Amlia200 — [RD] Suren Hamut

Published: 2020-02-26 09:18:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 921; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 0
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 "Hello, Welcome to Seven Eleven."   



[Name] Suren Hamut

[Nicknames] Suri


[Age] 17

[D.O.B] March 9th

[Gender] Male


[Height//Weight] 5‘6 ft // 115 lbs // 171 cm // 52 kg


[Nationality // Race]  American // Mongolian

[Sexuality] Biromantic Asexual (Developing)


[Occupation] Gas Station Cashier

[Street] Main Street



 Perceptive  // Discreet  // Realist // Capable  // Practical 

With a keen eye, Suren has trained himself over the years to constantly be aware of his surroundings. He unconsciously takes note of all the details encompassing him, including who, what, when, where and why, even if he's not in a tense environment. Knowing these factors helps him see through people's words, easily realizing if someone is lying or exaggerating. This, combined with his light steps and subtle presence, helps him slip through situations with all the info he needs quite easily. Being faced with tedious scenarios, Suren takes them for what they are, not bothering to play down the seriousness of the consequences. Deluding himself is not something he's interested in. If he's low on money at rent time, he'll take more hours at the gas station or pick up another part-time job; not procrastinate until due time. He grabs the circumstance by the neck and deals with it accordingly.

Ⓞ Pessimistic // Unorganized // Disingenuous // Stubborn Ⓞ

Always expecting the worse, Suren sees everything as half empty. Similarly, when something turns out better than predicted, he awaits the drawbacks tenfold. Not the most organized, Suren's diary, school notes, and room are a mess. He simply can't find the energy or time to straighten anything up and doesn't see the point in cleaning if everything is going to get tousled again in due time. He just simply learned to maneuver around the mess. Being a frequent liar, Suren habitually fabricates information about himself. When confronted about anything, he spits carefully mended and false excuses to save face. No matter how much someone has on him, he stays confident in his crafted life and personality.

 Paranoid  // Brittle // Cynical  // Vindictive // Irritable 

Constantly on edge, Suren has designed an incessant schedule for going about his day. Before leaving the house, he surveys all rooms, checks under his bed and in his closet, assures the oven is shut off and tests his locked door. During work, he searches the isles every hour, scans the bathrooms, and patrols the sitting area. Unchanging, Suran is particularly bad at adapting to new areas and unknown scenarios. A shiny new environment makes him feel like a fish out water, vulnerable and exposed. Playing into this, Suren is always suspicious of strangers. He believes humans only do things for self-interest, even if it involves stepping over someone in the process. Still a young lad, Suren is easily irritable. When poked and prodded in an unfamiliar setting, he is sure to snap in an ugly rage, revenge fresh in the mind. Humans deserve what they give, and if anger is made, anger is served.

[Character] Charisma ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ // Kindness ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆  // Integrity ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ // Caution ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ // Intelligence ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆




                            Ginger Kombucha // Rice Porridge // Weighted Blankets // Snow // Hoodies // Old Rock music       

                                             Strangers // Surprises // New Enviorments // School // Radios // Soda                        




                                                                                           ♡ Thrifting 


                                                                                           ♡ Collecting old comic books

                                                                                            Lock picking




[Reason for moving] Family Issues


[How long they have lived in town] 1 month


Born in Ludlow, Vermont, Suren grew up amongst three siblings. With a younger brother, younger sister, and older brother, Suren has bestowed the title of “middle child”. Raised in a packed home, both parents and grandparents resided in one small house. To keep up with rent, both of his parents worked long, grueling hours; His mother a maid, and Father a dry cleaner. Due to this, his grandparents frequently took care of the four. Though, even with this, the family remained around the poverty line.

At the start of elementary school, Suren was deemed an excellent student who simply didn't care to put in the required effort. He “truly” had the knowledge but would refuse to use it, or that’s what the teachers said. Suren would constantly pick fights with his fellow students, snapping at them over the most harmless of jokes, causing him to lose a large portion of his friends. A majority of the skirmishes were settled quickly by the teachers, but when Suren got violent, he was finally sent to the counselor’s office. Sat in the uncomfortably plush chair, He lied right through his teeth, saying everything was fine at home. No, he was not being struck, no, he was not being yelled at, yes, he was being taken care of. And while that was true, it was not alright. Confiding in his brother, he cried his eyes out, whining about how he misses spending time with his friends and parents.

At the age of 24, Suren’s brother finally moved out, pursuing his dream of living in a rainy but quaint town. Suren did not take this well at all. Now that he was the “oldest brother”, his younger siblings had put an ungodly amount of faith into him, the weight of their dependency straining his relationship with the family. This, paired with his grandparent’s inability to take care of them due to old age, really put a wall between him and his parents.

Now in high school, Suren had started amassing a handful of concerning symptoms. Even with a full 8 hours of rest, he felt drained and could barely keep his eyes open during class. A headache always pressed against his temples, a dull thump much more noticeable than what the teacher was saying. Now, this wasn't too drastic to Suren. He had always been a little tired, dehydration headaches weren’t too far fetched. But, this had begun to interfere with his performance in school. Occasionally falling asleep during class, Suren had gotten away with his involuntary naps for a while; though, as they became more frequent, he was finally given detention. Sitting through the two long, grueling hours, he returned home; the red faces of his mom and dad just feet away from him making his fists clench in anticipation. Letting go of their pent up frustration, his parent’s released their unadulterated anger upon him. Brutish and hurtful words had been exchanged, and Suren had stomped off in outrage.

At times like these, Suren would always take a hot shower. He had found it calmed him down even in the worst of moods. Though, the steam combined with his rage had triggered his cataplexy, causing him to pass out. Waking up in the hospital, Suren had been informed he simply hit his head, but no permanent damage had been inflicted. Taken home, his parents had stayed eerily silent, though he knew they were mad. Once in the safety of their house, his parents finally spoke. They started off relatively calm, but sadness and anger slipped through their tone. He had always known they were low on funds, but being confronted, being apart of the cause, it had finally dawned on him. Teeth clenched, he spat out his solution. He was going to get a job. He was going to support himself.

Picking up a job at a nearby restaurant, Suren had become somewhat of an errand boy. He would prep food, wash dishes, help clean up, and portion servings. It was hard at first, but months later, he was acclimated well enough to get by. By the mid of his 2nd year, he had saved a decent wad of cash. Though, life soon came to bite him in the ass once more. Still, well under the poverty line, he was forced to use his money for the “greater good”, as his parents said. He really wasn't mad that his money went to his grandparent’s hospital bills, but rather he was obligated to be the bigger person despite being a child. 

Giving up on school. Suren started rebelling against his parents. His mood swings worsened due to stress, and he gave into his narcolepsy. Though, soon after he turned 17, he decided to run away and into the arms of his big brother. Packing up his meager belongings, he snuck out at night, hopping from bus to bus until he ran out of cash. Reluctantly hitchhiking the rest of the way, into the arms of Lichbarrow. Arriving at his brothers, he was scolded, hugged, yelled at, and cried on instantly. He was hit with a multitude of questions. Why? When, and How? And after skillfully crafting his reasons and alibis, his brother was putty in his hand. Guilt plagued his brother; was he really a big part of this? Coming up with an agreement together, He was allowed to stay with his older brother, though, he had to attend high school. And once he turned 18, he was to make up with his family.

Immediately after their talk, Suren's brother made sure to call his parents; letting them know Suren was safe with him and their agreement. Heated words were exchanged, but their parents were just glad that he was ok; and after hearing about the school situation, they slowly warmed up to the idea. They gave their consent, and Suren was free to live in Lichbarrow for now.  

Now in Lichbarrow, Suren has immediately swiped a job at the gas station. Fully knowing he wouldn’t put enough effort into school, he decided to spend his time collecting more cash. It first started off well. Though he was massively uncomfortable in the new setting, being away from his family gave him a sense of peace. He slept through most of his shifts, as the convenience store wasn't too popular. He even got to do some homework if he was in the mood. However, as time continued, weird happenings started to occur. The door would chime, but no one would be there. Chip packets and drinks would fall off the rack. His phone would ring, only for no one to speak. Finally, the lights would shut off for just a moment, just enough time for him to panic. This has caused Suren to be on edge constantly. He is always searching for the reason of his stress, his anxiety.




[Name] Suvuu (♂)

[Nicknames] Su

[D.O.B] March 9th

[Age] 1

[Species] Bronzefallow Cockatiel





✥ Themes // (x)  The Kinks - Destroyer
 Face Claim // (x) (x) (x)  Motora Serina
✥ Voice Claim // TBD 
✥ Zodiac // Pisces 
✥ MBTI // The Virtuoso (ISTP)
✥ Moral Alignment // Chaotic Nuetral
✥ Languages Known // English, Mongolian
✥ Handness // Right-handed 


➼ Suren has an old planner he frequently writes in. It contains a lot of lists, reminders, and messy schedules. Though written sloppily, its just enough to get him by.

☂ Suffering from type 1 narcolepsy, Suren periodically sleeps through most of the day, meaning he involuntarily tends to be a night owl. 
Though he sleeps more than the average person, he is faced with being chronically tired. This has taken quite a toll on his grades and social life.

➼ Still, in high school, Suren contemplates dropping out early since he usually sleeps through his classes anyway. Plus, he's only passing by the skin of his teeth. This way, he would be able to pick up more hours, meaning more money.

☂ Bought Suvuu when he needed company the most. He's almost a therapy bird to Suren.

➼ Suren was raised Tibetan Buddhist, but due to aging, has converted to atheism.

☂ When restocking, Suren doesn't hesitate to take the expired food for himself. Since it's unsellable, it's better under his care than in the trash.

➼ He is very guilty of sleeping on the job. Obviously uncontrollable, he has thankfully never dozed off in the presence of a customer or manager.

☂ He currently lives in a cheap apartment with his Older Brother(27) and Suvuu.

➼ Owns a VESPA GT  60° 250 CC 2006

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