AnimeLoverWoman — Shadow In The Moonlight6 [NSFW]

Published: 2011-01-28 09:51:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 387; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 9
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Description Chapter Six

As they slept, Charis thought about the question she asked earlier, "What did I do to deserve this torture?".  The question repeated in her head as she was surrounded by darkness and then a vision appeared.  She was in the same clearing only it seemed different somehow, not as foreboding.  "Hello." a voice said behind her causing her to jump.  She turned around and saw the same elderly woman looking up at her with a smile on her face.  Charis' eyes widened, "You.  Your the one who put the curse on Lowell's family." she said.  "And your the one who has visions.  Please come sit down." the woman said as she gestured next to her.  Charis hesitated and then slowly walked up.  The elderly woman smirked, "I won't hurt you.  I would never hurt my kin." she said as Charis sat down.  Charis' eyes widened, "What?" she asked.  The woman smiled, "Where do you think you got your ability to see the future from?  Thin air?" she asked.  Charis looked down at the ground, "But if I'm your descendant.  Then that means that I'm-I'm-" she stuttered.  "A witch?  That's right.  You can go ahead and say it." the woman said.  Charis' eyes widened and she leaned back in a daze.  The old woman stood up as she watched her, "I presume you want to know why I cursed the Argyris clan.  Come with me." she said as she helped Charis stand up and led her to the middle of the clearing.  Charis watched her as she chanted something in greek and suddenly the sky ripped apart.  Charis screamed as the ground suddenly vanished from beneath their feet.

Then the ground reappeared under her and her eyes widened as she saw they were standing outside of Lyall's manor, "This is-" she started to say.  The elderly woman shushed her, "Follow me." she said as she started walking to one of the grand windows.  Charis walked up behind her as she gazed in the window and her eyes widened as she saw those same people in Victorian wear from her dreams.  She looked around and gasped as she saw who she thought was Lowell standing at the far end of the room, "Is that-?" she began to ask.  "No.  That is not Lowell.  That is his ancestor, Edric Windsor Argyris." she said as they watched him pour himself a glass of scotch.  Charis' eyes widened.  He looked just like Lowell.  He was muscular, well-tanned, and even had the same blond hair and deep blue eyes.  Then her eyebrows knitted together and she looked back at the old woman, "How does this explain why you cursed them?" she asked as she looked back at Edric.  The old woman smirked, "Just watch.  It should happen just about now." she said.  

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and a maid walked in.  Charis watched with wide eyes as Edric eyed her lustfully.  The maid had long brown hair that was braided and emerald green eyes.  Charis watched as Edric finished off his scotch and then approached the maid as she dusted a statue.  He suddenly wrapped his arms around her and pressed her against the wall as he spun her to where she was facing him.  Charis gasped as she watched him rip the top of her maid's uniform open as the maid screamed until he pressed his lips to hers and then started massaging her breast lustfully.  Then he finally pulled back and moved down to her breast as she gasped for air.  Then Charis watched in horror he lifted up her skirt and moved down.  He nipped and licked her crotch lustfully.  The maid bit her bottom lip as tears rolled down her cheeks and then he stood up and gazed into her emerald eyes as he undid his pants and lifted up her leg.  Tears started rolling down Charis' cheeks as she watched him do the final stage of the rape and felt her heart start to break as she watched the maid suffer.  Then she turned back to the old woman, "Why are you showing me this?" she asked.  "Because you wanted to know why I cursed them.  You see that maid was my daughter.  She killed herself after Edric's vile actions." she said as she turned to her, "They were going to act like rabid wolves then let them be rabid wolves.".  Charis saw the disdain and hatred in the old woman's eyes.  Then the old woman smirked, "So tell me, Charis.  Do you still feel for Lowell the way you did before this?" she asked as she gazed at her curiously.

Charis' eyes widened and then she looked down at the ground for a minute.  Then she smirked as she slowly looked back up, "I do not care about what his ancestor did.  Because it is all in the past.  I forgive Edric and I love Lowell just as much as I did.  So no matter what you may show me.  My love for Lowell will never change, because he is not his ancestor and I will help him break the curse." she said as she looked the old woman in the eyes.  The old woman made a look of surprise and then she smirked, "Do as you wish then. If fate wants you to break the curse then you'll break the curse.  Before you wake up though.  I wish to do something." she said.  Charis made a look of confusion and then yelped as the old woman suddenly placed her hand on her forehead.  Charis watched with wide eyes as she suddenly saw green light emitting from her hand as she chanted in greek.  Then suddenly bright light surrounded her as she heard the old woman's voice say, "I have awakened your powers now and gave you all the knowledge you need.  Go now.  Wake up.".

Charis gasped as she opened her eyes and looked around as she breathed rapidly.  Then she slowly sat up and looked around as she turned to Lowell who was still sleeping beside her.  She smiled as she watched him and then got up.  Then she felt her back and her eyes widened as she didn't feel any pain.  She walked around to Lowell's side of the bed, "Lowell.  Wake up, Lowell." she said as she gently placed her hand on his shoulder.  He moaned and opened his eyes as he looked over at her, "What is it, Charis?" he asked as he sat up.  "Could you check my back again?" she asked as she sat down and turned around.  Lowell lifted up her shirt again and removed her bandages.  Then his eyes widened as he saw that the scratches were gone, "What happened?" he asked as he rubbed the soft flesh of her back with his hand.  Charis glanced back at him as she smiled, "What is it?" she asked.  "Your scratches are gone.  Even the stitches are gone." Lowell said.  Her eyes widened as she turned back around, "They must of disappeared when she awakened my powers." she said.  "What?" he asked as he pulled her shirt back down.  She turned and explained her dream to him especially what she told the witch after witnessing that dastardly scene of his ancestor.  Lowell's eyes widened.  Charis looked down at the soft clean sheets on the bed, "Do you want me to leave, Lowell?  Since you found out that I am the descendant of your family's enemy." she asked as a tear ran down her cheek.  Lowell gasped and then smiled as he lifted her face to his gently, "It's like you said, Charis.  You are not your ancestor so I will not put the blame on you." he said, smiling, "I will love you no matter what.".  Her eyes widened and she gasped.  "So don't worry." he said as he gently caressed her cheek.  She smiled as more tears ran down her cheeks and she gently leaned into his hand as she placed her hand on his, "Lowell...." she said as they gazed into each other's eyes.  

Lowell gently wiped away her tears and then leaned forward.  Charis smiled as she kissed him back and slid her arms around his neck.  Lowell slid his hand to the small of her back and pulled her closer to him as he gently ran his fingers through her hair and caressed the back of her head, deepening the kiss.  Charis moaned as he slid his tongue into her mouth and started exploring every smooth surface of her mouth.  Then they fell back on the bed and Lowell rolled her onto her back as they continued kissing.  Then he moved down and started gently kissing and licking her neck.  Charis leaned her head back and gasped as she smiled, "Lowell..." she murmured as he gently caressed the nape of her neck with his hand.  She moaned slightly as she felt his other hand rub down to the bottom of her shirt and then moved underneath it to her back.  She sighed as she felt his hand rub over the soft flesh of her back and slid her hands to the front of his white shirt and started unbuttoning the plain white buttons. She rolled Lowell onto his back as she continued unbuttoning his shirt and leaned forward to kiss the soft warm flesh that was revealed between the folds as she pulled them apart little by little. Lowell smiled as he watched her and gently placed his hand on the back of her head as he started breathing rapidly as she pulled his shirt open, revealing  his muscular chest and abs.  Charis gazed at them longingly and then leaned down.  Lowell groaned as her smooth lips touch the bare skin on his chest and smiled, "Charis....." he murmured as he laid his head back and enjoyed the feel of her lips.  Her lips explored his broad chest until they came to one of his nipples.  Lowell groaned as she started sucking and licking his nipple until it hardened, "Oh, Charis...." he moaned.  Charis looked up at him and smiled as she leaned over to the other nipple and started giving it the same treatment.  Lowell groaned again.  Then Charis moved down and started caressing his abs with kisses as she started to unbutton his pants.  Then she looks down as she pulls the zipper down and then slides her hand down the top of his silk boxers.  Lowell gasps as he feels her hand gently take hold of his member and starts stroking it as she pushes the top of his boxers down, revealing his hardening member.  Then he growled softly as she started licking the thick, pulsing shaft and then slid her mouth over it.  Lowell let out a soft growl as she started teasing and swiveling the tip with her tongue.  Lowell sat up as he watched her and pulled back her long auburn hair with his hand as she started sliding her mouth up and down on his member.  He growled as he ran his fingers through her long auburn curls, "Charis...." he groaned as he struggled to hold the beast inside that threatened to come out, "Oh, yeah.  Your mouth feels so good.".  She pulled back and smiled at him.  

He took hold of her arms and flipped her onto her back.  Charis smiled as they gazed into each other's eyes and gently slid her hand to the nape of his neck.  He smiled and leaned down.  Charis slid her hands onto the sides of his neck as they kissed each other passionately and he slid his arms protectively around her as he laid on top of her.  Then he moved down and pushed her deep red tank-top shirt up, revealing her breasts which were confined in a lacy pink bra.  He lifted her up against his chest and slid his hands around to the buckle of the lacy confinement.  Charis wrapped her arms around him as she felt him unsnap the back of her bra, "Lowell...." she murmured.  Then he pulled off her shirt and laid her back down.  He slid her bra straps off her shoulders and then gently caressed her breasts in his hands.  Charis gasped as she smiled and gently caressed the back of his head.  He smiled and leaned down to one of her nipples.  Charis gasped as she felt his tongue start twirling his tongue around her nipple, "Lowell...." she murmured as she writhed a little bit under him.  Then Lowell caressed her slender stomach with kisses as he moved down to her crotch.  Charis raised up on her elbows as she watched him push her skirt up and then pull her panties off.  She smiled as he gently rubbed his hands along her legs as he gazed at her crotch and slid his arms around her thighs as he leaned forward.  Charis moaned as she felt his hot tongue licking her up hungrily.  She started panting as she watched him and moaned again as she felt his tongue slide deeper into her.  She flexed her hips as she kept moaning as Lowell slid one of his hands over and started playing with her clit, "Lowell....no.  If you do that I'll come." she begged as she started to feel intense pressure building up inside her.  Lowell pulled back a little bit, "Come for me, Charis.  Let me taste you." he said before he continued licking her deeply.  Charis smiled as the pressure built up inside her and then moaned loudly as she felt the pressure release.  Lowell lapped her up faster as she heard him growl softly and then he pulled back, "You taste good, Charis." he said smiling.  Charis smiled back as he spread her legs apart and climbed on top of her.  "Are you ready, Charis?" he asked.  Charis nodded as they gazed into each other's eyes and then Lowell leaned down and kissed her passionately on the lips.  Charis closed her eyes as she kissed him back and slid her arms around his neck as he pushed himself inside her.  She leaned her head back and moaned loudly as waves of pleasure washed over her, "Oh, Lowell!" she yelled as he started pumping into her, "Oh, God!  Yes!  Yes!  Yes!  You are so big!".  Lowell smiled and then groaned as he continued pumping into her, "Charis!  Charis!  You are so tight!" he said through clenched teeth as the sensation of her muscles tightening around him was overwhelming.  Then he had her roll onto her side and placed her leg gently on his shoulder as he continued pumping in and out of her.  "Oh, I love you so much, Lowell!" she yelled as she moaned louder.  "I l-love you too, Charis." he said as he continued pumping into her.  "Lowell!  Oh, Lowell!  You are so great!  You are fantastic!  Oh!" she yelled as she smiled and glanced over at him.  Lowell smiled as he went faster and soon groaned as he shuttered at the feel of himself coming inside her.

Then he pulled himself out of her and laid down beside her as he covered themselves up with the covers.  Charis turned on her side facing him and snuggled up to him as he wrapped his arms around her.  She smiled and moaned a little bit, "Lowell....." she murmured as she fell asleep.  Lowell smiled and then kissed her forehead as he looked out the window at the setting sun.
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