Astro-Atlas — EBC: A stupidly brave idea

Published: 2019-08-11 02:21:31 +0000 UTC; Views: 765; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 3
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Previous -> Out of the dark and into the light        Next -> For the Glory and Gore

Lucina’s paws shifted constantly. She knew something was wrong. She could feel it. Not to mention all the adults had been getting more and more tense. She could see a light over the rooftops. There was distant yelling and the smell of smoke in the air. But, the light was starting to dim. All the while Lucina waited patiently with her siblings. Surrounded on all sides by the four adult felines that had come to rescue her. Her Aunty Shabeel and Zadar. Miss Caeli and her Papa Glacius. Even as she blinked at him, while he glanced around worriedly, she felt a warmth in her chest. Papa had come for them and he would take her home. To the outside. Back to all her friends and everything she loved.

So, she was deathly silent. She would do her part. She would be as quiet as possible. So she would see her home again. Mamma. Pan. Cari. Aunty Chara. All of them.

Suddenly Shabeel whirled toward an adjoining corridor from the alley they waited in. For Mamma and Valeriana to come back.  Her ears back and lips pulled back in a silent snarl. Glacius stepped forward. Standing protectively over the three cubs. But, they all relaxed and Lucina peeked around her father's legs. Valeriana emerged from the shadows. Three other strangers followed. But, obviously everyone else knew who they were.

Lucina’s eyes widened and she felt Libra place a paw on her shoulder. Elara gasped before covering her mouth with a paw. Remembering the importance of silence. It was Zaatar! The last time Lucina had seen him, he’d had his face shoved into the bars of her cage and his limp form was dragged away without so much as an explanation. She’d been scared that he’d died. He wasn’t allowed to die. Not only was he her sister's best friend. For whatever stupid reason. But, he was also her rival. Who else was she supposed to show up and shove her success in their face? But, nope, here he was. Alive and as always looking like his dumb angry self.

“Where’s Pluto?” Lucina looked up when her after he spoke above her. His had voice shaken. “Where is my mate?”

Lucina looked to the four that had joined them. Where was Mamma? She was supposed to be with them. Wasn’t she? The little cub shoved her way past her fathers paws and looked up at Valeriana.

“There was… trouble when lighting the fire. She stayed behind to hold their attention. She’s leading the hunters away.” Val paused, she seemed confident but there was a note of worry in her voice. “Pluto ordered me to go and make sure no one else was left behind. To make sure that her family got home. All of us.”

“You left her behind?” Shabeel hissed with a burning glare.

Glacius looked down at the cubs, tears shone in his eyes. Though he tried to smile when they met his eyes.

“She ordered me too.” Val looked over to Glacius after meeting Shabeel’s eyes, there wasn’t any doubt there. “Have faith in her. Pluto is more than capable of dealing with those two and escaping. She said not to wait for her. To get everyone out of the city while we can. That she’d meet us back home.”

“We can’t abandon her here. Not in the city.” Zadar spoke up with a disapproving frown.

One of the strangers was looking around cautiously a scowl on her face. “We don’t have a lot of time left if any of us are going to get out of here.”

They kept talking, arguing quietly but Lucina was only looking at her father. He was staring at the ground. There was a struggle going on inside him. She could practically see it in every action he made. The way his jaw clenched and his claws flexed on the stone. The dismay in his eyes. She lifted a paw up and brushed his cheek with her paw concerned about him. Would this turn out the same way as before?

Glacius took a deep breath, smiling at her appreciatively before he looked to each of her sisters. Swallowing and he finally looked up at the others. “I trust Pluto and I know her. She’ll keep her promise. As long as we follow the plan she’ll come home. We don’t have enough time to look for her and we might just screw up any plans she has if we do. The best thing to do for her is to stick to what she’s told us.”

The words were hard for him to say. Lucina could see that, but slowly the others must have all come to the same conclusion. Reluctant nods of agreement.

“Momma isn’t coming with us?” Libra squeaked with alarm.

Glacius pulled her close, giving her a quiet shush. “Momma will find us again. She just has to go by herself for a bit. She’ll be home faster than we will.”

Then they were off. Falling into a protective unit. The cubs in the middle and the captured cats they had rescued next. With the uninjured and well rested gladiators creating a wall of determined protection. Lucina trotted, purely by coincidence, with Zaatar next to her. Libra and Elara just a head of her walking together.

She glanced at Zaatar once or twice and noticed the frustration on his face. The anger in his eyes. He was burning with fury. Just like always. The young lynx mix rolled her eyes and ignored him till they came to a wide road. The rest of the patrol took turns carefully crossing it. They were almost outside. She could see the walls now. Looming in the brightening darkness.

It wasn’t long before Lucina and Zaatar were the only two cubs left to cross. Her Papa and Caeli the last two gladiators. Everyone else had crossed. Glacius looked out into the street. But, pulled back with a sudden jerk and a hiss. Lucina almost jumped out of surprise. The wind was in their favour and Lucina caught the scent of a stranger on the wind. Caeli stalked forward to stand beside Galcius. Both of them crouching in the darkness. Presumably watching the stranger.

Lucina took an unconscious step backwards. Bumping into Zaatar, who sent her a withering scowl which she returned with equal venom. But, both of them abandoned their silent fight when they heard the scuffle of paws coming from the other direction. Zaatar immediately turned toward it, pressing himself into the darkness. Lucina on the other hand looked back to her father and Caeli. They were still watching the other stranger. That meant this was a different stranger.

The young cub whipped her head back and forth. She was supposed to be quiet but how else should she tell them about the approaching stranger.

"Someone needs to lead them away. Like Pluto did.” Lucina whirled around at the sound of Zaatar’s hissed whisper.

Lucina crouched beside him. Leaning in to hiss a whisper right back at him. “What?!”

He jerked away with a growl. “You heard me. Someone needs to lead them away. I’ll do it.”

“That is the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard! Your stupid, Zaatar. I didn’t think you were that stupid.”

He didn’t respond to her. Ignoring her and looking down the alley way. Lucina just huffed in annoyance, turning to get her father's attention... and he was gone. The idiot launched himself down the alley, yelling some gibberish at the top of his lungs. Taking off the way they’d come. Lucina blinked at thin air, where he’d just been sitting.

“ZAATAR!” She yelled after him. Forgetting anything about being silent.

He glanced back over his shoulder. “I’ll catch up to you later. GO!”

She almost took a step after him but she felt teeth seize her scruff and pull her off her feet. The cub panicked, remembering her capture. Swinging at Caeli who had picked her up before she could chase down Zaatar. Her soft paws only battered Caeli’s muzzle pathetically till she realized it was in fact not an attck but a friend. When she finally went limp in Caeli's jaws that cougar let her down. It was Glacius who took a few steps, possibly going into a run, past her. But, Zaatar had already disappeared down the street and around a corner. There was no catching him now. Barely a second later two shadows streaked out of another street and after him.

The three stood together for a short time. Trying to register what had happened. They’d just lost the cub. Pandora’s friend. Lucian dreaded that the most. Would she be blamed? How could she say anything to Pan? How was she going to say this? That stupid thoughtless idiot.

Lucina finally looked up at her father. “What am I supposed to tell Pan?” She whispered the words. Staring wide eyed at him.

He leaned down. Giving her a comforting lick on the top of her head. “There was nothing you could do.”

Caeli glanced at them worriedly. “We still need to go. The others are waiting.”

Glacius nudged Lucina forward and she turned away. They were leaving him behind. Like they left Mom behind. But, maybe he’d come home himself. Like she would. So, Lucina crossed the road with Caeli and Glacius. Joining the rest of the patrol. Glacius explained what had happened and Lucina’s sisters pressed close to her side. Comforting her. She took a deep breath. Hardening her resolve once more. She stepped forward. Following the rest of the patrol once more. Leading her siblings with them.

It was time to go home.

Lucina and company have escaped the cages. Escaping into the city streets, where they are joined by Valeriana who has rescued Yickah, Lost and Zaatar. Bringing them with her to meet with the rest of that patrol. They head out together after learning about Pluto's plan to meet with them outside of the city from Val. All is going well but the city is on high alert by now. Hunters prowl the streets in every direction. Sneaking through isn't so easy, but they're managing it. That is until they get cut off from each other by a hunter patrol that has yet to spot them. With the tension in the air high Zaatar proposes a dumb idea or at least Lucina thinks so. But, he isn't asking permission. So, Zaatar runs away, leading the patrol away from the escapees. The patrol is unable to go after him since the sun is already rising and their are five other escaped felines for them to escort home.

Zaatar has been lost to them. But, they won't forget about him. They'll come back as soon as they can, assuming he doesn't get out before then.

A collab between myself and SwordFangs. We need to collab again. This was a blast!

Credits -

In art -
Lucina - Shasta-Pasta  
Zaatar - SwordFangs  

In story -
Shabeel - ViriZona
Zadar - Breezy-likes-to-RP  
Caeli - nebulartis
Valeriana - VertigoCrime  
Lost - ga4l
Yickah - FeatheredSeclude  

EP -

+6 EP to Zaatar and Lucina

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Comments: 1

Astro-Atlas [2019-09-24 03:50:09 +0000 UTC]

+6 EP to Zaatar and Lucina

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