Amp1029 β€” Battle For Heaven Part 19

Published: 2018-02-13 16:33:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 1208; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 0
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Description Last chapter, the final showdown between Good and Evil had taken place. Elsa had proved to be an unwanted opponent for Medusa as she sent her army of monsters against the ice queen. With no regard for her safety due to the heartache of Urd's loss, Elsa stood her ground to bring down the monsters with magic she was taught by Urd. With each incredible spell, Medusa's defenders fell one by one, but Elsa's demeanor in the battle was taking a dark turn. Each spell was having deadlier effects because of her use of Madelyne's goblyn magics which was slowly corrupting Elsa to become the monstrous apprentice she was almost created to be. Medusa had grown fearful that she would soon deal with a goblyn princess with a bloodlust for her, and Hild was sensing the same. Elsa was almost lost as she was trying to kill Madelyne with her frozen touch, but Hild took matters into her own hands, literally. Removing the evil that built in Elsa's soul, she absorbed it to bring her to her senses. With Elsa back to normal and knowing only Medusa was left, the final battle took place. Medusa revealed that she was not defenseless as she showed a terrible spell called Vector, able to redirect any force that Elsa and Hild threw at her. Hild said that the only means to defeat such a spell is an intense force of magic that cannot be blocked. With Hild recharged from Elsa's evil, she used her magic to boost Elsa's in the attack. Medusa was not amused and revealed the true force of her magic by launching multiple beams of Vector all at once, wanting to grind the two into nothing once it reached them. Elsa had lost confidence, thinking without the dark power she was given before was the only thing that made her power better. For her, it was over. But she thought the same once before when she remembered a teaching session between her and Urd. Elsa had to break down in failure to admit she was scared of her magic....not just hurting those she loved, but because she wanted to. She was scared to become a monster that would willingly hurt those she loved. She came close...real close, but she took a small comfort that Urd shared her pain! She knew what drove Elsa, what needed to be done to be better. Urd gave her what she needed to face the world as a Queen of the people. With a renewed confidence in her best friend, Elsa's magic began to transform her with her angelic presence which shocked Hild. Elsa claimed that Urd was with them and they'd end this battle once and for all. Crying out Urd's most powerful teaching, Elsa's magic launched a force of nature so powerful that Medusa was frozen in a mound of ice that would imprison her in a frozen state for eternity. The battle was over...but the price was still too much to pay for the heroes.

Elsa was in tears as the feeling of victory couldnt take away the pain of loss. She saw Urd's robotic body on the ground with her chest open from the harsh ripping of her power core heart. She pounded the ground, shaking her head. "I should have come sooner. I couldnt even get out of my grief....stupid, Im so stupid" She whined and Hild frowned deeply. "Stop this! Dont even give Medusa that satisfaction of bringing you to your knees!" She said. "Medusa took away my best friend, Hild....how can I feel I won at all?" She asked and Hild glared, pointing at the fallen monsters across the floor. "That is your victory, child!" She said and Elsa looked, wiping her eyes. "Nnn, can they be turned back?" She asked and Hild frowned, looking over at the mound of ice. "Of course! I can take their souls back from that foul witch and restore them!" She said, touching the ice. Bright essences like colorful stars began to glisten in the ice and move within it as Elsa was shocked. "No! You'll shatter the ice!" She said. "Dont be foolish! Souls transcend all things! Medusa will stay right where she is!" She frowned, the souls hovering above her palm. Elsa counted them and frowned. "You....didnt take Medusa's" She said and Hild frowned, having the same thought. "I have imagined trillions of methods of tortures just now for that witch after what she has done, but....one will be satisfactory. She will be frozen for eternity remembering the last thing she saw which was our faces staring her down! She will remember her defeat now and forever" She clenched, watching the souls hover to their respective bodies. Elsa held her arm and approached Urd, noticing nothing happening as she frowned. "Hild....can....can you tell me if she suffered in the end?" She asked and Hild clenched. Hild's eye took a purple haze as she remembered her rage. She looked at Elsa and frowned a bit. "She died quickly...and she went never knowing....how much....it hurt me....to..." She clenched her fist tightly as tears hit the floor. "Hild, what--"I did it! I did it, dammit!" She said and Elsa was confused. "Did....nnn...No!" She said and Hild glared. "I killed my daughter to ensure that Medusa would not have her victory! Is that all to it??? I sacrificed my greatest...no....my most perfect creation...all for the sake of your damned humanity...no...." She glared at the sky. "YOUR HUMANITY! You should have done something! You had no right to stand by as our daughter was taken by that witch! WHERE WERE YOU? ANSWER ME!" She screamed and Elsa was having trouble balancing anger, fear, sadness, and anxiety. "Hild...you said--"I lied, you idiot! I lied because I had nothing but you to take down that witch! Im a demon queen! I do not have honor! I do not care of your feelings! I manipulate humans for my sole pleasure and I torment them with a smile on my--" She stopped after she was given a sharp slap to her face. Her eyes widened to see Elsa in tears. Hild's eyes glowed purple as her hand began to spark.

Elsa wiped her eyes a moment as she tried holding back her tears and saw Hild's anger beginning to burst. "You lied to me....you used me...." She said and Hild's teeth gritted. "How da...nnn" She gasped a moment when Elsa hugged around her neck and Hild clenched a moment. "If it were anyone else...Id never ever forgive you. You saved her...I know you did....she knows it too" She said and Hild's eyes became normal as they swelled. "Nnn! Urd...." She clenched Elsa's gown, her face digging into her shoulder. Elsa couldnt look, knowing the greatest evil in Hell had finally showed a moment of vulnerability. After what she had done, what she sacrificed, how could Elsa judge her. She did the worst things to her own sister so she knew what it meant to do what was unspeakable...but she was forgiven...more than she felt she deserved. Hild needed that from her. She didnt need anyone else telling her what she did. Eternity knowing was enough for anyone to endure. Hild removed herself and turned away. "Mmm! Damned child. Youre an annoyance" She said and Elsa sighed a moment. "Im sorry! I just--"Well, Im certainly not going to stand here in debt to a human! Name your reward, and lets finish our business!" She asked quickly, wanting to return to her nature as a cold hearted devil. "Reward?" She asked. "I cant have Heaven holding over my head that its savior was not given her reward! You have given both realms their salvation so name it!" She said and Elsa frowned at Hild. "Just when I thought you deserved....I dont want anything at all from you." She said and turned away. She frowned when she saw Madelyne and Morrigan as their normal selves laying unconscious on the floor. "Nnn....wait" She turned and Hild frowned. "What's going to happen with those two, Hild?" She pointed and Hild looked over. "Well, if I had a say in the matter, they'd be obliterated for starting this damned ordeal! However, I allowed it knowing it was a benefit for evil! I'll take them to my realm and give them their punishments....personally" She said and Elsa frowned. "Do you not agree? I can send them to their own kingdoms if you wish mercy" She said. "Morrigan tried to kill Urd with her attack. Madelyne...mmm" She frowned and Hild frowned. "You still favor Madelyne. Im impressed youd give her that knowing what she nearly forced you to become" She said and Elsa frowned. "Just take them. I cant defend what they did...but I dont want them dead" She said and Hild crossed her arms. "Done" She said and Elsa looked over to see Belldandy and Skuld normal and out cold. "How can I tell them what happened." She said and Hild frowned. "Belldandy saw what I had done....and I am sure that Skuld will spend a few millennia creating weapons to punish me! I know what to expect from this, Elsa! I accepted my actions and Ill live with my consequences" She said, glaring. "Mmm. What of Urd?" She asked and saw she wasnt turning normal. "I'll give her what she is due....I'll take her home with me and her alter will be seen from all points of creation! Heaven's most perfect angel shall be remembered eternally" She said and knelt down near her body, holding her hand to her own. "Mommy is taking you home...." She said and Elsa frowned. "Mmm....if only I could just...." She muttered and Hild frowned. "What...just spit it out, child. Im ready to just go" She said. "I just....Id give it all up! Id give my magic just to have her back! I pray that forever to give the best part of me to have her back" She said and Hild glared. "Well the best part of you will never be...nnn" She froze a moment as she had a thought. "From the mouths of babes..." She muttered and Elsa was confused.

Hild was in a pause for a few moments as she seemed in deep thought. "Nnn! Elsa, if you were an angel, youd be one of good fortune!" She got up and then put a hand to her chin. "It can work" She said and Elsa was still confused. "What? What did I even say? I was just speaking in grief? Im sorry" She said. "Dont be! You may have just proven to me why I need to tolerate you humans!" She smiled as she had an idea as she held her hands out. "This may work well enough to even make it like nothing happened." She said and Elsa frowned. "What are you talking about? What are you doing, Hild?" She asked. "Im going to bring Urd back! You gave me a brilliant idea. The best part to you wouldnt even spark a flame....but the best part of me will bring bring my Urd back! Im going to use my omnipotence once again and bring my daughter back to life" She said and Elsa's eyes widened. "WHAT? You cant be serious?" She said and Hild chuckled, feeling life returning to her as she was coming back to her old self. "Oh Im serious as I can be, dear girl! Stand aside because this spell is going to take a lot of power!" She said as she held her hands over Urd. "I summon allΒ  essences of shadow, blight, and the spectres hiding from the light's reach, come to me and eclipse me from the radiance of creation's flame. I summon the black flame of malevolence!" She said, her hands catching fire with black sparks emitting from her fingers. "Oh god" She said. "Not now! He wouldnt stand for this but he's not stopping me either. Im bringing my little girl back!" She said and touched Urd's body. "Take my best, my darling...and come back to me! The demon of all darkness to bring back her angel..." She asked and Elsa shook her head. "Dont...ah" She hid her face from the flash of hellfire that burst. Elsa felt heat that was indescribable as she waited for it to end. "Nnn: She felt a chill from the normal air and peeked around her arm. "Did...nnn" She saw Urd's body was restored and healed, but Hild was silent as she had her tears fall. "It worked" She said and Hild clenched. "Dammit! How can it not be enough? I dont need the Almighty to bring her back." She screamed and Elsa frowned deeply. "You can bring back the body, but no the soul....mmm...I knew it!" She said and gasped when her throat was grabbed. "You dare speak to me like you are an expert! What do you know of matters of the soul" She said and Elsa glared. "Only that Urd taught me how the real essence of magic works....with balance. Im not an expert but I know that if you tried bringing her back with your soul, it was doomed to fail anyways because you cant be replaced! Without you, the grand design would fall out of sync and--"and chaos. Of course!!!!" Hild interrupted and got up. "My soul incapable of being sacrificed. I was so grieved I forgot even a basic rule!" She said and Elsa gripped her shoulders. "You have every right to feel so sad! I know you deserve your moments to feel hope but please, let this alone" She asked and Hild smiled. "Urd deserves someone like you dear....but I dont" She pushed her aside. "If I need a soul to sacrifice, I'll just take one from someone that doesnt deserve it"

Elsa frowned at Hild, wanting her to stop what she was doing before she drove her grief into something unjustifiable. "Hild, this is...oi I can't even describe what this is. You cant take a soul to restore a soul! Its murder of the worst kind" She said and Hild frowned. "Not if I take it from someone that cannot be forgiven" She said, staring at the mound of ice. Elsa's eyes widened as she ran over, grabbing her arm. "No! You cant free her! After everything we did, it will be in vain!" She said and whined when shocked off of Hild's arm by red lightning...merely more like bad static shock. "You did as I expected, you gave everything to seal her away! I too wanted that for eternity but now she has another use! She'll never know freedom" She said and held out her arms to the sides. "Hild! Im begging you! Dont do this! Urd taught me another lesson that makes more sense to me than ever....magic like this has consequences...and as powerful as you are, you cant afford them" She said and Hild frowned. "Any consequence is nothing if it means having her back! I have paid enough for damning the worst imaginable in creation, I deserve this as payment!" She said as black flame struck the ice mound and wrapped Urd's body. "Please dont" Elsa cried, having no choice but to stand back as Hild's eyes glowed purple. "I want what is mine...and I give this wretched soul to have it" She said. The mound of ice crackled as an essence within screamed from such pain. Hild's eyes looked to Urd. "The best part of me was always in you, dearest Urd...but you have so much more to give the world! Come back" She begged as the room was filled with another brilliant flash. Again, Elsa shielded her eyes and braced herself from another heatwave. However, she felt nothing and was confused as she again peeked. She gasped to see Hild on her knees, Urd's head laying on her hands as she went over. "Nnn....it didnt work?" She said and Hild stroked Urd's cheek. She was silent a few more moments until a groan sounded. Elsa and Hild froze to see Urd's eye creep open and look up as Elsa covered her mouth. "Urd..." She said. Hild's tears fell on Urd's cheek as Urd slowly looked to her as Hild smiled. "Hello there...Im here, Urd" She said, her eyes swelling with joy.

These past couple of pieces have a lot to say with just one image to show for it. I need to make it a movie. XD I hope everyone enjoyed the battle and continue giving me your feedback! The story is definitely fun for me to wrote.

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Comments: 2

corruptionwriter [2018-02-21 13:59:51 +0000 UTC]

I was team Medusa all the way, but I can't deny that she got cocky.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Amp1029 In reply to corruptionwriter [2018-02-21 15:11:35 +0000 UTC]

Pride shall be the downfall of every great ruler. A lesson in life never to be forgotten.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0