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AzureHowl RebornAzureHowl was offically released around 2009 for the very first time on YouTube. However, in 2019 the final choice was made to restart the series. The story follows a young wolf by the name of Ruuza, who due to unfortunate situations ended up as an orphan. As she was adopted she grew up isolated away from everything she knew and held dear to herself. In this world wolves have been blessed by ancient dragons, which ultimately earned them elemental powers as time passed and species evolved. Now Ruuza is set upon a journey filled with danger.
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Summoning Spirit Chart Summoning spirits are immortal beings that takes on a physical animal form once summoned. They live in the three realms of Delv Ihoo known as Chyu, Sylglia and Relaytra, or otherwise known as Earth, Heaven and Hell. When born, depending on the right circumstances, some wolves will become summoners and form a bond with a companion spirit. This spirit can be summoned to aid them in everyday life or in combat. They can also form pacts with different spirits as well. Summoning spirits are generally extremely rare in Delv Ihoo. Official site:… .
They are partly option for FC The Earthly spirits are open for FC's !! Heavenly and Demon spirits are not! What are differences from before ? A major one being that they take on the colors of their master and no longer have colors that do not resemble their master! For more info read the chart ^^
Extra Credit •Chylk For checking and correcting all the grammar.