amadabi — asterism / anastasia

Published: 2018-03-04 05:05:32 +0000 UTC; Views: 639; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 0
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hola i have a new kiddo and ngl i kinda lov her,,,,
in other news ill never be able to colour hair like that again

name anastasia courte vox
age 19
gender female
constellation cassiopeia, left collar bone
focus information gathering
home planet aphrodite
app stash bingo bongo

power high tempo

anastasia can manipulate the velocity at which an object travels, which includes both speed and direction. however, she cannot use her power to move an object at rest-- the object must already be moving in order for her to alter its acceleration and trajectory. likewise, she cannot completely stop an object already in motion, but she can reduce its momentum significantly, to the point where it appears to be moving in slow motion.

example of application

while she could not launch a pebble directly from her hand, as it has no velocity of its own, if she tosses it into the air or rolls it down her hand, she can then send it hurtling towards her target.

power level 1

currently, anastasia can only alter the velocity of objects under 15cm in diameter, travelling at speeds under 200m/s within a 10m radius of herself. for example, she would not be able to slow or change the trajectory a bullet, but could easily allow herself to catch a small rock thrown at her.

weapon slot a small, decorative dagger; to make up for limited skill in close combat
item slot a pouch of pebbles that she keeps in her cardigan; fodder for her power


for the first eight years or so, anastasia's life was fairly uneventful. like any other aphrodite family, the young girl, her brother and their parents would attend parties with the fellow beautiful and elite, go shopping on the weekends for the latest fashions, and take day trips in their luxury car. their home life was uneventful, until the fateful day...

when her dad was fired from his job.

now, you see, this normally wouldn't be that monumental of an occasion, but when you're the heir and third-in-charge to a very promising, rather popular clothing company, you tend to be pretty attached to that paycheck. after mr. vox was caught with some rather unfortunate evidence of embezzlement hanging around his corporate account, it was only slightly concerning. it was when they found out that he was using that stolen money to pay people to sabotage the competing brands that the grand sum of two higher-ups decided that enough was enough.

left now with the meager (in comparison) income earned by his wife at her local jewellers, mr. vox fell into decline. he began frequenting casinos, where he would often blow upwards of $1000 a night, to relieve stress. gradually, their wealth began to deplete, and where they would be attending every party every month, they were now lucky to attend one a fortnight. after anastasia's 12th birthday party, as extravagant as it was, they couldn't go out for another month, and her friends' families began to notice, stopping their children from associating with a child of such low money. when she noticed her husband's spending creep higher and higher as the pressure rose and rose, mrs. vox decided that enough was enough, and brought the topic up tastefully after dinner. from then on, the fights started.

in the midst of all the drama, anastasia's little brother, nikola, began falling ill. it started with a cough and a sneeze, then moved to a light cold, to a full blown fever that left the young boy bedridden. though the doctors concluded that it fortunatelywasn't eclipse that had gotten a hold of nikola, they still could not identify the strange illness. however, they surmised that it wouldn't be leaving any timesoon, and that if he wasn't cured in time, the chances of him being paralysed were high. anastasia was distraught-- after she had been cut off from her friends, nikola had been the only person she could play with... she loved her brother dearly.

in the meantime, mr. vox's big spending continued to get bigger.

by the time she finally gathered up the nerve to cut her husband off from their finances and kick him out of the family home, mrs. vox was left with a grand total of $10000 in her account.

what kind of aphrodite citizens were they? they couldn't even affort to keep up with the times, let alone go out partying. with nikola bedridden for andunforseeable amount of time, anastasia was left more or less by herself. it was around this time that she began to become interested in the protectorate, spending a lot of her free time reading up on its work.

mrs. vox began working several more jobs, and slowly the vox wealth began to rebuild, and anastasia was able to enrol in lunis ark academy at age 14. throughout her time at the academy, anastasia did plenty of heavy research on known diseases, trying her hardest to do for her brother what the doctors could not.

now set to graduate, anastasia is no closer to finding nikola's mystery disease than she was to start with. but maybe, while she searches for the cure to eclipse, she can find a cure for her beloved little brother, too.


+ distinguished / as an aphrodite national, anastasia carries herself with dignity and elegance, and tries to be as polite as possible as often as possible. while this doesn't always translate into her actual actions, she still manages to give off a dignified vibe. she also speaks somewhat formally.
+ confident / having been very self assured growing up, anastasia developed into a young lady who knows what she is capable of. she rarely does anything with any level of uncertainty, and is very secure in herself and her looks, though not quite to the level of being snobbish about it. her confidence allows her to talk easily to anyone she meets.

= independant / an independant woman who don't need no man, anastasia is comfortable in her ability to be self-reliant and to hold her own, whether on the battlefield or otherwise. however, these self-reliant tendencies sometimes lead her to act one her own and ignore strategy.
= blunt / as confident and self-assured as she is, anastasia often finds herself speaking her mind without think about it. she sometimes seems to be missing her brain-to-mouth filter, for lack of a better term.

- solitary / as her independant nature might suggest, anastasia often prefers to work by herself. outside of work, though, she doesn't have many friends in the first place, and certainly isn't quick to open up. while not quite a lone wolf, she does prefer to isolate herself slightly from others. however, when she does make friends, she becomes very attached very quickly.
- judgemental / while she does try to be polite, she's so used to the high life of aphrodite that her opinions of others might not be so great... she does usually manage to keep these thoughts to herself, but if she's angry for some reason, her brain-to-mouth filter might unfortunately go missing again.

fighting style

while anastasia would much rather keep her distance, the current range of her power means that she needs to be relatively close to stage any kind of attack on a target. as her hand-to-hand combat skills aren't the greatest, she often functions as a close-range sniper of sorts, hiding nearby and ready to throw rocks at a moment's notice.

strengths / weaknesses
+ stealth combat
+ calm and composed
+ reasonable defense
- limited hand-to-hand capabilities
- tends to ignore strategy
- quick to judge/underestimate opponents

likes / dislikes
+ atmospheric music
+ soft fabrics
+ the colour gold
+ researching
+ coffee
- being restricted
- her father, to some extent
- hospitals
- not having money
- vegetables

- her birth name was anastasia courtney vox, but she didn't like how it sounded, so she legally changed her middle name
- her cardigan is from her father's former company
- when shooting pebbles in sniper fashion, she tends to flick them off the palm of her hand to make it easier to aim
- still maintains some level of contact with her father, who has since taken up drinking... he sometimes calls her anais over the phone when he's drunk
- don't call her anais she'll probably punch you lol
- tba


roleplay sample

rinse, repeat. rinse, repeat.

page after page, line after line; anastasia's eyes grow tired, the words and letters all bluring together on her laptop's screen. she sits back, rubbing her eyes, and sighs. another full day of research and she's not a single step closer to finding her brother's illness. another sigh. from under her arms, she remembers, vaguely, a cup of coffee sitting beside her, and glances at it.

how long ago did it cool down? she wonders, feeling the cold drink against her upper lip and frowning in disgust. just how long have i been sitting here?

her phone on her bed displays one missed call, her father's number flashing up on the screen. she won't call back, she knows that. anais can't talk right now; how sad.

wearily shuffling herself to the shower, she yawns, her eyelids heavy. she needs to sleep soon. she needs to get up and keep looking. she can't run out of time.

rinse, repeat. rinse, repeat.

character release form

i hereby agree to and accept any changes that my character might experience as a result of participating in the plot of asterism. changes include injuries, body and power modifications, mutilation and the loss of limbs, and death.

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