arcem-admin — 70 Days

Published: 2020-02-09 13:43:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 527; Favourites: 10; Downloads: 1
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"Sorry, I'm too dumb to quit."

Character and art by Pikakus

70 days until Arcem Alva returns

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Comments: 63

shockabsorbers In reply to ??? [2020-04-19 04:27:24 +0000 UTC]

Rohayu: Asked for directions from local Amedrans and tried to make heads or tail of the map she's been given, only realizing very belatedly it's a drawing of a butt..
Quentin: Him, a light elf, actually setting foot to empire land because he can, (the promise of new discoveries irresistable)
Sergei: Insulted an alchemist supplier on the brink of despair having suffered from economy recession and getting stabbed afterwards.
Shui: Swiping the glass of booze left idle by his uncle and drinking it... and let it dribble all over the tatami floor because it was disgusting.......
Ral: Let peacekeeping work take her over instead of spending time with her family and torn up the relationships between her husband and older children.
Lorenzo: Dating one of his batch mates during his early recruit days and getting both of them severely punished by his instructor
Bran: Almost burning himself alive being mesmerized by the fireplace that he wanted to touch,

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skyggedal In reply to ??? [2020-04-19 02:10:04 +0000 UTC]

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mii-tea In reply to ??? [2020-04-16 00:04:13 +0000 UTC]

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Kurodaia-Chan In reply to ??? [2020-04-03 17:49:44 +0000 UTC]

Ilham: becoming a father

-used the wrong kind of magic and took off his arm
-burned his hands as a child because there was no way the metal surface was hot after being used.
-Ate dirt for a week because he thought wood elves actually needed dirt to live//he did this when he was like 4//
-Used incorrect vocab when visiting family in Estraude, called his aunt a pig.
-Every time he does anything outside of his house...
-Can't swim but still goes to the citadel...

-beat up someone for clothes
-stuck a pencil in their ear to see what would happen.
-punched someone to the ground by accident when trying to greet them
-Thinks that they can somehow weigh themselves down to a bed. 

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taiwonton In reply to ??? [2020-03-22 03:54:22 +0000 UTC]

Spencer: Ran away from Amedra without notice because he heard Jasper would be in town. 
Balthazar: It's a spoiler cuz it's in an upcoming comic... but it was a Dumb Thing To Do
Lars: Tried to walk out of a store without paying because he was used to a servant doing it for him and didn't realize he actually needed to do it himself after joining the army.
Elise: Threw a book? Or something? At Klaus in a fit of anger and scarred his brow. Rly dumb. She doesn't throw things anymore.
Walter: Had a son with Helena! Stupid af-- and then he was dumb enough to sire another kid too. Unknown levels of dumb.
Tatiana: Tried to match the stamina and endurance of other soldiers despite being a mage and ended up sick after running laps with them.
Piers: Tried to row away in a boat to strand a Wizard......... honestly so gg...
Thyme: Suggested her master go on a journey-- only for him to disappear without her! 

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acverg In reply to ??? [2020-03-16 15:32:27 +0000 UTC]

Pierced both his ears at once. Looked super cool from the get-go, but he had to sleep on his back for weeks.

As a kid he once played around with fire magic because he wanted to be like daddy. He almost set the house on fire.

Tried to coax a drunk hobo into giving him his address in a truth-or-dare game by pretending to be his estranged wife.
He ended up being attacked because the wife had cheated on the man...

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Pseudocon In reply to ??? [2020-03-05 19:08:36 +0000 UTC]

Kamon Intira

This question is really hard lmao, I wanted to do something fun and silly but wh oops - 

Ever since the ash fever, she and Ilias had been taking care of Felix, Rayne’s son, but she was scared and nervous about how Rayne would react to being a father, so she didn’t tell him immediately, and at a point deliberately hid Felix from him, which really hecked some things up in their relationship weeps--//

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DrySky In reply to ??? [2020-03-04 01:56:27 +0000 UTC]

THERE ARE SO MANY... Chooses from pre-alva days though afjkdajga

He had a brief phase in his life where he wanted to be a Slick McCool Assassin Anti-Hero... but like... VERY SPECIFICALLY the story book rose-tinted version of them. Steal for laughs! Make a fool of the bad guys! Cool mask! You can never catch me fööls-- Be THE primo Information Broker... this was way back before he got any Real experience so like... He used his baby magic (and completely legit Spy Moves) to break into his own house and 'steal' a precious family heirloom. Almost set off the manor's defense totems and grandad tackled him before he got far.
(Reaches at the still QA... he practiced for y--)

Charis took a salty nap in a field after a confrontation with someone to chill out... but like it was the noon summer sun. She definitely got sunburned and had a healer treat her, but for MONTHS she had a hand shape printed on her face because of it (her hand when she shielded her face mid nap). Source of many a jokes gkjdgkadg.

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MangaAnimeluver In reply to ??? [2020-02-22 16:53:48 +0000 UTC]

Elen: When she was little, Elen had the bright idea to "help" clean up her father's study while he was away, including trying to put away books by standing on the bookshelves. The whole study looked like a tornado had hit it when she was done.

Xander: Ate a corndog off the street to try and intimidate someone who looked at him wrong. He was sick for weeks, and hasn't touched any sort of breaded meat combo since.

Aya: When she was first learning how to be a maid, she accidentally used the wrong scrubbing brush for a whole row of formerly pristine candles that now had dozens of scratches. To try and hide it, she hid the offending candles in the back of the room and tossed a blanket on them.

Fen: Suplex greeting.

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DrySky In reply to MangaAnimeluver [2020-03-04 00:55:27 +0000 UTC]

going through the countdown and oh my god xa n de r AGHAGAHFHASHDJAS

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MangaAnimeluver In reply to DrySky [2020-03-04 07:51:18 +0000 UTC]


but 1) yes it did, in that the other dude was so disgusted he left xan alone and 2) absolutely the Heck Not

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DrySky In reply to MangaAnimeluver [2020-03-04 14:00:48 +0000 UTC]

thank u for this gift that is xander mal

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mai--flower In reply to ??? [2020-02-21 13:50:32 +0000 UTC]

Tilia: .....She tried ninja (naruto-)running on the roofs before when she had just started her Robinhood Days. Needless to Say this did not give her optimal balance and she almost fell off a 3 story house.

Audrey: In a soiree that she attended when she was still newly introduced in high society, she didn't have a lot of friends so would resign herself to drinking tea in the background. Unintentionally started eavedropping on some ladies and after hearing a particularly hilarious piece of rumor, she spluttered and practically spat her drinking out. The only consulation was that it didn't come out of her nose.

Sarifee: During her tour, she had sprained her ankle pretty badly during rehearsal but didn't tell anyone. Performed despite the severity of it. It got so bad she wasn't allowed to dance for nearly a month

Virsche: While living in Estraude, despite being warned how spicy a curry stew was she ate it anyway thinking it couldn't be /that/ bad. It wasn't. It was so much worse.

Yunaly: When she was half asleep, while getting help from Vanathen with the morning preparations she accidentally called him "mom". She would take that secret with her to her grave.

Cecile: Almost everything she does is borderline stupid bUT UH. Holding onto poisonous plants by the fist full w/o checking if they're actually poisonous out of pure excitement at new Ingredients !!!

Dahlia: Because she usually makes so much extra food, one time she attempted to make it all into an "Everything Stew"- needless to say it gave her (and anyone she gave it to) stomach aches..... she has never done it since

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ElectricType In reply to ??? [2020-02-17 23:14:22 +0000 UTC]


One time when he was a kid, there was this family of birds that nested in a tree at his grandmother’s house that he had been watching for a while and he noticed that the birds had laid some eggs!! So one day he waited until the parents had left and he climbed up into the tree and thought it would be fine and cool if he picked up one of the babies and took it home with him, except when he grabbed it it started SCREECHING SO LOUDLY and suddenly there were all these birds swooping and pecking at him while he was screaming and trying to run back inside. It was basically when Link gets swarmed with a bunch of cuccos. 

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Lirinum In reply to ??? [2020-02-17 05:47:51 +0000 UTC]

Alek: That time he and Louise thought exploring a cave by the lake was a cool idea, only to abort their mission when a bear cub woke up, saw them and wanted to play and started making noises. Where there was a cub a mama bear was nearby. They haven’t told their parents about it and probably never will, but he has a little chuckle to himself when he sees the black bear insignia of Koben.

Also borrowingstealing that Cinden from the Mirian’s and using it against them, it worked out but doesn’t mean it was a shining example of forethought O|<

Noah: Indulged in a drinking competition with the first mate of the ship he was stationed with in his early navy days. It ended up being a blackout night and he woke up safely back in his bunk but received love notes for a few months from someone he’d apparently met, taken in a stray cat from the docks (who still lives with him as a grumpy geezer), and a few more piercings than he remembered having the day before.

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Winged-Wasabi In reply to ??? [2020-02-15 20:03:25 +0000 UTC]

Caleb: Was a bit too focused on scribbling down notes and drank from the ink bottle instead of his glass of water

Nora: When she was younger she would mix alchemical concoctions together and drink them to see what would happen. She stopped after one of them made her disgustingly sick for weeks

Blue: Gorged herself on a fuck ton of sweets and then got sick... She learned that moderation is key to enjoying candy

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kishi-san In reply to ??? [2020-02-14 10:56:43 +0000 UTC]

Ate the fruits off his silkberry plant

Drank sea water the first time she went overseas, thinking all bodies of water were freshwater

Found out the hard way that you cannot, indeed, do henna art on your tongue and it tastes terrible


Accidentally buttslapped another Abbey member he mistook for Daniel. Didn’t have the guts to admit he made a mistake so he rolled with it and probably had to explain himself to Karmenie

As a kid she tried to re-enact jousting with her cousins and got knocked out cold when one of the others jousted her instead of, yknow, the kid on her shoulders

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DrySky In reply to kishi-san [2020-03-04 00:57:09 +0000 UTC]

going thru the countdowns and just...


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kishi-san In reply to DrySky [2020-04-05 00:46:13 +0000 UTC]

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Luuxiya In reply to ??? [2020-02-13 13:25:36 +0000 UTC]

Naevys: of course someone as composed and controlled has done many a stupid thing in her life to learn to be her current self hoho during her young hey days she loved to run into father's arms to welcome him home, and at the right height she once headbutted him in the valuables

Allie: man, what do you answer to that when your whole life is a copious series of stupid goofs. Like when she put her hand in the fire to check if it was truly Hot, and it is.

Yue: she once looked all over the clinic for her coat to go back home, until mentor pointed out she was already wearing it.

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T-e-a-r In reply to ??? [2020-02-13 07:48:38 +0000 UTC]

When Ceras was a kid she tried to drink sea water

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Usakan In reply to ??? [2020-02-13 04:48:56 +0000 UTC]

Airez: Accidentally picking up the wrong package and carried some smuggled gems during his trips in Linhythe.

Claretta: Almost sot one of her ex because she thought he was a deer or something.

Ernest: Back when Leslaw was a baby, tried to make him laugh but ended up getting some candy stuck to his hair.

Navin: Boarded a ship...

Mel: Marrying the first person that voiced their interest in her. She had some regrets afterward, but not a problem anymore.

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Tara-Elani In reply to ??? [2020-02-12 14:56:05 +0000 UTC]

Sarain: Once thought that cooking something at a really high temperature would get it done really quickly. Needless to say, her cooking skills are less than average.

In one of her ongoing wars with Diarmit, she set the toilet paper on fire after he'd gone into the bathroom to get back at him for having set it on the top shelf. She almost burned down the bathroom (with him in it) but they made up later by splitting a hearty, spicy, many-layered sandwich - as was the ending to most of their fights.

Flipped an entire canoe after a monkey fell out of a tree and landed on his head. He managed to save the monkey, but then had to spend hours fishing his things off the bottom of the river.

Drank the holy water in the cathedral's fountain when they were thirsty, then sparkled innocently when the high priestess caught them

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und34dmuffin In reply to ??? [2020-02-10 18:35:59 +0000 UTC]

Andros: Getting salty, worked up, fighting his sister because he thinks he didn't deserve happiness and then bouncing back to Amedra.

Katherine: l o l 

Owain: Literally every single time he's been into the wispwood and yet he keeps going back.

Carine: When she first got her armor, she put all of it on, got on her horse, fell off and was trapped by the awkward fall and the additional weight- she nearly suffocated in the hay over the course of an hour and to this day refuses to tell the nun who helped her up exactly how long she'd been like that.

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Tara-Elani In reply to und34dmuffin [2020-02-12 14:30:06 +0000 UTC]


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Pikakus In reply to und34dmuffin [2020-02-10 21:11:05 +0000 UTC]


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laticat In reply to ??? [2020-02-10 16:47:49 +0000 UTC]

Atticus: Decided to canter early on when he was learning bareback riding-- he took a horse who Loved to Run, fell off on a jump, and broke his arm and some ribs lmao. And once he was healed he got right back on. He's a lot better at riding now but he could've been more cautious about it for sure

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Silvefied In reply to ??? [2020-02-10 16:43:42 +0000 UTC]

[Evin Coreum]

When he was a teen back in Belport, he somehow got  convinced to sneak into Valsk as a show of courage and capability.  An elf, in Valsk?  More likely than you think!  More like more DEAD than you think, am I right-- 

-- Yeah, it was a really dumb decision, and had to escape very early into the attempt.

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DrySky In reply to Silvefied [2020-03-04 01:04:15 +0000 UTC]

Ev i n.

Did.... did Evin pretend he did it.

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Silvefied In reply to DrySky [2020-03-04 03:48:36 +0000 UTC]

He got to the gates and managed to bring back some random souvenir before he was chased out!  But not without some bruises! : D

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DrySky In reply to Silvefied [2020-03-04 13:58:51 +0000 UTC]

THAT'S SO HGAKSGAD I'M GLAD HE MADE IT OUT OK. parents probably less than enthused, but evin standing as the reigning cool kid is such a powerful mental image AHA

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Silvefied In reply to DrySky [2020-03-04 22:47:01 +0000 UTC]

he, may have made it...but was by no means a cool kid LOLLLLLL!  I APPRECIATE THE THOUGHT THERE THOUGH

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number11train In reply to ??? [2020-02-10 13:40:20 +0000 UTC]

Cassair: Years ago when he was still New to human food, he ate an entire pound of pure butter, threw up and then was sick for a few days

Javed: Confessed that he was half dark elf at the height of the Kingdom's crackdown... years earlier he also didn't deny an accusation that he had dark elf blood and was briefly stoned (and concussed) by freaked-out villagers before Karmenie rescued him

Gwen: (sweats at the endless choices) A classic... while getting mobbed by hungry pigeons, she threw her coveted loaf of bread through a random open window and sent the entire flock into Caleb's study...

Jin: Punched a guy at the pub for spilling her drink 😔 Then proceeded to get into a fistfight, smash dramatically through the window, run out of steam and end up getting a new drink with him (it was Odvar) (becoming his friend was also a mistake)

Silvan: Ordered his own brother's death in a fit of anger and then was too prideful to take it back

Marise: Believed a story about a villager being possessed by Atros and thusly led all the kids to perform an 'exorcism'. Live chickens were too precious to sacrifice so they built the ritual around a boiled egg. In the end their effigy caught fire and they had to get the adults

Sunan: (sweats more) In their youth, went skinny-dipping in the harbour while drunk and got into a fight with a squid

Diarmit: While on the clock, he drank three cups of Madman's coffee, ate the shop's entire supply of olives while high, and then promptly got fired (along with all his workmates who dared him in the first place)

Ana: When she was a child, she made an extremely elaborate trap to catch a stray hollow spider who visited their yard regularly, only to discover the spider belonged to their neighbour (who was Not Pleased at this pet kidnapping)

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DrySky In reply to number11train [2020-03-04 01:03:01 +0000 UTC]


Silvan did w h a t.

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Winged-Wasabi In reply to number11train [2020-02-15 20:04:05 +0000 UTC]

THE PIGEON INCIDENT... truly a Classique

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faithom In reply to ??? [2020-02-10 13:23:34 +0000 UTC]

Guen: Dating Spencer. HAHAHAHA probably just ignoring all of her mother’s advice during her rebellious teenage years (which resulted in dating Spencer amongst other things). Specific incident: accepting the challenge to brawl with Naila, the only other girl on the ship, when she had been relatively new to the life of pirating in order to prove her own capabilities… and pushing to continue the fight despite being obviously outmatched. Got her ass whooped but better to be a bad fighter than a quitter!!


Nina: In general is probably just too trusting and sympathetic for her own good… has probably on more than one occasion given away the contents of her purse to some poor soul in dire need. Good thing she gets an allowance from her mother…


Edrik: tried to teach his sisters magic when they had all been younger despite not being very well trained himself at the time. Part of the reason he became so devoted to his studies after because his sister lost control and hurt both him and herself in the process.


Tyr: asked Alis to marry him when she wasn’t ready and throwing a fit when he was turned down… tried to go bear wrestling to cheer himself up.


Klaus: UM … probably just not being discrete with his pursuit of common girls while at home. And then brushing his sisters off when they catch him in the act and scold him for it... 

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taiwonton In reply to faithom [2020-03-22 03:46:20 +0000 UTC]


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Nalytia In reply to ??? [2020-02-10 07:21:12 +0000 UTC]

Blayne: IT’S ACTUALLY HARD TO THINK ABT FOR HIM SHDFGDISIK But I guess by Iadlish standards, trying to save a child during the first time Wispwood lashed out that one Harvest Eve??? (Thoughts: It’s his own fault his face looks like that now, he should just be glad he didn’t lose the whole eye, smh)... Otherwise the worst he’s done is keep postponing his (public) wedding when he really wanted to have it sooner :’)

Daeris: Running off to the kingdom wasn't so much the stupid thing, but running off to aid in the reclaiming of the North War (Retribution) when she really had nothing to do with their country was pretty dang foolish (esp bc she almost got killed from it LAUGHS)

Uruvion: he's done a lot of stupid things it's hard to pick just one but probably pilfering a whole chest of things from the Citadel of Crowns has to be his crowning idiotic achievement //looks at Mark of the Citadel plastered on his forehead as a reward

Moriel: eat a worm thinking it was a gummy worm-- She, too, has done many a foolish thing, but perhaps worst of all was taking a strong pain medication that she knew was for wounds because she noticed it was doing wonders for her emotional state back when she thought her mom and Cass both to be dead (Narrator Voice: It did no such wonders)

Seoras: try to, as a Dark Elf, live in the Kingdom for the rest of her life and also stay behind and oppose the Empire's armed forces at risk of getting captured full well knowing she'd be exposed for what she is and then continue to uphold that charade on a ship full of (more or less) "racist-towards-dark-elves" individuals //clown-emoji…. That or "pretend" to wear a dark elf "glamour" to prank everyone and also gauge their reactions, but it ended up getting her and a few others in trouble instead //pensive

Xanxas: HMM for him it's probably not when he went into Wispwood[Extreme], but when he kept trying to push himself and do tasks his body wasn't ready for while recovering from nearly dying in Wispwood[Extreme], ESPECIALLY when he tried saving Gigi in the old, uninhabitable parts of Iadlain City… Fuked up his stitches and got an infection then too just making everything worse smh

Ryanna: When she’s around Hani, when isn’t she doing something stupi-- But really the dumbest thing has to be literally anytime she’s ever decided to take on/out a big scale operation/assassination on her own; she always ends up way worse for wear and someone usually has to bail her out before she dies of blood loss or smth, smh hard headed //unamused

Ben: Run to the Imperial Navy to hide from a couple of smugglers and then proceed to stay there/return even after getting a get out of jail free card to return home and live peacefully in Cantor once Ryanna “rescued” him HBDFGDJ

Ianthe: Literally anytime she got mad at Rayne in her youth and fell victim to his baiting her that got her in more trouble than he was worth LMFAO--But more recently, when her big bro Cicero came down with the plague and he was to be sent off to quarantine she aggressively threw herself over him/his bed and refused to let people take him… Ended up quarantined for a bit herself until she was proven not infected, and then shut away at home with her other sibs until it all blew over.

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DrySky In reply to Nalytia [2020-03-04 01:08:10 +0000 UTC]

A GUMMY WORM... But also... sweet child noooooo. sobs for her and wraps her up in a blanket aaaaaa

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Nalytia In reply to DrySky [2020-03-04 08:26:21 +0000 UTC]

she is a big doodoo brain //pensive

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akiaue In reply to ??? [2020-02-10 04:53:23 +0000 UTC]

Ara: tried to somersault off a bait shack and into the ocean once, did not crack her skull open only bc one of her bros caught her ankle on the descent (he grounded her)

Anya: a small teenage rebellion was going for a secret dragon ride without bro once she got tired of being treated like baby, ended up clinging to it for dear life once it got tired of her lukewarm (mis)handling (grounded herself out of guilt)

Bel: went...into the Wispwood /pensive (but has also used Herself as a lab rat before and good thing ur a healer bel

Circe: does everything she’s been doing until now coun- trying to stick her hand inside a dragon’s mouth to touch its tongue and examine its teeth

Adel: instances of Idiocy????? him???? misrecognized someone’s back on the street and started talking to them only to find he’d been wrong and he just continued as if he wasn’t because he Doesn’t Admit Defeat So Easily

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DrySky In reply to akiaue [2020-03-04 01:12:05 +0000 UTC]

Anya grounded herself noooo ahjkgdfs pats...

Circe acts in the name of Science. Thank you for your sacrifi--


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seiracchi In reply to ??? [2020-02-10 04:21:21 +0000 UTC]

Aleksi: Slo head turns at Aleksi uh. His entire being is a series of poorly thought out antics, but he's got a laundry list from hopping onto ships without bothering to see where they're destined, to sneaking into secret criminal meetings just to see what's up. 

Lorelei: She is generally a well put together sort but . Staying on Nisalvini while it sank was probably not the Wisest thing to do even if it all worked out in the end...

Teagan: Trying to acquire magical talent despite being born without it--she did many foolish rituals in the woods as a child in a desperate attempt to spark any sort of ability, and she's honestly pretty lucky nothing horrible happened to her. 

Camille: Taking the Oath and running off to war as a smol and fragile babbin was not the most well thought out plan. 

Ninny: Believed when the village kids told them they needed to sleep in a tub of water to make sure they grew big and strong. 

Helena: She did a lot of stupid things as a teenager/young adult, such as chugging a bottle of hard liquor to prove she Could. The resulting mayhem and hangover has sworn her off of spirits and she now drinks only the finest of sophisticated wine. 

Lilian: He broke his glasses when Nisalvini sank and was so depressed that he tried to fix them with Limited Resources and let's just say they got glued to his face for a week. 

Daelan: The entire existence of the hot dog gun is somewhat questionable, to be honest. 

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T-e-a-r In reply to seiracchi [2020-02-13 07:47:17 +0000 UTC]

aleksi and ceras really be the same person huh

(also laughing @ lilian sorry)

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meriolli In reply to ??? [2020-02-10 02:49:56 +0000 UTC]

cries i wanted to be silly bbbbbbut


- dont even get me started LMAO they're definitely the kind of person u might not be friends with or like but keep up w what they do bc it is entertaining
- ratting out a pirate on uru's ship they often hitchhiked with for $$, for some reason still traveling with the crew after the fact, getting their eye yoinked out in revenge, decades later the pirate busted out of jail and sank uru's ship and uru, they got put in pirate jail, i think ara helped them bust out ty ara, did this all rly happen, 
- suddenly decide Work Was So Important for the first time in their life while the apocalypse was apocalyps-ing and ditch gigi in iadlain as they fucked off to tusa, reluir, and linhythe bc they didn't know what 2 do about a crush


- fell in love with owain
- fell in love with ponzi


- leave his deserted island

- Rozene Malveaux Does Not Do Stupid Things
- but probably staying in the military and getting enveloped in war!! 


- ascended

- juwi is not the sharpest knife in the drawer but hm. in hindsight painting the black thorns using Live Specimen LOL


- tried to befriend the wraiths :/

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Usakan In reply to meriolli [2020-02-10 13:53:34 +0000 UTC]

gigi has good taste tho.

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meriolli In reply to Usakan [2020-02-11 15:07:12 +0000 UTC]


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gracefulsunshine In reply to meriolli [2020-02-12 00:25:50 +0000 UTC]

usa isn't wrong though

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leyliner In reply to ??? [2020-02-10 02:31:06 +0000 UTC]

Lucrezia: Not counting stupid dares/bets and general tomfoolery, probably when she tried to overthrow the new Iadlain leader with some other soldiers despite the fact that she was a) not from Iadlain and b) Iadlain has a really messy past with the Empire trying to assert more power over it than they'd prefer. It only didn't go down in an entire coup because the other guy died as well

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avodkabottle In reply to ??? [2020-02-10 00:32:12 +0000 UTC]

Looks into the distance at all my charas 

Stitches: At the Emerald masquerade days he was so distracted by a wood elven lass' booby cleavage he paid like two gold pieces or whatever for her run-of-the-mill souvenir trinkets for Lissa (thx for judging him appropriately Aleksi) 

Eoghan: When is he not tho– every interaction he's had–) hmm... he confessed to Lorelei before Ambition but ran away in embarrassment when she was flustered and didn't respond, and then Judah somehow wound up as the middleman to their shoko (sorry judad

Ailbhennis: They got on the wrong ship once while travelling and then disembarked early in an unfamiliar place because they felt too awkward around the other passengers to stay on (cue chain reaction of unfortunate events

Liam: During his first time assisting with a church charity function in youth, he mixed a bunch of laxative herbs and powders into the soup rather than spices (in his shaky defense, they Looked the Same) and gave half the poor villagers there the runs

Leith: In his idealistic templar years he wanted to deal with a local case Diplomatically™ with Chivalry™ and then he got shot up with arrows

Laverne: Said terrible things he didn't mean in his 40's once; a century later he still hasn't remedied the situation. Elves. no sense of time


Weedy: Gestures at her entirety – literally the first time she laid someone to rest was through accidental overdose. HER INTENTIONS ARE GOOD her actions are mind-numbingly not 

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