Amanacer-Fiend0 — OS: Empire City's New Men

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Published: 2021-09-16 16:31:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 17415; Favourites: 43; Downloads: 7
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Description Left to Right: Fireside, Black Condor, Maximo, Green Mask, Bronze Man, Bob Phantom & Polyma.

Green Mask, The Masked Avenger
Real Name:
Lacey McMan
Powers: Emotion Transformation via whenever she get's angry. And when she does get angry, she transforms in a flash of green light into an adult superheroine named The Green Mask; While in this form, she gains the following: Supernatural Strength, Durability, Speed and Stamina; Fearlessness; High-Speed Flight; Enhanced Throwing; Muscle Armor; Personal Rage; Tranquil Fury; Anger Empowerment which can result in Green Mask producing Vita-Rays in her body and this results in Green Mask getting more powerful in the process as it also surrounds her body; Can use said Vita-Rays for Energy Healing; Can generate and project a ball of explosive Vita-Rays that hits their target with much concussive force; Can focus her Vita-Rays into different parts of her body to increase the damage she can inflict with her melee attacks; Using her Vita-Rays, she can physically touch energy or non-corporeal entities; and can project her energy blasts from from her eyes and mouth at the same time. However Lacey isn't in control while as The Green Mask and is instead possessed by The Vita-Ray Entity inside her, whose name is Michael. Though when when she transforms in front of others, everyone around her is completely oblivious of the change thanks to Micheal's power.
Equipment: None
First Appearance: The Green Mask vol. 1 #1 (Summer 1940)
Reboot Appearance: Deviantart (9/16/2021)

Maximo, The Amazing Supermind
Real Name:
Matthew Miller
Alias: Matt
Powers: Electricity Mutation; Supernatural Mind; Telepathy; Telekinesis; Gravity and Electromagnetism Manipulation via Psionics and Telekinetically Enhanced Condition.
Equipment: None
First Appearance(s): Brain Boy - Four Color #1330 (April 1962) / Maximo Miller - Little Big Books (1941)
Reboot Appearance: Deviantart (9/16/2021)

Bronze Man, The Metal Brawn
Real Name:
Randy Ronald
Powers: Bio-Metal / Superior Human Physiology; Bronze Mimicry; Supernatural Strength, Durability & Endurance; Flight; Ferrokinetic Combat using bronze; Bronze Manipulation & Constructs, both with his own body and bronze objects around him like wires.
Equipment: None
First Appearance: Blue Beetle #42 (July-August 1946)
Reboot Appearance: Deviantart (9/16/2021)

Fireside, The Burning Maniac
Real Name:
Jenny Fine
Powers: Pyrokinetic Human Physiology; Fire & Heat Immunity; can raise her own body temperature to the point where she can burst into flames or melt bullets. She can generate her own fire and can control & direct any flame in her presence. Pyrokinetic Flight & Jet Propulson; Can become a flame-proof gas that is lighter than air. Fireside's one weakness is water, which can severely weaken her.
Equipment: A fire-proof suit.
First Appearance: Fireman - Liberty Scouts #2 (1941) / Flame Girl - Wonderworld Comics #30 (Oct. 1941)
Reboot Appearance: Deviantart (9/16/2021)

Black Condor, The Feathered Fighter
Real Name:
Richard Grey Jr.
Powers: Raptor Physiology; Telescopic Vision; Claw Retraction; Powerful Bite; Enhanced Strength; Talon Protrusion; Wing & Feather Manifestation; Aerial Adaptation; Hollow Skeleton; Ultraviolet Perception; Prehensile Feet; 360-Degree Vision and finally Electromagnetic Vision.
Equipment: None
First Appearance: Crack Comics #1 (May 1940)
Reboot Appearance: Deviantart (9/16/2021)

Bob Phantom, The Ghostly Guardian
Real Name:
Walt Whitney
Powers: Ghost Physiology; Ectoplasm / Smoke Mimicry; Smoke Teleportation; Flight; Flying Tail; Cold Presence; Corporealization; Inaudibility; Physical Force Immunity; Tangibility Interplay; Illusive Appearance and finally Non-Physical Interaction
Equipment: None
First Appearance: Blue Ribbon Comics #2 (1939)
Reboot Appearance: Deviantart (9/16/2021)

Polyma, The Morphian
Real Name:
Powers: Science Attuned Physiology; Shapeshifting, Elasticity; Springy Muscles; Supernatural Durability, Flexibility, Lung Capacity and finally Survivability; Ultimate Regeneration; and finally Elastic Combat.
Equipment: None
First Appearance: Charlton Premiere vol.2 #1 (1967)
Reboot Appearance: Deviantart (9/16/2021)

For those wondering what these powers do, click HERE to go to the Superpower Wiki to find them.

After a few months since Titan City first arrived in The Super-Sargasso Sea on the continent of Decemilla, a new location appeared a couple miles away from said metropolis.

That being the urban landscape known as Empire City.

Empire City is similar to Titan City in a couple ways such as most of it's population are non-powered and yet still have their own superheroes to protect the civilians from criminals both powered and non-powered. Those who do end up with superpowers are dubbed by the city's scientists as Homo Novus, meaning New Man in Latin. This name has been used as like an official designation for all superhumans in Sargasso which previously didn't have an official classification and just used the name "Sargassian" as an umbrella tern that summed up all beings, normal and powered that live within The Sea. Those that have done trade with Empire City have adopted this name and a couple places have decided to use this name as an official classification to catagorize between normal un-powered Sargassians and those who have superpowers. Currently the heroes that exist here and first used the term are known as The New Men, a team of teenage heroes with fantastical abilities that are guided by their mentor and caretaker, Dr. Nika.

Green Mask: Lacey McMann was an orphaned little girl living in a different city on an Earth outside of The Super-Sargasso Sea, living on the streets with no hope for anything to improve in her life. As she was scrounging around the litter found behind a restaurant to find something to eat, she discovered a mysterious canister located behind the trash cans, one that had the label "Subject: Micheal" on it. With curiosity getting the best of her, she grabbed the canister, pulled it out from it's spot, and cracked the seal open to see what's inside. The second she cracked it open, a green mist-like energy erupted from the canister and surrounded Lacey. Frightened, she tried to run away but she couldn't move as she had this strange feeling when the energy collected on her being as her body actually absorbed it all. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself down as that strange feeling went away. However whenever she became enraged, she transforms into The Green Mask with the entity known as Micheal in the driver's seat. Lacey percieved her time as The Green Mask as dreams whenever she reverts back to her normal form.

Maximo: The son of Bill Dunn, who previously dubbed himself The Supermind due to having gained psychic powers for a limited time via special chemicals before reverting back to a normal human. A bit after Bill lost his powers at the end of his story, he ended up hooking up with someone temporarily. But the chemicals that gave Bill his powers were still in his body and actually altered his body chemistry. So when the woman was pregnant with the child, those chemicals ended up altering the fetus' brain and gave him stronger mental powers then his father. The reason being is that Bill was not only already an adult and therefore could not grow further, but the chemicals only had their effect for a short amount of time. However Maximo not only was developing with those chemicals already in his body as he grew, but he was capable of having much stronger mental powers due to them being a permanent part of him and his continued practice with them as he's aged. Even when he was born, he surprised his mother by talking to her in perfect english due to how much his brain was affected during development. Thanks to Dr. Nika, Maximo has slowly developed his psychic powers and figure out good ways of using them and steer Maximo away from the path of villainy his father took.

Bronze Man: Randy Ronald was a teenager from one Earth's version of The Bronx who wanted to join the US Army when he was old enough. Mostly because much of his family line did join the Army and two of his family line did end up fighting in WW2 & the Vietnam War. However as he was on his way back home from school, he ended up falling into a rainbow-colored portal and was taken to The Sea and Empire City. However when Randy woke up in the city, he discovered that he was mutated into a being made of what looked like a form of bronze. Despite how normal bronze isn't really as strong as metals like Steel, the bronze that Randy was now made up was very durable like a form of living titanium. And with the teachings of Dr. Nika, Randy learned how to not only mold his body to become various things but also manipulate the broze around him. He then molded his body to make him look more buffed up so as to make himself more bodybuilder-esque.

Fireside: Jenny Fine was someone who had a serious problem mentally. She was a severe pyromaniac who loved to set things on fire with whatever matches, tinderboxes, lighters or other firestarting items she has at that moment. It was so bad that she had to be held in an asylum and the doctors forbid her for having anything that can start a fire. So when she ended up in The Super-Sargasso Sea via a portal that appeared underneath her while in her cell, she ended up gaining the powers of not only Pyrokinesis, but also the power to turn her body int a fire-proof gas. Though she has been getting help with her compulsion to set things on fire thanks to the aid of Dr. Nika seeing that maybe she should try to not set everything around her on fire.

Black Condor: Richard Grey Jr. lost his parents when he was a baby during an archeological expedition to his Earth's Mongolia, where they were killed in an ambush. Richard was then raised by giant black condors native to the region, and after studying his condor foster parents, he learned to fly. Though as he grew with the giant birds, he himself started to gain avian features such as feathers, wings and talons. How so was that the mountain that he and his condor parents lived on was peppered by a form of Sargassite that not only mutated the condors to make them more intelligent, but also granted Richard his avian physiology. Though when he became a teenager and was gliding around the mountain to practice flying with his wings, he ended up flying head-first into a portal and he fell into Empire City. There he was kind of a strange one since him living with condors has had the effect of giving Richard some of the behaviours of a condor such as wanting to eat any carrion he finds. Though he is slowly learning how to human again thanks to Dr. Nika.

Bob Phantom:
 Walt Whitney was teenage boy who worked part time as an investigative journalist for a newspaper buisness in New York City. However with Walt, he seemed to have this natural gift for easily sneaking into places to find great stories that helped put away several criminals that were hiding under the radar. However his antics put a massive target on his back and he ended up getting shot dead while walking down the street by a drive-by. However when he was falling backwards towards the sidewalk, a portal appeared underneath him and his body fell through. He woke up several hours later alongside the rest of The New Men, only to find that he was still pretty much dead. However he gained several ghost-like powers as well as being able to teleport via smoke. Walt still had some PTSD from his violent death, so Dr. Nika has done what he could to help Walt move past his trauma and fully recover.

and finally Polyma: Polyma is another weird one of the group since she wasn't even human to begin with. In actuality, Polyma was an artificial life-form created by one Professor Scuba S. Duba by exposing a statue made out of special chemicals to "super-hypertensity white aura-light ultra-ebonized light." However, the professor's nephew, Kevin, bumped into the machine causing Polyma to be born. However Polyma was a rather childish entitiy with a toddler-like mentality and only a basic grasp of English but her body can become almost anything including weapons, tools, and animals along with her incredible elasticity. So while she was innocent all things considered, she wasn't what the professor wanted and decided to scrap her to start over. However Kevin didn't want to see Polyma get scrapped, so he convinces her to run away from home and as far from the lab as she can. Obeying Kevin, Polyma ran away. She travelled for several miles before she found herself falling into a portal and was herself ended up in Empire City. There she ended up joining the rest of The New Men with Dr. Nika trying to effectively raise her to not get into too much trouble due to her inexperience with just about everything. Though she has came in contact with another group of heroes that she enjoyed being around, that being the hero known as Black Owl and his Homo Novus sidekicks, Yank and Doodle ."---)

Like The Ascended previously, this team was inspired by a post in a group about Public Domain Characters that involved recasting characters in a superhuman team with PD characters. In this case is re-casting Image Comics' New Men with PD characters. So I decided to do my own take on this team and make a few changes so it's not a complete rip-off. Also thanks to a commenter on Facebook, I decided that the superhumans in Sargasso would be dubbed "Homo Novus." Mostly because this commentor pointed out that Homo Superior is possibly trademarked by Marvel and by extension Disney.

And I know some of you are asking? Why did you name this team New Men? Doesn't Image own the rights to it? Well copyright-wise yes, The New Men were a property to Image, however a while ago I did check the trademark office for the name since Awesome Comics did not bring back The New Men. And turns out that the trademark for New Men along with a ton of other names from Early Image have expired, meaing that names like New Men, Bloodlords, Knightstrike, Starguard, Bloodwatch, Cybrid and Doom's IV are up for grabs. Kinda like what happened with the Captain Marvel trademark before Marvel snagged the trademark before DC could for their own character.

These character was made using Hero Machine 3.

The New Men are open source characters created specifically for use by anyone. Feel free to use it any way you wish. You must also give creator credit.

The image is copyright AFD Studios/heromachine.com and is posted here as a fair use reference
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D3AD-MAD-HATT3R [2022-02-15 19:14:54 +0000 UTC]

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Amanacer-Fiend0 In reply to D3AD-MAD-HATT3R [2022-02-15 19:23:19 +0000 UTC]

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lasticlover [2021-09-16 20:02:38 +0000 UTC]

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Amanacer-Fiend0 In reply to lasticlover [2021-09-16 20:05:21 +0000 UTC]

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lasticlover In reply to Amanacer-Fiend0 [2021-09-16 20:06:42 +0000 UTC]

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Amanacer-Fiend0 In reply to lasticlover [2021-09-16 20:11:38 +0000 UTC]

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lasticlover In reply to Amanacer-Fiend0 [2021-09-16 20:22:54 +0000 UTC]

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Amanacer-Fiend0 In reply to lasticlover [2021-09-16 20:24:10 +0000 UTC]

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lasticlover In reply to Amanacer-Fiend0 [2021-09-16 20:25:02 +0000 UTC]

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Amanacer-Fiend0 In reply to lasticlover [2021-09-16 20:29:31 +0000 UTC]

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lasticlover In reply to Amanacer-Fiend0 [2021-09-16 20:31:34 +0000 UTC]

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Amanacer-Fiend0 In reply to lasticlover [2021-09-16 20:33:00 +0000 UTC]

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lasticlover In reply to Amanacer-Fiend0 [2021-09-16 20:35:51 +0000 UTC]

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Amanacer-Fiend0 In reply to lasticlover [2021-09-16 20:37:45 +0000 UTC]

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lasticlover In reply to Amanacer-Fiend0 [2021-09-16 20:38:49 +0000 UTC]

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Amanacer-Fiend0 In reply to lasticlover [2021-09-16 20:40:07 +0000 UTC]

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lasticlover In reply to Amanacer-Fiend0 [2021-09-16 20:40:28 +0000 UTC]

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WOLFBLADE111 [2021-09-16 18:15:32 +0000 UTC]

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Amanacer-Fiend0 In reply to WOLFBLADE111 [2021-09-16 18:18:07 +0000 UTC]

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Amanacer-Fiend0 In reply to WOLFBLADE111 [2021-09-16 20:03:19 +0000 UTC]

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WOLFBLADE111 In reply to Amanacer-Fiend0 [2021-09-18 19:51:46 +0000 UTC]

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lasticlover [2021-09-16 16:56:23 +0000 UTC]

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Amanacer-Fiend0 In reply to lasticlover [2021-09-16 17:01:57 +0000 UTC]

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lasticlover In reply to Amanacer-Fiend0 [2021-09-16 18:35:20 +0000 UTC]

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lasticlover In reply to Amanacer-Fiend0 [2021-09-16 17:03:36 +0000 UTC]

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