anonlight — Neo Kronos

#oc #superweapon #transcendent #transcendentandroid #transcendent_android #originalcharacter
Published: 2023-07-12 00:43:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 1971; Favourites: 7; Downloads: 0
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Age: N/A (Immortal)
Gender: None
Species/Racial Origin: N/A (Artificial Deity)
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: The Meddler Prime (Creator), Marrik , Esmerelda Ares , Imsh , (Residents), The Meddler (Minions)

Physical Description
Height Varies (From Planet-sized to Universal)
Weight: Varies
Hair: N/A
Eyes: N/A 

Personality/Attitude: N/A
Features/Characteristics: Neon blue body, void for a face, universe-sized stature.
Strengths: Can alter entire Universes to their darkest timelines, external invulnerability, godly power.
Weaknesses: Can be destroyed from within by destroying its “heart”.

A gargantuan construct that resides outside of Space and Time, the Neo Kronos is The Meddler Prime’s super weapon; an artificial deity capable of rewriting entire Universes by physical contact as its primary function. It is also the main headquarters of The Meddler Prime and their friends as well as their variants. The Neo Kronos was created after The Meddler Prime killed the god of Time and stole his powers, using the decaying corpse as the blueprint of the construct’s design and infusing some of their newfound power into it.
The Neo Kronos is comprised of a body made of transcendent energy that is all but invincible, a “heart” that is its own artificial planet, a “brain” that is a massive space station and a “face” that not only is an unstable rift of the Void, but the only way for non space-time manipulators to enter the construct. Within the body are several interconnecting subspace tunnels, which act as its veins and allows the Meddler variants to traverse the weapon. The “heart” houses the weapon’s core and is its central power source for when it rewrites a Universe, defends itself or performs any kind of action. The artificial moons that surround it serve a further purpose to contain individuals that embody each of the seven aspects; Power, Time, Space, Reality, Soul, Mind and Energy. Their aspects are then drained and weaponised to enhance Neo Kronos and grant it additional abilities and powers as well as effects within the “heart” and “brain”.
The “brain” is the main headquarters where The Meddler Prime and his friends reside and is also the control centre of the entity itself, allowing those within to peer into the Omniverse itself via windows into space-time. It also has an autopilot function in the control centre, allowing Neo Kronos to act autonomously, albeit with limited sentience.
Despite its invulnerable body and godly power, the Neo Kronos has one weak point; its “heart”. If the central power source in the “heart” is destroyed from within, it would set off a chain reaction that would cause the construct to collapse in on itself and implode, undoing its rewrites in the process.

Neo Kronos is an  android with near god-like powers. It has transcended its potential and capabilities beyond normal limitations, whether physically, mentally, existentially, etc..., while still possessing a synthetic form of organic-like material to resemble it. It also gained powers that may be less potent or nigh powerful when compared to regular God-related powers.
It can rival the most powerful threats because of its technological advancements and immune or resistance to weaknesses associated with robots and artificial intelligence. It holds unfathomable power, allowing it to have abilities beyond the ordinary android due to it overcoming the limitations of its existence or the android being affected by a source of divine power. Giving Neo Kronos access to far greater power than standard Android Physiology  users.
Absolute Body: Users possess a supreme and perfect body. This power stems into two parts: absolute physical capabilities and perfect bodily aspects. The user can possess one or both of these aspects.
The user’s of absolute physical capabilities, are on an infinite scale, with their strength they can lift the multiverse with their bare hands, with their speed they can travel anywhere instantly, with their durability they are essentially invincible. The users of perfect bodily aspects have their innate body infinitely enhanced, their bones, blood, organs and cells are perfect and infinite.
Anti-World: The user can create malformed versions of worlds on a multiversal scale. Creating a second multiverse filled with an infinite collection of blasphemous and chaotic realities. A verse formed of every fear and bad decision ever made or dreamt, a verse made up of every possible horror imaginable and grows more powerful with every evil action, bad thought or sin from the original multiverse and it's inhabitants. This verse literally feeds and thrives off "everything wrong".
Along with the verse, its inhabitants may also be corrupted, evil or outright the worst versions of the original inhabitants of the original multiverse whether if their mortals, gods or cosmic entities.
Artificial Godhood: The user possesses the powers of an artificial deity, that may not be bound by natural laws or limits of regular gods due their artificial nature.

Autopotence: Users are all-powerful  over themselves, including their existence. They can make their existence ineffable and defiant of all laws  and logic , also rewriting themselves on absolutely all levels, including structureoriginconclusion , and many more. With absolute control over themselves, they can essentially do anything as long as it stems from their own existence, like granting oneself all powers/abilities , becoming one with everything , attaining true perfection , etc.

Habitable Anatomy: User either has or can make their internal anatomy remarkably spacious and capable of having other beings/creatures/technology/structures stay/exist inside them for extended time. They are often either gigantic in stature, have an interior that much larger then their exterior, or are proportional both internally and externally, just habitable and potentially able to supply their visitors with habitable environment.

Total Autopilot: The user exists in a deep and all-encompassing state of autopilot. The user’s consciousness does exist, but they have, through some mechanism, relinquished or suppressed all control and awareness of every facet of themselves, causing everything to occur instinctively and spontaneously, without any conscious input; moving, eating, fighting, walking, talking (even complex topics and natural conversations), making decisions, using their powers, feeling and displaying emotions, feeling pain, etc.
The user’s consciousness may be able to vaguely and generally guide the direction of themselves, or act as a source of reference for decision making and interests, etc, but cannot, or does not, consciously control themselves. Even if the user appears to act like an ordinary individual, everything that they do is either completely instinctive or based on nothing and occurs spontaneously.

  • Autopilot

Universal Power: The user wields universal power, a  primordial and  infinite force of the universe that has a great and indefinite level of power that can grant users dominion over the whole universe, that in its glorious nature, can affect everything within it, including cosmic forces and energies that naturally affect the universe and its principles. Because users have such cosmic powers, users can do anything with sheer thought alone, having tremendous amounts of various kinds of cosmic and universal-based abilities at their disposal; such command can classify them as the most powerful beings in the universe.
Users with this kind of power can be granted such godlike power of extraordinary magnitude, that it transforms them into cosmic/universal beings of their own making, rich with the very power of the universe, which can derive straight from the source that users can master to control. They are able to empower themselves with the cosmic forces of the universe. Due to such power, users can be limitless beings as they are capable of not only mastering the known universe, but also creating their own, expanding their already incredible potential beyond just one.
Unlike ultimate power , the users' powers are mostly tied to the universe and everything within it. With universal derivation , which is the source of the universe, they can channel and master it for their own purposes.

  • Cosmic Knowledge
  • Personal Universe
  • Reality Warping
  • Universal Manipulation
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