Aprym — The Mirror

#24 #cool #face #grudge #painterly #portrait #rough #sad #strokes #stylized #texture #transmission #hashtag #forever_alone #the_mirror #no_word_to_my_difying_distress #absolutely_no_boundaries #they_are_no_hidden_paths_between_the_blind_eyes #definitly_i_dont_speak_english_very_well #i_need_to_learn_more_so_i_can_understand_better #no_selfie #defy_the_selfie
Published: 2019-11-02 08:04:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 1018; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 1
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Looking at this painting
Fills you with…

♦☺>The Artwork

Title: The Mirror
Or (The Unextending Dialogue
Between One and Another
& Yourself)
Or (The Post)

From the “Hiden Paintings” series

Painting started on: 20-08-2019


Thursday, August 22, 2019 8:31 AM

This is Furry,
The Movie

I woke up
and realized

I had become a furry

Now our friend has to resolve his social issues
and try to become someone meaningful to others
despite the fact of been rejected.
he has now to prove his worth.
and that his existence is necessary to keep the status quo.

Knowing that his presence is by factor,
A necessary natural product in which to rely on,
For the search and research of a healthy well living,
For himself, and for others.

Dun Duun duuun.

Okay I think this is gonna be bit of a nonsensical post,


So I heard, thought, remembered this song.

Adam Lambert - Time For Miracles

It's late at night and I can't sleep

No I ain't giving up on us

'Cause living is so hard to do
The future I cannot forget
This aching heart ain't broken yet

'Cause I know this flame isn't dying
So nothing can stop me from trying

You know I ain't giving up on us
I ain't giving up on us

♦☺>Status Report

Feeling normal,
always blind and taken by the wind.

Two members of my family are sick,
hope they will recover soon.

Expecting for tomorrow to be better,
and hope for a better chance in life.


I’m not very good at painting hands.


To Post the Truth

The fact is
that I don’t know if what I am doing is right or wrong

Have mixed feelings about it,
But Im trying to find my way,

See…. I already did this, and this is what comes out from the heart,
Just trying to find its meaning, purpose,
and proper place.


Saturday, November 2, 2019 2:05 Am




Place and write everything I learned,
Heard, or discovered during the week.

Thursday, October 31, 2019 12:31 PM

Pacta sunt servanda
"agreements must be kept"

Defend the truth
Find ways to live a better life.
Be aware

Making mistakes
Is like walking by,
And leaving the print of your paws
On wet cement,

Damage is done,
Fixing it is not impossible,
Either you add more,
But there will be scars,

Or remove it completely
And start over again.


Or you could just imagine it,
And it will be fixed.

Honesty and integrity

The one who lives with integrity, does what is right,
and speaks honestly with truth from the heart.

“Walk straight, act right,
tell the truth.

Don’t hurt your friend,
don’t blame your neighbor;

Keep your word even when it costs you,
make an honest living, never take a bribe.”

keeps all promises no matter the cost.

A growing process….

And so, we go on transforming ourselves
Day after day.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019 9:24 AM
Opression and liberty


I am not ashamed
I am strong.

Reach the true inner nature…

One that makes us friendly between each other.
A truth hidden within your inner self,
That fills you with Harmony.


The wind blows
The fire burns
The water is wet
And the earth tastes like dirt.?

Yesterday You died.
Today you are alive.
And tomorrow,
You will be Reborn


Let The sound of your soul be a Symphony of Harmony.

Not enemies,
But reconcile ourselves.

No matter what you consider our differences are.
We were born by the same mother earth.

how to potentialize and thrive.
grow your capacity
there is a power inside you.



First understand
the Vision
visualize it,
measure it,
then potentialize it.

then move,
Reach your objective
accomplish your vision

you will earn power
when you move forward.

they are no frontiers,
Only invisible barriers,

Walls built by fear.

You just have to do a leap of faith,
And trust that you will land safely on the hay.

Look and hear
so, you don’t fall.
Friday, October 25, 2019 5:29 PM

And opportunity will come.

is dangerous, to not to.
is dangerous, to don’t.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

I read.

look at the stars.
millions of millions,
all of us,

from all nation
from all language

Love everything and everyone
Love earth
Love home
You belong to it,
It belongs to you.

“I don't have silver and gold,
But from what I have, I give you"

You may don’t have much to give
But give everything you got,
There’s always someone that relies on you,
And will appreciate what you give them.


What is the value,
To Post,

Defenders of truth,
Face insecurity
Coordinate actions
To stop crimes

Bring Security,
Reduce the crime rate,

Interchanging information
And developing intelligence

For justice there should be no borders

Take actions According to
To the level of delinquency

For justice to reach anywhere

Fight for truth

"….Adorned in masters’ loving art, She lies.
She rests at last beneath the starry skies…."

Our ancestors, lived before and left their legacy,
History was theirs, they had their chance.
Some stories were bad, others were good.

But now History is ours,
It is our story, being written right now by our actions.
So, it’s better we write it well.

I appreciate your time.

words randomly generated by an AI

I essentially used an online AI to generate these texts,
Based on keywords in my mind,


A neural network made of ourselves.

The truth is that I believe this is cool,
But also worries me, about how this AI,
Is able to pull this off..

I hope that we can learn something
Or inspire each other by it.

But I hope that, I understand that
Any coincidences, are coincidences,
And this is just fictional.

It takes time, practice, and lots of experience to win
and win with.
Help other people have more fun in life!

to help her cope with her own emotional struggles,
that she was afraid to come out to her family because
"they thought I was weird – but it wasn't a big deal."

"There were times where you would feel
like you were really alone in the world without friends,
even though you were having good times."

But then came one of the most difficult years of her life.

"I was suicidal and feeling like the world was against me.
It was really hard to talk to people about it.

"It was difficult for me to find comfort in myself,
especially as I really liked my family.
So I kept this to myself so people wouldn't say the wrong thing.
I'm pretty sure they were worried and worried about me…" she laughs.

a friend suggested she come out to them and they all became more accepting.

"It was such a turning point for me,
but even now I think it would make a lot of people really uncomfortable and angry."

This year, the 19-year-

I am currently a freshman in college
and i have been interested in furries for the past 10 years.
Since my last year,
I have been constantly bullied by other students because of my furry character.

I am at a loss for how to handle this situation
so i have decided to create a blog for people that are still in the same boat.

I would like to start this blog
to give others courage in reaching out to help these furry kids out.

My friend who i am in a relationship with is also a furry.
As you can see, our furry characters have become idols for other students that they can relate to
when they are in this situation.

A big thanks for all of your support

P.S. I am in a state where it is difficult to do this kind of work,
so I need some help to pay for food, gas and other necessities.
My roommate is not an artist and has been very kind to me so far and has offered his (money).


i want to make a difference in peoples' lives
i love animals so much and i would help them if i could
i think of you all, everyday i want to make a difference in the world


I have 2 pets and need love and companionship
and shelter and companionship for them to stay safe in a world

I have 2 pets i want to be an animal shelter, dog or cat
and love and companionship for them to stay safe in a world

I have love and companionship for some animals
and i'm looking for the help to live and live free

we've got animals and they'll become our companions for life
no matter the kind of animal you are looking for
- you'll get the one you love and need!

to get your pet's attention, you just must follow the steps in step 1,
and then follow step 3 once your kitty is happy


i am a mongrel and i want to live my life as a mongrel
i am an animal and i need a life
i'm a mammal and i want a mom and a dad
i'm An animal and i want the best for my kind

i hate a lot of things
i hate everything I'm in

i'm a creature with all the potential in the world
i want to be my kind
i want to be free,
but i'm just one in a long line of beastly creatures that need freedom

i like being in the wild and i don't want to be trapped forever
i just want to live, the rest of it is up to my kind


Loves me and he is a furry too

I was wondering
if you could help me out by giving me something to read
while playing and writing about this whole situation and the various feelings,
I had going on inside of me.

I started reading a while ago, but my mood wasn't really at my best...
I guess it is because I have just moved in and started getting into stuff…

(I am not a big writer, I am a very casual person…
it really does get very real at times…
maybe you can guess why my mood is down right now…
but I am willing to forgive this.
I am going to try to take the high road here and not give any answers
and just tell it like it is and that's the only way I will understand.
My heart is on the right tracks.)

But I was able to find some comfort in a few things that I read...
but first I have to tell you....

when I was growing up and I really felt a connection
to my body and….(Idk)


I am the ultimate, a furry assassin!
Furries make the best villains!

My fursona is a fursuit, an alter.

I'm a feral beast, and I want to be free

Faunus, I want to see them take over the world
We are the wild animals of the jungle!

I see them everywhere, and I want to help them

Faunus are everywhere,
and we're gonna take over this world together

I will be the faunus, we are the furry assassins'
we fight fire with fire, no one will stop us!

we faunus are the world's best!

I am a faunus... I don't want to be a human

This is a furry assasin
- an explorer who is curious and seeks out adventure.
You follow these two in their quest for adventure.

You will be playing as a furry assasin
- a mysterious explorer with an insatiable desire for adventure
in the world of Albionia.

You will explore an interesting,
but dangerous, land of dark and terrible danger.
You will become a badass warrior.

You will meet a sexy, talented,
and powerful female assassin.

Your character will have their own goals
- and it will be your job to help them achieve their goals!

It's also your job to have fun in the game
and make as much awesome assassination (which will be featured) as you can.

And for a bit of extra fun,
you will be able to create a character that will look just like you
- but with a slightly different personality!
(If you want to be a wolf, you can!)



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