AkizuRyuuri — Nakina - My AVATAR OC

Published: 2010-08-03 23:55:31 +0000 UTC; Views: 17698; Favourites: 134; Downloads: 121
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Description This picture is Nakinä with her ceremonial/warrior duds… ~.=.^
The bio below is completely of my own making, obviously, with James Cameron being the owner of the Avatar movie and all related materials.
THIS PIC IS COPYRIGHT TO , who's free-for-all-to-use Avatar Maker [link] I used. (She doesn't mind people submitting them as deviations, as evidenced by her favoriting them when you notify her. I HAVE notified her regarding this deviation.)
..I SWORE I’d never use a freaking crappy, unoriginal “doll maker” in my life, but her art and program is rather good, professional even. -3- And my human anatomy skillz are still completely nil…*Feels bad about having to use this though*

Exceedingly long/in depth (incomplete!) character bio no Jutsu~

Name: Nakinä
—Her mother, and father, gave her that name because it 'sounds feminine'.

Age: 19 as of the destruction of the Omaticaya’s ancestral Hometree. Barely reaching the age for a common ikran makto. It never comes to her mind how many years she is, really, not paying too much attention to “numbers.” Nakinä has always been jeeringly called “more adult than she should be”, mentally, even though she has some tendencies that are rather child-like...'youthful'.

Height: She is taller than average, but not to the height of the general 'altitude' of male na’vi.

Wild and extraordinary, Nakinä is a unique one, indeed, being quite unusual for a na’vi. And for a people as varied as the Omaticaya, that's something to say.

She has this quiet mystique about her, and has the soul of an utter free-spirit. Caging her in any manner or form never ends well. She sees things, people, and the world differently, being both gifted and cursed with a different-thinking mind than “everyone else.” And she is not ’reluctantly different’ about all that she is, she likes it—without want of being a nonconformer, like many humans tend to be. ...As not to say that she isn’t a nonconformist, because by description she truly is. She is modest to a fault, and one of her odd quirks is that she actually has no pride, just a solid sense of dignity. She feels good after accomplishing something, and most especially being able to help others attain things, but has not ever known what that self-projecting, high and mighty, boastful pride is or really feels like, beyond what her gift of empathy—putting herself mentally and emotionally in another’s mindset—tells her about it.

Nakinä is insufferably curious, always seeking with insatiable thirst the ‘how-why-and-how-come?’s, and is terminally observant. This makes her a great listener. Whether people like that fact or not. She always hears what her friends have to say, most particularly them.

Her deep thinking makes her conversationally (comparatively) slow, and the verbal spewers really get irritated with that, so she does focus on points that she wants communicated when talking. She's still working on her social expression skills, probably a lifetime project.

Along with the deep thinking, she doesn't play keepaway or go around in circles over what she sees as useless at the moment because she does not beat around the bush, and really does not like it when others do. Yet she does know to be tactful, and is a bit too timid at times with that…

Her patience varies considerably, according to the situation, but she is known to almost literally drag people into doing things if they dodge it for now by procrastinating in some way for what she sees as "stupid" reasons. She actually is a hypocrite there and a big procrastinator sometimes, with certain things. Her attention can be fleeting, and she unintentionally gets hyperfocused when working on things sometimes. This fact also shows her hard work ethic.

Nakinä takes a long time (too long to everyone else) to make decisions because she does and is able to look at all her options fairly, being innately broad-minded, and can see more than one expects. The opposite is true too. She can be very oblivious, "pure minded", about things, knowing neither the power of hatred nor greed nor pride. Especially not the latter.

She nearly always makes smart decisions, even if the situation turned on its head in the end. She knows life is tough that way, and just goes with the flow—it seems to be in her very nature. (She is considered a "weaver", as in a creator of art or inventor/problem-solver. AKA a "different thinker.") Because she can think fairly, and rather unbiased, she looks down upon those who spout anything but helpful criticism with disdain. If they care even enough to critique something, then they shouldn't evade the issue and say something blatantly biased and 'stupid'.

It will not hurt her feelings though, just make her look at you and your stupidity funny... It is extremely hard to hurt her feelings. Intention is everything with her, and she really needs to learn not to trust as much as she really does.

Nakina is quite unreadable a person, given her eccentricities and mannerisms. She is a natural born intuitive(Can read people very well, body language and the like. All unspoken cues.), and strangely empathic, so people seem to think that she is because she has always been on the intake—a listener who really does listen, and try to understand from their perspective... Despite the connotation of 'always being on the intake', she is an always-giving person, ready with a helping hand when one really does need it. She is very unselfish. Hopelessly.

There has never been an age limit when it comes to her friends, because she loved to hear their stories, and wisdom. Her innocent naïvety has ever charmed many an adult. The elderly found her child-self endearing, and liked her retained innocence and honesty as she grew up. As she got older, however, the other half of the population—adults—came to look down on her very pronounced 'deviations' in mannerisms and especially personality quirks. The common thought and belief is that Eywa was community(technically in the perspective of the world), and such variance from all others that are a normal, naturally 'integrated', part of the community brings not a (proper) communion with Eywa. The na'vi are a highly social, community-driven people. To be so different, and be by choice, was as if not choosing Eywa, not following Eywa's path. Contrary to this, she is highly spiritual, and feels as if she does in fact deeply connect with nature...

General Likes: Running. Really fast. Water; she loves hanging out around and swimming in rivers and lakes or even beaches. Her ikran. Splashing around in the shallows with her friends, and bathing with her ikran, he being wary of the water and takes great care not to slip, only because he can't fully close the air intakes on his chest, and a certain incident with a particularly 'evil' fish... Making things, however random they are. Skypeople that she perceives as openminded. Skypeople things, to which she has a little collection of...*ahem*
(Tì’eyng: Little..? Really now... *shakes head* It's more like a darn hoard.
Nakinä: #O-O# H-hey...who's side are you on? *timidity showing*
Tì’eyng: ...Kxetse sì mikyun kop plltxe.[Na'vi phrase: ...The tail and ears also speak.]*knowing grin*
Nakinä *irked* -_<* Tì’efumì oeyä... Ngeyä kxetse lu oeru!! *pounce-tackles rawr-like*[I think... Your tail is mine,/you’re goin' down!!]
*evilly tickles giant fish-birddragon to death xD*)
Getting back at her 'compadre'. He's such a jerk sometimes....
The vibrant and colorful, billowing auroras that happen on Pandora for a week every month. [link] Her often hilarious family. Her few, select friends that tolerate her unusualness and find her harebrained sense of humor funny. Lots of other little things...
It is her unintended life's mission to make people laugh, enjoy life outside the box they make for themselves.
General Dislikes: "Icky, squishy, gross and slimy" things to quote her. She is a germophobe in this manner. Getting hurt, being stuck in one place, and not being able to run around as she pleases. Being 'caged'. Idiots; people who don't care to think beyond themselves and what they know, and especially when they don't have simple common sense. Very sweet, 'saccharine' tasting things, such as artificial flavors in Terran candies... People think her strange for this, but Banana Fruit(Utu mauti) [link] , which is the equivalent of a human not liking any kind of sour or even spicy foods! She does not like sour/'tart', spicy, or hot things. The latter she finds "Not a flavor." She is picky when it comes to taste...she concocts some great food though when she helps cook. (Cooking is also intertwining within her family.)

Descriptive and beyond~:
Eyes of a saturated blue, but with a bronze-flared ring at the center that retains half-ish of the normal ‘gold’ coloration to her na’vi eyes. Both being very abnormal traits for a na'vi, which she had inherited from her mother, and is notoriously prevalent in her mother's family. Both her siblings have shades of those eyes and hair color from that side, surprisingly. Strong genes or something.
Her hair is revealed to be strangely-colored when in strong light or upon close inspection, and is light by na'vi standards, and especially so because of the extent of time she spends above the canopy, in the direct sun(s).

Her body type, also directly inherited from her mother, is rather lacking in upper body strength, thus it took a lot to be able to learn to properly use a bow. When she eventually did, however, it became very apparent that she had great talent with marksmanship. This doesn’t apply at much longer distances, due to a “slight” eye problem she got from her dad.

That's the extent of her physical oddities. With a minor exception for a certain na'vi-'birthmark' lock of hair, which is not an abnormal thing for a na'vi by itself, but it's an uncommon shade instead of the slight change in color most birthmarked na'vi get. It's a color that's found on her dad's side too, shown a little under her main skin pigment.

It's very rare that you see Nakinä without her leather ‘shinguards’. When she went to the School years ago, she had met Grace, quickly becoming the teacher's pet due to her kindhearted, modest nature, and ever-willingness to help out. Nakinä is and will always be hardheaded and strong-willed. Even though she doesn't crash through the forest "like a fool", she is abundantly energetic and active in nature, and tends to be extraordinarily reckless. So Grace would fuss over her especially, and try to help her little friend by cleaning the little cuts and scrapes on her shins that she had all the time in her youth. Nakinä came to be disgusted with medical things. Because she was too innocent to say no, she would often go jump in a river and take a long swim, effectively removing that terrible "unnatural" chemical smell from herself, saving her acute sense of smell the grief. Then she became older, and more proficient with her hands. Upon her first successful hunt, a celebrated landmark, she used the leather that a friend had to help her prepare—to make the shinguards and took some of the stored ink no one ever used—they rarely ever use black—out of a whim. (She has never bothered to mix another color or shade because the leather gets worn so much that it fades to a closer-to-natural-if-still-black hue.

She liked it, her 'stalking' style already minimizing how much of her somewhat solid-colored shinsguards were visible, thus didn't really affect her ability to camouflage. Her mother did not protest (much) to how ostentatious it made her seem, but was in hopes that more males would notice her, thus Eywa would have the right one find her ‘wild’ daughter sooner so she can finally settle down.[Double meaning. ]

That first pair didn't last a Pandoran year with her trouncing all over the place, so she occasionally replaces them if she thinks they're worn out enough, AKA when it's falling apart. Following the completion of her prized 'apparel' and Grace seeing it, that the woman became very interested in her uniqueness. She stood out from the rest of the na'vi like a sore thumb, but her deep sense of self and her individuality would have been much more of a human trait than the completely social-minded na'vi...

Grace indulged her scientific curiosity and also found this a good time to do a little anthropological research. Thus began talking to her about more varied subjects, not only learning more about traditions and rites that the girl was going through in that part of her life firsthand, but on the seemingly Darwinistic discovery before her. The na'vi had lived the same for eons, and yet there was one amongst them that was..different... This seemed a great intrigue.

Her riding goggles, which displaces the thick and heavy atmosphere's wind that would be blowing in her eyes(especially with her and her ikran's crazy flying speeds), are passed down from her beloved elder brother, whom had grown to full physical adulthood and needed another to fit him.

The claw she always has tied around her neck in some fashion, came from Tì’eyng, her goof of an ikran. (The broken wing-claw is growing back.) There seems to be a story behind it as well...

Beads are an important part of decorative na'vi symbology:

Two beads are 'silver' metal(unobtainium ore), which doesn't float well because they are impure nuggets that she has found alongside river banks, where their slight floatation gets them washed up to the edge, and thus in view if you're lucky to get it before it gets washed away again. They are naturally roundish, due to the self-consistency of this gravity repulsing ore, and whatever their impurity-compound is that bonds with the unobtainium to make it an 'alloy' of sorts that is very soft and malleable, as opposed to the rough, rocky yet very solid, pure unobtainium.

The others were given to her as a na’vi tradition, to give decorations as a means of wishing one good fortune, and safety, because they knew she, as one of the elite ikran makto(ikran rider[s]), would fight skypeople when the war finally did happened and the Omaticaya made their stand. She gave her family and all her friends that would fight alongside her the other silver beads that she had left from her collection, which is why she has three remaining.

The flower-colored one(magenta-purple), was from her little, as in age and shortness, brat sister—whom acts older than her somehow. They are about two years apart, and polar opposites. Despite their differences, they get along very well half of the time.
Dark navy represents her elder brother by four years who made her this bead of rich color of the highest quality out of much concern for her in her "skypeople-stalking", and because she is often called to scout the ever-encroaching intruders who have been 'taking' portions of their forest's territory and, rather rarely, to carry messages to another tribe due to her love for speed and also travel to far off places. She is a special-courier for the tribe. That is definitely another story for another time.

Her father did find one of the two glassy-sea colored crystals, but gave her the milky seafoam pebble.
Her mother made the pure white woven-bead. (Nakinä likes anything her mom dyes with her own famous white-dye.)
And the bright white tail decoration which was given as an iknimaya(the ikran-choosing rite of passage for her adult/warriorhood) completion present, secretly for the same reason she let her child wear those, in the mind of an average joe Omaticaya, ridiculously black shinguards. She thus supports her child's eccentric, for a na'vi, style of self-decoration. She is also worried about her strong fixation and undeniable intrigue on the skypeople, which has influenced her 'apparel' more than her parents would like. Her father has a mixed opinion on this, but stays silent. Only warning her, constantly lecturing on the problematic aliens who are definitely not "in Eywa's eye", whenever there is a conversational opportunity.

She has a dubbed "obsession" with strings. Thus her choice in 'clothes' and accessories.
Her mother, and her mother's friends, have commented on how her 'style' of decoration—the strings in particular—are very much like her mom's.

Her mother was born into a lineage of weavers skilled at their handicraft, thus is a dedicated clan täftxuyu(weaver). She is well-respected for her age and known for her stubbornness and the vivid and unique colors of the textiles she makes(such as her teyr, white), which can be produced because of her husband's half-'job'/hobby of collecting miscellaneous materials for the clan's common storage area, that in the tier of things he is one of the effective 'managers'. He gathers food as well, since he is involved with the clan stores, and is a warrior thus hunter.

Even as a young girl, Nakinä has always wanted to go out with her father and elder brother when he does these day-long forest gathering trips, being absolutely fascinated and entralled since a young age at the random/rare objects he brings back, thus has also taken up the hobby herself. (There is oft a jested remark that the pair are the reason why the Omaticaya's celebrations and merrymaking can be as elaborate as it is.) This is why she can deck herself out with these 'beads' she has gathered and diligently made into beads(Boring the hole through such material without powertools, you know. @-@), and wears lots of feathers. Like her mother, she loves feathers(Pandoran equivalents), collecting any she sees off the forest floor, under the nests high up in the trees, whenever she sights any.

Nakinä had a patchwork leather pouch made of scrap skins that she keeps behind her, and had made this solely so she can collect things wherever the wind blows her. Nakinä is a more avid collector than him, though, her now being the main individual keeping the item stores (the unusual-material supplies, mostly) well-stocked and stuffed to the brim with more material for the artistic-inclined of the community to use and create better trinkets and decorations. This was a good thing once the war drew nearer, there was much decorative material to go around and Nakinä in particular had no holds barred, commissioning a friend to make her an extra slingbag, Tì’eyng-approved of course, to bring for her then lengthening trips to scout the forest and such.

The rather decorative string ‘top’ she wears was a gift received when she was of-age, as in puberty, chosen of her favorite color dyes...the ones more earthy in tone at least, which was her mom’s intent.(Her daughter is ‘different’ enough…) There are perks to having a weaver mother.
The original material came from a variety of giant fibrous reed in the swamplands, far deep into the marshes, it being hollow and 'ringed' horizontally by its tubular structure. This works well because the bands can keep reasonably connected, and she does not have to tie any strings.

As you can tell, she is exceedingly adventurous. Nakinä is a boisterous individual. Yet nowhere near a loudmouth like her sister proves to be, being generally quite quiet, speaking when she decides that she has something to say. Thus, in turn, people tend to listen to her opinions when she does eventually reveal them. As stated, those who know her understand that she is a great listener. She loves to hear what others think and feel. She loves helping people in any way she can, especially her friends, even if in small ways. She often gets in over her head with all the things she gets involved with. It's a common occurance to see her darting around topspeed, and apologizing profusely if she was late. Which is exceedingly often.

For her birth day one year, her big brother carved her a nice, wide chey, a personal belongings rack with hooks and everything to accommodate all the random goodies she collects, and often shares these trinkets with good friends. ‘Chey’ Tradition: [link]

Nakinä cannot dance or sing, which are keystone common abilities for na'vi, for the life of her, and has been made fun of for as long as she remembers. She does not like it, of course, but decides that she will never care for their witty comments on her utter lack of talent, only that she made her friends laugh which she likes to do since she's silly like that. Thus her purposefully 'trying' to dance is a normal joke and even a phrase among her peers. She is far from tone-deaf though, her hearing being acute and ever alert, plus her attraction to melodies.

[link] Nakinä can 'hand dance', and does it preferably in private, but has not developed it as an art skill to be shown to others at all. She loves music with rhythm and flow, and when she gets into it, the beauty of the 'performance' would be rather immersing. There are no "stories" when she does this, she portrays emotion in a very resonating manner—that is her 'story'. This, you guessed it, is all very unusual.

The shades of how Nakinä feels changes often...not in the bipolar-like sense.[*Laughs at the notion*] Truthfully, it is more of just a mood type of thing. She is an in-the-moment person, and kind of acts like it, much to everyone's discontent. Nakinä is an open individual, and does not guard how she feels at any given moment though, unless she's not feeling right or well... She doesn't like to spread the gloom, so she at least tries to act as she normally does. This only adds to how misunderstood she is, however.

She often hears “Watch your tail, child!” which is the na'vi method of saying something like "Control yourself./Don't give me an attitude!" or "Be more tactful." because the tail, and flickering and stronger glowing of the bioluminescent 'freckles' is a bodily cue as to a na'vi's mood and emotions, the spots being an unconscious but still capable-of-being-controlled thing unless you're an Avatar. Avatars need to learn all these things.

Nakinä finds herself absently singing the weaving [link] , spiral [link] , or similar songs in a low manner due to having heard them so often during her childhood, when she is making or fixing things—generally working with her hands, which is a very average occurance.

Human music of any kind is something that Nakinä is very intrigued with(in regards to the overall songs themself, she doesn't like a lot of what she hears from the soldiers however), as it has innate structure, “beats” and ”rhythm”, completely unlike na’vi music. (Look for it in the movie and you'll see...)

She has a big ‘lisp’ when speaking the na’vi “r”, which is a definite “rolling r.” As such, dreamwalkers find it strange that she sounds rather (passably, vaguely in some circles) like an English-speaker without that single na’vi-accent sound(half of the rolling sound within letters, not just on 'r') when she tries to communicate in their language. She’s rather bemused with this fact, thus stays ‘lispy.’

It’s a long story, but Grace had deemed her to have an extreme medical phobia, given the much stronger reaction than the other na’vi when confronted with such things. She declines to comment about it though. Needless to say, no one had asked her to donate blood and bodily material or anything for research, nor were many willing to ‘be involved’ when she got hurt, after they found out the extent of it. She has left scars too…
One should go the other way when they hear her loud growling-hiss erupt. There is debate among the Omaticaya on whether it comes from her father or mother, there's equal propensity from both they believe. She is known to hiss a lot—and snarl like some predatory animal during fights.

Earlier on in those years, the woman began to notice that Nakinä has to squint to see fine detail at a good distance away. Grace learned from her that her father had it too, marking a form of genetic issue shared by humans and na'vi. Because it would not be freaky or invasive, Nakinä let her use some kind of machine to scan her eyes, and Grace found that she had a na'vi form of myopia—and was completely intrigued at such a revelation. Thankfully rather mild compared to what the human version can do.

It was not even a year later, on her birth day, that Grace had quite unexpectedly presented her with something that she never thought possible. When she put the glasses on, a thing that the woman had somehow been able to bribe someone at the human base into manufacturing, she was reluctant, but tried the extremely foreign object on her face, letting her eyes attempt to adjust to the weird new vision they would need to get used to. She looked off into the great distance, seeing ayzize'(hellfire wasp) flit through the highest canopy, and she cried. She was a sobbing mess for a while after. Nakinä is very visual an individual, and had a strong attachment to the world around her.

She had always kind of known that she could not see as all others did, but all of that which she did miss hit her hard. The world was full of beauty to her, and hated to the pits of the word not be able to experience it. Hindrances were not easily tolerable with her. At least now she knew exactly why she had problems with her bow, her inferior hunting ability.

Nakinä wore those glasses every time she stepped out of Hometree. She knew quite well that the other children would make fun of the new 'ugly' accessory she in front of her face. She wore them to every hunt. Nakinä's father had become very proud of her new accomplishments, and her newfound talent of accuracy, not minding the aid of the item gifted from a skyperson to his daughter any longer.

This was not to be, nor last forever, however.
One day, the youngest of Ateyo's sons caused something to happen with a pa'li Nakinä was riding. She was practicing her bow while the pa'li was moving and then it reared at a sudden, very sharp sound. Nothing you'd naturally hear in nature. Startled at being thrown off, she didn't notice immediately that she had crushed her precious glasses.
He had done it on purpose, and that stoked the flames...

By then, the School was an empty shelter in forest. Grace and her dreamwalker colleagues sent away. She could not ask for another pair from her eldest of childhood friends. Nakinä's 'beautiful vision' was gone, but her mind was only strengthened from that sorrowful cave-in. She knew beauty on the inside. ...Yet that also brought longing like a sharp edged knife.
Something happened a little later, and she got into a skirmish with the kid, him calling her out on her physical inability of sight and affection for those skypeople and their 'treasures' left behind that she loved searching many hours for. She got absolutely ticked and told him off—something no one ever expected out of her, the silent, unobtrusive one—she fought the boy like a furious, cunning animal. Her eyes, the ones they had formerly teased her about, were enough for others to keep their distance during this, absolutely feral growls and hisses, sharp glint of bared fangs aside.

He gave in at the end, quite beat and scratched up, but only after the fact that they were interrupted by the adults before it really got out of hand. Word now spread that the harmless little child, the most easygoing and pleasant of them all that enjoyed laughing at the world in general had now proven to have a very, very dangerous fire in her. That she had the presence of and was as powerful as the great palulukan on the inside, despite her misleadingly laidback appearance. The common gossip then included her spirit animal someday being found a rather vicious palulukan, a strong and ferocious warrior spirit, like her father had—of this, no one had any doubt whatsoever. This and the fact that she had probably scared off any prospective males for her future mate singlehandedly. The ones who would be attracted to her for the fire that could become so vicious were certainly not the ones she liked...

Her extensive time at the ‘School’ in her childhood taught her in particular the complete novelty that is the ingenious usage of markings to convey words. ‘Writing.’ (Note that the na’vi do not have a writing system, thus they are a preliterate society.) While she is very excellent at writing in na’vi with the skypeople’s alphabet, she is an absolute failure when learning another language. Nakinä does know some ’Ìnglìsì(English) words and choppy phrases though, due to her lifelong interest and ‘observations’ of skypeople.

Grace rather incredulously called her a “sneaky ninja” upon learning of the latter...and due to her attempts to actually explain that and convey what she meant of it rather than calling her an assassin, Nakinä now calls herself in slightly broken English “Stealth ninja Nakinä” when confronted with a skyperson or the skypeople-clothed na'vi that were really human—dreamwalkers. She does not understand the abrupt peals of alien-sounding laughter or the looks she sometimes gets.

Since bonding an ikran, she has had to hone all of her special skills in skypeople observation, since they had become hostile by that day[Gunssss... -_-], and were enemies to the People. As of now, she is the “Stealth ninja [English then Na'vi] of the sky.” Or “Nakinä, borne of the wind.” which is her slightly affectionate title within the People.

She has always had a complete obsession with flight, the heavens above, even before her father took her for rides on his ikran when she was a kid. It was her mother’s dream, that she never accomplished and regretted, to have gained her warriorhood—just to be able to ride an ikran, to feel the sky, for her husband's to take two adults...the ikran of whom didn't even accept her for a one-time experience. Her eldest child, her son’s ikran did not particularly like her either.

It was when Nakinä came back from her iknimaya with the infamous rascal of an beast ‘kxener vrrtep’(smoke demon), the “monster” of a very “insane” and mischievous ikran that disappears as if only smoke from the clan fire pit, that her mother could achieve this dream. It took loads of coaxing and sheer nagging for her to hop on. And lots of scrap guts for treats as payment. “Tì’eyng”(answer, response), as Nakinä calls him, has strong flight muscles that would allow a second rider for a short enough time. Just long enough to fulfill a dream...

She gave him the name Tì’eyng because, in so many ways that she couldn’t possibly explain, he was her answer…and Eywa’s response.
He, being of the most curious and explorative sort, loves his likeminded ‘companion’, and can’t get enough of her comparatively more intelligent mind’s observations and ponderings—in moderation of course. Her mind is always running on something, or occasionally layering things so that it she was multitasking, and it gave his mind so much of a headache for a while that he had to put his lower stabilizing-wing down and actually show her how to mentally keep her mind in check, with his crazy methodology of course. That helped, fortunately.

However impulsive, he was controlled. She was not, but within her disorienting psyche she had mental depth that he would have never cohered before. An extent of this is normal for long-time rider and ikran.

The impish and zany ikran-misfit who just longed to have stimulation, some fun, had found his companion, ultimate victim, or even flock/lifemate. (Even though, it seems, bonded ikran don't have ikran mates... Celibate ikran. lol I hate to bring up the word again, but it's a bit Darwinistic if you think deep into that thought-track.) They are not even sure. The rest of the clan, however, knows that their bond is remarkably deep for an ikran and bonded makto. They’re always hanging around each other, when she’s not deep within the innards of the Hometree. In her family’s eyes, they are parent and child. This was a subject of the usual banter and discussion for a long while, but they have decided on calling him her adoring little devil of a ‘pet’ that only she can keep in line, just to finally have an end to this incomprehensible friendship conundrum.

He, startlingly having garnered a good amount of intelligence for an ikran from her extremely receptive and open mind, has gotten to understand what the na’vi say a lot of the time (body language and other visual cues are a cultural-specific language all their own too you know) as opposed to just knowing some phrases and commands, and he dislikes being referred to as another less-intelligent animal, or a stupid monster-ikran who's infamy never died unfortunately, or the “txa’ re’o(rock[+hard] head[ed]) ikran” of the tribe’s aerie. They generally are indifferent to, or reluctant to get near him, and generally distrust him due to his history of deviancy toward the Omaticaya. Thus the usage of his demon 'classification' among the tribe. (However much the na’vi consider them their ‘brothers’, as opposed to how modern humans think of animals, such ‘abnormalacy’ is treated all the same. Even for Nakinä to a degree.)
He approves of Nakinä's "hobby" of putting boastful (usually her male peers, which Tì’eyng is amused by) in their place when they spout self-touting-others-diminishing crap against her, which only adds to his highly competitive nature, and he loves to 'prank' those in this category too. Debatably so she will go along with whatever whims he has in mind.

Usually, while he is a formidable male, and can be dangerous, he is too much of a big lug to bat an eye.

...Unless you wear on his nerves of course. He is protective of his companion, not hesitating to get the point across at a perceived threat. Her and he both seem to like to hiss, common ground at least. Ikran hisses and roars are seen as rather threatening to the na'vi.

He is a tricky son of a gun to mess with, resonant to Nakinä, so beware. This dysfunctional, funny pair are trickier when put together.

Tì’eyng and Nakinä are very similar, being quiet when needed, quick, and extremely agile for their differing builds. His hefty wings make him a rather strong flier, and his endurance with a rider is very good, even though Nakinä's a bit light for a na'vi of her stature.

He is actually older than her—as many years as her brother, which is in his twenties in ikran years, and yet people still see him akin to an immature, disobedient child. You can't blame them I suppose.

With strange intelligence, he often wonders how 'walking' on two feet through terrain and even what jumping and such is like when their minds are connected, understanding that he has no real legs, and absently plucks on her random memories of the day to feel it for himself, she returns the favor, and this is a manner of smalltalk for them. He actually dreams of being a toruk—not just because of the imposing power and lording-over-everyone thing, but because he would be left the heck alone...living life at his complete leisure. That is literally all he wants in life. And the guts of a recent kill, but don't get him started. He has his own practiced weaseling ways of acquiring what he wants...

When Nakinä's not around, he goes and snoozes on his favorite branch in a dog-like manner, sleeping like a log, even in the middle of the day. He is a rather light sleeper. Anyone, na'vi or a smaller ikran picking on him due to his size thus the potential brownie-points to be won out of it, who disturbs him meets a very grumpy male's snout—and is dragged into the sky before they realize he had latched onto their leg. (Ikran lower wings, when caught, can damper one's escape by flight ability to which all ikrans have to rely on to survive.) To do this, he gets to a height and starts doing crazy stunts—swerving sharply and diving and looping at angles—anything that jerks his hapless captive around. He usually stops when they start screaming/screeching at the top of their lungs, and they find themselves dropped someplace in a heap before they know it, just like he used to do in his terrorizing days. He stays in a grumpy mood for a while after. Scraps make the ikran happy.

He thinks the smaller species, the ikranay(forest ikran), are "annoying", and will be eternally racist for reasons only him and Nakinä know about.
Tì’eyng has a serious vendetta against a certain giant patriarch fish that lives in the lake nearest the original Hometree. They seem to be mortal enemies, by the way he takes it. (The story is up to Nakinä to tell.) This thoroughly amuses Nakinä. And I mean thoroughly. Giggle-fits and all.

The one ikran that doesn't mind nor ignore him is a fellow male ikran named Taronyu(Hunter), who's bonded rider is a recent friend of Nakinä's.

His favorite foods are organs quite obviously(much to Nakinä's complete disgust—it is on the ban list of thoughts when she's connected to him, but wayward thoughts are just that...), an assortment of aquatic species in particular, and most especially utu mauti(Banana Fruit) in limited portions(It’s not good for him). Surprise him with a big scoop of some leftover chum and he will love you forever.(As shown by her brother, who is amazed that such an ikran chose his little sister.) If it isn't clear, Nakinä finds this completely disgusting, anything but meat from a kill being ickily, non-touchably, inedibly squishy, but is happy to just get rid of it somehow. (She's seen as rather picky in her dietary habits.) They must use every part of the animal slaughtered, to respect its sacrifice. And Tì’eyng will eat anything but bones!

He is rather gluttonous when it comes to his favorites, and is a lazy son-of-a-gun. In fact, he was rather overweight an ikran when Nakinä first found him. She whipped him into shape real quick, him having to keep up with her boundless energy, and she being as swift as she is.
They are procrastinators when something isn't quite important, him being just straight up lazy and she being easily distracted and occasionally forgetful.

They love long excursions in the forest, Tì’eyng still not used to having so much cover around to hide in. Not that he really can in actuality, it's just ikran psychology.

:bullet-blue: Color-wise, Tì’eyng is what the na'vi categorize as kaymtaw(late afternoon sky)-colored, having tompa(rain) which is somewhere between silvery-'gray'/cloudy tones, lots of blues, and large speckles of txepvi(spark[s]) spread everywhere as his primary pigmentation. Then some shades of na’rìng(forest), with splotches and things of many other colors on his back too. So he isn't just one or two colors. His color shades are not all dark, and are balanced out with those extra lighter tones. To a na'vi he looks very, very lerìk(leafy)/'messy in coloration, and not too appealing to the eye for a warrior's mighty ikran, but is a "night shadow" because of it. He hides well in the multitude of shadows cast in the forest, and dark sides of cliffs very well. He's learned to.

His 'size' is mostly due to his large wings, and chest's and back's flight muscles, as his wings themselves are a bit narrow in proportion, which along with his quick maneuvering talents allows him to dart through the forest more easily than most. Despite this, he is not a dictator of a male, and does not push the other native ikrans around, which is strange animal behavior due to him being butted out his nestingplace by the ikran of the Omaticaya's ikmanaya rookery due to his wildness, and further out of the Hallelujah Mountains later on. That doesn't mean he didn't return or wander there occasionally, which eventually landed him a makto(rider) one day. She didn't even find him at the rookery, believe it or not.

It has been suggested that one or both of his parents may have been an ikran from another faraway colony in some other region, such as the watery valleys of the high ground-mountains, or the eastern sea. Nakinä suspects that his strange, for her, liking for seafood indicates the latter even though he was hatched and lived deep in the Hallelujah Mountain range according to his memories.

He is a wizened fighter, having had to be off on his own without a flockfamily to stick with for some time, plus his threatening size to other lone males whose territory he wandered into, and has varieties of scars all over him. It's a game between the two for her to remark about a strange-looking one and twenty questions him about them.His story changes sometimes, and she isn't sure whether he likes to actually embellish his boastings or what. She jokes that he landed on his head as a hatchling, and to his adamant and squawking refusal.

Nakinä's Weapons:
Standard hunting knife [link]

Uses a hunting bow [link] (occasionally borrowing a crossbow [link] from a family member if needing to hunt talioang/sturmbeest), rather than the shorter pa’li bow [link] because the greater size of the bow helps compensate for her lack of upper-body strength.

When on Tì’eyng, however, she uses her favorite weapon, an ikran bow [link] that she is always practicing with, due to her upper-body strength issue and the fact of a much greater distance of shooting when in flight. (The double-draw design exponentially increases the arrow’s power though, which helps her greatly.) This leads her to try and get practice-use of her ikran bow and hunt while on Tì’eyng rather than be on foot and use a hunting bow— Tì’eyng and her are “always” together.
Nakinä’s sight problem is no more—completely forgotten—when linked to Tì’eyng, as she uses his four pinpoint-acute eyes to see the world in startling detail and depth rather than relying only on her own. Six eyes are better than four though. (Effective '3D'-perspective vision for the win!)

Nakinä has the image of what is her “spirit animal” motif’d on all of her things… Uniltaron(Dream Hunt): [link]
(What it is exactly, will not be revealed until I post the chapters of the story I’m in the process of plotting/writing ~.^ EDIT: I have a huge to-do list. Life is stalking me. Sorry! @.@)

She is a well-practiced in making her arrows to suit her needs, and is fond of fletching anything but fishing arrows [link] in a spiral design, as to insure her good accuracy.
Battle Arrows: [link] Hunting arrows: [link]

It is a normal practice for the na’vi to have their children gain skills in every one of their standard weapon types early on, generally in the form of play.
—Nakinä was never more than average with the bolas due to her lack of arm strength. She can only throw it accurately to close and probably mid distance. Not taking into account the super boost of this skill gained via ikran-flight/connection~(Six mostly good eyes, remember?) [link]
—Isn’t very skilled at all with a traditional staff weapon. [link] She’s clumsy and always ends up knocking the thing against her long legs somehow… (Her natural reflexive reaction that is her fighting stance is also to blame.) Thus it can’t be much more than a defensive tool in her hands. She's freaking crafty though...

As as authoress, I shall say:
Nakinä obviously has deficits in certain very specific areas, and is definitely not some "perfict, speshul soopr-gurl humanlike na'vi" kind of person that I see everywhere, but is generally just 'good' in a range of skills, making her repertoire a rather varied one. Being 'neutral' in any such manner, is actually a rare thing though. She has very, very notable inclinations in stealth, being unpredictable, then speed and agility. She is a flexible fighter, and does what needs to be to accomplish her goals.
Even for a na'vi, she is very emotionally opposed to taking a life. Hunting took her a while to accept, however unwillingly. Her conscience is stubborn enough to prevent and even battle the rest of her mind's other whims, so she isn't really capable of taking life unless another's is threatened. Hurting the defenseless sends her into a complete, extremely ferocious rage, as she has a kind of 'justice complex'.
Opposing her in this state takes serious guts, and/or underestimating her power. And she is truly a very powerful soul, she just can't tap into it in a bust of flaming vigor like some superhero, maybe even because she is such a passive, serene personality... She doesn't want to hurt anybody.
Nakinä loves the way she is, and who she has made herself to be, not ever being ashamed of what she is. This will be a fact that will never change. That her People will have to accept...

OMG. The first written thing of mine that isn't completely riddled with ellipsis(... and my .. which I use as a slight-pause marker)! *Is proud of myself as a writer ^^*
Omg-squared this was the lo-(egh..not the longest..)freaking messiest bio I’ve ever written. xD *shakes head in embarrassment*
I’m notorious for writing some seriously (over?)fleshed-out, and quirky ^.w.~ characters as if writing completely realistic people, so I hope you can forgive my mega-super-anti-sue ways. *bows slightly*

She is NOT a complete self-insert or any such thing. I only put the pure unfiltered ME—the human sitting rather comfortably in my wide/big, CEO-like chair desk chair, nomming some variety of chocolaty goodness, takking at keyboard keys while I grin and snicker at random lolnesses— in crack fics! :3

This character is 'mine' in the sense that she is directly like me(with my strange personality that'll make any character one of a kind xD thus why I do it. It's a healthy, rather effective self-exploration thing...to do this in my writings~ It shows me where my paths can go, if I'm a bit different in "this" or "that" direction...)..for the most part, but is a parallel. Not everything she'd do is what <>I'd do, thus she is not a self-insert.
That's as simple as I can clarify...

—Never in my life have I had a lisp. xD I just thought it awesome for a na’vi (one as ‘different’ as me) to have one or two vaguely ‘human’ problems—and have add another realistic ‘con’ to her character, as I utterly despise Mary Sues. So no, it’s not like me as the writer is actually trying to make her “be more human like meeez~!1”. (I never had the intention for that. At all. I hope you don't think that way....)
—Though you will never see me wearing glasses in my photography, my eyes are actually so myopic[nearsighted] that I currently can’t read standard computer font unless I’m within a foot of the screen. *Is dead serious.* My myopia (and ADD, btw) is genetic too, from my dad, as referenced by Nakinä’s father having it. I couldn’t have my char be that disabled though(seriously—with their environment...), so I gave her enough of it to be a significantly hated problem in my book.
—Her family is directly based on mine, because mine..is pretty...interesting...enough to be story characters. My siblings and I have an unusual kind of hair color(s!) that are actually in the red spectrum(unlike Nakinä’s and her family, but they’re na’vi! xD So no freaking blatant red for any of them…), and have blue eyes as well, me especially having that ‘bronze’ sunburst—the normal, genetic version of ‘central heterochromia’.
I gave her family, and even Mr. Nutty Bum of an Ikran, these unusual traits to show that even na’vi can have much genetic diversity. (And it really should have been better shown in the movie, I think. It's a rather important anthropological notation...) My family just happens to have a lot of them. Especially me. I’m, like, the dumping ground for generally strange physical genetics from my parent’s gene pools. xD *completely serious*

As with all languages, every name has a meaning(Didn't know that?*shakes head* Not just freaking Japanese/kanji-using cultures have them—all. of. them. *serious*):

kinä: n. Seven.
na–: PREFIX adp. Like, as.

"Like seven" Since their numerical system is based on stacks of eights, as opposed to 10 with us, (from what I reason)the figure “8” would be symbolically equivalent to the Japanese name suffix "-maru", which mean "circle", or "perfect/ion" due to the circle symbology. (Very rational, right?)

So having eight as the ultima figure, and Eywa is also in the grand scheme of things, thus the one numeral(seven) is an individual number among all those that make up 8(Eywa).
And 7 itself being closest to the spotlight figure 8 is like having the honor of having an exaltedly meaningful name such as Kekoa, "the brave one" in Hawaiian, or some other such name.
It's pretty darn reminiscent of my real name's meaning too. Christina = feminine form of Christian. ;] (I'm rather spiritual as well, inner-sight and understanding-wise —and I'm not just talking about my generally Christian beliefs.*Not explaining all that here* I just wanted something to resemble my name, something that I like..and will live up to my freaking high standards... xD
I got the best of both worlds as well~! *highfives my Na’vi language knowledgeable buddy for helping me as I figured it out ^-^ You know you helped, dude! Lol Even though I kept pouring on the long, tangent-riddled spiels of thought-iness on you * ...Like I am now. Gah.)
Oeru syaw fko Nakiiiinäääää~!! *Tries to do a happy-jig, tripping over my own scaly tail xD*

Hmh... I've come to like the name.. even though it's weird for me to have a 'name' that starts with an 'N'. Christina, 'Tina, 'Deena, Akizu(I use this sooooo much in my anime-based stories that it's standard in my brain....I'll actually respond to this in RL too, surprisingly. XD An old highschool friend decided to pull this on me by freaking blaring it aloud in a crowded..! Yeah.. @-@ *embarrassed*), Nakinä.

........ Everything in here is 7,961 words! Yayness~! (That’s the equivalent of a slightly beefy chapter in my book. xD *Is a serious writer* I don’t make pansy chapters anymore! I’ve been writing waaay too long for that. *totally serious~*)

COMMENT EVEN IF JUST A LITTLE SOMETHING, PLEASE~ I helps me to become an even better writer.
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Comments: 53

fugimoto [2015-03-13 06:04:24 +0000 UTC]

reminds me of FFX Yuna! X)

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ZoeChow675439 [2013-09-15 00:35:27 +0000 UTC]

You should see mine! She's on ZoeChow675439, she's me!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PhoenixMaiden210 [2013-08-01 04:18:52 +0000 UTC]

She's beautiful

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SoulReaperlady [2013-04-26 07:42:08 +0000 UTC]

That's it!I'm making mine as well!!!*goes off to Dolldivine to make her version*
And maybe we could RP some time!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

liliana0511 [2013-01-05 12:07:35 +0000 UTC]

its beautifull :Wow:

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

YasminaVanHellsing [2012-06-27 13:14:14 +0000 UTC]

success xD
I red the whole text -.-''

Oh...and I really like your Nakina ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Green-EyedGhost [2011-11-08 17:33:26 +0000 UTC]

O_O So. Many. Text.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AkizuRyuuri In reply to Green-EyedGhost [2011-11-11 03:36:34 +0000 UTC]

I tend to get that reaction a lot. Can you believe that it's not finished yet? xD There will be a short multi-chapter story attached to it in the future.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Green-EyedGhost In reply to AkizuRyuuri [2011-11-11 10:10:05 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PurpleBenji [2011-03-21 15:41:11 +0000 UTC]

How do u take a pic of the dang screen?!?!?!!? I MUST KNOW!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AkizuRyuuri In reply to PurpleBenji [2011-03-31 00:42:45 +0000 UTC]

This is like comp 101! D8
xD lol
There's a button on your keyboard(If you're using a MAC comp, too bad. It's something else with theirs.) far above the arrow keys called "PrtScn" and when pressed it will take a snapshot of your entire screen(so don't forget to fullscreen your browser!). This information is saved in the clipboard. Go open a new bitmap file--though I HIGHLY recommend .png(for extremely techy reasons. Trust me.) because bitmap auto-distorts things and gets finicky so click paste and viola! There's your screencapture!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AviatorMuffin [2010-11-20 02:56:19 +0000 UTC]

Wow...that's a lot of words....you really put a lot of thought into this character.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AkizuRyuuri In reply to AviatorMuffin [2011-01-06 03:25:49 +0000 UTC]

It's soooooo disorganized..*embarrassed*...and I'm acually missing stuff! (Plus a whole long oneshot about her uniltaron*dream hunt* experience that expands her further that I have yet to get to... A quarter of it is in the basic outline stage @.=.@)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AviatorMuffin In reply to AkizuRyuuri [2011-01-06 22:31:22 +0000 UTC]

It will be amazing when you finish it ^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AkizuRyuuri In reply to AviatorMuffin [2011-01-08 02:28:41 +0000 UTC]

Awww... Thanks! ^.=.^

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AviatorMuffin In reply to AkizuRyuuri [2011-01-08 02:48:57 +0000 UTC]

you're welcome

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Blacktiger1321 [2010-09-02 20:47:56 +0000 UTC]

Holy cow, how long description, you have written a movie or what? XD

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AkizuRyuuri In reply to Blacktiger1321 [2010-09-02 21:06:17 +0000 UTC]

*wishes I could say yes* >.< It was a spur of the moment thing, since a HUGE and I mean HUGE Avatard friend *nudgesDanny* got me into Avatar again... -3- That was the result. Another one of my uber-detailed, living breathing people-chars!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Suicunesrider [2010-08-30 22:16:58 +0000 UTC]

This is awesome!!!!!

Um, ....how do you save the pictures you make on the Doll Divine Avatar creator? I always try right-clicking on the picture, then saving it in my pictures folder.... but when I right click on the final picture, there is no "Save" button on the list that pops up..... Just "zoom in", "zoom out", stuff like that.... this website is starting to piss me off! LOL

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AkizuRyuuri In reply to Suicunesrider [2010-08-30 22:30:43 +0000 UTC]

Thank you~!!!! ^.=.^~<3 What do you like about it exactly??

There's a key on the upper left above the arrow keys on your keyboard that says "PrtScn
Fullscreen your browser with the thing you want to save, then tap that button. Right-click on your desktop and make a new Bitmap Image, Paste into the empty image and viola! That's what the button does, it copies what's on your whole screen.

For this reason [link] you then "save as" a .png instead of bitmap or .jpeg. :] Trust me, the quality is ruined when you save things off her Dollmakers in the other format....I keep getting slightly funky, grainy, distorted colors then!

^.=.^ Good luck!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Suicunesrider In reply to AkizuRyuuri [2010-09-01 04:08:56 +0000 UTC]

Ok, thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

stylincowgirl [2010-08-20 22:52:41 +0000 UTC]

I know were that is I visit that site all the time

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AkizuRyuuri In reply to stylincowgirl [2010-08-24 03:48:18 +0000 UTC]

^_^ She has a devart too(it's in the artist's comment), and then get updated faster on her devart too.

I hope you liked my OC~! ^-^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

stylincowgirl In reply to AkizuRyuuri [2010-08-24 15:01:11 +0000 UTC]

I do!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SpyroGirl22 [2010-08-10 15:44:08 +0000 UTC]


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AkizuRyuuri In reply to SpyroGirl22 [2010-08-10 19:23:55 +0000 UTC]

T.=.T Thankies~
Any comments on anything, or critique..? I love to know how people think and feel about things I write within my chars. It helps me get better as a writer

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SpyroGirl22 In reply to AkizuRyuuri [2010-08-11 16:52:25 +0000 UTC]

well here's a critique...... I simply love it! you have the anatomy down flat! i love all of the little details the feather adds emphasis to the whle picture! But, next time you should try not to blur the background( the leaves and rocks) so much and make her tail a little bit longer. The water part of the background looks spectacular! It looks like im watching the movie! I also love the little spirit things that you put in there too! You did a great job! I would give it 4 out of 5 stars.

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AkizuRyuuri In reply to SpyroGirl22 [2010-08-11 18:11:37 +0000 UTC]

*snickers* While I do appreciate you enthusiasm and most especially your willingness to critique, I made the pic using 's Avatar Maker. You woulda known that if you read the author/artist's comment!*shakes finger at you*
The written work is MY artistic contribution to the deviation(besides dressing up the character to better resemble mine but that's a given).

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

Aspentail2014 In reply to AkizuRyuuri [2013-03-13 00:11:53 +0000 UTC]

How can I use the avatar creator?

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SpyroGirl22 In reply to AkizuRyuuri [2010-08-12 23:35:03 +0000 UTC]

hehe... i still love it

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AkizuRyuuri In reply to SpyroGirl22 [2010-08-13 00:12:43 +0000 UTC]

^.=.^ btw If you want a laugh, there's a link to my newly-filled sketchdump in my Journal...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SpyroGirl22 In reply to AkizuRyuuri [2010-08-13 00:16:35 +0000 UTC]


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DanielMcManisCO [2010-08-06 03:55:28 +0000 UTC]

I could only think of this all day! I want to make my own AVATAR character! I wouldn't be Na'vi but an avatar driver. A man who gave up science for his love of the Na'vi, or something. I could make it a story! With his own video fournals and everything!
*Brainstorms of other things as well*

I need to start writing his Bio now!*runs then trips*

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AkizuRyuuri In reply to DanielMcManisCO [2010-08-06 23:36:48 +0000 UTC]

Omg.. #-.=.-# Really? *is loved*
xD I'm glad you liked it lol :iconwhoooofingersplz: *uses magic jedi powers to get you to write yours! >xD*

Wow. I figured you'd be a scientist who'd get 'Pandora syndrome'(come to love this amazing, inspiring world..)! *is psychic lol * Me and my crazy random ideas..that end up true *is freaked out*
Weeeellllz, anyways, you know who's inbox to hit up if you need ideas or can't choose on something...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DanielMcManisCO In reply to AkizuRyuuri [2010-08-06 23:47:15 +0000 UTC]

I'm writing as we type! I am going to have a story involved too, somehow...


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AkizuRyuuri In reply to DanielMcManisCO [2010-08-08 22:56:47 +0000 UTC]

Your goofy hair!!?
*does a jig, tripping over my tail again*
I sooo need to read the story behind it xD

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DanielMcManisCO In reply to AkizuRyuuri [2010-08-08 23:29:02 +0000 UTC]

I have series I'm writing now, but I'm stuck on where I need to go after my most recent chapter.

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KitKitAttack [2010-08-05 17:55:26 +0000 UTC]

Very detailed, and well put. nice work here

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AkizuRyuuri In reply to KitKitAttack [2010-08-06 23:28:26 +0000 UTC]


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DanielMcManisCO [2010-08-05 05:59:58 +0000 UTC]

garsh so much effort and thought put into this one character! Are you going to make more characters then put them into a story?

*Melts in chair...Too much detail for me to handle*

Oh! and tenks for saying I helped with the Na'vi language stuff for this bio.......


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AkizuRyuuri In reply to DanielMcManisCO [2010-08-05 06:33:01 +0000 UTC]

It's true! xD *squeeze hugs*
I'm sure you noticed the Taronyu reference too. You = dreamwalker accepted into Omaticaya(from what I can tell) so of course, plotwise, she'd be curious and intrigued by your char, and probably become friends. Thus also our ikran knowing each other I suppose.. That's my logic anyway.
Your writing sparked my adoration of the Avatar world again, so I think you deserve a cameo..

Hehe.. As an authoress, I'm quite the overachiever.. (the rest of me being a procrastinator with a writers' block streak. xP) Noooo Mary Sueness from me of my evar! lol

I was planning on her Uniltaron chapter (which should start the short story)being my next deviation along with the showing of her casual outfit, but I have neither inspiration nor ideas beyond half of the first chapter.
*sinks in chair too*
[link] (Read the meme at the bottom, specifically about my Soul Form)

I'm not sure if I should _somehow_ have her be able to have this inner ability which is a staple of ALL my personal characters, or just have her just long for this representation, melancholically, and learn to love what she has and the life she leads, only knowing..and trying to be satisfied with this. It being in the story but the turning-into-a-foreign-creature uberness left out, for her to learn to remain resolute with herself, which is the big point of the story. Self strength. Inner power being the strongest power of all....

Having her shifting dragon would break the reader from the Avatar world(not just because dragons are Terran, which is a big part and ~mystery~ of the plot btw ), which is its main attraction...so I'm leaning towards no for once.
...Now if only I had story ideas..*sigh. Complete. Writers block. -._.-' It suckksz baaad*

Do you have an AIM? (I'm "Akizu Ryuuri" now on there lol) I could send you the Word file that I have written so far and we could knock around suggestion if you're in the creative mood? Just suggesting.. *shrug*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DanielMcManisCO In reply to AkizuRyuuri [2010-08-05 16:27:58 +0000 UTC]

YES! I'm into the Omitacaya! With a Na'Vi buddy! SWEET!

I hate writer's block, I know what I want the story to do... but I just can't get it down and smooothed out to work *sighs*

No I don't have an AIM... You could send it to me in a note, that my might work!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

samcadmium [2010-08-04 16:37:02 +0000 UTC]

Holy shit thats some mad ninja skillz u got there

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AkizuRyuuri In reply to samcadmium [2010-08-04 23:35:57 +0000 UTC]

.......General writing skills..? How developed the character is? Or what..? 0.0 *genuinely confused, but takes that as a compliment regardless~* ^-^~<3

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samcadmium In reply to AkizuRyuuri [2010-08-04 23:39:35 +0000 UTC]

lol general writing skillz yes and the character is VERY well developed but the joke was about the jutsu xDD

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AkizuRyuuri In reply to samcadmium [2010-08-05 00:26:57 +0000 UTC]

I always say that o3o *is a complete Narutard*

And thank you~ *hugs* People usually think me long-winded when describing things
I've been in the Naruto reading/writing fanfiction biz for years, and Naruto is notorious for bad OC characters so I'm pretty hardcore anti-Mary Sue because of it I guess

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samcadmium In reply to AkizuRyuuri [2010-08-05 00:43:05 +0000 UTC]

well if it aint long winded its vague :/ why wouldn't you want to be descriptive about it

ah yes the fan fic >3, i write my science fiction myself and at one point in my current story i have over three hundred mary-sues fired out an air lock, its so funny xD

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AkizuRyuuri In reply to samcadmium [2010-08-05 05:55:25 +0000 UTC]

OMG! *cackles at Mary Sue thing. Hearts in eyes, wanting to read that*
Which story was that??

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samcadmium In reply to AkizuRyuuri [2010-08-05 20:03:53 +0000 UTC]

The heavy metal commander

I've got the first bit available at the kindle store, the second part or third part will have the mary sues xD

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teardrop246 [2010-08-04 05:50:25 +0000 UTC]

O.O dang okay thats a really long thing there but just letting you know sadly this is the wrong place for this. This can currently be reported. Which would be sad cause that desc there totally seems really like you put alot of hard work in it.

FAQ #502: Can I submit 'Dolls', 'Characters' or other things which I made on certain websites in games or with 'generators'?

So throw it into your scraps so da doesnt delete it.

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