AmrasFelagund — Older Rarity

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Published: 2019-02-24 01:22:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 7017; Favourites: 99; Downloads: 11
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Cutie mark: www.deviantart.com/blackgryph0…

Friendship Is Magic: The Next Generation begins thirty years after the birth of Princess Flurry Heart, and the story is... a bit darker and more complicated than My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic before it. It delves into the backstory around Alicorns, where they came from, why Discord is the only Draconequus, and who is the prisoner in the deepest darkest cell of the cosmic oubliette that is Tartarus...

(And admittedly, FIM:TNG does take some liberties with the events of MLP:FIM, mostly in regards to Equestria Girls and all episodes after and including The Cutie Re-Mark. That will become more apparent when it comes to the character bios for Sunset Shimmer, Flash Sentry, Starlight Glimmer, and others.)

Now, I have done this for years now online, but I think it deserves attention here: whenever I discuss a couple, I always use an ampersand "&" between their names, whereas with platonic pairs/groups, I use the word "and" instead. And also, I think we all take it for granted that same-sex couples in Friendship Is Magic headcanons can have kids. I mean, magic is a thing in this universe, and it's not ENTIRELY written off that sex-changes could happen with magic. Or just, you know, other options with the magic to allow two mares or two stallions to have children together. Anyway, moving on.

Rarity is the proprietor of Carousel Boutique, Canterlot Carousel, Rarity For You, and many other boutiques around Equestria. She is married to Pinkie Pie, as well as being the mother of Mousse Masquerade and Sparkler Surprise, the older sister of Sweetie Belle, and aunt to Sandy. She supervises the Generosity and Beauty curricula in the School of Friendship.

Rarity & Pinkie were a strange match to so many in Ponyville; how could a prim and proper diva like Rarity possibly fall in love with a raucous and unrefined mare like Pinkie Pie? Friends was already kind of stretching it. But anypony who could see them together knew that a purer love could not exist. Rarity fell in love with Pinkie that day she helped reproduce her favorite book from her fillyhood , as bizarre and almost grating that day was. As Pinkie said, the smoothie stain was another way to remember they day she fell in love. It's harder to guess when Pinkie fell in love with Rarity; maybe she always loved her, even when she was infatuated with Rainbow Dash? It's always hard to guess with Pinkie Pie; she can be as hard as a jawbreaker one moment and as pliable and stretchy as rubber the next. But it was during their visit to Manehattan to help Rarity pick out a locale for her new boutique that they realized they were in love, and their follow-up visit to help out Saffron Masala and her father that they first dated. They were the first of the Mane Six to officially seal the deal as a couple, even before Rainbow Dash & Fluttershy who'd known each other far longer.
Rarity has a cool and professional relationship with Fluttershy's alter Severe Swallowtail, despite the latter's affection towards her. Although Swallowtail remains somewhat heated and bitter about her firing from Rarity For You in Fake It 'Til You Make It, she still would like the same sort of relationship with Rarity that Pinkie has with Rainbow. Rarity has given decreasingly subtle cues that this is not to happen, as while she considers Fluttershy and all her alters to be beautiful (even The Bat), she does not feel the same way.

Her relationship with Pinkie Pie has had its effects on her, not simply emotionally. In their first visit to Manehattan together, Rarity was able to imitate many of Pinkie's activities perfectly, even bouncing like a pinball around and off of nothing (what Pinkie later called "the top of the screen") in a way that she retroactively wondered how in the name of Celestia she had done all of that. Her improvised riff on a guitar in Honest Apple even freaked Pinkie's frizz in a way like "oh wow she can do that sort of thing too?". The reason Rarity holds her mane and tail in buns akin to one of the alternate timelines Twilight spoke about, is because they've proven to become as frizzy as Pinkie's used to be in any other attempt at styling. She also cut it far shorter once she realized that she could suffocate herself and her wife with her frizz.

Rarity has one of the most beautiful and generous hearts in all of Equestria. She may pride herself on her beauty, but she also puts her best hoof forward and considers the needs of others ahead of herself. This is why Rarity has sought to open so many boutiques around Equestria: she wants to bring out the beauty in every soul in the land, no matter the cost. She only keeps a modest profit from each boutique for herself and her family, enough to give them exceptionally cozy lifes. The rest she puts back into the boutiques to ensure that every pony that walks in shines with beauty when they've left.

Pinkie & Rarity took it in turns to carry their foals; Rarity carried Mousse, and Pinkie carried Sparkler. Rarity had transitioned long before she & Pinkie became a couple, but the assistance of doctors allowed Rarity to temporarily reverse this in order to conceive Mousse's baby sibling.

Rarity has continued her tradition of making her friends a new dress for each Grand Galloping Gala, which came to include Starlight Glimmer & Sunset Shimmer. Fluttershy's alters proved to be tricky as they each had their own fashion sensibilities (sans The Bat, who had none), so Rarity had to work closely with Twilight to figure out how to tie the dresses to each of Fluttershy's alters switching in dominance to make sure that none of them were left out of the Gala. The issue of Sunset Shimmer and her... true colors, was another problem altogether, but Rarity and Twilight managed on that spell as well.

Each of Rarity's boutiques is managed by a close associate of hers in the fashion world: Sassy Saddle in the Canterlot Carousel and Coco Pommel in Rarity For You, for example. She has provided them very firm pointers how to bring out each pony's individual sense of beauty, while also offering allowances for deviation from those rules if it suits a given pony.

Rarity's brief time as the puppet of the same dark spirit that turned Princess Luna into NightMare Moon may not have left a shadow on Rarity's body or mind, but she did retain a faint level of shadow magic from the event. She is able to manipulate her shadow however she wants, usually to form shadow-puppets for telling stories at the campfire. With enough effort and training with Luna, she has even learned how to manipulate objects with her shadow, provided that it is in the same direction as the strongest light is shining.

Rarity with her mane and tail un-bunned

MLP:FiM (c) Lauren "fyre-flye " Faust / Hasbro
FIM:TNG (c) me

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