ancestorsrelic — Tommygunned by-sa

Published: 2008-07-12 21:22:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 29074; Favourites: 33; Downloads: 197
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Description "Every gun makes its own tune."
(The Man with no Name in "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly", 1966)

Officer Lopez had read the offical report from the forensic laboratory countless times, and it sends him a lot of cold shivers down his spine every time again... this wasn't a bad prank played on him by someone, but he felt as had some unknown power beamed him into a hollywood-movie.
What shall he do now? He was not Chief Brody!
He read the report again... Unbelievable! Horrifying! Those poor woman! He take a look on a magazine with Naomi Carleton's photo on the cover. This beautiful model! He looked again on the photos of Jennifer Langley and Christine Van Dyke too... all of them must had encountered the ultimate horror. He tried it, but he was not able to imagine the last minutes in the life of this three poor victims!
He had already canceled the search for this three missed woman, because he did know now, that there was nothing left of them to search for...!

And there must be more... he get some reports about missed people in the last years... but he always thought, they went into the town to find a new luck there... the most did really so, but some of them must actually went a different way...!
For him all this seems to be an exaggerated hollywood-movie! He did not know that he was not the first one, who tought so...
How large must this beast be? He can only guess, 8 Meters? 10? 15...? Why the hell did nobody saw it before? He know, that they lived once here in this area, but this was many years ago... when poaching and agriculture came in this area they found no prey here anymore to survive... or... they found new prey now!
He didn't even know, if there only one or more of this beasts. But the time between the disappearings of the victims pointed only at one serpent... they don't need fresh food so often, it can take 3-4 months or sometimes a half year before they hunt again.

He opened his desktop and found his old .38-special S&W revolver. He had never used it before. This was a peaceful village. But now it seems he need it. But then he thought about this beast, how large it must be, he imagined himself, only armed with this little revolver encountering this monster... and he changed his mind.
"I gonna need a bigger gun." he talked to himself.
He opened an old cupboard, and in It's darkness he finally found it... carefully wrapped into oil-paper and never used. It was a surprisingly heavy package. He put it on his desk, unwrapped the paper... since decades this thing was never touched or even used, but it was in a almost mint condition: A Thompson Submachine Gun Model 1928, with a 50-round drum-magazine and ammunition.
He tried some aiming with it... yes, this thing he did know from the Hollywood-movies too. Everyone in the world knows the Tommy Gun... it was a legend of it's own! An elegant relic of an old world. An relic of terror! And now he will fight terror with terror!
It take some time to find out the function and how to load the drum, because there was no instruction-manual available. But finally he find out how to loading the drum... and as he looked on the ammo that went around the center of the open drum he saw the similarity: Two deadly, metallic shining coils! "This are my coils now... let's see, how deadly they are!" he mumbled as he closed the drum and winded up the drumspring with 9 loud clicks.
In the backyard he aimed the heavy weapon on an old oil-barrel that stand about 20 foot away, mumbled "There's only one thing that gets orders and gives orders", and pulled the trigger...
Then things began to happen. From the muzzle burst a sheet of flame containing a string of copper-jacketed pellets; from the breech erupted a shower of shiny brass cases. In 4-5 seconds it was over, the drum empty. He did not aimed very well, but the barrel was perforated with countless holes and in the wall behind the barrel he saw a lot of holes large like a fist, too. Officer Lopez was shocked about this devastating result. Trembling he hold the gun in his hands... hot smoke came still out out of it's muzzle and the breech!
Here he had a deadly arm, capable of spraying the landscape with sudden death in the form of 230 grain .45 ACP bullets. He surely would not end up in a desperate situation with no way out than to shot himself with an old S&W-revolver when he encounter this cruel beast!

But first he talked with the manager of the Kabiji-Dreamresort-Hotel, the new and so successful tourist-resort, because two of the missed woman was guests in his hotel. He shows him the site, where Jennifer Langley disappeared and then where Christine van Dyke was saw the last time. "For me, this all is a riddle" said he... not mentioning Hector , his own missed watchdog!
When officer Lopez mentioned, that it was possible an animal, the director got a little bit restless "Yes, sure, the jaguar, but they shot em! No danger anymore, it's all okay now... Our guests are safe now, absolutely safe!"
"No, i think, it was not the jaguar." answered Lopez "Miss Van Dyke disapperad, after the jaguar was shot."
"But it was!" replied the director. "It must be a other cat!"
"No, it was a reptile, a damn large reptile, a damn deadly reptile... a snake, or to be exactly, a giant anaconda!" answered officer Lopez, and his 7th sense told him, that the director told him not everything he knewed.
"Uh... Oh..." stammered the director "...there... there do not living here anymore! Impossible...!"
Officer Lopez felt instantly, that the director hold something very important back. But it was not clever to ask anymore or even to threat him with the closing of his resort...

The next informations he got from some natives. Some young man told him something confusing about the god of the river, called "Sucuriju" that was still worshipped by the elders and that can grow up to 50 or even 100 feet... and if this not enought, some more weird stuff and superstition about his evil eyes, that are able to drag human victims in his coils...
"Okay, i have now a 100 feet long god of the river, that can catch humans with a kind of tractor beam of his eyes... and the tractor beam is coupled to the main reactor in seven locations. A power loss at one of the terminals will allow the victim to leave...or what?" he mumbled. That was totally crap. Maybe he get more exact informations, when he ask the tribal elders directly?

With some translation help from some young natives he got something more: Sucuriju was a god for this people, and he or she was the protector of the river and the jungle. The white man disturb and destroy the river and the jungle, and Sucuriju hunt and eat them from time to time. They don't want to told him anymore, and he don't want to force them to tell more... this was all useless and primitive superstition for Officer Lopez.

And so he starts his own patrols in the jungle and especially along the riverbanks. For weeks he saw nothing, on an old path he found only an old, rusty knife of some native that must layed here since years... but on every patrol he never forget to get "his little baby" with him, even if this ancient thing starts to weight hundreds of kilos... or so seemed it to Officer Lopez, when he carry the heavy Thompson for hours in his hands... and this damn thing never get warm, even if he carry it countless hours through the hot jungle... the metal remains always frightening cool... except when he shot with this beast.

One day he found something near the riverbank... it was Christine's second shoe... or more exactly, the remains of it.
And behind a thicket, only 5 or 6 meters away, he spottet something green....

Sucuriju enjoyed his sunbathing. He loved the warm sunbeams on his massive body. But now he detected a approaching human.
He was not hungry, because he got a stupid dog two months ago and only three weeks ago he had hunted down a careless, poor damsel who had dared to enter his hunting ground.
And now another human had entered his realm.
Sucuriju don't want to kill him, only to drive him away, he wanted to be undisturbed. And so he only raised his body and hissed at him... but he did not run away... he came even closer!

Officer Lopez saw the giant emerging out of the thicket... He saw the bulky head, and as the serpent opened his fangs, he saw the razorsharp teeth and he got a deep look into the wet, muscular gullet of this nightmare... and he felt the fear crawling up his spine, as he thought about all the victims, who had been dragged down this gullet in whole...
The eyes... this cold amber colored eyes... he stared on it... and he felt, that he made a step forward, closer to this hissing terror... another step... it seemed to him, that it really exist... he felt he was caught in this "tractor beam" of this eyes and dragged forward against his own will... damn! Was this beast... large!
But then he felt the cold, heavy steel in his hands again and he raised the Tommy Gun, turned the safety lever to "fire" and hissed back "You wanna fuck with me? Okay. You wanna play rough? Okay. Say hello to my little friend!"

Sucuriju get angry about this pestering human and he wiped him from his feet with a fast coil of his tail.

It was a damn fast move, and Lopez didn't saw it coming, but in a fraction of a second he felt a tight coil around his left leg... than he was dragged from his feet... in panic he pulled the trigger of the gun without any aiming...


Only one shot rang out, but in the next moment the coil was loosened. Officer Lopez layed on the ground and saw how the mighty beast whipped to and fro in pain and agony. Blood sprayed trought the air on plants, the ground and in his face. He had hit it!! And he tried to fire again, but the Tommy Gun was jammed! He had forgot to wind up the drum properly!
Frantically he tried to solve the problem, the next round was jammed in the breech. And he saw the monster disappearing to the river...

Sucuriju saw the muzzle blast and felt a massive vibration of the air, follwed instantly by a intense pain that runned through his body and he was jolted back by the bullets impact with a power, that he never experienced before. For the first time in his life he felt fear... there was something deadly from this human, that hit him like a rock without any warning!
To the river! To the river! To his element! This was the only way for him now. The life starts to ran out of his mighty body with every drop of blood and he felt dizzy more and more due the high amount of blood he shed.

Offizer Lopez heared the splashing water when Sucuriju reached it, but finally he had cleared the jam of his gun. Quickly he wind up the drum to an uncounted amount of clicks... click-click-click-click-click-click. Now it was his part to get angry!
He runned to the riverbank, he saw a glimpse of a submerged green spotted scaly body, he aimed the Tommy Gun on it and yelled "Enough is enough! I have had it with this motherfucking snake in this motherfucking jungle!!" and the he sprayed the .45 ACP rounds to and fro to the area in the water where he had seen the beast at last...
Fountains of bullet impacts did let the water boiling, mud, rotten leaves and twigs from the ground cames up, 4 or 5 seconds lasted the unleashed inferno... until the drum was empty...And he felt it... the steel of the gun was warm... it even seemed to him, this ancient gun was satisfied now...!

He saw some blood in the mixture of water and mud... slowly he calmed down, looked around over the river... nothing. He checked the bank where he hit the beast... he found some broken, bloody scales, big as his thumbnail, on the ground, and a plenty amount of blood on the ground, the plants, and the bank too. "Yippee-ki-yay, ladykiller" he mumbled satisfied...

The next days the newspapers reported his operation with headlines like "Brave police officer gunned down maneating monster-snake" and for a short time officer Lopez was the hero of the country. But he waited, one month, two months, three months... after 7 months nothing happened again, no missed people, no missed lifestock... The horror seemed to be over!


The title "Tommygunned" was originally planned for a totally different work... without Sucuriju and set in the city-jungle of Chicago in the 1930s as a shootout between Mafia-gangs... as a tribute to the legend of the famous Tommy Gun.
But after "Prey" i thought, how Sucuriju's story will be continued... Let Officer Lopez taking his last breath in Sucurijus coils? No! That's too simple. Kalana in "Sucuriju" was paralyzed by his own fear and the following prey of my scaly darling was some ambushed, poor little damsels... but Lopez was a young and well trained police officer, and he did know exactly, for what he was searching for.
So, why not made a "Hollywood-like clash of the legends"? The most (in)famous submachine gun in the world vs. the largest snake in the world? Yes, but... poor Sucuriju! A Tommy Gun in full-auto mode would make snake-sushi out of him in less than 5 seconds even without typical movie-style exaggerations of a Tommy Gun's firepower.
The Thompson submachine gun is a deadly, but large and heavy relic of an old time and somewhat difficult to handle compared to small modern handguns like the UZI or the Scorpion... so officer Lopez simply forgot to wind up the drum-magazine properly. I know this from my own Tommy Gun: The first shot will go out, the second mostly not and often a jam of the old fashioned open-bolt action system occurs after the first shot if you forget to wind up the drum properly.... and if you squeeze the trigger too softly and released it too fast after the shot, full-auto-fire of some rounds can even occur if it set on semi-auto.

And the amount of references to different movies in my stories grow as well too... i did not count it, but it must be 4, 5 or even more in this one

So... how will the story go on? Is Sucuriju killed now? He take a direct hit of a .45 ACP full metal jacked bullet, that results in a nasty wound and lost in a lot of blood... maybe the bullet injured his spine... and Lopez send a whole drum of 50 rounds (Okay, only 49 rounds ) afterwards him into the river. Is the nightmare over now? We will see...

Technical side:
Made with DAZ 3D and PaintShop Pro X.
And another work, that turned finally out in a "forced perspective". I don't know, but i get often the best results when i used a forced perspective. In forced perspective the snake seems to be two or even three times larger, but actually i did not resize anything here. It's all a question about the (virtual) camera position, the focal length and the used lens-angle
All the time Sucuriju was the "meanest thing" in every work... but while i create the (Hollywood style) muzzleblast for the Thompson, this gun turned out as the thing with the meanest impression in this work. The blast of the fired Tommy Gun was created out of an photo showing the original blast from my blackpowder Sharps carbine Mod. 1862. Was a lot of work with different layers and distortion tools... almost so sophisticated than creating Christine's went down Sucurijus gullet in "Prey". You can take a little look on the postwork-process in 'Tommygunned- Behind the scenes' .

Work 7 of the Sucuriju-series
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Comments: 14

DarqfangofSeido [2012-09-02 04:24:55 +0000 UTC]

Ah yes. Scarface, Die hard, Snakes on a Plane, Star Wars, the references come fast and hard. Kudos

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BrendanR85 [2011-04-28 13:46:15 +0000 UTC]

Nice reference to "Die Hard" in the storyline

And at last, Sucuriju, the lady-killer... is killed.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ancestorsrelic In reply to BrendanR85 [2011-04-30 15:30:23 +0000 UTC]

Yes, this was not his best day and it seems so, that his terror was over now... but he returned in Tighter than any Lover ... hungry as ever

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323starlight [2011-02-19 21:41:59 +0000 UTC]

LoL snakes on a plane reference XD

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rodmensa [2010-10-03 20:18:04 +0000 UTC]

lopez must be mexican food

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lordxeras [2010-09-28 22:49:11 +0000 UTC]

Is the night mare over? Hell yes it its!! FMJ .45 APC in a Thompson SMG (I still think its a misnomer)? sorry Sucurijus, but you're dead.
I love both tommy's and snakes, but a 1928 tommy? Tommy>snake.
Nothings more beautiful than a 1928 Thompson drum-mag on full auto [link]

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lordxeras In reply to lordxeras [2011-02-08 01:33:45 +0000 UTC]

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kakarot777 [2010-01-26 00:35:12 +0000 UTC]

wow this looks very exciting.

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EcliptorCalrissian [2009-11-03 05:43:44 +0000 UTC]

Awesome. Not every day someone decides to bring out the big guns and just blast the heck out of the monster. No, it's "let's go into the woods, not tell anyone what we're doing, and then split up!"

Monsters are simply chlorine in the gene pool.

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omnifelpur [2008-07-13 15:01:50 +0000 UTC]

Please oh please put Lopez in his coils, he must have his revenge

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ancestorsrelic In reply to omnifelpur [2008-07-13 16:51:01 +0000 UTC]

It's over! Suciriju is killed, gunned down, and the river and the hotel is absolutely safe now... according to the offical version of the government...!
I will not spoil something... but... did you trust in the government??

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lordxeras In reply to ancestorsrelic [2010-10-06 08:04:57 +0000 UTC]

Wait! I've got it! Succujujujuurjucecjuju had a hatchling. this one kills a whole bunch of people, and then someone has to come out with another WW2 weapon....the trench gun... or maybe the bazooka. or maybe the tommy again. think about this. it would be cool

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Jellaboom [2008-07-13 04:18:40 +0000 UTC]

MAN must die!! heheheh

Did another great job!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Heavy-Fantasy [2008-07-12 23:17:16 +0000 UTC]

Poor animal. Not nice of him. Hurting our little snake!
The good news is that the damage is not permanent and that Sucurijus will recover!
Great work and nice shot!

Come, let's celebrate our friendship with a cold foaming Must!

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