AmrasFelagund — Older Fluttershy

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Published: 2019-02-24 01:22:23 +0000 UTC; Views: 4214; Favourites: 105; Downloads: 13
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Cutie mark: www.deviantart.com/blackgryph0…

Friendship Is Magic: The Next Generation begins thirty years after the birth of Princess Flurry Heart, and the story is... a bit darker and more complicated than My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic before it. It delves into the backstory around Alicorns, where they came from, why Discord is the only Draconequus, and who is the prisoner in the deepest darkest cell of the cosmic oubliette that is Tartarus...

(And admittedly, FIM:TNG does take some liberties with the events of MLP:FIM, mostly in regards to Equestria Girls and all episodes after and including The Cutie Re-Mark. That will become more apparent when it comes to the character bios for Sunset Shimmer, Flash Sentry, Starlight Glimmer, and others.)

Now, I have done this for years now online, but I think it deserves attention here: whenever I discuss a couple, I always use an ampersand "&" between their names, whereas with platonic pairs/groups, I use the word "and" instead. And also, I think we all take it for granted that same-sex couples in Friendship Is Magic headcanons can have kids. I mean, magic is a thing in this universe, and it's not ENTIRELY written off that sex-changes could happen with magic. Or just, you know, other options with the magic to allow two mares or two stallions to have children together. Anyway, moving on.

This is Fluttershy, as she appears in my Friendship Is Magic: The Next Generation. She is married to Rainbow Dash and is one of the mothers of Whirlwind ("Windy" for short). Fluttershy runs an animal shelter out of her cottage, while offering supervision on the Kindness and Healing curricula at the School of Friendship.

Rainbow Dash & Fluttershy knew each other practically all their lives, and Fluttershy carried an infatuation for Rainbow for almost as long. It was around the episode Hurricane Fluttershy that Rainbow Dash began to reciprocate those feelings, although it wasn't until shortly before Flutter Brutter that either of them acted on it. Not surprisingly, it was Rainbow Dash who made the first move, although she can strongly attest to how surprisingly assertive Fluttershy can be as a romantic. It might have something to do with taking some lessons from her alter . Rainbow Dash has moved her cloud home to be located over Fluttershy's cottage, and she flies down to Fluttershy's whenever they want to cuddle together, among other activities.
...yeah, I forgot to mention this, didn't I? Although Fluttershy & Rainbow Dash are married, as are Pinkie Pie & Rarity, the long-standing on-and-off infatuation that lurked between Rainbow & Pinkie just could not be stymied. An accord was reached between the two couples to allow for Rainbow & Pinkie to have romantic interludes on the side, such as the pair of them seated side-by-side at their many double-dates. This has another benefit to another party which I will get to presently.
After Discord and Fluttershy drew Butterfly Affection out of Fluttershy's head, the three of them tried to be a family together, but Discord could not stand spending long periods of time in Fluttershy's cottage, nor could she tolerate long stretches in his domain. As Fluttershy & Rainbow Dash's love bloomed, Discord found himself becoming a fifth wheel in Fluttershy's life. He broke things off between himself and Fluttershy, and she felt awful for making him feel awful. Discord stayed in their life, though it took some time for things to warm up between Flutterbye's parents.

In my headcanon (inspired by StarryOak's), Fluttershy is not a single pony but a system where the Fluttershy we know is the core/original personality. Her alters are New Fluttershy, the most assertive and proactively defensive of the lot; The Bat, a non-pony alter identifying as a bat who split off during Bats! (read: Flutterbat); Severe Swallowtail, a nose-upturned snooty Unicorn (in the headspace) who looks down on the "riff-raff" of Ponyville and would much rather be a bourgeoise elite; Valencia (or "Val" or "Valley Girl"), a trending and informal Earth Pony (in the headspace) who'd rather be left to her own devices; and Miss Abyss (or just "Miss", not that names matter much), a nihilistic and poetic Pegasus mare who laments the impermanence of us upon our mortal coils.
New Fluttershy, as she refers to herself after the events of Putting Your Hoof Down, was the first alter of Fluttershy's that developed, and is the most fleshed out personality-wise.
The Bat is entirely non-verbal, only squeaking or hissing. She is incapable of speech and behaves more like an animal than a pony. She has a primal desire for fruits and draining their juices for sustenance. When Whirlwind is experiencing his more batlike qualities on particular nights, though, The Bat displays a much more maternal side, and is the only one able to communicate with Windy during this phase.
Severe Swallowtail, Valencia, and Miss Abyss are less developed and more simplistic alters than New Fluttershy, just above fragments. They have very simplistic needs and narrow emotional ranges, but are still treated as ponies by their family. They were born from the stress of Fluttershy's stint as Photo Finish's model and muse.
Because of some latent magic she's absorbed from Discord over the years, Fluttershy's mane and tail adjust themselves spontaneously to reflect on the dominant personality. It happens instantaneously, but never when Fluttershy is the focus of anypony. Hair curls itself into buns when Swallowtail is dominant, and straightens out and slackens while also generating black streaks when Miss Abyss is in control. Somehow, glasses appear out of nowhere when Valencia is dominant. They have no lenses, but Val insists that she totally needs them; it has become apparent with time that this is not a trick on her part, as she's convinced that she is farsighted.
Whirlwind calls Fluttershy Mama, New Fluttershy Mother, The Bat Mother, Severe Swallowtail Mother, Valencia Mom, and Miss Abyss Miss Mother. Flutterbye calls Fluttershy Mom or Mom-Me, New Fluttershy Other Mother, The Bat Batmom, Severe Swallowtail Bossy-Mom, Valencia Valley-Mom, and Miss Abyss Abysmom.

Fluttershy is obviously in love with Rainbow Dash, but the same cannot necessarily be said for her alters. New Fluttershy tolerates Rainbow Dash but is quite proactive about letting her know when she's letting Fluttershy down. The Bat is uninterested in love of any kind except for the maternal affection she feels for a batty Windy. Swallowtail does not particularly care for Rainbow Dash, and when the FlutterDash and RariPie couples go on their double-dates, she usually takes the wheel to try to make a pass at Rarity (although she's still somewhat livid over having been fired in Fake It 'Til You Make It). Valencia is not attracted to anypony because everypony is, like, in for getting romantic and she isn't gonna do what everypony else is doing. Miss Abyss is in love with Rainbow Dash as well, but it's unrequited and she writes honestly quite miserable and depressing poetry about how her heart bleeds from her hopeless love.

When Fluttershy is surprised by apples, the smell of apples, or apple-based products, she grows fangs and The Bat forces herself to control of Fluttershy's body for a time. When this happens at nighttime, she will flat out revert to how Flutterbat looked until sunrise, even after the craving subsides. Miss Abyss is more likely to appear as Flutterbat when the apple craving kicks in, day or night, though she is apparently allergic to apples.

Fluttershy is a very sweet mare, though still quite introverted and still much preferring the company of her animal friends to that of her own kind. She dedicates herself to taking care of every animal left in her care at the Healing Cottage as if it were her own. Beneath all of this softness is a mare of steel, as she will not tolerate any meaningless cruelty, and if you insult or hurt her friends, out comes The Stare.
New Fluttershy was born from the trauma of Fluttershy's victimization at bullying back in Cloudsdale, as her parents and brother were respectively too passive or too self-absorbed to do anything to protect her. As such, New Fluttershy is very defensive of Fluttershy, quite proactively at that (as was seen when she took the reins in Putting Your Hoof Down). She has little problem with flying compared to Fluttershy, often using it to assert her dominance.
The Bat craves apples and sustenance through their juices. She has very little attachment to anything else, and will act in her own self-defense by trying to scare off others. Fluttershy actually let The Bat take the lead in some of her scares in Scare Master, but took control again when she saw how scared her friends were. The Bat's sole attachment to another pony is to Whirlwind when his vampiric other side takes over.
Severe Swallowtail fancies herself a high-class fancy Canterlotian Unicorn, and carries herself as such. She is not as knowledgeable about haute-couture fashion as she imagines, but is very canny at bluffing the appearance of such. She doesn't fly because she sees herself as a Unicorn, so she tends to use her wings more as hands and sees it as using Unicorn magic for basic telekinesis.
Valencia is a trendy West Coast Earth Pony... so she sees herself. She is frankly quite vapid and will drop very current terms to try to appear on the cusp of the latest cultural trends. She never flies, but unlike Swallowtail, she never uses Fluttershy's wings by dint of identifying as an Earth Pony.
In contrast to Fluttershy's other two fashionista alters, Miss Abyss is actually quite knowledgeable about the dark and pessimistic side of pony culture. A good many shelves on Fluttershy's bookcase are dedicated to Miss's fatalistic outlook, both from the bookstore and her own poetry. Identifying as a Pegasus, she can indeed fly when she is the dominant personality, saying that it allows her to feel more like how everything is: mostly empty space with almost no matter in between.

Surprisingly, Rainbow Dash was the one to carry Whirlwind. Fluttershy didn't mind the idea of carrying the foal, but New Fluttershy and Severe Swallowtail put their hooves down about it, and Miss Abyss wasn't too keen on it herself. Rainbow Dash's activity level and her metabolism turned out to be an asset to the unborn foal's healthy development, though she lamented being grounded for so long.

Fluttershy still does not sing publicly; it's still an extremely self-conscious matter. However, as Rainbow Dash got heavier and heavier with Whirlwind, Fluttershy took to singing lullabies to the pregnant belly, and this continued for several years after Windy was born.

After things warmed back up between Discord and Fluttershy, things occasionally became "interesting" in the passing seasons... of their lives. One particularly memorable moment was when they opted to take a family photo and Discord volunteered to be the photographer. It made sense, since he could take the photo and pose in it at the same time... but when the camera flashed, there were suddenly far too many Fluttershys. He had temporarily granted each of Fluttershy's alters their own bodies based on their own headspace appearances. It sure was an interesting twenty-two minutes

After Twilight and the Alicorns vanished, Fluttershy took care of Owloysius in his agedness. She buried the ancient owl in front of the Castle of Friendship when his time came. The Angel Warren was started when Angel Bunny had kittens with a jackalope, and the half-jackalopes of this warren roam about Ponyville to give Fluttershy news on the pets of her fellow Ponyvillagers. Tank lives with Fluttershy as well for practical purposes, as Rainbow Dash still lives in her cloud home (albeit positioned just above the Healing Cottage) and the cloud-walking spell requires constant recasting.

Fluttershy has not spoken to her parents in years, as she came to realize that they were complete and total push-overs who let every bad thing in her life happen to her. They haven't made efforts to reach out to her or their grandson, only reinforcing it to her that she made the right decision.

Fluttershy and her alters
New Fluttershy alone
Severe Swallowtail alone
Valencia alone
Miss Abyss alone
The Bat alone

MLP:FiM (c) Lauren "fyre-flye " Faust / Hasbro
FIM:TNG (c) me

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Comments: 3

SwiftgaiatheBrony [2019-02-24 05:34:23 +0000 UTC]

Great story!
But she doesn't look any older just has her mane in a different style!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AmrasFelagund In reply to SwiftgaiatheBrony [2019-02-24 13:43:02 +0000 UTC]

I might have forgotten to do that particular aspect of aging Fluttershy up here DX

But in my defense, Twilight Velvet looks too young to be a grandmother and yet there's no indication that she chose to have kids too early, nor with Shining Armor.

But I'll chalk it up to beautification by Rarity, if I have to come up with an in-universe reason that Fluttershy still looks so young.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SwiftgaiatheBrony In reply to AmrasFelagund [2019-02-24 13:44:49 +0000 UTC]


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