anonlight — Marrik Dragon Form

#dragon #oc #villain #blue_dragon #asiandragon #bluedragon #easterndragon #originalcharacter #villainous #eastern_dragon
Published: 2017-09-30 17:24:16 +0000 UTC; Views: 1075; Favourites: 14; Downloads: 2
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**To see Marrik in his Humanoid form, click on Marrik**

Age: 1527
Gender: Male
Species/Racial Origin: Dragonkin (Asian Blue Dragon)
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: The Meddler, Esmerelda Ares, Imsh (Friends) 

Physical Description
Height 394’1
Weight: 90,000 tons
Hair: Ice Blue
Eyes: Blue 

Personality/Attitude: Loyal, nihilistic, masochistic, apathetic, merciless, spiritual, uncaring, highly intelligent, enlightened, honorable, arrogant, stoic, cunning, spiritual, reasonable, opportunistic, thorough, melancholic.
Features/Characteristics: Blue unbreakable scales, powerful pale blue claws, spikes and horns, blue vapour-like beard, razor-sharp teeth, regenerative bodily fluids, snake-like body, powerful prehensile tail, towering height.
Strengths: Powerful draconic breaths, immune to magic and fear, can consume water and cold, retained mind, can fly at high speeds, can bestow temporary or permanent powers at will,
Weaknesses: Anti-Magic, iron, vulnerable to fire, heat, flora and electricity, ages faster while in this form, has heightened emotions in this form, gains an insatiable hunger for meat.

This is Marrik in his true form; an Asian Blue Dragon. Noticeably different from his humanoid form, Marrik’s emotions are heightened in this form, making him more intelligent, arrogant and merciless while retaining his sense of self.
In this form, he has full access to his draconic abilities, including the true Dragonkin language, empowerment and empathy with other Dragonkin, nigh-invulnerability, draconic intelligence and a mystical awareness. Like all Dragonkin in their Dragon form he is large, but can alter his size, ranging from the size of a small bird to the size of a skyscraper and can also move around on all fours as easily as when he stands on his hind legs.
His humanoid form abilities are also enhanced, so he can absorb and metabolise water/cold-based elements, has complete immunity to fear and magic, can bestow powers to others, roars that can change the environment/weather, breaths that can freeze anything and produce ice that can never melt through normal means.
However like all Asian Dragons, he has an aversion to iron and like all Blue Dragons, he is highly vulnerable to heat, fire, flora and electricity-based elements. He is also carnivorous and is susceptible to Anti-Magic.

Marrik’s Dragon form is a  Asian dragon; typically portrayed as long, scaled, wingless serpentine creatures with four legs with features of several (traditionally nine) different animals. They symbolize potent and auspicious powers, particularly control over water, rainfall, hurricanes, and floods, and are also symbols of power, strength, and good luck. They also have an extended range of supernatural powers, changing size or form (most are able to take human shape), fly among the clouds or hide in water, form clouds, turn into water, change color as an ability to blend in with their surroundings as an effective form of camouflage or glow in the dark. Unlike western dragons, oriental dragons are usually part of spirit-community (if they aren't spirits themselves), either living with others of their kind and/or with a court of spirits. They have close connection to Celestial authorities and have often their own fiefdoms to govern, typically a river, lake, or other body of water.

  • Blue Dragon: Marrik’s Dragon form is a Blue Dragon. Resembling a large aquatic sea serpent with blue scales and fin-like wings used for swimming and flight. Blue dragons can blast a breath of water at high pressure. They are capable of controlling water, being able to split oceans, create barriers, move the sea into the sky, create pillars of water, convert ice to water in an instant and creating a giant deadly whirlpool. Theses dragons can able to cover their body with water, giving them immunity against fire based attacks.

Absolute Emotions: The user has no limit on how far they can intensify their emotions, and they also tend to use it to their best advantages possible. For example, whenever it comes to the user’s anger, they happen to have no limit whatsoever to how much they can raise their voices to the point of screaming at someone, and can also install fear in just about absolutely anyone. When not under control, their insults, threats, and also their hatred can also be overwhelmingly infinite to point that individuals will suffer extreme trauma and quake with dread. As for happiness, the user’s optimism, excitement, etc, happen to go off the charts since there are no limits to how much they can feel joy. The user will also possess a boundless level of faith due to faith being highly emotion-based. In short, anything and everything directly related to their emotions can reach infinite and absolute levels.
Alternative Communication: User's way of communicating/language is so radically different and/or alien that they may be physically impossible to understand or overhear, even less reproduce by outsiders. Their method of communication may not just be merely non-verbal but also entirely unique to them, such as communicating through various natural phenomena, supernatural or metaphysical means, and/or even methods that are truly abstract (like dreams or memories) or that have no basis in the physical/tangible world.
User may also be able to hide/disguise their method of communication so that no one outside of their own kind may be able to understand or speak with them unless they chose too.
Dragon Empowerment: User becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. from dragons, either/both oneself and/or others, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing their existing powers. Some users may be able to draw sustenance from dragons or even slow or stop aging.
Dragon Force Manipulation: The user of this power possesses and is able to use strong draconic power. This ability not only grants the user great strength, abilities, and control over numerous variations of draconic energies, but also allows them to overwhelm weaker dragon as well as rival that of powerful draconic entities. User has control of anything that is symbolized as draconic and connected to dragons and draconic like being. They are able to manipulate sacred objects and relics that are connected to dragons and/or divine power. With this, the user is completely considered worthy of draconic respect, allowing them to achieve feats that are impossible to be reached by normal Standards.

  • Draconic Power Link

Elemental Absorption: The user can absorb elements/elemental forces, while removing it from the source, into their body and use it in various ways, gaining some form of advantage, either by enhancing themselves, gaining the drained power, using it as power source etc., either temporarily or permanently.

  • Ice Absorption
  • Water Absorption

Environmental Adaptation: User is able to survive and adapt to any environment and/or condition, being able to tolerate a wide range of temperatures and levels of moisture, any amount/quality of sustenance, breathable medium, etc. with little or no discomfort.

  • Atmospheric Adaptation
  • Subterranean Adaptation

Fear Immunity: The user is immune to fear of any kind, the user has no fear, and is unable to feel any sort of fear, terror, or even any intense anxiety. Users can think clearly, continue to move, and generally function in situations where the fear would disable a normal person. The user can act in perfect clarity and calmness even under the most extreme kinds of horrors or traumatic experiences.
Hyper Maneuverability: The user has incredible maneuverability/do tasks, actions, attacks, etc. at full speed while doing incredible maneuvers as well, even in the toughest of areas/situations, such as fighting while climbing a mountain wall, running at full speed while in a tight indoors area, doing parkour in a cramped cave, etc. Nothing can hinder their maneuverability, they can do maneuvers without touching things, unless they want to touch/use something. Unlike Unrestricted Movement , this normally involves maneuvers requiring great skill, and is also about things such as fighting and dancing, and overall, it involves more intensity than unrestricted movement.

  • Aerobatics
  • Cloud Flight/ Air Walking
  • Emotional Performance
  • High-Speed Flight
  • Supernatural Leap
  • Supernatural Mobility
  • Supernatural Reflexes

Large Size: The user either possesses a level of physical size greater than that of a normal member of their species or is simply a member of a species that is naturally bigger than humans.

  • Companion Form
  • Personal Size Manipulation

Longevity: The user possesses an extended lifespan, allowing them to live longer than a normal human; this can be the result of one's power set or their species. Users are often called "Longevals", Longeval means long-lived. Some users are capable of living for centuries or  hundreds of years. Other users are capable of living for aeons or  thousands of years. Though it’s quite rare for most to be capable of living for millions of years.

  • Accelerated Aging

Magic Immunity: The user is invulnerable to most, if not all, forms of magic and magical powers. Advanced users may be able to select which spells can affect them.
Magical Energy Manipulation: User can create, shape, absorb or manipulate magical energy; a form of mystical energy that fundamentally fuels and/or manifests all magical phenomena  such as spellspracticesritualscircles  and enchanted objects . Through this mystic energy users can transmute magic for a variety of effects and purposes, including obtaining magical powers  from external and internal source, yielding upstanding results in the users magical practices. Users can even invoke other forms of energies for specific forms of magic that require said necessary energies to empower their spells.
Metal Aversion: As a trait, those effected by this become weaker when they come in contact with certain types of metals such as brass, copper, gold, iron, silver and even steel; to inflict harm or some type of weakness in certain entities. They become weakened by anything related to these things which can even nullify any existing powers the entities effected by it may have, and/or having physical effects on their bodies. Long-term exposure to whichever metal may result in fatal bodily conditions, cause them extreme pain, burning and/or even death especially if it enters the body. Werewolves , most types of fairies , as well as certain types of vampiresundeadmages  and ghosts  are prime examples of those who are deeply affected by certain metals.
Mystic-Sensory Perception: The user possesses a supernatural awareness/sensitivity through magical means, allowing for superhuman analytical and observational skills as well as a keen eye for details, and because their perception is magical in nature, it's possible to perceive things that are mystic, supernatural, and esoteric like being able to see a ghosts or invisible beings. It's even possible to acquire information by mystical means.
Natural Weaponry: The user possesses some form of natural weaponry, including clawsfangshornsbeaks , clubbed tails, etc., and knows how to use them.

Nigh Invulnerability: The user is immune to almost all kind of damage, be it physical (internal or external), mental, spiritual and even conceptual. The user can be immune to all those damage except for one or more exceptions.
Power Bestowal: The user can give superpowers  to others, either permanently or temporarily.
Self-Retention: Users can keep their sense of self intact; despite being converted into something else, passing on into the afterlife, etc. they are able to still keep fragments of their selfhood unchanged making them whole, self-aware and capable of emotion, empathy, morality, and connection rather than feral minded monsters.
Advanced users can have their complete selfhood flawlessly and permanently intact, being perfectly unchanged in every way; spiritual, emotional, mental, physical, etc, and being able to be immune/rejective to conversion based powers/methods without any fear of being turned into anything else.

  • Conversion Negation
  • Mind Anchoring
  • Soul Anchoring
  • True-Self Recognition

Soul Link: User possesses a link to somebody/something through their soul, which allows them to know each other's locations, share in other power(s) or other capabilities.
Strength Infinitum: User has strength that increases over time with no limit and can keep gradually increasing their strength, essentially forever. This makes their potential for strength limitless and immeasurable, allowing them to perform any feat of strength in due time/eventually.
Supernatural Condition: User's physical and mental abilities are glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally superior over others in their universe because their capabilities are far beyond natural levels, making them immensely stronger, faster, durable and smarter than regular beings (in that verse).

Ultimate Freeze: The user can freeze anything, from tangible targets, to intangible energy such as fire, or concepts such as time, even a person's mind. They can drop the temperature to  absolute zero, which is impossible by natural means, causing quantum effects; due to freezing at such otherwise impossible levels, breakdowns at atomic levels and superconductivity occur.
Cold Immunity  provides no defense against this ability and thawing of ice is more difficult, if not impossible.

  • Unmeltable Ice
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