Atawai-Dragons — The eternal night's end

Published: 2012-02-16 04:45:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 5624; Favourites: 56; Downloads: 0
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Part-1-The eternal night's end
Part-2-Two sides to every being- [link]
Part-3 I'd Rather Die [link]

“What!? What is this!?” Malefor shouted in fear as several translucent specters rose from the crystal below his paws. Before another word could escape his muzzle, the specters dove towards him. They gripped his limbs pulling into the crystalline structure below. One last time, the great dark master roared as he descended into the crystal, trapped for the rest of eternity.

As his body vanished, the chain binding the young dragons began to vaporize. But, there victory was short lived. The energies stored within the crystal began to escape violently, tearing chunks of rock and sediment from the nearby walls. And as they crumbled away, both Spyro and Cynder could see what had become of the world they once loved, and fought so hard to protect. All around them, the planet was broken into small islands drifting away with incredible speed. It was if the core itself had cast off a great shell. The two dragons landed side by side where Malefor had been dragged down into the abyss. Cynder looked to him, her eyes full of fear and regret.

“Spyro, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be. It’s over now.”

The entirety of the crystal began to glow an iridescent purplish hue as more and more energy began to escape from it, causing the fragmented planet to begin dissolving into nothing.
Cynder looked to him again, before allowing her head to hang towards the floor.

“So this is how the world ends.”

As the shell began to fall around them Spyro to allowed his head to slump down, It was all for nothing. All the struggle, all the hardship, all the friends fallen, it was all in vain.

“Spyro?” A voice whispered to him from the one dark corner of the crystal’s hall.
As both lifted their heads in unison and looked towards the source of the voice, before them stood Ignitus, his form as ghostly as the spirits of the ancestors that had dragged Malefor to his doom.

“Ignitus!” They shouted in unison.

“When a dragon dies, he does not truly leave this world. His spirit lives on, binding itself with nature. Offering hope….for the future.” And as quickly as he’d appeared, he was gone again.

His words stung like frozen ice. It began to dawn on him what Ignitus meant.

“I know what I need to do.” He paused for a moment, looking to the black dragoness. In the bright flaming light, her scales reflected a brilliant hue of soft grays and dull purples.
“Cynder, you have to go.” He practically vomited the words out of his mouth.

Taken aback by his remark, Cynder sneered at him, taking a step forward furrowing her brow in anger. “What!? After all we’ve been through together your whiling to cast me aside just like that!?”

“No!” He roared boring his eyes deeply into hers. “I have to do this on my own.”

“Spyro no! You don’t have to do anything! Let’s just go!”

His expression softened slightly. “And go where Cynder? There’ll be nothing left if we run! The world is breaking apart, and I’m the only one who can stop. I think I’m meant to.”

Her eyes softy loomed at him, her mood becoming more understanding. She offered a soft smile towards him, although fearful of what was to come next. He returned the look, nudging his snout with hers.
“Then I’m with you.”

He took a single step back, breaking their brief, but passionate contact. Spyro allowed his head to fall backwards, until his snout was toward the ceiling. His wings began to beat softly, raising his body only a few feet off the face of the crystal. Deep within his body, he began to call upon the strength of his inner being. A soft purplish glow began to envelope his body. Cynder never took her eyes off of him. The light began to grow in intensity, as more and more energy began flowing through his body. Time itself seemed to slow. The light slowly expanded outward, washing over Cynder’s body like radiant sunshine.

From the very deeps of her being, she summoned up three words, she was sure he’d never hear. With this being their last moments together on this plain of existence, she uttered those words to herself.

“ I love you.” She poured the remaining ounces of her energy into him.

The world grew unbearably bright, and everything grew distorted. A long loud roar filled her ears as the planet began to mend itself. When at last the roar stopped, there was an eerie peace.
Cynder collapsed upon the crystal, followed by the purple dragon, the last of his strength gone. The final thing she saw were his large eyes staring back at her, a big goofy grin spread across his lips.


It has been a two months since these events occurred.

A soft breeze swept across a starlit plain, stirring the grass as it did. It was utterly peaceful. Above, a single shooting star bounded across the night sky leaving a soft trail of fire in its wake, then disappearing into the distant night sky beyond the horizon. In the center of this peaceful valley, a single large willow tree stood seemingly out of place. It was like a grand matriarch watching over the endless fields of flowers and grass. The branches swayed back and forth in the gentle wind. Beneath its large swaying branches, a single patch of green crystals were sprouting from the ground like an unsightly weed. A soft blue light broke the otherwise peaceful scenery. It made not a sound, as it appeared.

“You have sacrificed much. Both of you. And for that, we grant you life yet again. Your time to join us is not now. Go; be happy in the peace you have brought upon the world. Go, and breathe in new life.” It was as if a whisper floated across the land. As the light began to grow dim, two objects floated down from the center gently landing on the ground intertwined together.

“Thank you Spyro, thank you Cynder.” the voice echoed again.

And then, all was as it was before. Crickets resumed their harmonious songs and the stars continued to dance across the night sky.
Together, the dragons lay, oblivious to world around them under the protective arms of the large willow tree. Cynder’s head rested across his neck, his right paw holding hers. She laid flush against his body, pinning one of his wings to the ground under her body. Their tails were locked together tip to tip. Her left paw hung lazily over his neck, flexing from time to time.
It was he who woke first, groaning softly as his eyes opened for the first time in what seemed millennia. Before his eyes, lay a vast and beautiful landscape draped in starlight so pure and pristine, it was if he were in heaven. All he wanted to do was stare at the endless field of glowing light for the remainder of his life. In that he would be content. But, his thoughts were diverted when a soft moan and gentle breathing whispered past his ear.
His head turned softly, until her body came into view. The stars seemed to dance across her blackened scales, giving them a wondrous glow. The silver bands around her throat and tail accented them nicely. He simply smiled at the sight. Her paw flexed softly around his neck, her long black claws dug into his scales, seeming to massage them with a great care. He neither grimaced, nor protested. In fact, he seemed to enjoy the sensation of her simply being so close.

His thoughts however, were drawn to a single silver tear that began to break through her eyelid. It quickly swept down the side of her face, landing in the grass below. Soon, a few more began to follow there brother’s path. He could think of nothing other than she was dreaming. Of what however he was unsure.

“No……please….don’t Malefor………I’m begging you.” A soft hiss escaped her lips. So soft, it nearly escaped him.

A sense of dread came over the groggy purple dragon. It was a nightmare of when she was tortured and corrupted into a puppet of the dark master. Her whole body trembled as it convulsed with imaginary blows from either claws or whips. Of which he was unsure. Oh what he would give to simply rescue her from the dream by waking her. But his body seemed to protest against even the slightly moment. All he could do was watch her eyes dart around beneath their lids in a frenzied and frightened pattern. She continued to cry softly. Without needing to see it he could feel what Malefor was doing. Poisoning her, beating her, forcing his will onto her without a chance of being stopped. But, no matter how much he wanted to, he could do nothing to save her from this eternal suffering. And just when she seemed as the suffering was increasing, a sense of peace stopped her desperate trembling, and soothed her quiet sobbing.

“Spyro………….you came for me. her words again slithered out with a soft tremble.

He felt a small sense of satisfaction washed over his body as she became still once more. Even in her dreams, he still managed to save her from Makefor’s evil. A small wave of energy allowed him to move her head closer to hers, nuzzling against her snout with his. He gently licked cheek, much like she had done in the well of souls. She barely even moved at the contact. She was utterly oblivious to his presence. But he didn’t seem to mind. He was just grateful to have her so close, even if it wouldn’t last for long. As far as he figured, the role she had played against Malefor was finished. She had once told him of her plan after his downfall, and despite all his protests, he could not bring her to reconsider. She would slink off into the darkness of the world somewhere, hiding away from everyone who she had hurt while under Malefor’s influence for the remainder of time. What a sad fate to wish upon herself.

But, he tried not to dwell on it to much. He felt she completed the other half of his soul and it brought him great happiness whenever she was close to him, but he was not going to try and force his own desires upon her for his own satisfaction. If she wished to leave, he would not stop her. It may hurt for a while, but time would heal his wounds. Of that he was certain.
He lowered his head, moving slowly until his cheek lay flush with hers. A soft grin again broke his muzzle. He began to close his eyes, but hesitated when she began to stir again with a small sense of urgency. Curiously, he allowed his right to stay open with the other fell shut. He kept watch over her for a few seconds before it too began to fall.

And, as soft as a newborn whisper of wind, four words escaped her dream, tickling her ears as her warm breathe escaped.
“Spyro……..I love you.”

His breath caught in his throat. She had hinted at her affection for him on a few occasions, but he never really thought much of it. Her iron clad demeanor often downplayed the occasional praise and hints. But this, this was an outright confession, even if it were in her dreams. Ignitus had once said that a dream can make even the greatest liar truthful, and their deepest desires could be discovered if one was whiling to look deep enough.
Despite her ridicule and anger she had directed towards him, he was sure now it was all a ploy to try distracting him away from her true inner feelings. No matter the ridicule, no matter the suffering and hardship, she had always felt this way about him; ever since her thoughts were freed in the Convexity.

His soft smile widened slightly. He again licked her cheek, taking care not to wake her from her dream.
“Cynder, no matter the hardship we have faced, no matter the pain. I’ll be there for you; always.” He paused for a moment, choosing his words carefully. “I love you too.” He was unsure if she had heard him or not, but it mattered little not. His thoughts stretched until a dream of flight overtook his thoughts, and allowed him pass into the plains of the dreamrealm.


It was early morn when the young black dragoness began to sir. Her thoughts jumbled, confused, and terrifying. The sting of Malefor and Gaul’s whips, and agony of the dark poison they forced down her throat were still very fresh in her thoughts. She could even feel Malefor’s mind stripping away every last bit of self-awareness she had at one point. Her breath quickened as the onset of yet another panic attack began to take root. But, her heart seemed to stop cold as a soft squeeze on her paw jolted her eyes open.
The sun’s bright light burned for a moment until it was comfortable. Her jaw hung open slightly at the sight before her. Her paw was wrapped with Spyro’s, his cheek laying flush with hers. And, a big goofy grin spread from ear to ear. Once her heart began to beat again, her pulse began to pick up pace. Never in her right mid she ever allow this sort of thing to happen. She was ready to tear her paw away from, and gouge his eyes out with it. But, her paw refused to move, as if it had a mind of its own. Her feelings however, where misshaped. Deep down she enjoyed being so close. Ever since he had freed her, she’d dreamed of nothing else but to do just this with him. For a moment, she felt, giddy. But, a dark blot in her heart told her it was wrong. If she stayed with him to long, the pain of the past could prove too much, and bring out the beast within her once again. It was a risk she would never allow to happen; no matter how much it hurt her or him.

But, her body was unwilling to move. No matter how much she wanted to just tear away from him and run, she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Sighing in defeat, she again allowed herself to relax next to him, allowing her cheek to lay flush with his. And although hesitant, she enjoyed the warmth of his body and the simple bliss that seemed to radiate from deep within his core. She grinned softly. Although it was somewhat uncomfortable, she was happy. However, she knew it would not last long. Whether or she was dead or alive, she would flee from him the moment she could move again. The thought forced a single tear from her eye.

“Spyro, no matter what I’ve said before. I’ve always held you in higher regards then even myself. I truly love you.” She rubbed her snout against his, unsure whether or not how long it would last before they could move. And in the peace of the early morning sunlight, Cynder allowed herself to fall asleep once more, enjoying the company of Spyro’s being.

Artist note- My attempt at a Spyro pic. More then like an experiment then anything. I'm trying different ways to draw, although I'm not exactly fond of the Spyro design. If I must, I'll change it around later. Yes the series has finally nipped me in the tail, and I've become addicted to the storyline, not the fandom. This image takes a place after the ending of the third game Dawn of the dragon.
First of all let me say, yes there are anatomical errors. THERE WILL BE ERRORS seeing as though I'm still a novice.

I did not write the lyrics. Link to the song-[link]

4h Graphite pencil HB graphite pencil

If this image looks like anything someone might have done already. I apologize, But i came up with myself, and have poured hours of my time to create this from the ground up. If anything does come up, I'll be sure to discus it with anyone who claims I copied them. ( i say this because people have made these claims before)
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Comments: 12

magshi [2016-02-14 10:35:04 +0000 UTC]

Nice pic and story. However, i really doubt spyro and cinder would want to leave each other after all they had been through.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

yiffo2 [2015-04-05 22:38:14 +0000 UTC]

how again did spyro & cinder manage 2 defeat malefor?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Cancir23 [2014-10-27 03:30:33 +0000 UTC]

Me gusto el dibujo y la historia que pusiste en el!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Myra-the-Sark [2013-11-15 21:17:59 +0000 UTC]

Very nice drawing. ~Myra

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Maxellion [2013-08-29 18:50:08 +0000 UTC]

This is a good looking picture.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

FIGHTERTTT [2012-10-20 17:15:00 +0000 UTC]

however the best spyro game ever is Dawn of the Dragon...i didnt like the look of spyro in A new Begginning and The Eternal Night at all...but in DotD he was awesome...

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Simcoroson [2012-07-16 16:38:02 +0000 UTC]

Well done on the story explaining the picture. But, what are those shapes in the background that look like eyes?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Atawai-Dragons In reply to Simcoroson [2012-07-16 18:45:11 +0000 UTC]

eyes of an owl in a hollowed out tree... not my best work i know.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Gamerdragon1992 [2012-02-19 08:22:16 +0000 UTC]

Amazing job^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

anglrios [2012-02-19 01:15:05 +0000 UTC]

so freaken awesome. this diserves

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ShiningRayWolf [2012-02-16 11:36:43 +0000 UTC]

Nice pencil drawing !

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Jxudo [2012-02-16 05:44:04 +0000 UTC]

Haha I loved the newer Spyro series. The Dawn of The Dragon was definitely my favorite of all. Nice work.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0