AnimeLoverWoman — Finding Love
Published: 2013-04-24 00:59:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 580; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 0
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Description Chapter One: Kureno and Arisa Confessing

Tohru was walking down the hall to her homeroom class with her friends Uo and Hana. "So, how's the relationship with orange top, going, Tohru?" Uo asked as they entered the classroom. "Oh, it's going very well. Kyo has been really great." she said smiling as she blushed a little bit. "That's good." Uo said smiling a weak smile and then looked down and frowned. Tohru was confused by her expression, "Um....Uo?" she said. Uo looked back up and saw Tohru's expression, "Oh, don't worry about me, Tohru. I'm fine." she said with sort of a forced smile on her face, "You go meet Orange top. I'll stay here with Hana." she said as she sat down in her seat and placed her head into the palm of her hand. "Oh, okay." Tohru said still a little worried. As she walked over to Kyo, Hana turned to Uo, "So your still thinking about him?" she said expressionlessly. Uo smirked, "Yeah." she said. "Then why don't you go see him after school, Arisa?" Hana suggested. "Yeah, your right, Hana. I'll go see him." she said smiling, "By the way how's your job going at the dojo?" Uo asked. Hana smiled, "It's going very well. Kazuma is a great person." she said. Uo smiled, "That's good, Hana." she said as she looked over at Tohru and Kyo.

Kyo turned to Tohru and smiled, "Hey, Tohru." he said. Tohru smiled back, "Hey, Kyo." she said as she wrapped her arms around him. He smiled and wrapped his arms around her. Then Tohru pulled her head back and looked up at him smiling. "You alright, Tohru? What were you and Uo talking about?" he asked worryingly. "Oh, nothing. I think she is still missing Kureno." she said. "Oh. She could go visit him at the hospital." he said. Tohru smiled, "Yeah, that's a great idea, Kyo. Maybe I'll go with her." she said. Then she leaned forward and pecked him on the lips, "Thanks, Kyo." she said before she walked back to where Uo and Hana were. Kyo smiled as he watched her walk off.

"Hey, Uo. How about after school, you and me go visit Kureno in the hospital?" she asked smiling. Uo smiled back, "Sure, Tohru. That would be great." she said. Then Kyo approached Tohru, "I'll see you at lunch, Tohru, alright." he said smiling as he placed a hand on her shoulder. Tohru looked back at him and smiled, "Okay, Kyo." she said. Kyo bent down and kissed her before he walked over to his desk and sat down. Tohru smiled and sighed happily as she also sat down at her desk. Uo smiled at how happy Tohru was and then looked down and frowned a little bit. Tohru looked over at her and frowned, "Poor Uo. She must really be in love with Kureno." she thought and then she smiled, "Good thing we're going to see him after school." she thought as she turned back to the teacher as he walked in. As the teacher started going over the day's lesson, Tohru looked back at Uo and her eyes widened as she saw her actually writing down the notes on the board, "Wow. She usually doesn't do that in class. She must be really lonely. Maybe I could help her and Kureno get together." she thought smilng, "Yes. I will do that." she thought.

Then later the lunch bell rang. Tohru got her lunch and went over to Kyo's desk, "Hey Kyo, want to have lunch with me in the school courtyard?" she asked. Kyo looked up at her and smiled, "Sure, Tohru." he said as he grabbed his lunch and stood up. They both walked to the courtyard, holding hands. Tohru just ignored all the girls who glared at her as she walked past them. They kept glaring until Kyo let go of Tohru's hand and wrapped his arm around her shoulders as he glared back at them. Then when they got to the courtyard, they sat down beside each other and opened their lunchboxes. As they started eating, Tohru looked over at Kyo, "Kyo, me and Uo are going to visit Kureno after school. So don't wait for me after school. Don't worry I'll be home after we are done visiting." she said smiling. Kyo looked over at her, "Are you crazy?! I'm going with you! I'm not letting you come back home alone at night!" he said smiling. Tohru's eyes widened and then she smiled, "Alright, Kyo. Meet us in front of the school." she said. Kyo nodded as he smiled at her.

Soon after they were done, they both went back to class. They just made it when the bell rang again. They both went back to their desks and sat down as the teacher walked in. School progressed as usual and Tohru paid close attention to what the teacher was saying. Then hours later, the school bell rang and everyone got ready to go. Tohru met Uo outside of class, "Well, you ready to go see Kureno?" she asked smiling. Uo smiled and nodded as they both started walking down the hall. When they got outside, Tohru smiled as she saw Kyo waiting by the school gate. Kyo smiled back and wrapped his arm around her shoulders' as they all headed down to the hospital. Tohru looked over at Uo and smiled, "Uo, you alright?" she asked as she saw how nervous she looked. Uo looked over at her and smiled, "Yeah, Tohru. I'm alright." she said. Kyo looked over at her and smirked, "Heh, I'd say she is nervous." he said. Uo glared at him, "Oh yeah, Orangetop! Why don't you come over here and say that to my face?! You'll see just how nervous I am!" she yelled. "Oh, stop it you two." Tohru said smiling, "We are almost there." she added as she saw the hospital appear around the corner. Tohru could of sworn that she saw Uo shiver a little bit from the corner of her eye.

As they entered, Tohru went to the front desk, "Excuse me but can you tell me where Kureno Sohma's room is?" she asked smiling. The nurse behind the desk turned and smiled at her, "Sure." she said as she looked through some files, "Here we are." she said as she pulled out a file. She opened it and then closed it, "Mr. Sohma's room number is 122. It's just down the hall and to the first right." she said as she pointed down a hall. Tohru smiled, "Thank you very much." she said. Then she turned around and walked back to Kyo and Uo. "He's in room 122. Let's go." she said smiling. Uo smiled and nodded as they began walking down the hall. They turned to the right and soon they found the room. Tohru turned to Uo, "Go ahead and knock." she said smiling. Uo's eyes widened, "Oh, I don't know, Tohru. What if he doesn't want to see me." she said a little worried. "Don't be silly. He'll be happy to see you." she said. Uo thought for a minute. "Oh, for crying out loud." Kyo said as he approached the door and knocked on it. "Come in." a deep voice said from the other side of the door. Kyo opened it and they all walked in.

Uo's eyes widened and she blushed as she saw Kureno sitting up in bed, his hospital gown bulging a little bit from the bandages on his back. Kureno smiled when he saw her, "Arisa? It's good to see you again." he said. Uo smiled and blushed, "It's good to see you too, Kureno. How are you feeling?" she asked as she approached his bed. Kureno smiled, "I'm feeling a little bit better. How are you, Arisa?" he asked as he slowly stood up beside the bed. Uo smiled, "I'm fine. So when can you leave here?" she asked. "I can leave next week." he said smiling. "That's good." she said.

"Well gee, Kureno,just don't say hi to a relative and another friend." Kyo said glaring at him. Kureno looked over at him and smirked, "Hi Kyo." he said. Then he looked over at Tohru and smiled, "It's nice to see you, Tohru Honda." he said still smiling. Tohru smiled, "It's good to see you too, Kureno." she said. Kyo wrapped his arm around Tohru and cleared his throat, "I'm glad your doing alright, Kureno." he said. Kureno nodded, "Thanks." he said as he started to approach Uo. Uo's eyes widened as he wrapped his arms around her, "I'm glad you came, Arisa." he whispered in her ear as inhaled the sweet scent of her hair. She slowly smiled and gently wrapped her arms around him, "I didn't think that you would want to see me." she whispered. She felt him hold her tighter to him, "How can I not be happy to see you? I love you so much it hurts when we are not together." he whispered back. Then he winced as new pain radiated from his back. Uo's eyes widened and tried to pull away from him but, he held her firmly in his arms. "I'm alright, Arisa. I have something to ask you." he whispered. "What is it, Kureno?" she asked as she stopped struggling. "I'm planning on moving out of Sohma house when I get out of here. Will you help me move out?" he asked. Uo smiled, "Yeah. I'll help you." she said. Kureno smiled, "Arigato, Arisa." he said. "Anata no kangei, Kureno." she said smiling. They held each other for a while and then Kureno pulled out of it and smiled at her. Uo smiled back as they gazed into each other's eyes. "Well we better be going." Tohru said smiling. Uo looked over at her and Kyo, "You two go ahead. I want to stay here for a while longer." she said smiling. Tohru smiled, "Alright, Uo. See you tomorrow at school." she sad as she took Kyo's hand and walked out the door, shutting it behind them.

Uo looked back at Kureno, "Kureno, do you really love me?" she asked her eyes full of hope as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Kureno's eyes widened and then he smiled at her as he placed his hand gently on the side of her face, "Of course I do, Arisa. I love you so much; I can't stand being away from you." he said as he held her closer to him. Uo smiled as she saw the honest passion in his eyes, "I love you too, Kureno." she said. He smiled and leaned forward. Uo's eyes widened as his smooth lips pressed against hers. Then she relaxed and closed her eyes as she kissed him back. They kissed for a few minutes and then pulled back. Kureno looked outside his window as the sun was almost completely set and then turned back to Uo. "It will be dark soon, Arisa. You shouldn't leave tonight without a escort. I will ask the nurse if you can spend the night here." he said smiling as he walked back to his bed. Uo smiled, "Alright." she said. He pressed the call button on his bed and a few minutes later a nurse walked in. Kureno talked to the nurse for a few minutes and then she smiled, nodded, and then left. A few minutes later she came back with some blankets' and placed on the bed next to his. Then after she finished preparing the bed, she went to the closet and pulled out a hospital gown and hospital pants. She approached Uo and handed them to her. Uo smiled and took them as she bowed to her. The nurse bowed back and then left the room.

As Uo went into the bathroom to change, Kureno laid back in bed on his side and covered up in a sheet and blanket as he waited for Uo to get out. A few minutes later Uo came back out of the bathroom with her clothes folded in her arms and the hospital gown and pants on. Kureno smiled when he saw her and she smiled back as she approached her bed. She pulled back the covers and got into the bed. She covered herself up and laid on her side, facing Kureno as he watched her. She smiled at him one more time and closed her eyes. Kureno smiled back and closed his eyes.
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