avenger09 — Templars Bios

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Published: 2017-01-25 15:17:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 1880; Favourites: 41; Downloads: 0
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Art by ModernDiVinchi


  • Templar: Guardians of Order and Shepard's of Humanity.

Erudito File:  Adalbert Waldorf

Back in their high-points. Which always seem to be when the most monumental and Terrible things are happening. The Templar's had just re-branded themselves and where now a Knightly order. (What did the Templar's call themselves before the Crusades? The Marked perhaps?) Serving the Church in their Holy (Greedy) quest to return (Steal) the Holy Land to their rightful owners (Yeah cause Jesus was really big on war and didn't preach that religion was a private affair at all) 

Not that Templar's like Adalbert cared for that mission at all. Sure most of them where products of their time to be sure, but for them they had a greater mission uncovering the Isu Artefacts that had been hidden throughout the land, and guarded on all previous incursions by the Locals, and the Assassin Brotherhood which had been formed by Hassan I Sabbah. With the war going on it gave them a chance to get at them unimpeded, while also getting in touch with there Comrades among the Saracans. From what intel we can gain Adalbert was one of Robert De Sable's best warriors alongside Maria Thorpe.
After the Grandmaster died at Altier's blade Adal deferred to her until he himself met his end at Acre defending her. (If he knew how those two would wind up I doubt he'd have been so devoted.)

  • Pretender: Templar copycats who've trained themselves to mimic the abilities of their Assassin rivals.

Erudito File: Andreas
Armand Bouchart's best agent. Who managed to impersonate one of Altiar's Contacts during his trip to Cyprus. Aside from that there's very little information about him, except maybe in Abstergo's Archives and boy the number idiot Hacktivist that have gotten themselves killed trying to get in there. Those Immature Hipsters should really leave the dangerous work to the professionals, ones who don't waste time with video's loaded with quick-cut and flashes that could give someone a seizure. 

  • Stoic: Armoured warriors who stand un-moving against any opposition. 

Erudito File: Achille Volpe

These guys where the special guard used to defend Templar officials at gathering. Achille here was the middle child of Five, and was inducted into the Order at a young age. Seems he had a bit of a temper too, which was probably why his superiors stuck him in the Heavy Armour. Less chance of him getting himself killed.

One  in particular well recounted event details him lifting a sold oak table (The kind that withstands axes, dozen pints of beer, and rowdy guys in armour banging their gantlets against it) over his head in a argument with some of the Knights Teutonic and hurling it right into them.(TEMPLAR IS STRONGEST THEIR IS!)


  • Supressor: Offciallly their Abstergo's Private Secruity forces, but in fact an elite unit used only when raiding Assassin Dens. 

Erudito File: Sigmund Horst:
(Some say his boots where made by the same men who made the Romulan costumes in the Star Trek Reboot, others say he once swallowed an entire jar of pennies and came out the bathroom with $5 Note. All we know is he's called the Sig) 

A former member Germany's GSG9, Sig's family has been a part of the Templar's since before the Crusades. In fact his position within the Anti Terror group was likely guaranteed through Abstergo's connections, its a training outsource method they use for there elite units to make it harder for the Assassins from being able to predict and counter them. 
Sigmund here is the current commander of his unit and their best melee fighter, in fact there's even a small pool going, over who would win in a fight him or Otso Berg. Right now the odds are at 49-50 in Berg's favour. 

  • Crow: A group of Templar Anti-Assassins originally created in the Renaissance by The Borgia's, they've been decommissioned and revived several times since then, their latest incarnation was created to give home to the Abstergo Agents who underwent and excelled in the Animas training program, or Assassins who have grown disillusioned with the Creed an Defected.

Erudito File: Andrew Morse:
One of the top marked agents in the Animus training. Strangely not much is known of him other then he didn't always used to work for Abstergo, and the Public ID he has didn't exist until a few years ago. All signs of an Assassin runaway if you ask me. Someone who decided he preferred Cain teachings to Abel's, (That or he just got tired of living off the grid, so now he fights for the users... Tron...? anyone? Damn I'm old.) It's probably why he excelled they way he did, after all most of those agents only ever experienced the Assassins through the Simulation, actually having lived it for real would be an advantage worth exploiting.

I've managed to dig  little deeper and found a bit more about our feathered friend here.
He grew up middle class and was relatively happy as a child. Till High school where he was ridiculed for years by other less well of kids for his family being "Sell outs" Something that irked him greatly especially since he was secretly being trained as an Assassin and was supposed to one day kill for them. From his perspective 
they must have appeared really ungrateful.
Seems the little revelation that some people suck, really got to him because he run off, using his Training to disappear knowing his family couldn't look for him without risking the Templar's noticing them.
For a while after that he wondered around the county, probably to soul search. Until he saw someone he knew from their movements was an Assassin scoping out a target. He intervened saving the targets life who turned out to be a ranking Templar, who after hearing his saviours story offered Morse a job out of gratitude (Having trained Assassin as an asset was probably too good a chance to pass up) as we can see he's been with them ever since. 

Based his Hidden Blade off this Modern Day Concept piece vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/a…
Which really makes me want a AC game set in Modern times even more: 

  • Templar: The ordained Elite who even in this modern day still fight with the same vigour and loyalty as their predecessors did in the Crusades. 

Erudito File: Micheal Wayne:
Michael, a name associated with holiness and is literally translated as "Who is Like God" So it figures one of the Templars best would have someone pretty much states their mindset. No the really strange part is he's actually a nice guy, never endangering innocent lives meaninglessly, and who frowns upon reckless behaviour. (He even still pays taxes for crying out loud)
From what we've gathered he's butted head with his superior's more than once with due to this conduct, but like a good movie cop. He's pretty much made himself indispensable thanks to his skills and he knows it. 

Unfortunately while this is dandy for Abstergo this makes him a pain in the ass for the Assassins too. His unit has this ritual where they add a Feather tally mark to a board in their Briefing room to show whose killed the most Assassins, and oh brother, he's been at the top of the scoreboard for a while. 
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