Amlia200 — [HC] Dahn, Heide

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Published: 2018-04-22 23:19:01 +0000 UTC; Views: 903; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 4
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                                                                                    「 Dahn, Heide | 단 하이디 」

                                                                                          "*Awkward Silence*"

Nicknames | Dahn, TBD

Age | 22

Gender | Female

↳ She/Her

Birthday | 2 October | Libra

Height | 5’8 || 178 cm

Weight | 130 lb || 58 kg

Ethnicity | Finnish Korean

Nationality | Finnish

Language(s) Spoken | English (Intermediate), Korean (Fluent), Finnish (Fluent), Japanese (Conversational)


Roommate | Bloome, Chaeyeong (Ally)

Department | Major: Music | Minor: Art

Dream | Heide wishes to one day be able to express her fun side as she does in her photographs. Plus upgrading her musical skills would be a plus.

                                                                                        "*Sips iced americano*"


[ Independent | Benevolent |  Calm | Forgiving | Supportive ]

↳    Heide always seems to do stuff by herself, she often studies by herself and tries to do all the hard work on her own. Asking someone for help is against her morals as she doesn't want to burden anyone. She feels if she was to ask for assistance they would feel pressured to help her. Heide often feels disappointed in herself if she can't do something on her own. That being said, everything Heide does is good-willed, she could ignore you but that's only because she doesn't want you to break up with your boyfriend/girlfriend (as per request for relationship advice). She means good but her tactics can often come off as rude. Thankfully, Heide’s temper is always under control, she never cracks under pressure and is always relaxed in serious situations. You will never see her stressing over finals or social scenarios. To add to this, She will always forgive people for their mistakes (on purpose or not) and will never yell or hit anyone for their faults; If someone was to stress over their error though Heide would definitely go into overload and probably disperse quickly. Silently supporting everyone around her, Heide quietly pushes her friends to their goals and will try her best to not influence others decisions based on her situation.


[ Confidential | Mellow | Absent-Minded ]

↳     Heide is very secretive, she keeps her achievements and goals to herself. She often doesn't feel the need to tell people about her problems or worries; trying to fix them herself appeals to her conscious more. That being said, Heide is very soft, she doesn't get angry easily and is quite matured. Getting mad and blowing up on someone doesn't seem effective to her so she usually patiently waits for them to defend themselves and gets on with her day. Even though she is mature she quiet forgetful, she often lets important dates slip from her mind like her birthday and holidays. Losing her keys and phone are an everyday occurrence that never seems to anger her.


[ Impassive| Cautious | Conformist | Bland | Overthinks ]

↳    Heide is very distant, she keeps her feelings to herself (positive or negative) and doesn't feel the need to tell people when she's happy or sad. She doesn't converse much and prefers to stay quiet in group chats and conversations. She often is aware of everyone's movements and actions and makes sure she isn't in the way of anyone or anything. To add to this she memorizes people's bad habits and defense mechanisms and will never get mad if you perform them. She conforms herself to everyone's wills and will get used rules quickly. Sadly Heide isn't very recognizable in characteristics nor features and is often forgotten in votes and group projects, her personality and actions are bland so people usually neglect to take her into consideration. To be quite frank overthinking is Heide’s forte, she often stresses over her actions and takes a while to get her thoughts under control. She could spend hours thinking about how cold she was and how much a nuisance she was being.


History -


    Heide was born in the large area of Tampere, Finland near the Näsijärvi Lake in a reasonably sized abode. She was raised mostly by her Aunt but also lived with her Mother and Father. Her parents worked 24/7, her Mother an assistant at a decently sized company and her father was a doctor at a middle-class hospital. They both loved her dearly but taking care of her was impossible due to their ungodly schedule.

   So, that's where her Aunt came into play. She often cooked her hearty and healthy meals, helped her with her homework and got her ready in the morning. She truly was a saint, instead of resenting her brother for shoving their daughter on her, she adored and doted on Heide constantly.

   Heide often stayed inside and preferred to read instead of playing outside in the blistering heat. She loved the feeling of the thin paper slipping between her soft thumbs and the comforting musk of the old books she held constantly. She was fascinated by the small words that decorated the yellow paper and the meanings they conveyed so easily. She was hooked on them. She smiled so much when she read, the corners of her mouth would crinkle up and often hurt from giggling so much.

    Growing up was such an ease for her, she easily conformed to the daycare system and diligently studied without being told to. Anything that had words instants drew her in and never let her go. She loved it. So she continued, passing her first years in daycare with flying colors but not without some fun between them.

COMPREHENSION SCHOOL (1st grade-9th grade):

   Comprehension school was a breeze for Heide. She studied a moderate amount and still adored the words of the books she read over and over without complaint. She had a good amount of close friends and her love for reading blossomed even further. Heide smiled so much during this period of her life she was nicknamed “dimples” which she loved of course. Life was so good.

  This is when Heide acquired a love for people playing with her hair, she adored the feeling of fingers slipping through her silky locks and often let people style it; Heide absolutely cherished when her Aunt braided her short hair and stuck those decorated, small but effective hairpins to keep it in place.

   Heide’s life was pretty standard, that is until her Aunt gave her her first Polaroid camera in her fifth year. That, of course, flipped her world upside down, instead of reading 24/7 she developed a talent for photography and often took photos of random things she held dearly. Like her Aunt, for example, she was the first thing Heide took a photo of, the blurry polaroid dispensed out of the off-white camera and into her waiting palm. It wasn't the best, little fingerprints littered the rims and her Aunt’s face was out of focus but she still kept it to this day.

   Heide passed comprehension school with flying colors and a love for photography, but the next portion of her life was soon to come, and she simply couldn't wait any longer.

SECONDARY SCHOOL IN FINLAND(10th grade - 12th grade):

    As much as she looked forward to her secondary school life she was quite disappointed when it started. Over the summer rumors caught fire and Heide was in the middle of it. When she walked through the halls kids pointed and glared but not without turning to their friends to whisper behind her back. Oblivious to the rumor she went on with her life, cutting out sour friends that would shove this now known rumor down her throat. “She smiles too much” and “She’s so fake, why does she smile so much?” was the main things people said, but why was smiling considered bad? She thought smiling conveyed her feelings, so why was that so negative? What bothered her the most was the creator of the rumor. Who started it exactly? Well, it was shortly found out that it was Heide’s old Comprehension School buddy. Apparently, she was getting too close to her “hubby” during the summer and her friend didn't like it. So being the childish and hormonal girl she was Heide’s friend did what any other young girl would do. She created a rumor.

   Of course, she pushed through the rumors, dedicating most of her time to school and photography but this time hiding her smiles and giggles. She slowly started to cut herself out of society and huddled inside her own warm world. This place was filled to the brim with literature and silence, this place was her safe haven. It was simply her room. Of course, her Aunt was worried about the amount she refused to go shopping with her and the multiple instances where she straight out denied the idea of going to anywhere where other people were. What could her Aunt do though? She couldn't control her, she was going through a phase she had to beat herself.

    So her Aunt did the only thing she could think of; She proposed Heide a deal. Heide could study anything she wanted to, photography, music, heck even modeling, but on one condition. Heide had to study abroad. The idea was, if she was abroad she would have to open up more and make new connections. Heide, unknowing to her intentions agreed and quickly signed up for photography and set her sights on Japan. Heide’s parents being the business people they are also gained something from this. Since her mom was Korean and had a different outlook on education this would assure Heide got the full twelve years of education everyone else had to.





     Two to three weeks into the planning and she was already in her third year of secondary schooling. Packed up and ready to go Heide made a silent escape from her problems in Finland and safely arrived in Tokyo, Japan only to be greeted with the crowded streets of the popular area. The bright neon signs that hung from the tall building blaring through her thin glasses. Taken aback by the character Japan held she met up with her designated guide and made their way to the student living complex she would be staying in for the duration of her stay.


     Once she was settled in and was left to her own devices she explored her apartment. Luckily she didn't have a roommate and her rent was paid by her parents back in Finland. The apartment was quite spacy, it had a bedroom, a bathroom, and a small but functional kitchen. Once school started she absorbed herself into her studies as she did in her previous years, completely avoiding her Aunts plan unknowingly. Of course, this would have been a good time to explore the culture and lifestyle in Japan but Heide was simply too "busy" to go on a tour. That is until there was a mandatory trip the foreign transfer students had to participate in, her being the goody two shoes she went on it. They all split up into 5 groups of 2, her and her highly cringy partner setting off into the wonderful streets of Tokyo Japan. All was well until her partner decided to ditch her for her other friends, her high pitched voice yelling a few sorries before disappearing into the tightly packed crowd of bystanders.

    Heide just continued on her way, turning into a brightly lit alleyway instead of trying to weave between the civilians. To which she stumbled upon a retro music shop, electric guitars and giant basses littering the shelves, a heavy bass bumping through the walls along with a hard but tolerable voice following it. She peered into the shop before opening the door and stepping in. The whole atmosphere seemed to do a 180 turn once she closed that door. The shop was no longer intimidating but welcoming instead. The rock music that flowed through the large room complimenting the decor in the most splendid way possible. She promptly looked through all the instruments that were strewn around the area, her eyes immediately meeting a boy with dark brown hair, the front of his locks extending down to his chin before roughly getting shorter in the back. He raised his brow, a smile crawling up his lips before he approached her. His finger tapped her forehead before swerving around her and out the door. Confused her hand came up to her forehead, only to meet a sticky note. She plucked it off her forehead before bringing it up to her eye level. Written in Hangul it spelled out "You seam to be into the bess, try it eot", she squinted that the mistakes but pocketed the strange note.

    Just a few days passed before she saw him again, only this time he was in the front of the school, her school that is. Why was he here? Was he stalking her? Although these thoughts ran through her mind she stayed calm and composed, simply choosing to just walk straight past him. She thought she was in the clear but sadly a small hand tapped her on the shoulder, her body instantly reacting and quickly turned to him. He just smiled at her, his toothy smile penetrating her slightly widened eyes. This exact meeting happened multiple times a week, all he did was smile at her, this should have been alarming but he was just too unintimidating. Soon he just clung to their “friendship” and squeezed his way into her daily schedule.


   On multiple instances he ended up in her apartment, his electric guitar booming through the surprising thick walls but that's not what annoyed her. He would always raid her fridge, stealing the best leftovers and leaving her in the dust. One thing always bugged her though, how did he always get here so quick? Did he wait outside her door before sending the text? Did he follow her? So one day she decided to test her theories and showed him out. He waved to her and took a sharp right before entering the next room. Long and behold, he was her neighbor. Of course, she was shocked, but she just turned back to her room and shut the door.

    Rei was the “Saint” who convinced Heide to buy a bass. He used his cute and annoying voice to slowly persuade her into getting that charcoal gray beauty she now cherished. She didn't know it but before long she was handing the clerk of the music shop her credit card, a jumpy Rei shaking his shoulders enthusiastically. Even though she was crap at playing it Rei was the one to hype her up and even wanted to start a band. Her obviously only casually listening half-hearted agreed, not knowing what she was getting into exactly.

  Her time in Japan soon dwindled down to only a few months before her return to Finland, Rei obviously devastated with the news forced her to make a promise to him. Rei’s punk older friend had gone to Haneul, a prestigious art school and had spoken positively about it to him on multiple occasions. Rei being the curious fellow he was clasped hands with Heide and pushed his thumb into hers to sign the sudden “contract” of fate; Soon Heide set off back to Finland, leaving a sad and lonely Rei behind.

  Once Heide returned to Finland she was given great news. While she was away her parents scoured the internet for art colleges, their keen eye immediately narrowed down the choices to just one. Surprisingly (and coincidentally) It was Haneul. She quickly agreed and was only given a few months to prepared and take off.




  Sadly the relationship between Heide and her Aunt slowly dwindled down to the bare minimum. The amount of time before and after she left Japan was not enough the tie their hearts down to each other. Though the next part of her life was just about to begin. College.  



⌘ FACE CLAIM:  Park So Dam 


⌘ Briggs Myers’ personality: ISFJ

⌘ MoodBoard:
  ↳ Outfits:

⌘ Never realizes when someone calls her the wrong name/nickname

⌘ Has a small group of friends (Rei, Ally) and is hesitant to expand it

⌘ Takes a lot of 80’s retro photographs

⌘ Doesn't realize when people are being rude to her

⌘ Her footsteps are basically silent

⌘ Is lowkey obsessed with pinstripes but doesn't wear them often

⌘ Does favors for others a lot but doesn't realize it

⌘ Gets all of her workouts in by swimming (she got those swimmer bodies)

⌘ Plays the bass

⌘ Is in the band “Unicorn Blood”

Likes and Dislikes ||

△ Photography

△ The 80’s

△ Record Players

△ Jazz

△ Alternative Rock

△ JukeBoxes

△ The rain

▽ Loud Music

▽ Open Spaces

▽ Plain Walls

▽ Polaroid cameras

▽ Fashion Trends

▽ Carbonated Drinks

Relationships |

Orientation: Biromantic + Bisexual

   ↳ Status: Single

   ↳ Significant Other[s]:

RP Preferences ||

⌘ discord

⌘ lit and hc

⌘ friendships/rivalries/relationships are good!

⌘ Est Time

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Comments: 15

Club-Dreamiverse [2018-07-23 20:18:06 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Amlia200 In reply to Club-Dreamiverse [2018-07-25 21:05:35 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Club-Dreamiverse In reply to Amlia200 [2018-07-25 21:05:48 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Mochinko [2018-05-12 03:52:47 +0000 UTC]

huhu eyy more art kiddies!! she's so cute??? yells welcome!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Amlia200 In reply to Mochinko [2018-05-12 06:10:12 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mochinko In reply to Amlia200 [2018-05-13 12:58:34 +0000 UTC]

eyy yw!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

popolis [2018-05-03 20:53:30 +0000 UTC]

and the way you drew her is epic ;;;; <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Amlia200 In reply to popolis [2018-05-03 23:29:52 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

popolis In reply to Amlia200 [2018-05-10 22:16:20 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

dunbull [2018-04-27 01:47:26 +0000 UTC]

i love her sm

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Amlia200 In reply to dunbull [2018-04-28 01:29:49 +0000 UTC]

7yu8io thank u so much TT TT, that means so much to me <3 <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dunbull In reply to Amlia200 [2018-05-01 22:05:29 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DaretoDream0 [2018-04-26 01:30:24 +0000 UTC]

So precc

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Amlia200 In reply to DaretoDream0 [2018-04-26 11:46:50 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DaretoDream0 In reply to Amlia200 [2018-04-26 15:18:48 +0000 UTC]


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