Avian234 — We Are Legion

#demonboy #demongirl #mh #monstergirl #monsterboy #mhoc #monsterhigh #monsterhighoc
Published: 2017-02-25 21:40:19 +0000 UTC; Views: 3109; Favourites: 53; Downloads: 9
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Description Okay to start of the introduction of new ocs I am starting with my legion of demons yay!! These guys are being introduced first because I finished their art first but I promise Bad Blood will be next!!
A bit of background info first. These four demons are from the Nine Circles of Hell (based off of Dante's Inferno, go read it! its really good). Although each are from different circles, they all kinda know eachother from Inferno Middle School where they entered a transfer student program to attend Monster High after they graduated from the 8th grade. Layla and Levi are the first to start the program and now four of them are apart of it and are all living with Layla and her father like one big happy family (hahaha). 
Anyway on to the introductions (left to right):
Information is due to change with time.

Levi Iscariot 
Son of the Judecca Demons
  • 17 human years old; Junior
  • He is from the innermost zone of the ninth circle of hell, Judecca. The land is frozen over and the demons that reside there reflect this. 
    • Levi is constantly freezing and he has the abilitiy to freeze anthing he touches if he so desires.
    • For much of his early life he was tasked to help torture those who have landed themselves in Judecca and some of the other zones.
      • The man who betrayed Adriana and her father back in the Roaring 20s resides in the Caina in the 9th Circle of Hell. The first time Levi meats her he blatanly informs her of this and she is kinda shocked and is like "Thanks?" 
  • Overall, Levi is actually a pretty sweet guy but even he has a bad side. 
    • He is typically always smiling and trying to brighten someone else's day. 
    • He has a pretty good sense of humor, always with a good joke on hand to lighten a conversation. 
    • However don't mistake his kindness for weakness. Levi can be extremely cold-hearted (pun intended) when he wishes to be and he will bring down the pain on those he feels are deserving.
      • Secretly, his own deadly sin is wrath which is why he and Jezebeth kind of gravitate toward each other. He comes across as mellow and nonchalant but when he snaps its hell on earth.
    • Despite being a demon, Levi kinda acts like a guadian angel for his friends as he tries to keep them on the straight and narrow. Hell is a nasty place and he doesn't want to see anyone down there especially in his zone. 
      • Totally believes that no one is truly lost no matter what the sin is. Tries to help anyone he feels needs it (current charity cases is Layla)
    • Low-key protective of his friends and if anyone betrays them its bad...really bad.
    • Out of the four of them, he is totally the dad friend.
      • Jezebeth teases him and says things like "Fineee dad."
    • Extremely observant and aware of his surroundings. 
  • Random Facts: 
    • He likes to stay active. At Monster High, he plays football and casketball. He is also in sports med (totally the perfect ice pack).
      • For football he is a wide reciever. For casketball he is a guard and current team captain.
    • Bi-curious. Hasn't quite figured out his sexuality yet but either way he is single right now!
    • Warm weather kinda confuses him. Like he physically doesn't feel good in it but its so foreign to him he doesn't mind it. Summer kills him though. AC must be on at all times with icepacks and icecream!
      • Everyone elses winter is his summer. Literally he walks around in tank tops and shorts and everyone thinks he is crazy. 
    • His style is kinda all other the place. Half the time it looks like he dressed himself in the dark. Demi always sighs when she sees him. 
    • Tries to stay away from any kind of temptation such as alchohol. 
    • He is an absolute neet freak!
      • Literally goes on cleaning spreas when he's bored or stressed. However, if even tries going to clean Cecilia's room she rips him a new one.
    • Loves skateboarding and can be found at the skateparks often during the weekends. Jezebeth likes to join him even if she isn't all that good at it. 
    • He is horrible at dancing, embarrasingly so!!
    • Levi's name means "Attached" refering to his attachment to the 9th Circle. He is expected to return after his time at Monster High, however, wether or not he does is still up for debae. Iscariot simply refers to Judas whose sin created the zone of Judecca. Many demons there hold this last name.
  • Friends: Neisha Leon, Demi Oniell, Tundra, Ophelia Laveau, Deimos "Dee", Layla Bae, Cecilia Dis, Jezebeth Ignis. (He's looking for more!)
  • Romanitic Status: None

Jezebeth Ignis

Daughter of the Demons of Wrath

  • 14 human years old; Freshmen
  • Born and raised in the 5th Circle of Hell, Jezebeth has seen the worst that the sin of anger can bring. Her family attended to those who were consumed with wrath as they eternally battle eachother. Literally they will either possess or influence them to continue fighting no matter how beaten and worn they are. 
    • Jezebeth can posses anyone when they are in a fit of rage or she can inject them with a venom via her stinger tail that will make someone experience uncontrollable wrath. Literally they will snap at the littlest of things. S
    • Her kind feed off of negative feelings and discourse 
  • So Jezebeth's personality is just nasty and she basically acts like everday is a bad day.. 
    • She has an extremely short temper and snaps easily at anyone even her friends. 
      • This often gets her in trouble with teachers landing her in detention quite often which is where she met Amal.
      • When she snaps at friends she is actually very sorry afterwards and tries to make it up to them. However, she doesn't outright apologize because she knows it won't stop she why waste her breath on broken promises. 
    • She is very stand-offish and has a resting bitch face on at all times. Monsters and humans try to advoid her because of this. 
    • Jezebeth is also brutally honest. She doesn't sugarcoat anything and will tell you how things are. Easily give her opinion about things especially if its something that annoys her. 
      • Offends a lot of monsters this way but she aint sorry cause she easily gets offended too.
    • Is extremely passionate about her interests and will defend them to the end of the earth.
    • Jezebeth is a little punk on campus and will get into fights with just about anyone. Sometimes she win, more often she doesn't because she never uses her full potential. She partially does it for the adrenaline high but it is also to help feed her. She is usually in a much better mood, especially if its a good fight. 
      • Levi makes sure to patch her up afterwards along with a harsh scolding. Meanwhile, her parents are estatic that their little baby is taking on monsters bigger then herself!
    • Despite having a short temper and snapping easily, she isn't ever truly wrathful. Trust me, her whole appearance becomes warped and reflects the sin of wrath. Its not pretty and you better run. 
  • Random Facts:
    • Jezebeth is transgender and came out to her parents over the summer before coming to monster high. They were very accepting of her and try to get all her pronouns right. Sometimes the slip up but she never gets upset with them surprisingly cause she knows they are trying.
      • Everyone in the house are accepting of her too, even Layla's dad. He is actually talking with her folks about trying to start her on hormones. 
      • Over the summer Layla and Jezebeth went on a huge shopping spree together to make sure she had plenty of cloths that reflected her. Her style is still pretty tomboyish but with Layla support she is growing more confident in wearing more girlly clothes. 
      • She took the name Jezebeth after another demon in the 5th Circle that she highly looks up to.
    • She is hella gay and easily gets flustered when a pretty girl just looks at her.
    • So she secretly loves comic books and has a huge collection of them. If she is no where to be found, go look in the library because she is probably in the corner nerding over comics. One of her favorite heroes is the Hulk.
    • She seems at bad but put her in a room with baby animals and she absolutely melts. 
    • Levi has her trying out yoga to try to help with her anger issues. It doesn't help much but she likes doing it anyway especially after a long day. 
    • Totally has a sweet tooth. 
    • Don't ever cross her because she will hold a grudge for all eternity.
    • Jezebeth secretly loves to draw and doodles everywhere. 
      • She is currently working on her own comic with superheroes and villians she created. She is kinda embarrased by it and makes sure no one can find it and read it. 
    • Has started attending the same MMA gym as Neisha and she is her trainer. It helps her get out pent up anger and she gets better at fighting. 
    • She is currently learning how to play bass but she doesn't sing at all. 
      • Still is really uncomfortable with her voice so she doesn't evven try to develope it.
  • Friends: Neisha Leon, Tundra, Levi Iscariot, Layla Bae, Thora Trolde, Eerie Graves, Willa Wispa, Amal Miraj, Cecilia Dis, Demi Oniell
  • Romantic Status: none

Layla Bae
Daughter of Lilith, princess of succubae
  • 16 years old; Junior
  • She is a cambion meaning she is half human and half demon.
    • Her mother, Lilith, was making her rounds when she came across her father, Damian, and one thing lead to another and to Lilith's surprise she was pregnani after their encounter. Essentially after many custody battles it was decided that Layla would live with her mother in Hell till she was 13 then she could live with her father for her years during highschool.
    • She has visited plenty of times before, staying weekends and such but hasn't lived extensively in the land of the living. 
    • When living with her mother, they both resisided in the 2nd Circle of Hell
  • Layla is an extremely independent woman who is confident in her skin and sexuality. 
    • Like seriously, she insist afraid to put herself out there and is unapologetic in her actions. 
      • She wears what makes her comfortable which just so happens to be very revealing and suggestive.
      • Doesn't easily get offended
      • Compliments don't really affect her either. She knows she is beautiful and doesn't need anyone telling her.
    • Layla hardly ever asks for help from others and even will be rude to those who try to offer it to her. Lowkey a bit of an asshole.
      • Levi gets the brunt of this most of the time.
    • She is a bit of a heart breaker (which Levi doesn't approve of btw) but it isn't entirely her fault. By being raised in the 2nd circle, where people are constantly chasing after eachother and never can be satisfied, her perseption of love is extremely warped. She sees it as a big game and toys with other monsters and humans hearts.
      • Secretly, she really wants to have that special kind of love she sees other have but talking about emotions is extremely foreign to her. 
    • Her confident bubble is kind of a mask to the poor sad girl underneath.
      • She just wants to feel loved but she doesn't recognize it. 
  • Random Facts:
    • Like other succubii, Layla has an ability to change her appearance some to appeal more to her admirers (victims). Her tail also has a stinger, similar to Jezebeth's, which she uses to inject a "love" potion into the blood stream of her admirers which makes them made for her and completely fixate on her. They literally will do anything to make her happy. 
    • At night she sneaks out of the house to go to all sorts of clubs (including strip clubs). 
      • Layla easily gets in even though she is underaged by tempting the bouncers. She loves singing and performing in the ones that allow her. She is actually pretty good at pole dancing. 
      • One of the clubs she often attends is know as La Rosa which is owned by the Vincelli Crime Family
      • Levi is always there in the morning when she comes back with that disappointed look on his face. He is over lecturing her but makes sure to take care of her so isn't such of hot mess the next day.
    • LOVES baking also she totally stress bakes. During finals week the house is practically exploding with baked good. Jezebeth doesn't mind though
    • High-key obsessed with Star Bucks
    • She and her father are sadly not very close. Lilith likes to hold this over his head a lot. He really does try though and all the other demons see this except for Layla.
    • She is hella pansexual and grayromantic. Once again feelings aren't her fortay unless they are physical.
    • Layla's name means "night" and "dark beauty" which reflects her mothers name "night monster." Bae just refers to a plural of sucubus which can be succubae 
  • Friends: Demi Oniell, Raoul and Catrina De Luca, Serene Mare, Levi Iscariot, Cecilia Dis, Jezebeth Ignis (Looking for friends even if she doesn't admit it)
    • Small note about friends. Those listed see her as a friend. Wether or not she recognizes the friendship is up or debate.
  • Romantic Status: None

Cecilia Dis
Daughter of the Heretical Demons
  • 15 humna years old; Sophomore 
  • She was born and raised in the 6th Circle of Hell where heretics are punished for eternity in firey tombs. The demons there are tasked with one keeping the fires going and two keep the shades their occupied so they don't try to escape. They do this by holding conversation with them to either stroke their pride or argue with them. 
    • Cecilia has the ability to control fire and she is usually always extremely warm. She also has an inate ability to basically learn anything and everything. This is a ungie ability to the Heretical Demons as they then can twist the truth and tempt people to fall into heresy. 
  • Cecilia, despite her upbringing, is a truth seeker.
    • She is extremely intelligent and tries to learn all she possibly can. She hates gossip and will only believe a story if its coming from the source.
      • Book worm to the tenth power. Prefers nonfiction as it is factual but will read historical fiction from time to time.
    • Has a cold exterior, she kind keeps to herself and is quite most of the time. She, like Jezebeth, suffers from resting bitch face. However, get her on a conversation topic she is passionate about she will get so excited, her face with light up and she will talk you ear off.
      • She really likes talking about astronomy and ancient history, specifically the medieval ages.
    • A bit sexist in the sense that she "isn't like other girls." Puts her intellect on a pedistal. She has a habit to put others down for what they wear and how they act, especially if it's a dirragatory fashion because she feels someone's mind is far more important then their body. 
      • Cecilia and Layla will literally get in screaming battles over this topic. Everyone else knows to step away and to not get involved, sadly Jezebeth gets pulled into it half the time cause they try to use her as their example. 
      • Bit of a hypocrit because how other view her is extremely important to her.
    • She is cautious and litterally plans out everything, even interactions with others. She hates surprises. 
    • Loves debating with other over all sorts of topics. She can pretty much take any position and defend it even if she doesn't agree with it.
    • Cecilia has a silver tounge and actually is quite manipulative. She can easily pick out simple minded humans and monsters and if she needs them she will use them to her advantage.
  • Random Facts:
    • She is apart of the school's chess club. She is currently reining champion.
    • Cecilia and Shan are low-key rivals. They both are extremely inteligent and try to show the other up. Much to her annoyance Shan often comes out on top.
    • So far she hasn't felt romantic or sexual feelings for anyone so she hasn't really figured out her orientation yet. (Bi/Demiromantic/sexual)
      • Also another thing she hasn't figured out is her gender identity. Later on in highschool she figures out she is non-binary but for now she just tells people to use what ever pronouns are easiest for them. Usually they are she/her.
    • Totally rats out anyone she finds cheating on anything, be it in a relationship or a test. 
    • She can play the violin and is in the schools orchestra. 
    • Is a great "hands on" learner, this means she literally can absorb information from books or even from physical beings. She just has to place her hands on your head and she basically can read your mind. 
      • Still enjoys the activity of reading and does it in her spare time. 
    • Isn't very neat and her room in the house is a mess. Books and papers are scattered everywhere and Jezebeth swears there is a mouse somewhere in their. She understands the chaos though and if anyone (Levi) cleans up she will have a meltdown trying to figure out wear everything is.
  • Friends: Shan Bti, Chione Mery-Atum, Demi Oniell, Levi Iscariot, Layla Bae (frenemies), Eerie Graves, Jezebeth Ignis.
  • Relationshio status: None

Some final notes about these guys:

  • They are almost always late to school because their mornings are a catastrophic event all on their own.
    • Each have a least blamed eachother once however most of the time the blame falls on Layla for spending to much time in the bathroom.
  • They really do act like siblings with eachother and have started doing the telephathic sibling thing.
  • So demons have an interesting ability to fuse with eachother and can become a being called Legion. This is what the title refers too. 
    • Jezebeth insist they do a dance if they ever have to fuse with eachother and no one else gets the refence. 
  • They will bicker with eachother all day long but by the end they will protect eachother and take care of eachother.
  • Levi was originally adopted from Supertato . Layla, Cecilia, and Jezebeth were originally adopted from egoetrexmeus  

Levi, Layla, Cecila, and Jezebeth (c) Me
Monster high (c) Mattel
Background (c)
The 9 Circles of Hell (c) Dante

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Comments: 39

Leficence [2018-10-07 19:34:03 +0000 UTC]

I know you posted this a while ago, but still - this is amazing! Are any of them open for friends?

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screamer33 [2017-08-11 20:50:14 +0000 UTC]

Uhh Wow !!!
This.Is.Awesome !!!
They all look super nice btw

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cullyferg2010 [2017-05-31 04:58:51 +0000 UTC]

Good looking kids here!  I've nothing against them as long as they behave themselves around humans.

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EverfterFan [2017-02-27 01:29:12 +0000 UTC]

Stunning crew you have great ideas and obviously put a lot of time and effort into this

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Avian234 In reply to EverfterFan [2017-02-27 02:20:10 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! I really did do a lot of research with these guys to try to make them unique

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EverfterFan In reply to Avian234 [2017-02-27 02:20:53 +0000 UTC]

yeah I can see that. 

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ThestralWizard [2017-02-26 14:54:05 +0000 UTC]

So cool Layla looks particularly stunning.

(thanks for using the bg) 

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Avian234 In reply to ThestralWizard [2017-02-26 15:44:38 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! I had a great designing them all especially Layla!
Then bg was perfect so thank you for making it

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ThestralWizard In reply to Avian234 [2017-02-26 16:21:26 +0000 UTC]

Wish I could find more widescreen webpages to take nice caps like this one. I was always so thrilled to find aa new opportunity! 

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egoetrexmeus [2017-02-26 10:35:09 +0000 UTC]

awww I'm so glad to see more oc's being introduced!
Also love what you did with the babes you got from me

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Avian234 In reply to egoetrexmeus [2017-02-26 15:45:42 +0000 UTC]

Slowly my web of characters is coming together!!!
The next batch will include the empress dragon.
I'm happy you like what I have done and hope I am taking care of your original creations!

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egoetrexmeus In reply to Avian234 [2017-02-26 15:51:20 +0000 UTC]

I've always loved the way your characters grow and interact you know that
And I can't wait to see! You have quite the family growing

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Avian234 In reply to egoetrexmeus [2017-02-26 15:53:50 +0000 UTC]

I do!! But with this giant family many of the canon interactions make sense.
I will try to be doing a ton of sketches to show off how some of them do interact with each other soon. Like I have them written down story wise but I'm not sure if people would want to read them

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egoetrexmeus In reply to Avian234 [2017-02-27 12:45:49 +0000 UTC]

I want to read them! I'm always up for reading more about your oc's
they're all so precious!!

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Avian234 In reply to egoetrexmeus [2017-02-27 16:55:49 +0000 UTC]

I might post something that has all the little drabbles I've written

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Peanutso-BuTTer [2017-02-25 23:52:01 +0000 UTC]

Oh my god they're so cute!!and so unique. I feel i say this with all your ocs they're just so original. I have so much fun reading all their info, i giggle all through it. I really like their designs too, Levi and Layla have the most darling face shapes. 

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Avian234 In reply to Peanutso-BuTTer [2017-02-26 00:10:34 +0000 UTC]

I try to keep them that way. Don't want to accidentally copy anyone or make them to mary-suish.
Although their design I originally adopted I still had a lot of room to explore, especially with their faces. I'm finally getting away from same-face syndrome yess!!!!!!!
Seriously though, it makes me so happy to hear you love them and reading about them I was kinda worried for a moment I wrote too much. 

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Peanutso-BuTTer In reply to Avian234 [2017-03-21 17:14:05 +0000 UTC]

I can tell you think your way around stereotypes and as i've said before it's very refreshing. 
absolutely! taking designs and making them your own is the best way to be a good adopter. I can tell your ocs look so unique. 
bro not at all hahah. i always worry about the same things. If things are well written with an original charm like this, text just flies by, at least for me! 

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Moro456 [2017-02-25 23:48:17 +0000 UTC]

I am so, totally in love with these guys!

They're so well thought out and detailed and are so unique yet awesome together!!! And awesome individually. Gah they are so cool.

Wish I'd have thought about doing demons based off of the Inferno. It's been years since I read it but it was awesome.

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Avian234 In reply to Moro456 [2017-02-26 00:08:20 +0000 UTC]

I am currently reading it for school and just got hella inspired. I just so conveniently had a hoard of demons growing from adopts.
I though the Inferno that Dante described would be a perfect way to keep each of them so unique and different from the typical demon we keep seeing in monster high ocs.

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Moro456 In reply to Avian234 [2017-02-26 01:14:06 +0000 UTC]

What better place to store them than hell?
It really is. Would you mind if I made a demon from a different circle? I love your idea. You can definitely say no though, I'd understand.

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Avian234 In reply to Moro456 [2017-02-26 01:16:00 +0000 UTC]

Of course you can!! I would love to see all sorts of demons from the nine circle!!!

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Moro456 In reply to Avian234 [2017-02-26 01:17:34 +0000 UTC]

Awesome! I'm super excited to start. And I can't wait to see more from these guys!

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Avian234 In reply to Moro456 [2017-02-26 15:43:05 +0000 UTC]

I can't wait to see you demons!! Def show them to me and maybe we could talk about how they interact with the legion

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Moro456 In reply to Avian234 [2017-02-26 16:14:59 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! I've been designing one already and I have a couple planned out. ^-^

I have between 4-5 that I want to do. Circles 1, 7, and 8 and then possibly 4. But I have two I want to do for circle 7 since it has rings and just one for a pouch in 8.

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Avian234 In reply to Moro456 [2017-02-26 18:01:49 +0000 UTC]

I cant wait to see them all!!
It will be interesting to see what you do with the first circle. If I recall that's the circle of virtuous pagans.
I also thought the 7th circle was interesting in how it was divided, I need to go look at it again same with 8 (Cecilia was almost going to be in the 8th for hypocrisy but heresy was much better suited to her)
I always found 4 to be slightly disturbing and just really gross (the punishment that is) but I can't wait to see what you do!! 

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Moro456 In reply to Avian234 [2017-02-26 19:12:04 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad!
Yep! It serves as limbo. The only punishment really is that they are wandering around, unable to ever enter heaven. She's going to look almost like marble and have a love of things like poetry and astronomy.
7 and 8 are really cool. The divisions make it really interesting, and I like how the demons are not supposed to cross to another grouping.
I think you're mixing 3 and 4. 3 is gluttony and 4 is greed. Maybe I'm wrong but the punishment for gluttony is super gross and the punishment for greed is basically a jousting match.

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Avian234 In reply to Moro456 [2017-02-26 20:11:17 +0000 UTC]

Ooo maybe should could get along with Willa then. My wisp loves some good poetry. 
That's kind how 9 is but Levi doesn't really care about the zones. 
Oh yeah, there are so many circles I kinda get them confused especially when they are then broken down into multiple zones and groupings. 4 is definitely greed. I'm such Jezebeth may have wandered over then once or twice to watch the matches.

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Moro456 In reply to Avian234 [2017-02-28 02:31:08 +0000 UTC]

Oh definitely! That would be awesome. She can tell Willa about Homer and others of note who are in Circle 1.
It definitely does get confusing.

And now friend suggestions! If you have anyone you think they'd get along with make your own suggestions too. And of course say no to anything if you don't agree.

Levi- Glacia is super cold physically, she gets sick a lot in the summer and hates it. Georgetta loves playing sports. 
Jezebeth- Blake is a comic book nerd and he loves to geek out over them. Dylan plays the bass and would be totally up for helping her learn. Plus, he could hook her up with all of the cute small animals. Calli, if she's willing, would love to do are things with her.
Layla- If she wants someone to go clubbing with, Calli and Raina are up for breaking the rules and having fun.
I cant think of anyone for Cecelia, not right now anyways. Maybe after I flesh out my demons.

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RukiexRamen [2017-02-25 23:38:00 +0000 UTC]

*make a World of Warcraft reference* WE ARE LEGION, KINGDOMS WILL BURN *slap myself*

no but omg I love them ALL <33 especially Layla and Cecila <333 so unique and different aaaaaaaaaaaa

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Avian234 In reply to RukiexRamen [2017-02-26 00:06:35 +0000 UTC]

Aaaaaa that makes me so happy to hear!!!! I had a great time developing their personalities, especially those two honestly!

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PunkMonsterPrincess [2017-02-25 22:52:35 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful demons! So uniqe so Well thought Out with amazing art! I love them all!

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Avian234 In reply to PunkMonsterPrincess [2017-02-25 23:06:29 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!!!! I worked really hard on them all

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Supertato [2017-02-25 21:45:42 +0000 UTC]

Oh my! These guys are actually AMAZING.
Like truely, I love everything about them!!

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Avian234 In reply to Supertato [2017-02-25 21:54:26 +0000 UTC]

AWW your so sweet!!!! I loved creating them and I am happy you like them

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Supertato In reply to Avian234 [2017-02-25 21:55:45 +0000 UTC]

the stories are amazing, I've been meaning to read Dante's inferno (I've read bits) And you've totally made me wanna do it!
ALSO loving what you did with the blue horned demon boy you adopted from mee <3

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Avian234 In reply to Supertato [2017-02-25 22:08:08 +0000 UTC]

Oh I'm loving it right now, I've been picking through it for a class and got totally inspired for these characters. 
I am happy you like their stories, especially with Levi. I've been trying to figure out what to do with him for a long time till I read that it was a frozen land in the 9th circle

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Supertato In reply to Avian234 [2017-02-25 23:07:10 +0000 UTC]

Absolutely perfect, couldn't have planned it better <3

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Avian234 In reply to Supertato [2017-02-25 23:53:09 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for thinking so <3
If any of your monsters think they can be friends with them, let me know!

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