AliceTheDemonPlz — PPG/HH OC: Geronimo

Published: 2020-08-20 03:40:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 6876; Favourites: 64; Downloads: 0
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Description Meet Geronimo!
He actually appeared in a dream/vision of mine, and he came with the name.
And like every character from my dreams or visions, I draw them.
And I'm planning to keep him, and really love him already.
I plan to make him a crossover character between PPG and Hazbin. But he's mostly PPG.

Name: Geronimo.
Age: 900+ years.
Gender: Male.
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual.
Height: 7'8
Specie: Nightmare.
Fear: Fire.
Occupation: Overlord, Pimp, Owner of sevral porn studios and casinos. He does other things however.
Relationship Status: Taken by Shui < SakuraMochizuki's OC. >

Powers/abilities: He has sevral pyrokinetic abilities..
- He can sense temperatures. Like, both body, and surroundings. Without touching you, or being close by, he knows what's the temperature and can sense the changes.
He can mainly sense the surroundings, since it's a big place. Kinda like how Vox controls Hells electricity. Except that Geronimo can't change it, he just senses it, and knows about the sudden changes.
He can rise it and lower back to normal the temperature of a certain area if he's there. He can do the same to a person, if he sees them. It requires focus.

- His flames are so hot, that winter hardly bothers him, but if put out, he can have a hard time turning them back on. Which is one of the reasons why he keeps his hair on all the time.

- His body is very hot, like... If you touch him while he is at his highest heat, he might make your hand melt in a few seconds after you touched him. But the lowest he can put down it's temperature to is 50*C..
- He can control all kinds of fire, and turn it into blue, his blue fire is much more hotter than original and normal fire.
- He can summon fire, and set places on fire with ease without gas needed.
- He is fire proof and immune to hot explosions, or anything imvolving fire and heath.
- He can haunt dreams of people give them any nightmares he desires, giving them fear which makes him stronger, like how fear makes any nightmare strong.
- He can give you halucinations, but only to humans.
- He has telepathic abilities, but doesn't use it much, because if gives him a bit of a headache.
- He is a masachosist. Taking full pleasure in pain when someone gives it to him.
- He has claws.
-Great speed, the wind is also very helpful for him, mainly for his flames.
- With enough focus, he can aim his fire through the ground as he targets you. Like, for example, you are 10 metters away from him. Instead of shooting his fire at you from his arms/hands, he can focus on where he is standing, and make his fire go through the ground, and go towards you from below, in the ground, then blast underneath your feet, similar to a volcano erruption or a geyser, but it's fire only, not hot ass water, or lava. Lol.
- He can go into the human world or in Hell, through the typical thing EVERY Nightmare can use to appear in the human world or Hell. Which is, coming out of the darkness, crawling under the bed, or out of dark closets. But since his fear is fire, he can also use fire to appear into the human world.

- He can use fire to teleport and appear into those certain areas where there is fire around, whether it's the human world, Hell or Nightmare world. He can also use fire to see/look around those certain places that have a fire burning. If there ain't no fire there, then he can't appear there, no matter how hard he wants to. Even a candle flame is enough for him to teleport there or see crap.
- This is more of an instinct, intuition, sixth senth, or something, but he can sense when trouble is about to happen, or if something bad is going to happen, or if a person is giving off a bad vibe or not.. He always listens to those feelings, and many times they've saved his life, and the lives of those around him.
- He himself can turn into fire. He travels and moves very quickly this way. More faster than on foot.

For now, that's all I have when it comes to his powers. Lol.


- Like every Nightmare, the sun and lights of the human world will burn, hurt and kill him.
- Water puts out his fire, and will take him a minute or few till he heats up and is able to use his fire abilities again.
- A very cold weather and snow storm. If his fire hair gets put out during this, it will be very hard for him to turn it back on, and it will be dificult for him to use his powers also.

- Geronimo is a HUGE ladies man, but doesn't mind the trans and men, he's a huge slut with a very flirtagious personality, but the ladies he treats like a gentle-man, and gives then sweet compliments and treatment, using his charms on them all the time. If they are taken however, and wish to remain loyal to their partner, he treats them like a friend.
- He is cheerful, and often acts happy, and kind, mainly with adults and teens. He is also very playful and a teaser.
- He loves to dance, perform, and sing, it's part of his cheerful personality.
- He doesn't mind helping you out if you're a friend, or if it inolves Nightmare world's sake. He will also give you advice if you need it from him.
- He isn't the type that points fingers at people because of people talking. To him, words aren't enough. He needs to either be shown proof of these words, or he himself needs to see it. However, he will be aware, and take it as a warning, without showing the other person what he knows or heard about them. But will let himself go if that person is proven innocent to him, but to the world, they are sadly guilty of something.

- However, he tries to keep away from children, because they make him feel awfully uncomfortable awkward. He doesn't hate them, however, he doesn't want to be anywhere near them, and he would like them to be far away from him and the places he owns also. Mainly his room. Mainly his home..

- He however, will not tolerate idiots, he isn't very tolerant with bullshit, so he won't hesitate to speak his mind to you without caring if he hurt your feelings, whether you're BoogieMan or God itself. He will pay his respects to royalty, but if he knows you're bullshitting around, or something, he won't allow that.. He's a careless savage you could say.

- He does have a temper. He isn't as explosive or hot headed as seemed, but he has it. He can get annoyed if one keeps making fun of him, mainly his name. Lol. < You know who you are, bitch! XD >
However, it will be an instant trigger, if you call him selfish, cruel or whatever, because he wants to be child-free, and try giving him reasons why parenthood and kids are so great.. He doesn't care at all about kids, especially parenthood, and if you start insulting him or anyone else about that, he'll lose his shit on you.. If his words don't work, then he'll take action to teach you a lesson... And trust me, you don't want him to take action..

- He is cruel and sadistic, along with a cannibal. He usually kills and eats children and adult humans, but Nightmare beings who annoy him or hurt him or someone else due to 'children and parenthood' he'll either torture you, or rip out your reproductive system and eat it, making sure you don't have a spawn of your own ever.

Geronimo finds it awfully selfish of people who wish to control others and make the world be an image they desire, then ruin and torture people for making decisions which you'd disagreee with. Geronimo believes everyone is a free spirit, and are allowed to make their own decisions, involving their fun, and personal life. Controling people make him angry, and he won't hesitate to make sure you drop your ego and control, and learn to live your life and not teach others how to live their own.

- He is a pyromaniac. Watching Australia burn was his favorite thing, that had him excited for long ass time.. He likes to set places on fire and burn and destroy crap, along with setting people on fire. He does this in the human world however. In Nightmare world.. It depends what he's dealing with exactly, and with who. Honestly.. He just wants to watch the world burn. And loves watching it burn. Lol. He really loves fire and watching shit burn.

-If someone, like a human, didn't fear him, no matter how hard he tries to make the feel fear, then hed kill them brutally, or eat them. Doesn't matter if its a child or not.

-Unlike Valentino from Hazbin Hotel, Geronimo has only women working for him. And unlike Val, who probably abuses some of his employees, mainly Angel Dust, Geronimo cares for all his girls, they're like his treasure to him. He doesn't allow abusive or nasty messed up people to have them, unless some of the girls are into that.  He doesn't make porn videos also, he prefers the performances live, lol.  The girls have their own small rooms, but most share it with roommates.

-People believe he'd want to be the new ruler of Nightmare world, because he'd often act like a king or wants to be it, but truth is, he doesn't care about being king. He's his own king, and knows this, and is proud of his current tittle. And wouldn't want to change it. Yes, he acts very prideful and all, but he won't rub his pride into your face, making you feel like trash, or control you. But he is very prideful of himself. Being the top Overlord in Nightmare World, and having a ton of fame and money power gives a guy like him a ton of pride.

- Due to his pride, words hardly have any effect on him, but the only reason why he reacts to parenthood and children topics, is because he finds the VERY annoying, and hates it when people try to control him. He also sees how other child-free or people who just don't want to be parents, no matter what, how they get treated.. He hates it.. He feels bad for them. Which is why the parenthood and children topics annoy, and piss him off very easily.

- Like almost every Nightmare being, he is very racist towards humans.
If for some reason a human was brought to Nightmare world, and he can't kill that human for whatever reason, he'd act either rude, cold or mean, a total bully to them. Or he'd act like a 'gentle man' by disgusting or creeping them out, or he'd be a cheerful/happyish creep who'd tease you a lot in an uncomfortable for you ways and throw in his dark sense of humor at you. He HATES humans A LOT. Lol. Almost as much as he hates controling people or people that act like spoiled brats that cant take no for an answer.

- If Boogie Man wanted to take a break from being king for some reason, temporary, and Geronimo were to be temporary ruler, he'd be very responsible and take his job very seriously. He cares for his fellow Nightmares, and the world's sake, so of course, he'd do his best. And he doesn't wish to disapoint his friend/bro either.

- He is very smart, wise, and manipulative. One of the reasons why he'd do a good job if he were replacement king. He is wise which is why he often gives out advice, as long as he knows the full story and details, and your intentions.
If your intentions are bad, he'd give you such advice that you might end up ruining shit for yourself, but he made it sound like it's the best to do. If your intentions are good, he'd give you good advice.

- He is a very good manipulator. His acting skills make it look like he is being truthfull, but truely, he is just fooling you, and will probably ruing your life or betray you with his false help. But it depends on who you are or what your intentions are however.

- Careless about drama that ain't his own shit. He doesn't care what's up with drama shit, but and he doesn't like being dragged into it also. He will listen to you, and try to advice you and help you through words however, but he wont want to get dragged into it. Listening and advising you is one thing, but getting involved is something different.. If things are serious however, only then he'll get a bit involved just to stop what people can hardly stop on their own. But he'd only do this for people he likes, or his friends.

- He is level headed, calm, and such. He's a cool and pleasant Nightare to be around with. Just don't piss him off or hurt his friends, and try to be in control with a life that ain't your very own, and making sure you get it your way. He hates that. Lol.  Oh and make sure you ain't human. Lol.

Theme song:
Main#1: www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLtPs6…
Main#2: www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxT8Ox…
Main#3: www.youtube.com/watch?v=np02ph…


He has only girls in his club/studio, they perform, do lap and pole dancing, strip, and sing on stages, and of course, sleep and get payed like the typical postitute. He himself does that as well, if requested, since he's the only male there. He's Pansexual, so he doesn't mind males, females, trans, or any species of Nightmare beings. He doesn't plan to hire any other male in his studio/club.

He is very rich. Like.. VERY Rich. He is over 9 centuries old and has worked very hard to gain his welth and power.
In his world of Nightmares, he is top overlord. Like how Alastor is top in Hell.

  • He lost his eye and has a scar on it, along with it being stitched, due to one of his experiences he went through.
  • He actually surpassed Disa as Top, making her now the second top overlord.

He can buy and sell everyone if he wanted, or kill them all, which is why he is feared and hated, but loved for his cheerful, kind and gentleman personality. He is very helpful to Boogie Man, and advising. Mainly the girls love him however.

Geronimo doesn't use his power or anything unless he has to, but only in Nightmare world. In the human world, he'd want to burn the world up, like Australia nearly burned up. However, if he did that, he'd risk many Nightmares going weak and perishing. Almost all of Nightmare world Hates humanity. And Geronimo is one of them.

He would often listen to his theme song, and never gets tired of it, and he'd sing it often also, or hum it, and possibly dance to it as he does so.

His women find him very cute and funny, but also charming and silly. They all love him a bunch.

Boogie Man and him are like bros. They know eachother not for too long, just a few decades, lol. But they trust eachother, and Geronimo is willing to help him out with anything, at any time, since Nightmares only sleep when their energy is weak, or they are badly hurt. So Geronimo hardly sleeps.

He is more self defensive and less ass kicking type. He isn't a well skilled fighter, and his strength is stronger to humans only, because humans are much weaker than Nightmare and Hell beings. But to his own kind, he is avarage, or a little weaker than that. He is a very fast runner however.

His hair is literally made of fire, which is why he has a bald version. Lol.

He has a good luck charm or some type of charm which he carries on his hat. < The pearl/gem that his feathers are connected to are it.>
He makes sure he always has that with him in order to block any beings certain abilities.
  • For example, he won't be tracked down, his mind can't be read, nor can you see into his head or mess with him that way, or gain mind control. Telepathic abilities are also blocked also, so only he can speak to you into your head.
  • Fortune Nightmares, such as Disa, who is the former number one Overlord in Nightmare world, but her fortune abilities are the strongest of all Nightares.
    Well, she can't see him, find him, or ever predict what he'd do. His charm blocks her abilities.
    If he losses it, only then she'll see into his past and predict all he does, along with having the ability to do whatever she wants with his mind. Same with the other Nightmares that can mess with one's minds.


That's it! Hope ya like my Nightmare Pimp!

Don't post my art ANYWHERE!!! If it's in my gallery, it STAYS in my gallery!

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Enigmus-288 [2021-12-26 01:49:09 +0000 UTC]

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ozieluniverse [2020-08-20 03:53:36 +0000 UTC]

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