POSSIBLE?!”
“Cursed sea witch, you do not have to shriek like a banshee. I know many things. I even have my fathers journal and all the leviathans and behemoths he came across.”
It was then Marian realized she had some one to reference. Some monsters could be well known just by what John Heiberg had in notes and journals. With that in mind, she feel more confident about her job and what she could accomplish.
Despite that though, her newest report that came from the Argentina, sent by the UN of course for her records. That was not the only thing going on. After quickly reading it, she decided to go over it with the rest of her team, Heiberg included. She walked to each of there rooms, told them to get into the control room and wait for her. So they did.
“Aye, I don’t like being kept waiting…” Heiberg grumbled to himself. He felt his place was to give orders, not take them. “My ship, I should be able to do what I want.”
Zero lightly shoved him. “Don’t complain. Your being paid to do this, remember? Besides, you want to know about this kaiju news as much as we do.”
Heiberg just mumbled something under his breath and walked around.
At last Marian walked in with a arm full of papers. “Good, your all here.” She announced. “There is a lot of shit going on, and I mean a lot.” She put the papers down. “Okay to start, one problem is already being handled… by Mercy’s team.”
“Of course… Well at least we don’t have to deal with one thing.” Vagrant begrudgingly agreed.
“Quite.” She fallowed up. “But to debrief, Argentina is under siege by very massive kaiju that has been attacking anything it can manage to eat. Farms, towns, and already a city had been assaulted. Reports say that the creature is resembling an anteater and armadillo at the same time. The locals have named it Len Lengua, which is native for Terrible Tongue.” She paused to let the words sink in. “So far, it has been confronted several times by military force and Cyber Razzek. Each time, however, Cyber Razzek has been heavily damaged.”
Heiberg grouched something inaudible.
Eyebrow raised, Marian looked to him. “Get it out of your system, John…”
“Well since yea invited…” He replied and began. “That damn abomination is no good. This is proof its failing, the damn world has wasted its money on making a monster into a mechanized demon. I say we take that damn devil fish of yours and tear it into pieces.”
At the though of that, Marian seemed to enjoy that idea. Mainly since it would get under Mercy’s skin like a creeping nematode. “We can’t do that and you know it.” ~Much to my displeasure~, she though to herself.
“What else?” Asked the mercenary.
“Okay… There have been more reports from Africa.” She began.
Zero looked curious. “Those two giant fish again? Misoko?”
“I ain’t sure.” Marian explained. “There have been reports of entire villages being torn up with no signs of survivors, signs of trails by some unknown creature and some odd black material. Since no one has lived through these odd attacks, there are not witnesses to tell what happened. As we are busy and as is the other team…” Adding to conclude this part of the brief explanation. “Nigel will be heading there to check things out.”
“That sounds good and all, but if those two jobs don’t need us, then where are we heading?”
“I’m glad you ask.” She replied. “Our next designation is the island of New Zealand, where herds of sheep are being taken in the middle of the night. A eye witness says that a bird the size of a jet is to blame. Since Vastrato is already seemingly head that way anyway, as I theorized.”
“Big bird, you say?” Heiberg spoke up.
Finally the moment she was waiting for. “You know of one from your journals?”
“Aye, indeed. Old pappy called them Gaurda Eagles. Says it was an old Indian and Asian legend of giant eagles and serpents called Naga’s.”
“Perhaps one of these Gaurda’s is in New Zealand then?” Vagrant suggested. “That’s a big birdie.”
“But it does not make sense. According to my great, great, great grandfather, the Garuda were good divine beings. If this is a Garuda, then something is very wrong with it.” John concluded.
With that in mind, Marian nodded and picked up the papers. “Okay, then. We head for New Zealand, figure out what the hell is going on, and try to tend to it as quick as possible. Get a good nice rest you all.” Dismissing the group.

While the ship sailed on, an omen appeared in the sky overhead. A streak of light shot across the sky as a alien rock feel to earth. Flames erupted from the falling star as it entered the atmosphere, bright as the fourth of July. Guided like a missile, the object fell toward Japan…
A massive crash as the impact rattled the small country and triggered a 6.9 earthquake along the fault line. In the pandemonium, rock slides happened all around the plate. In one of the many disasters, a glorious surprise. The southern Kyushu Island, the side of cliff collapsed over in on itself. A bright light erupted from the avalanche of rock in a surge of power. Flames began to reach toward the sky as a bright sapphire pulsed a pleasant and warming light.

In almost synchronized harmony, in Argentina that was already in the midst of disaster, was in for more surprises. In the same tomb that was explored by the second team, a quake of its own rumbled through the hallowed mountain. Stomping through the darkness, Lengua snorted and walked around in its den that was once home to the Incan's that worshiped the Crypt Dragon.
As the sun came up, it was time to retreat once more into the earth. Claws scaring the rock with ease, the domain rumbled as the behemoth dug into the cool, quiet underground. The force made the tomb rumble and rattle, loosening rocks.
In the corner, out of sight, a fissure split up the wall. Air escaped the cryptic room with a loud hiss. Minutes passed… and soon air was tainted with a black, crackling energy.

All the while, the impact sight of where the meteor fell too was the place of time. The meteor itself was not of normal quality… It was smooth and sleek like steel, without any markings at all. Yes, it was going to be an interesting set of events indeed…

Oct 18, 2019
United Nations had sent a full report to Marian about the event of the Ryukyu Meteor crash. The meteor was described as not natural and too smooth, without the slightest bit of damage from the impact or other abnormalities. This was big news, but not quite as big as the discovery only twenty miles to the northeast of the crater. A sort of burial had been uncovered in an avalanche, revealing what seems to be a resting tomb like an Egyptian pyramid. Upon the top of the structure sat a massive oval sapphire that released heat and flame.
The discovery of that was great and made Marian all the more eager to investigate them first hand. However she could not. Her job in New Zealand was still her main goal and she was forced to do one thing at a time. She would have to find time later in the future.
On top of that, reports from Nigel who was still in Africa to investigate the recent events there. So far there have been little to no major leads on what the situation is. However, Nigel did manage to recover some of the black material.
Now finally off the coast of northeast New Guinea of the Indonesian Islands. It was still a weeks journey at the very least from New Zealand.
So to pass the time, Marian tried to deal with other things. Mainly with theories with kaiju and such, but that only lasted a short time out of boredom. With a sigh, she left her room and walked through the halls and onto the main deck.
She was not quite the one that went for walks. No, she was more of a girl that would sit in her room, on her computer. Even though she had been on this long journey away from home, that was business. It was not every day she just got up and walked for the fun of it.
Leaning over the rail, she gazed out at the water. She recalled how she loved water, never got enough of it. She was fascinated with it, what lived in it, what it meant to all life on earth and then some. It is where life first began. She wondered, all those millions of years ago… Well, she wondered a lot of things of that time. Her more recent questions were about the first kaiju to ever exist. Enough evidence certainly suggests that it’s more then possible. Vastrato was in hibernation who knows how long, maybe since the dinosaurs themselves; Maybe.
Her though of concentration suddenly was broken with the disturbance of the water. She had to shake her head around to get her thoughts straight. Quickly she realized that Shairka was swimming alongside the Ammonite, her large lifeless eye on Marian. For a moment she was caught in her own past, only two short years ago this massive predator was an adorable newborn that she could hug like a teddy bear. If she wasn’t so un-huggable that is.
As if to wave to her, Shairka slowly rolled over and raised her fin high out of the water like a trained orca. It gave Marian a warm smile and she obliged with a gentle wave back. Shairka quickly rolled back onto her stomach and quickly dived into deeper water. A moment later, the leviathan broke the surface and went flying over the Ammonite like a rocket and came crashing down on the other side with a thunderous landing. Water rained down on the deck like a salty shower that made Marian flinched. “Shit, that’s cold!” She screeched out.
Suddenly a door slammed open above deck from the control room, Heiberg having kicked it open and stomping out. “Confounded devil fish!” His eyes shot down to Marian. “Woman, control your pet! I will not have her doing stunts like that and risking my ship like that!”
Shaking her hair free of water, Marian looked up and retorted. “Oh, hush you wind bag, she was just having fun…” With a huff, she did agree. “Either way, I wasn’t exactly fond of the shower either…” She shuddered as the cold water rinsed off her.
Without replying, Heiberg returned inside, slamming the door shut.
“Guess I will be taking a shower, then…” She said to herself and returned inside.
About thirty minutes later, she stepped out of her shower. She quickly found herself a top and shorts and decided to retire for the night. That is until she saw that she had a call in her laptop. Taking her seat, she accepted the call.
Suddenly Nigel was on screen and babbling his mouth away. “Marian! Big news! I was right, I was right! Extraterrestrials have come to earth in attempt to take over the planet! The UN has been hiding it and…”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Attempting to talk over her friends rapid talk. “Slow down and take a deep breath before you die from a lack of breathing.”
“Damn it, its hard!” Nigel took a deep breath. “Alright, this is what happened. I examined the black material I found and discovered its properties. The black material is a sort of living mass, like a mold.”
“Okay, and?” Marian didn’t seemed that interested so far. “Is it Kaiju related or just some new pathogen? Because I can’t do anything about a new species of mold that just happened to pop up.”
“It isn’t, its not even from this planet. I checked the cells of the this black material are prokaryotic, which means they are independent and they have no nucleus. Except these cells are moving in order like eukaryotic cells. Its like a colony of army ants, marching as one.”
She kept silent as she was still listening.
Nigel then went on. “And like a mass swarm of army ants, there feeding. They have these tiny… micro tendrils of sorts, reaching out and taking hold of proteins, and, and minerals, vitamins, all the things that life needs. But instead of feeding on them, there transporting them to somewhere while only taking minuscule amounts for themselves.”
“So…” she began, “ What does it mean?”
“So far, I am not sure. But its nothing from this planet. The chromosomes are like nothing I ever seen. The max, there is twenty-two chromosomes in a human, sixty-four in a guinea pig, one-hundred and thirty-two in a king fishing bird… But there are a total of three hundred in each cell, each copies of one set.”
“Then its some sort of animal, then?” She asked, throwing her two cents worth in.
“I do not know. It seems to be a mold, acting like a parasitic plant, acting like a animal. I can not explain it better then that.” He seemed unsure of himself. “All I know, is that it is not from this earth and has the capability to breed as suggested by the chromosomes. Everything is mixed up, nothing on this earth.”
Marian sighed. “Yes, you said that already. Just keep looking around, okay? Try to find out more. This might be something big…”
“Right. Nigel, out.” The connection ceased.
With much on her mind and being very tired, Marian retired for the evening…

Much to the dismay of her, things on New Zealand were getting out of hand. In fact, they got plain out chaotic! The major city of New Plymouth on the Northern Island was being assaulted in the middle of the day!
The next had came and as soon as the sun rose, a pair of wings shadowed the city in a omen. In the expectation of a brutal attack, instead came a string odd assaults… Cars being flipped, or defecated upon while the attacker picked off occasional humans.
The creature in question was a bird as reported from farmers in the southern island. Curved beak, molted feather colors of green, brown and some red, the creature was unmistakable from the islands most notorious animal besides the Kakapo. A massive Kea, grown to kaiju sized proportions.
This feathery menace had made it a personal desire to turn this city into its own personal wreck room. All day the damn thing had been doing nothing but simply destroying small things such as cars and small houses. Not exactly the true kaiju rampage that usually came.
At the moment, the bird held a car in its beak. A twinkle of curiosity was in its big round eye as it slowly tore the steel apart. With a casual flick, the bird tossed it away. When the car hit another car and set off a car alarm, the bird bobbed its head up and down with the ringing of the alarm, flowered by mimicking the sound in a loud and obnoxious manor.
People were running to get away. A state of emergency was in effect due to this creature being here and destroying stuff.
Even as they ran by, it was ignoring them this time around. Instead, it folded its wings out wide. With a sudden flap, a massive sonic boom exploded like TNT going off. The noise was very loud, shattering glass all around. The people in the streets feel to there feet in panic and pain as there ears rung like bells.
With a loud cackle, the avian monster began walking along rooftops as casually as it would in its own nest. It came across a small house and hopped down on top of it. Sounds of abuse from wood and concrete echoed as the beak tore into the settlement, tearing chunks from the house like a crunchy cracker.
Soon the house was unrecognizable. It looked like a pair of pliers had torn it up by a child with curiosity. With nothing of interest, the kaiju opened its wings and flew up into the air. Not to stay airborne for long, it soon landed on another building. After eating and working it off, now it was time to relieve.
Unfortunate for a taxi, it was in the wrong place at the wrong time. *SPLAT!*
Now that dirty business was out of the way, it was time to have more fun! Hopping onto a somewhat high perch, the monster began to making loud, high shrill calls. A mixture of different tones and general noises were being made, from loud squawking, to screaming, to a loud car alarm, to rude flatulence noises, and so on. This continued for about thirty minutes until the creature became more interested in other things.
Namely dancing while making more noise… Bobbing its head and body up and down, the bird began screaming loudly with the occasional “Kee’Kaw!!” with a few whistle and bell sounds.
Finally the birds parade was ruined when it was shot in the back with basic gunfire, just as jets raced overhead. In a quick panic, the gargantuan parrot was off the ground and flying after its attackers.
The F-19’s flew circles around the bulky bird. Being not a aerodynamic animal for speed, they soon got the better of the destructive animal. With constant bombardment and speed, this kaiju quickly became frustrated and outmatched.
With loud squawking, the wings carried the bird north…

“New orders from the UN, gentleman!” Announced Marian. Again she had called the group to the control room to brief them of there newest lead. “The kaiju has left New Zealand and been identified. They call it… uh… Kee’Kaw?”
Zero was the first to speak up. “We really have to start getting to these monsters before everyone else, otherwise the next thing they will think up is giving a big blob monster the name of Fluffy.” A snicker came from Vagrant who apparently enjoyed the joke.
“Yes, quite… Well, this Kee’Kaw is apparently heading north, toward us. It’s being chased by F-19 fighter jets corralled toward us. The UN wants us to take care of it…” Emphasizing the last few words.
The crowd was silent. It was obvious want the United Nations wanted: Kill this new kaiju. Marian to begin with did not like the idea, but Vagrant seemed to be open to it, while Heiberg seemed right out having a fun moment.
Vagrant finally spoke up. “So let me get this straight. Your giving full authorization to take this thing out?”
“Without you whining like a whelp?” Salty old John Heiberg added.
Groaning in displeasure, Marian nodded. “Yes, full authorization, no quarter, no restraints; whatever floats your boat.” She paced a few times before adding. “It destroys without reason, it has eaten people, and apparently its loud and annoying.” Gesturing at seemingly nothing she added “And as humans are, they want it dead. Typical.”
“At least I get to shot something at last, with reason.” The mercenary said out loud.
“Yes and its almost here. The attack happened hours ago, and we got less then one hour before its right on top of us. So Heiberg, warm up the Rail Guns and get ready. Your ship, after all.”
The old man grunted and picked up the speaking. “Attention all hands, enemy is approaching from the south. To all battle stations. This is not a drill.” After the brief orders, he pulled a switch and a loud alarm bells began to ring.
With a sigh, Marian walked away.

Flying away from the loud and annoying fire of the jets, Kee’kaw continued to fly north and across the sea. Occasionally he turned and attempted to fight, only to continue fleeing in fear from the faster black jets.

Only thirty minutes into there preparations, Kee’Kaw had arrived. Flying over the horizon, the jets had broke off chase as there job was done.
Heiberg was in the control room as he watched the winged beast approach, already coming down toward his ship as if it had means to land on it. “Not on my boat. Fire at will!” The words heavy with command.
Free to fire at whim, the crew took aim with the three port side rail guns that aimed up toward the incoming monster. Three shots popped off in two seconds, launching special explosives that detonated in mid air.
The explosions rattled the parrot, but it quickly swung around to begin circling the ship.
On the other side, the other three cannons fired. This time they fired plasma shots, leaving strings of burning hot air in there trail.
Kee’kaw squawked in panic. It had been cornered in and it was left with only one thing to do, and that was to fight back. Diving down to the ship in a quick movement, the birds wings flapped hard, the tips almost touching. A loud boom exploded, vibrating the water.
Those onboard the vessel had to cover there ears to shield them from the sudden noise.
Suddenly small bursts of fire hit Kee’Kaw’s chest, explode and making it back off from the ship. A quick scan of the ship and he saw the mercenary, Vagrant, standing on a higher level with his rifle. He pumped a few more explosive rounds into the feathery plumage.
With blood on the mind, Kee’Kaw swung around and flew straight over the ship, whirling up a gust of wind. The ship wobbled in the water lightly, the force not strong enough to do anything.
Vagrant stood at his post, reloading his weapon. Out in the open, the mercenary was about to plucked from his spot by the long and sharp beak that would certainly make mince meat from his frail body.
So close that Vagrant could feel the monsters smell breath, he was saved just in the nick of time by Zero, who shot an arrow into the birds win. The arrow exploded, having a charge attached to it. Once more the avian backed off and again began to circle the ammonite like a vulture waiting for prey to die.
Three more shots came from the Rail Guns, each fruitless in hitting there target. This bird proved that despite not being a very good flyer, it was good enough.

“Damn it. Were not getting anywhere with these new guns.” growled Heiberg. “Advanced weapon. Advanced shit.”
With a huff he just told. “Keep firing. We have to do something.”

But reloading took too long, and the two fighters Vagrant and Zero could do only so much. Kee’Kaw came in again, coming down at the ship with claws and beak at hand.
Suddenly the churning sea exploded in a burst of power as Shairka erupted from the ocean like a torpedo from hell! A cave of teeth opened wide to engulf the parrot like a crocodile snatching a duck.
Kee’Kaw shrieked in panic and quickly dodged, leaving the shark with nothing but the air as she crashed back to the ocean. In revenge, Kee’Kaw hovered in mid air, beginning to shriek immensely loudly to the point where it became so high in pitch, that it hurt the ears.
Below in the water, Shairka thrashed her head around in pain from the noise. The noise was painful and plain out aggravating as possible. Pain and irritability were easy words to use, but surely not good enough or the pain this creature brought.
Of course, Shairka was not the only one being angered. From the dark depths below her and rushing past her with most haste. Kee’Kaw saw the shadow emerging from below and moved just in time. Vastrato burst from the waters and after the obnoxious pest, jaws wide. Apparently the noise was so loud and annoying that it even managed to rouse the she-croc’s anger and from that depth. Much like Shairka, the crocodile had no luck in snatching the source of all the annoying commotion.
Her entire body hung in mid air, defying gravity for a short time before falling back into the sea once more.
Kee’Kaw’s sense of humor quickly came back as he squawked and whistled in amusement. Vastrato’s head rose from the water, eyes glaring at the little cretin with a gaze that screamed of murderous desire. Shairka too lifted her head in a spy hopping manner, glaring at the feathered fiend with the same idea.
The mood apparently went back to critical and grim. Seeing that there was now three enemies, Kee’Kaw quickly turned and began flying north again.

“Its getting away.” Vagrant announced to Marian who was watching from the sheltered deck area. Since the danger was past, he lowered his gun and relaxed. “I guess we owe thanks to Vastrato and Shaika. They seem to have it out for that one.” He gestured as Vastrato began to swim after the bird.
Marian came out. “That seems to be the case. Its our job to chase down Kee’Kaw now, as well as fallow Vastrato. Tell Heiberg to turn around the ship and to fallow those kaiju!”

Meanwhile while the fight was just over, things in Japan just got more interesting. The massive jewel of fire that was now surrounded by officials and blocked off from the public so it may be observed.
Now though, things changed. flashes in power and heat like some discharge of energy. Moments later, a crack appeared along the surface. The crack grew bigger and spread out across the surface as if pressure grew and grew on the inside. With one final eruption of power, the glassy surface shattered in a brilliant display of flames that erupted into the sky and shook the air itself. The fire quickly was pulled back together, swirling into a vortex of flames. It seemed that the twister of flames would consume the area… But as soon as it was there, the fire died into a smaller and smaller. At last the flames came to a small smolder, and by small smolder, the flames turned into building sized ball.
When the flames completely vanished, all that was left was a fuzzy, white creature with gentle sapphire eyes and a soft white coat…
Life has returned…


Yeah, yeah, I know. Another big animal with no major features or powers, I know. But you know what, I like doing that. Because people already put big plates and spins on all there kaiju, mixing them into Chimera's and such.
But no threat, there will be many more in DoM that will fit the bill.

Now, Kee'Kaw came from a conversation that me and had about Kea parrots, as well as Kakapoo and other various parrots. We both decided to do a parrot kaiju of sorts. Specifically Kea's. But our ideas went completely different routes from each other.
My Kea is pretty much a small, weakish monster that is.... really, really annoying. That is all he is. Annoying. So annoying and obnoxious that you will want to blow up the earth if it meant killing him. I don't think anyone at all ever made a kaiju that is just simply annoying. Yeah, Tyrantis made Ozdyctles and there pretty mean spirited, but Kee'Kaw is suppose to be worse then that.

Now that he is done... its time for some old favorites ~W~
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Comments: 27

TheDubstepAddict [2016-07-11 18:39:39 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ILovsTicciToby [2015-01-27 07:17:02 +0000 UTC]

So your a Kiwi?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AkityMH In reply to ILovsTicciToby [2015-01-27 07:28:36 +0000 UTC]

Am I a Kiwi? Why would I be a Kiwi?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ILovsTicciToby In reply to AkityMH [2015-01-28 07:02:13 +0000 UTC]

Oh I just thought since not many people know what a Kia is or a Kakapoo, if your not a Kiwi then it's all good! lol I am

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AkityMH In reply to ILovsTicciToby [2015-01-28 07:15:05 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

FakaPokeBio [2011-08-07 16:07:23 +0000 UTC]

More awesome typos in the form of, "he was saved just in the nick of time by Zero, who shot an arrow into the birds win."

I remember Keas, goddamn was it fun to watch 'em waddle around and be chased off by angry tourists who just had a bit of their car torn apart.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AkityMH In reply to FakaPokeBio [2011-08-07 16:45:31 +0000 UTC]

>.> Again, my Spellcheck is evil. It really is.

but thanks, the whole part of this Kaiju was to be so annoying, that people love him.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TyrantisTerror [2011-08-06 22:59:40 +0000 UTC]

A very interesting character! That said, yeah, his design just looks like a normal parrot.

However, amongst the birds, Parrots are a bit more easy to kaijufy. Their beaks have a more complex shape than the average bird (lots of angels and curves), they've got really weird feet, and they tend to have weird feather arrangements - long tail and wing feathers, feather mohawks, etc. There's a lot to work with when it comes to parrots.

So in addition to redesigning this guy so he looks, y'know, BIG, I suggest also looking at many different parrots and finding the most outrageous traits amongst them. Then combine it into one bird. The result should be monstery and maybe even a bit obnoxious to fit his personality.

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AkityMH In reply to TyrantisTerror [2011-08-06 23:03:02 +0000 UTC]

Taken into note.

Whats odd here is that I wanted him to look like this. I wanted him tiny, annoying and just funny to look at. Hard to do when you make a monster a monster.. Though, I am sure I could have done it. Still, maybe a second swing around another time in later years and I might have him down perfect.

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Vagrant-Verse [2011-06-28 15:21:24 +0000 UTC]

I really like the coloring on the feathers, pretty convincing for a traditional rendering.

The annoying character helps him out quite a bit, really makes one forget how simple the design is until you're done reading about him.

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AkityMH In reply to Vagrant-Verse [2011-06-28 22:39:24 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. I worked hard(obviously) to get his personality to stick out from his physical look.

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The-Great-MM [2011-06-28 03:57:02 +0000 UTC]

I wanna give it a cracker.

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AkityMH In reply to The-Great-MM [2011-06-28 04:07:57 +0000 UTC]

He prefers human beans(pune for being and Beans.... CHILLI!)

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JacobSpencerKaiju79 [2011-06-28 02:30:24 +0000 UTC]

Well, I like him.

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AkityMH In reply to JacobSpencerKaiju79 [2011-06-28 02:32:45 +0000 UTC]


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JacobSpencerKaiju79 In reply to AkityMH [2011-06-29 05:01:21 +0000 UTC]


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ProfessorCene [2011-06-27 13:44:14 +0000 UTC]

This is the first Kea kaiju I've ever seen. I bet the people who watched as their car was torn apart and chucked at them find Kee'Kaw more than annoying.

I'm wondering, is your series one with grey and grey morality? Because Marian's apathy towards the people killed by kaiju is kind of rubbing me the wrong way if she's meant to be seen as a hero.

Also you say that the events of this bio take place in August after the encounter with Rama, yet in Rama's bio, you say those events took place in September.

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AkityMH In reply to ProfessorCene [2011-06-27 19:35:45 +0000 UTC]

>,< Crap I will correct that now. I get confused.

Well Marian is just trying to argue for Kaiju sake, because the whole thing is that humanity is sort of hating on Kaiju when they are obviously smart enough to have there own rights. So she doesnt like it when people just wannna kill them without a second though.

But thanks.

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ProfessorCene In reply to AkityMH [2011-06-27 23:21:30 +0000 UTC]


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AkityMH In reply to ProfessorCene [2011-06-27 23:24:40 +0000 UTC]

Be prepared, though. Things now get really good.

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ProfessorCene In reply to AkityMH [2011-06-27 23:51:48 +0000 UTC]

¡Qué fantastico!

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Ravensaurs-Rex [2011-06-27 10:26:57 +0000 UTC]

Anything more annoying then Kea here? The closest I have is Flauker and Hornswoggle with Avi coming up a close third.

A parrot kaiju is a pretty neat idea and while I'm not fond of how 'weak' he is shown here, Kea is certainly a very interesting character to work with. There are only a handful of parrot monsters on DA, though me and Gil have talked it over once or twice and have our own ideas if we ever try to make a few more. In any case, pretty cool bugger you get here Aka.

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AkityMH In reply to Ravensaurs-Rex [2011-06-27 19:36:20 +0000 UTC]

I though people would kinda dislike him since he is only a big animal and nothing special.

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Ravensaurs-Rex In reply to AkityMH [2011-06-27 21:13:42 +0000 UTC]

Well yeah, design wise he isn't much to look at, but he has a pretty funny character.

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AkityMH In reply to Ravensaurs-Rex [2011-06-27 21:40:54 +0000 UTC]

hehe I hoped as much.

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HayesAJones [2011-06-27 09:10:34 +0000 UTC]

Ah! I love him! For something that lives only to annoy, I think he's pretty likeable.

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AkityMH In reply to HayesAJones [2011-06-27 19:33:41 +0000 UTC]

hehe thanks

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