ancestorsrelic — First Contact by-sa

Published: 2009-06-02 19:26:34 +0000 UTC; Views: 27925; Favourites: 71; Downloads: 445
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Description Look into my eyes and you'll see I'm the only one
You've captured my love stolen my heart
Changed my life
Every time you make a move you destroy my mind
And the way you touch
I lose control and shiver deep inside
You take my breath away
(Queen, "You take my breath away")

Lydia climbed down the backside of the great rock as fast as possible... She must get closer to this wounderful creature! "Sucuriju, wait, i am coming...!" she whispered and she feared that the giant serpent may be left his place during the time while she climbing down.
Endless minutes it takes to get down the rock and finding the path to the ancient ruins, she started to run "Please, please, my scaly god, don't slither away! I am coming... I am coming to worship you.." she wispered again....

Sucruriju layed on the edge of the ancient temple... this was one of his prefered place for sunbathing. For many years he was not able to visit this place, because there was always too many humans here. But since a few months the place was abandoned again and he take over this place again.
Once there were more trees here, but the humans had clean up the place, unburied the temple from the jungle green, and now it was even a better place for enjoying the sunbeams in the early morning after a cold night. The stones of the temple stored the warmth of the sun and hold it during the night, so the ground was even pleasant warm to lay on.
All the last days he had not leaved the swamps and moved very little, because of the big bulge in his body. It was a hard but satisfactory work to digest the very large prey he had catched a few days before, but now the most of the work was done and as the bulge shrinked he decided to take a sunbath here again.
There was prey again available on his hunting-ground, and even now, as he laid in the sun, his flickering tongue detected the smell of a damsel... the typical sweet smell of sweat, parfume, soap, shampoo... He was fed up now, but it was good to know that there was more prey around. His eyesight was not very good at large ranges, but he saw the moving of the damsel on the high, remote rock, about 100 meters away. For a long time the well smelling damsel did not leave the rock... maybe she take a sunbath too there?
As the damsel disappeared from the rock, he thought not further about her... maybe he will prey on her in the future... but now he was not hungry. Satisfied he kneaded the bulge in his body with some slow and lazy movements of his muscles... a faint rumble of his stomach was the answer... the digestion went on, he felt only a few remains of some larger bones of his last meal in his stomach. Almost all that was once Ricardo Nunez was dissolved into a kind of nutrient rich meat-pulp... in a short time he would dissolve the last bones too and some indigestible parts he would regurgitate later.

As she came around the rock and saw the temple, she was relieved as she saw the snake still laying on his place... and how big he was! The large temple made him looking smaller in the binocular, but now as she came closer and closer... she started to run again, stopped again... No, not run! This may scare the serpent away... and at the same time she giggled about the stupid though that she may scare this beast... Sucuriju had hunted down more than a half dozen humans in the last two years... no human can scare this mighty, deadly god! Would a Lion be afraid of a Zebra that approached him?

What was that? Sucuriju lifted his head. The damsel from the rock was here again, and she getting closer. He remembered Ashara... he did not like it when humans find him... he liked it far more to surprise humans in an ambush attack... as his prey! And now this woman came up to him. He was to sluggish to slither away, but he was alarmed, and he would fight if it should be necessary.

She was only 30 meters away now... and this divine creature seemed to grow in her eyes... it became bigger and bigger... then it lifted his head... one meter, two meters, smelling the air with his tongue... looking in her direction... She slowed down her pace. It was very important to act right now. "You smelled me" she mumbled... she started to climb up the stairs of the ruins... 15 meters now... shining scales in the sun, slow movings of a muscular body... "You are so awesome!" whispered Lydia again.

As the woman was only a few meters away, Sucuriju opened his fangs and hissed on her... he don't wanted she here! He wanted to be alone!

Only 5 Meters now... she entered the striking range of the predator... and suddenly the giant creature opened his fangs and hissed... "No! No!" she wispered and hold up her open hands to the serpent "Calm down... calm down... i don't want to hurt you." and she took a look into the scaly gods deep, wet gullet, saw the rows of about one inch long and sharp theeth... A lot of people went down this slimy gullet... She raised her hands, showed her palms "Look...No knifes, no guns..." and take some steps back... "Okay, okay, don't be angry. I dont wanna hurt you... I only want to see you, o mighty Sucuriju..."

Weird behaviour of a woman again! Sucuriju did not like the situation, he thought of Ashara and now he was simply to fed up to slither away or to fight with full power. With a hissing he drove this weird damsel a few meters away. Then she stopped again and looked at him.

About 7 meters away Lydia stopped and observed the giant reptile in excitement... Coils, almost thick as her waist, scales big as her fingernails, the bulky head, the amber colored, shimmering eyes... he was a god! Was he... or she... male or female? How can she find it out? For the fraction of a second she thought about the usual sexing-probe for snakes... what shall she take for this incredible giant... a 1-inch ringwrench? The idea to try to stick a sexing-probe into this creature and counting subcaudal scales was more than ridiculous...
The proportions of the head and the body seemed to be male... but the size of this amazing snake! Even female anacondas grew very seldom so big... and the bulge in his body... Ricardo Nunez... make it difficult, to estimate the correct proportions of Sucuriju.
And this bulge... all the time her eyes get captivated by this bulge again... a strong, muscular man of 90 Kg weight... now only some meat-pulp in the stomach of this god of the jungle... She can't believe this... This foolish big game huntress, Ashara Mbashe , told that Sucuriju did only hunt on women... but this bulge was the evidence that to overpower and swallow even a strong man was no problem for him... and then Lydia felt a irresistible urge to touch Sucuriju... to touch this bulge... this must be a dream... she must be sure, that this was not only a dream...
Carefully she take some steps down on a lower level of the ancient temple and approached the snake again, step by step, slowly, with raised hands, looking into the amber colored eyes.

She did not attack him... this weird woman. Sucuriju was confused and baffled. From the side this weird piece of food approached him again... she had nothing in her hands, there seemed to be no danger for him... and then he felt her hands on his body... warm hands, soft hands. he was surprised... but it was a pleasant feeling... her hands stroke over his scales... it was interesting, new, surprising... he looked into her eyes... never before he had take a so close look into a human face that was not distorted in horror and fear... no wide opened mouth, no gasping, no wriggling tongue... With his tongue he take her smell... her taste... There was only a little bit fear in her sweat... but not the usual sweet odour of pure horror that he was used to smell...

Sucurijus big head moved now closer in front of her, and she heared a very faint, wet noise whenever the serpents tongue that was almost as thick as a pencil, flickered out... and this eyes, captivated she stared into it... she felt no fear, but she felt a kind of hypnotic power in it "Please, Sucuriju... you're not Kaa... please don't mesmerize me with your eerie, beautiful eyes".
A shiver runned down her spine as she finally touched the scales, the bulge, the body of this mighty god... hard scales, but pleasant to touch... rolling muscles under the skin... and it was surprisingly warm... a warmth that was produced by the rays of the sun... or by the digestive process? Maybe. "Good morning, Mr. Nunez." she mumbled... "Oh, this wasn't a good morning for you? But don't worry, it was a dignified fate you encountered... You became food for a god, you know?"

A faint rumble of the serpents stomach was the answer and Lydia felt how the predators muscles slowly kneaded the bulge again.
"Big and fine food you had hunted down, o mighty Sucuriju... Did he scream? I guess, he did... Did he squeamed and kicked? Yes, i know he did... but you had stopped every resistance very fast in your mighty coils, didn't you?"

For Sucuriju it was okay now that this strange woman touched him... it was very pleasant. With his tongue he smelled her hair and sweat and in spite of that he was fed up, a small drop of saliva dropped from his fangs...

"It must... it must be a divine experience to die in your mighty coils..." she wispered to the snake. "Mr. Nunez, you are a enviable man" she whispered to the bulge and a hot shiver ran through her wholy body as she saw a thick, shimmering drop of saliva dripping off the serpents fangs.

It was the perfect anaconda... and she found it on the perfect place... an ancient deity in his ancient temple... and for her all her dreams came true... she stood here and fondled this beast... fondled tenderly the doom of so many people... it was incredible!

As the sun rised, Sucurijus sunbathing-place became shadowed by the jungle trees and he decided to went back to the river. He felt very comfortable now and he allowed this strange woman to touch his neck and head while he take her small again with his tongue... he would remember this smell... and if the time of hunger came back, he would find her everywere in the jungle... he would lurking for her, striking, squeezing the breath out of her... and it would be pleasant for him to devour this nice morsel...
Slowly he slithered down the steps of the ruins, back into the jungle, leaving this woman unharmed... for now!

"Ohhh... myyy goooosh...!" gasped Lydia in extasy as Sucuriju lowered his head and allowed her to fondle his neck and head... this neck was thick as her own neck too. His wet tongue flickered out, tickled her face, smeared thin traces of warm saliva over her cheeks and spectacles...
Then it was over... The serpent god lowered his head and started to climb down the stairs of the temple... Hypnotized and trembling in extasy she stared on the movements of the mighty coils that slithered around in circles and down the temple-stairs, heared the faint rustling of the big, shimmering scales...
"He turned twice or thrice in a big circle, weaving his head from right to left. Then he began making loops and figures of eight with his body, and soft, oozy triangles that melted into squares and five-sided figures, and coiled mounds, never resting, never hurrying, and never stopping..." mumbled Lydia slowly, citing from Rudiard Kiplings "Jungle Book".

"Mighty Sucuriju, you are indeed a god... i would give my life for you" she gasped and take a last look on this incredible creature. Slowly, very slowly reality came back to her as Sucuriju had finally disappeared in the jungle. All felt off from her like a wild dream... She had forgot to take some pictures! But was this really important? She felt something wet between her legs and realized, that she had wetted herself a little bit in excitement. Was this something to be ashamed of? No! She had just met a real god!

She take a closer look on the ancient building... and now she realized it... Snakes... giant snakes were engraved into the old stones! Since years archeologists asked, who had made this temple and for worshipping wich god... And the only possible answer came in a sudden strike to Lydia!

Slowly the scientist in her came back... the encounter seemed now as a feverish dream for her... what had she said? What had she thought? She remembered only very little now. Was it real or a dream? No, it wasn't a dream! The grass on the stone-step was pressed down, she found a shimmering scale... She noticed something wet on her cheek, a smear on her spectacle-glasses... Saliva!
What madness had driven her? Approaching this giant beast without thinking about her doing! More of "her dream" came back now to her memory. She had Sucuriju offered herself as food! For gods sake he was fed up, because otherwise...
A shiver of horror runned down her spine... but followed by a hot spark of extasy in her heart too!
This snake, this ancient god! The legends said, the natives of the Shirishama tribe had sacrified once a young girl to him as he had saved the tribe from a cruel chief. A young girl , more a child, as his new, willingness bride... and he take the bride... and her first night was the last night... the last night of the poor child-bride .... but the first night of a new reign in the jungle... months later another young girl disappeared... a new bride for the god... the natives accepted the fact that some girls and woman of her tribe disappeared from time to time... Brides for the god... The tribute for the protection by the god of the river.
And as civilization came to the jungle, the hotel was build and new brides for the scaly god came too...! Jennifer Langley ... officially Sucurijus first victim, but poor Ms. Langley was only one of many that went down the serpents gullet before... a bride with a different color of her skin, screaming in a different language for help.

She must get the money from the university to investigate this gorgeous creature further... it will take months, maybe a half year... all this bureaucracy... but she will come back to her beloved, scaly god..."Oh, and i must take care of my clothing", she mumbled, "When i return, Sucuriju may be hungry again, and i dont want that he had to regurgitate to much indigestible stuff, and..."
Another shiver of horror runned down her spine... what had she suddenly said? Another legend about this serpent said that he can drag his prey with his evil eyes in his coils... and she had looked long and deep into his eyes... and she felt his drag...!


The second work of the Lydia-series. During the little brainstorming for new ideas CauldronBorn24 mentioned it in Sept./Oct. 2008: "This quite the idea we have going, lets develop it further: As a back story she is probably a lonely person hense the obession to find the perfect specimen, and she finds that in Sucuriju, as the average male anaconda only growes to about 5-6 metres, your 8 metre monster will be a real find for her. She has a 'caution be damned' moment when she tries to assess Sucuriju's weight and the snake ends up coiling round her, but rather then being scared this is something she has never experienced before in her years of studying snakes, knowing she can't escape and thinking little of her own life, while wanting to know exactly what happens she let's Sucuriju give her a first class lesson in constriction."

Yes, that's a good idea. But i prefer to build up the relationship between Lydia and Sucuriju more slowly. He is fed up for this time, but i am sure, both will meet again. There is a lot of potential in Lydias character... and, of course, it is a little bit frustating to build up new characters in hours, days or even weeks of 3D-work... and in a few works they end up as a bulge in a serpents stomach... and it's understandable that i can't use a digested character again
And for the first time i was inspired a little bit by myself... 'The Beauty and the Beast' is a very early predecessor of this work.

Technical side:
This work did not needed much post-production in PSP X. I changed the lights and shadows on the bulge a little bit to let it look more irregular where some remains of larger bones of Sucurijus last victim may be lay still in his stomach. Some overwork of the grass in the foreground, because the rendered textures of the ground looked too artifical there.

Work 25 of the Sucuriju-series
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Comments: 21

grisador [2012-03-13 09:43:02 +0000 UTC]

First and Last

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gunswolves5 [2011-11-26 03:15:20 +0000 UTC]

Is that a bulge in the snakes stomach from eating someone else? Or is it just me?

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kaaslave [2010-07-23 13:19:14 +0000 UTC]

Hot, especially the "hypnotism".

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rusting-angel [2009-09-05 00:08:09 +0000 UTC]

>////< I love your stuff! Your stories give a pleasant chill of excitement! I play around with a few naga stories in my spare time. I have a character that is married to a snake god. He eats her often...but she heals so his digestive juices don't do damage. It's more of an act of affection in ways. *shrugs*

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ancestorsrelic In reply to rusting-angel [2009-09-09 21:26:57 +0000 UTC]

Hehehe.. thank you! Yes, Sucuriju did "marriage" sometimes a new "Bride" too, but they are usually not soo lucky

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rusting-angel In reply to ancestorsrelic [2009-09-09 22:30:07 +0000 UTC]

HA ha Na he loves her. Plus she brings him lots of food, I mean worshipers >> yeeeeahh....

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Lecktmich [2009-06-04 22:22:49 +0000 UTC]

Lol er kann Deutsch. ;D
Wie zeichnest du das? Sieht auch nach einem Programm aus. In jedem Fall ein cooles Werk.

Kann es solche "Verehrung" wirklich geben? xD
Man kann sich drauf verlassen das eine wilde, satte Schlange eher genervt ist und nervös, wenn Leute in ihrer Nähe sind.
Und wenn sie groß genug und leer sind, sie alles essen würden was klein genug ist.

Hihihihihi ich freu mich schon darauf zu lesen wie sich das Blatt wenden wird, falls sie Sucy bald mal wieder finden sollte. xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ancestorsrelic In reply to Lecktmich [2009-06-05 22:31:13 +0000 UTC]

Das machee ich mit DAZ-Studio, ein 3D-Studioprogramm, ähnlich dem, was in Filmstudios verwendet wird, bloss natürlich einfacher & kleiner (wobei bei der Entwicklung in 4-5 Jahren für den Home-PC wohl das Verfügbar sein wird, was heute in Hollywoods Trickschmieden der letzte Schrei ist).
Lydia ist tatsächlich auf dem besten Weg in eine Art Wahnsinn bzw. Wahnvorstellungen etc. Vorher war sie von Sucuriju nur fasziniert, aber nun schon fast besessen. Ihre klaren, analytischen Momente haben z.Z. noch die Oberhand, aber auch nur solange sie nicht in der Nähe von Sucuriju ist.
Sucuriju war natürlich auch genervt, vor allem nach seinen schlechten Erfahrungen mit Ashara. Andererseits hat er sie aber intensiv abgezüngelt, sich ihren Geruch/Geschmack gemerkt, und sieht Lydia auch als mögliche Beute für später, wenn der Hunger wieder kommt.

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Duzloo [2009-06-03 10:30:16 +0000 UTC]

Die Dame könnte noch ein paar Highlights vertragen Dort, wo beide Charaktere sich treffen, mehr Schatten unter der Hand, so dass die Hand wirklich ganz eng auf den Schuppen liegt.

Sonst richtig gut und super spannend zu lesen!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ancestorsrelic In reply to Duzloo [2009-06-03 12:20:07 +0000 UTC]

Genau das mit der Hand habe ich gestern in der letzten Stufe der Post-Production mir auch noch gedacht und versucht, mit dem Abdunklungs-Tool von PSP X zu korrigieren. Schuld ist der gottverdammte "Schwebe-Effekt" den man manchmal in 3D-renderings bekommt. Sieht man manchmal sogar in CGI in Hollywood-Filmen. Das schnelle Nachkorrigieren funktionierte aber nicht sehr überzeugend und lange rumexperementieren wollte ich auch nicht mehr, da ich "fauler Sack" auch eeeendlich fertig werden wollte mit dem Bild
Zwischen Sucuriju und Lydia habe ich zwar noch ein Point-Light gesetzt, und auf warmes, gelbliches Licht gesetzt, aber im Grossen & Ganzen ist die Szene wirklich etwas dunkel geraten.

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Duzloo In reply to ancestorsrelic [2009-06-05 12:45:42 +0000 UTC]

Ja, ich weiß, was du mit den Hollywoodfilmen meinst, ist mir selbst schon oft genug aufgefallen.

Hm, vielleicht würde manchmal ein weiches blaues oder grünes Licht den Schatten ein wenig aufhellen, wenn es dem Schatten entgegen gesetzt zuleuchtet. Ich glaub, sowas muss man ausprobieren.

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DeadlyCount [2009-06-02 22:07:41 +0000 UTC]

Very nice story, very well done

It goes quite well with the picture.

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AlucardsSpirit [2009-06-02 21:22:51 +0000 UTC]

Let's hope this isn't her last contact with Sucuriju!

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ancestorsrelic In reply to AlucardsSpirit [2009-06-04 09:50:56 +0000 UTC]

Yes, there will be more. Lydias character has a lot of capabilities, and i want to go away with the story from the previous, simple line of vore- or DID-works to something with a more complex plot... Sucuriju will hunt again, this is still a creature feature-story, but i need some more characters for the ongoing of the story... not only food-damsels

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manicmachine In reply to ancestorsrelic [2009-06-06 01:59:24 +0000 UTC]

I'm loving it a heap. This sounds strange, but is Sucuriju planning on turning her into a snake somehow?

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ancestorsrelic In reply to manicmachine [2009-06-07 19:54:12 +0000 UTC]

But... the more i think about your idea, the more i play with the idea, to use it in a kind of dream-sequence!

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manicmachine In reply to ancestorsrelic [2009-06-08 08:16:35 +0000 UTC]

That would certainly add to the creepy atmosphere you've got going But regardless of what you do it's a great series and I'm utterly rapt to have come across it.

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ancestorsrelic In reply to manicmachine [2009-06-06 21:45:40 +0000 UTC]

No, there isn't something like magic or supernatural powers in the Sucuriju-series. Some people saw Sucuriju as a god and believe he has some kind of supernatural powers and on her beginning downward-spiral into madness Lydia started to believe in the state of Sucuriju as a deity too, but he is only an animal (a damn big, strong and cunning one, but he can be injured or killed too) who want to survive.

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manicmachine In reply to ancestorsrelic [2009-06-07 07:36:55 +0000 UTC]

I see. So she will simply go mad, no? Does this define your work as that of a Vore fetishist, if the term does not offend you?

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ancestorsrelic In reply to manicmachine [2009-06-07 10:26:53 +0000 UTC]

I didn't knewed the therms "vore" or "DiD" before i start creating my works here, until some of my works were favorited in collection-folders titled with Vore or DiD by other users here on DA.
So yes, the Sucuriju-series contains Vore and a lot of DiD, the intention was to create something in the style of the classic creature feature-movies, with the difference, that the creature shall be the "hero" without turning it into some "good monster" like in Dragonheart

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manicmachine In reply to ancestorsrelic [2009-06-08 08:15:47 +0000 UTC]

I really enjoy your art, I personally love cryptozoology and monster movies so your creature feature style is very appealing. The only thing bugging me was the vore aspect, which I find kind of icky. Otherwise, I'm loving the work! Please, keep it great!

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