B-aruaL — 037 A Dog

#aqualad #artemis #barryallen #batman #brucewayne #connerkent #dickgrayson #flash #kaldur #kidflash #nightwing #robin #superboy #wallywest #youngjustice #missmartian #mgannmorzz #artemiscrock
Published: 2014-10-26 10:24:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 4385; Favourites: 47; Downloads: 0
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Description ...It's the last dog/wolf/werewolf AU, I swear! :< (and yes I screwed Wally's anatomy because I drew his elbows too low ;_; sorry)

I also made you a very cool (very egg-shaped) map of Gotham, so you can follow Wally and Dick on their adventures~ 
20141025 095157 (you have 3 circles there. The biggest circle being the worst part of Gotham, the smallest being the 'best and most wealthy'.
At the top and the bottom (The X with no name and the X with Kaldur's name next to it) are the docks. 

...I'll stop confusing you now. 

Also, you might notice, that I like when bad things happen to good characters. I'm sorry. 

EDIT: This is waaay longer than I thought it would be, so I made you a summary at the bottom of the page. So you don't have to read the whole thing! yaay! 

Artemis was walking home one terrible monday evening. 
Well, the evening wasn't really terrible by itself. But the fact that it was a monday, made it so much worse. 
She was so glad that there were only two weeks of school left. The summer holidays would be here soon and she could do whatever she wanted. 
She was just about to walk into her house, when she heard a commotion in the alley across the street.
There was a drunk man there, yelling and waving his arms around. She walked closer.
If he was trying to attack someone, she would have to intervene. 
Turned out he was trying to catch a cat. 
It was small and black with a weird almost bird shaped white patch of fur on it's chest.
She actually saw it here regularly. Every monday, come to think of that.
The cat was always accompanied by a dog though.  
It was easily dodging every punch that the man gave, and it was jumping from side to side, onto the dumpsters, bouncing off the walls and Artemis could swear the cat was actually enjoying himself. 
The drunk man seemed very angry and confused and was swaying on his feet from all the running around that he did. 
Then a dog appeard out of nowhere - If Artemis had to guess, from the end of the alley - and laid down behind the man who did not notice him. 
The cat flipped off the wall one last time and collided with the drunk's chest, who in turn tripped over the dog and fell on his ass.
Both animals quickly moved away from him and hid in the shadows.
Artemis was sure that if cats could laugh, this one would be cackling right now. 
Little dick. 

The drunk almost ran into her in his haste to leave the alley, and he soon disappeared from sight, cussing all the way down the street. 
She decided to enter the narrow street where the animals were. 

The dog was currently digging through a small dumpster that the drunk man has tipped over. 
It had very bright orange fur, even though it was very dirty and clumped together. It was obvious he needed a bath. 
She accidentally stepped on a wrapper and the noise caused him to snap his head up, his focus one hundred percent on her.  
He let out a quiet half bark-half growl, which caused the cat to turn towards her as well. 
The dog's ears were up, but his tail was low, as he stood on alert, watching her every move. 
'Easy there, Baywatch' she said, trying to sound soothing.
She noted that it did not work at all. 
His ear twitched upon hearing the nickname she gave him, but overall it didn't look like he was going to relax anytime soon. 
The cat on the other hand, seemed perfectly fine, resting on top of a dumpster, and watching all of this play out. 
Artemis slowly set her bag on the ground, crouching so she could open it.
She noted how tense the dog had gotten and how low his head was. 
But the moment, she took out the sandwich from the bag, his head snapped up again, and he stared at the food. 
She couldn't help but smirk.
He seemed to forget about any danger when the food was involved. 
She was kind of glad now, that she didn't have time for lunch today, and had some food left, and she unwrapped the ham sandwiches and put them on the ground. 
She carefully shuffled back, still crouching, and let the dog walk closer. 
He was sniffing the air and shifting uneasily from foot to foot, as if he was trying to stop himself from walking over and taking the food. 
It took him few minutes to actually walk from side to side before he hesitanly moved towards the sandwich. 
He sniffed if wery carefully, before he grabbed it with his teeth and dragged it a little way back, away from her. 
He then proceed to demolish the sandwich, eating the bread quickly but leaving the ham alone, much to her surprize. 
When he was done, and all was left was the ham covered with butter, he stepped back and let the cat eat the rest. 
She raised an eyebrow at that. She was pretty sure they were not acting like normal animals should. 
Weren't cats and dogs supposed to hate each other?
When the cat - Dick, she decided to name him since he was such a little shit ealier-  was done eating, he calmly walked over to her and brushed against her.  
She petted him carefully and watched the dog. 
'Baywatch' was sitting a little away, still watching her, as if to check if she didn't try to attack his friend.
He refused to walk closer, but she saw his tail wag a little. 

She got a message from her mom, asking where she was. She ran her hand through the cat's fur for the last time, before  slowly standing up, carefull not to startle the dog. 
'You guys be good' she said to the animals and watched in amusement as the dog tilted his head at her. 
She turned around and crossed the street, before going back to her house. 
From her window on the 4th floor, she could see them moving around in the same alley, before they moved to the next one. 

Next morning, when she was preparing for school, she saw them again, walking up the street, toward the more wealthy side of town. 


Week after that, when she was walking back from school, she saw them again in the very same alley across from her house. 
And she was prepared. 
'Dick, Baywatch' she called them when they were digging into a trashbag. 
They looked at her and Dick mewled happily and walked over, while Baywatch wagged his tail but kept his distance. 
'I got something special for you today' She said to them, even though they couldn't probably understand her. 
Dick kept brushing against her and demanding to be petted. 
She took out some sausages that she bought on her way from school just for them.
She put them right in front of her, but didn't move back this time. If Baywatch wanted food he would have to get it himself. 
By that time Dick was happily munching on one of the sausages, actually purring in satisfaction. 
It took Baywatch some time to finally get over to her and hesitantly sniff the food. He then, once again, proceed to take some in his mouth and back off. 
She spent an hour with them that day, but didn't manage to touch the orange dog. 

And once again, when she was preparing to go to school the next morning, she saw the two of them moving toward the more wealthy side of town again. 
Looks like they had a pattern there. 

She was on holidays now. She could do whatever she wanted. 

She still went down the first monday and spent two hours crouching in an alley by her house, with a cat on her lap, while she tried to feed Baywatch from her hand. By the end of the day, he was comfortably eating close to her, but he still didn't allow her to pet him. 
It was fine. He was a very friendly dog, he just seemed to have trust issues. 

She saw them walking up the street the next morning. In the same direction as always. 
Artemis wondered where exactly were they going to, every Tuesday. 

She was kind of bored. 
She was slowly running out of the things to do, and it was only the first week of holidays. 
All of the people she hung out with, went on trips or to visit their families or whatever out of town, and she couldn't meet with them. 

She spent a long time with Dick and Baywatch the next monday. 
The dog actually took some food out of her hand. He allowed her to touch his head, but he panicked when she tried to scratch his neck. It was progress though, so she was not complaining. 

After spending the whole evening with them, she got an idea. 
Next morning, when she saw Dick and Baywatch walk up the street, she was ready. 
She had packed her backpack with some snacks and drinks, told her mom she was going on a walk, and she followed them on their journey. 

They kept close to her, as they trecked through the city, and Artemis was actually surprized by the system that the two seemed to have. 
It looked like they had their alleys picked and they went only to those particular ones every week. Just like they went to the alley across from her house every monday. 
So she had the chance to stand in the back of various buildings, restaurants and shops, where Dick and Baywatch were scavenging for food. 
At least she wasn't sitting bored in her room all day. 

They were walking pretty much in straight line all the way into the nicer side of town. Not the most wealthy one, but it was certainly safer than the place Artemis was living in. 
The Gotham had two parks, fairly close to each other, and right now they were getting very close to the smaller one. 
Here Dick and Baywatch decided to take a break, finally. 
Artemis sat down on the grass, with Dick sitting down next to her at first, before he shamelessly climbed onto her lap and demanded to be petted. 
Baywatch sniffed around for a bit, before he promptly fell over and started rolling around in the grass. He then just laid there, on his side, his tail wagging happily as he relaxed. 

There was a girl walking towards them with a picnic basket. Artemis actually recognized her. 
It was that one cheerleader from her school.
What was her name...Megan? Something like that.
Baywatch actually stood up when he noticed her, and he happily ran over and circled her a few times. The auburn haired girl giggled at his antics, and tried to grab him, while he stayed just out of arms reach. 
And then Megan noticed Artemis and she blinked surprized. 

'Um...hi? You're um...Artemis, right? We go to school together?' She said cheerfully. 
She was excited about something, Artemis was sure.
'Are Kitty and Wally your pets?' she blurted out finally, clasping her hands together. 'This is so exciting! I was wondering who did they belong to!' She started rambling.

'Kitty and Wally?' Artemis's question causing Megan to stumble over her words. 

'Oh. Hello Megan!' She exlaimed suddenly, hitting herself gently on the forehead. 'That's the names I gave them, because I didn't know their real ones! The dog is Wally.'
She explained, pointing at the dog who was still dancing around her happily. 'I named him after this one character from a tv show I'm watching. There is this really goofy red head there' she admitted, a little embarassed. 'And the cat here is Kitty' she said finally, pointing to the cat and then to her 'Hello Kitty' bag. 
She then sat down in front of Artemis and then the blonde had to actually explain to her that Dick and Baywatch didn't belong to her and she just decided to follow them around. 
Megan raised her eyebrow at the names Artemis told her the story on how she met the animals few weeks ago. 

The cheerleader seemed really excited about the whole 'following them and seeing where do they go to' thing and asked Artemis if she could join. 
In those few short moments, Megan managed to charm the blond, and she gladly agreed. 

The auburn girl was surprized, when Wally laid down again, close to them and even allowed Artemis to reach out and pet him gently on the head. She had never managed to touch the dog, in the few weeks that she'd known him and fed him. 

It turned out, that both Dick and Wally (girls decided to call them that for now on. Sounded better than 'Kitty and Baywatch' ) spent every Tuesday night in the park, in the hollowed out tree. 
Megan and Artemis traded phone numbers, and decided to meet up here tommorow morning - since according to the cheerleader, Wally and Dick didn't leave the place until 9 am on Wednesdays. 


Artemis took a bus and was back at the park the next day.
She met up with Megan and they followed Dick and Wally on their journey.
The blonde was surprized at how fast she got a new friend. And all of it because she decided to follow a cat and a dog around.

Wally and Dick seemed to have the same exact plan as the day before. The whole day they walked around, this time toward the worse side of Gotham, and they checked various alleys before taking a break in the afternoon. 

This time, they stopped by a house. There was a teenager sitting alone on the steps, pretty much motionless and Wally happily trotted over to him and licked at his hands and face in greeting. 
The brunnete boy carefully patted the dog on the head, before pulling out some food for him. 
Dick walked over too, and brushed against the teen's legs and got the same treatment. A gentle stroke and some food. 

The girls were sure they saw the boy somewhere before, and they decided to talk to him.
His name was Conner and he was attenting the same school as them. 
When they asked him what name did give to the animals and how did he manage to pet the dog so easily, he shrugged. 
He actually named them 'Cat' and 'Dog' much to Artemis's bemusement. 
And he was just sitting here, every wednesday for few months and he always fed the two animals, when they were passing. So after a while they just sat here with him. 
He didn't do any sudden moves that could spook them, and he also didn't try to pet them. They went to him not the other way around. 
So they sat together on the steps, with Dick on Artemis's lap and Wally laying next to Conner, who had his arm around him. The boy actually seemed to enjoy their company. He agreed to follow Dick and Wally with them. 

And just as the day before, the animals rested nearby, this time in an alleyway close to Conner's house. 
According to the brunette, they left on Thursdays around 9, so that's the time they decided to meet at. 


Their group was getting surprisingly big.
That's what Artemis thought on thursday afternoon, when Wally and Dick brought them over to the docks on the opposite side of Gotham from her house. 
Dick seemed to love it here, and he was walking around and trying to get a bite out of every fish that was left unprotected. 
Which got him in trouble often, seeing as people didn't enjoy someone stealing from them. 

There was this one dark skinned teen, who was just passing by. Artemis immediatly recognized him. 
You can't really forget those arms. 
Kaldur. He too atended the same school as her. He smiled when he noticed Wally and Dick but blinked surprised at the three teenagers following them. 
They made proper introduction and explanations. 
Kaldur called the dog 'West' and the cat 'Grayson'.
He explained that it was inspired by the book that he read, about two knights, one from the West, and the other who was the son of Gray and they went on a journey together and traveled through the whole world and even beyond. Megan thought it was very cute that he named them that. 

They spent the evening together, with Dick happily eating the fish that Kaldur provided, and Wally playing in the puddles of water and running in between the containers. 

Kaldur too agreed to meet up with them the next day and follow the animals. 
He actually did follow them once before, so he knew where they were staying the night and where they were going later. 

They met near Kaldur's house on a Friday morning, and followed him into a werehouse, where Dick 'Grayson' and Wally 'West' spent every Thursday nights. 
The animals were very happy by the attention they were getting, and Wally actually let Kaldur and Megan pet him for a moment, before he got too nervous and had to back away, wagging his tail all the time though. 

Once again Dick and Wally moved toward the worse part of Gotham. They seemed to like it, and Artemis suspected it was because of the amount of trash everywhere. The streets were practically overflowing with it, so they had a lot of places that they could potentially get food from. 

They stopped in one particular alleyway, with a fire escape broken in such way, that it was easily accessible from the ground. Dick easily jumped on it and scaled it all the way to the second floor, while Wally had to struggle a bit, before he managed to get all his paws onto the stairs as well. 
Then they proceed to scratch at the window there, until a very angry looking red head opened it. 
Before he had a chance to yell at the animals, they slipped past him and entered his apartment. 
He sighed frustrated. 
Kaldur cleared his throat quietly, causing the red head to look down at him. 
'Hello Roy' he greeted politely. 'Would you mind if we came in?' He gestured behind him at the rest of the teenagers. 
Roy exhaled air through his nose. 
'The doors are over there' he pointed towards the entrance to the building. 'You will not be walking on my fire escape'.

Turns out the guy was naturally grumpy, it didn't have anything to do with them. 

Kaldur met Roy a few months ago, when he was following Dick and Wally around, and they became friends ever since. 
Dick and Wally came here regularly, wrecking every single Friday that Roy was trying to spend on relaxing. 
When Wally walked over to the table and tried to steal some pizza, Roy actually put his hand over the dog's snout and pushed him away, cringing at the spit that Wally left, licking the hand. 
Dick took over the couch, planting his butt in Roy's favorite sitting spot. 
When Megan asked the red head if he gave the animals any names, he replied that he gave them plenty.
'Little shits' and 'Idiots' were the least offensive ones. He liked Artemis's idea to call the cat 'Dick' and proposed 'Ass' as a name for the dog. 

He did not agree to join them in their childlish tasks of following animals around town. He had stuff to do unlike them. 

It seemed like he really hated the animals. 
And yet, there was a blanket on the floor, reserved only for Wally, and he actually had his own ball here, and a water bowl. And when Roy wanted to sit down, he just picked Dick up from his spot, sat in it and put the cat on his lap, gently stroking him behind the ear. 
So he actually was a big softie, on the inside, he was just trying really hard to hide it. 

They agreed to meet in front of the block, the next morning, since Roy told them that 'dorks' only left around 9 am Saturday morning. (After waking him up at such unholy hour and asking for breakfast. Little shits.) 

Saturday was a little unusual. 
On any other day, Dick and Wally would be inseparable, and they would walk all day, only to rest during the evening and stay there until next morning. 
But that day, they suddenly started going towards the outskirts of Gotham. 
Megan was getting nervous, because walking through a crime-ridden city was one thing, but actually leaving it and walking through some empty road was a whole another, and she wasn't sure her uncle would approve of this. 
But it was only 1 in the evening, and the sky was as bright as it could get in Gotham. 
Wally and Dick didn't seem tired at all as they bravely trudged forward. 
Artemis and the rest got unbelievably close during those few days. They were talking all the time, since they walked around so much, and created a very strong bond with each other.

They left the city border a little less than 2 hours ago and a mansion came into view. 
Megan recognized it from TV. It belonged to Gotham's billionaire, Bruce Wayne. 
What business could a cat and a dog possibly have there? 
Wally stopped by the front gate and suddenly started licking at Dick's face as if to reassure himself that his friend was indeed fine, much to their amusement and the cat's bemusement.
Then Dick passed in between the bars of the gate and disapeared from sight. 
Wally just sat there for a little while, watching. 
He then scratched himself behind the ear, stood up and turned towards them. 
He wagged his tail and walked closer, before leading them back toward the city. 
To say that Artemis was perturbed, would be an understatement. She kept glancing back at the gate of the mansion. 
They just...separated? Just like that? 
It took them another 2 hours to get back. Wally was walking for 4 hours, just to walk Dick to that gate and go back. 
They sure were unusual animals. 

It was slowly getting dark when they finally arrived to their apparent destination. 
They were in the park now. The second one in Gotham. The bigger one. 
The path that they followed was empty, sans from the four of them, the dog and a single man walking in their direction. 
He had blonde hair and he wore a simple white shirt with a loose tie and dark jeans. 

At the sight of Wally he started whistling and called 'Kid!' with a big smile on his face and the orange dog got very excited. 

Until now Wally always kept a close distance to them, but he sudenly sprung forward and ran at the man in such great speed that Artemis for a moment though he was going to attack him. 
Before she had a chance to yell a warning, the man dropped to his knees and the dog managed to slow down enough not to ram into him with full force. 
Wally was happily licking the man's face, and the blonde was petting him and running his hands through his fur on his head, neck and back. The dog actually laid down on his back and the man scratched at his stomach and Wally's tail didn't stop wagging for even a second. 
The man then noticed the four dumbstruck kids staring at him. 
'Um...hi?' He started hesitantly, sounding very similar to Megan a few mere days ago.

The explanations took them some time but the man - Barry Allen - seemed really impressed with them. 
Following someone like 'Kid' through a city surely must have been hard work. 
Barry explained that he met Kid here about 7 months ago, when he was walking home from work. 
He often had to work on Saturdays and the road back to his home led through this park. 
Kid - Wally Baywatch West, Megan introduced much to Barry's amusement - was here one night, trying to find a place to sleep in. The blonde man gave him food and actually spent countless hours just sitting here with the dog, before the animal trusted him enough to follow him home. 
Barry invited all of them for tea and some food but they politely declined. He was still a stranger and it was about time they got back home. 
They asked if the blonde knew where Wally is going on Sundays. 
He said that the dog left around noon and went back into the park. Barry always walked him there. There he met up with a black cat and they headed together towards the docks.
At first Barry thought it was weird, but after all the things that Artemis and her friends told him, everything made more sense.

They decided to meet in the park at noon, and they all took a bus home. 


Sunday was actually very short. 
Wally and Dick met at noon in the park, Wally accompanied by Barry and Dick with his belly full and his fur combed and shiny.  

Barry bid his goodbye and went back home and the animals continued their treck. 
They were in no hurry at all now, and only checked two or three alleys on their way. 
Their journey ended in a warehouse by the docks, on the same side of town where Artemis lived. 
There they spent the rest of the day, laying and sleeping. 

And the journey was done. 


It was weird, having all of this suddenly over. 
Artemis was busy for the whole week when she followed the animals. She was walking non stop, with very short breaks and she left house very early and got back very late. 
She got new friends, she had great fun, and she stayed in contact with everyone. 
It was great to see Wally and Dick back, on Monday, in the alley across from her house, waiting for her. 
Wally let her scratch his back and didn't freak out for a whole minute. She smiled. 
Everything was going great. 

She met with Megan, Kaldur and Conner reguarly, and they had picnic at the park on Tuesdays so Wally and Dick could be there too. Conner even started smiling more. 

It was like that for a whole month. 

Until one Monday, that was not like the rest. 
They weren't here. 
It was a monday. And neither Dick nor Wally were in the alley. 
Artemis spent the day, sitting by her window and waiting. 
They didn't come. 

She decided to wait some more. It was probably nothing. 
Artemis got a call from Megan, who asked if she saw Wally and Dick. 
The blonde tried to reasure her that it was probably nothing. 
Maybe they just changed their route for those two days or something. 
Conner called them. 
He never spoke much, so when Artemis picked the phone she just heard 'they're not here' 
and a lot of silence. 
Conner was worried enough that he called not only Megan, but also Artemis. 
He was always so stubborn and didn't accept help. That's why it hit the blonde so much. 
One more day. They were going to wait one more day before they went looking for them. 
Kaldur called. 
They all met up in the smaller park, near Megan's house and started looking. 
They took a bus all the way to the docks near Artemis's house to the warehouse where the animals spent their sundays and went all the way down to the docks on the other side of town, checking every alley and every road on their way, following Dick and Wally's usual route. 
They had to cut their escapade short, due to bad weather. 
Roy called them. 
This caused Megan to go into panic, because if Roy was showing that he was worried so openly, then it must have been bad. 
They searched the other half of the city, but didn't find anything. 
They went over to Barry's house to ask if he saw the dog anywhere. 
The blonde worriedly told them that Wally never showed up at the park last Sathurday even though Barry waited for two hours.
They decided to split up. 
They all took a different route and a different part of the city, in hopes of stumbling into one of the animals. 
And that's exactly what happened. 
Artemis was searching through the part of town between Roy's and Barry's place. 
It was getting dark and she was just about to retire for the night, when she heard a mewl. 

Her head snapped up so quickly that it was almost painfull. 

'Dick!' She couldn't help but yell out, so relieved to see the cat. 
He was walking quickly down the road, but he still looked up at the sound of the familiar voice. 
There was a man following the cat and he too looked up. 
It passed through her mind that yelling 'dick' in the middle of the street might not have been a good idea, but she paid it no mind, as she hurried to cross the street toward the cat. 
She actually scopped him in her arms and checked for injuries as he nuzzled into her quickly, before squirming to be let down. 
She let him go and focused on the man. 
He was tall, and broad shouldered. She recognized him from TV. Bruce Wayne himself. 
He actually looked worried and a little worn out. 
'Are you his owner?' He asked. 
Artemis was just about to answer, when she heard the mewl again. 
Dick was trying to get them to follow him. 
'What is it Robin?' The man muttered. 
'Listen, sir. I'll explain everything on the way, but for now we have to follow the cat.' She didn't care how ridiculous she sounded and aparently, neither did the man, since he only nodded and gestured for her to go first. 

Dick led them all the way to the docks on the same side of town as Kaldur's house. 
He then proceed to scrach at some locked warehouse's doors before he climbed up the crates and walked through the broken window. 
Mr Wayne was recluant to break into some warehouse without a reason, so Artemis climbed up the crates after Dick and peered in through the window. 
She saw Wally there. He was laying prone in the corner, between some crates, with Dick sitting next to him. 
From what she could see, there was blood there. And he was tied to the crate with a rope. 

She said that to Bruce. 
So they broke in, and called the police. 


It was the middle of the night, on a night between Sathurday and a Sunday. 
And yet, here they were, Artemis in the waiting room of a vet centre, calling her friends and telling them that she found Wally and Dick. 
Bruce was off to the side, with Dick in his arms, explaining to the police what exactly happened. 
They seemed a little sceptic, that he just followed a cat, all the way from his house, to the docks, and broke into a warehouse to save a dog, accompanied by a teenager. 

He then called Barry Allen. 
Artemis told Bruce all about the journey that she and her friends took, during this one week a month ago. 
Bruce always wondered what Robin was doing through the rest of the week, and who was the dog, that walked him all the way to the front gate every saturday. 
When Allen's name came up, he was even more surprized. They have known each other through work, so Bruce did have his phone number. 
Barry arrived to the vet so quickly after the call, and he looked so breathless, that it seemed like he ran all the way here. 


The vet couldn't really tell them who exactly did this to Wally, but the police was working on finding the owner of the warehouse that he was locked in. 
Wally's hind leg was broken,  as were his ribs. His paws were swollen and he was covered in cuts and bruises. It looked like someone had kicked him over and over. 
He also had a swollen jaw and his neck had some really nasty wounds, because of the rope that was tied around it. 

The vet said that they gave Wally some heavy painkillers and he was sleeping now. 
Barry said he would stay the night, and Artemis wanted to do that too, but Mr. Wayne called her a taxi home.
Her mother called her 3 times now and asked if she was alright and when was she coming home. 
So the blonde actually had to leave, much to her dismay. 
She promised to return in the next morning, with her friends. 
After a while Bruce had to leave too, and he took Dick with him. The cat refused to leave his side, but his gaze never strayed from the doors that Wally was taken through. He was very recluant to leave his friend behind. 

Barry sat there alone, for the remainder of the night.


Artemis came back, around 10 next morning, and brought Megan, Kaldur and Conner with her. 
First thing she noticed was Barry, sleeping soundly in the same chair that he last saw him in the day before. 
The woman by the desk - the same one who was here during the night - gestured for them to be quiet, and she opened the door for them. 
Aftey they were out of the waiting area, she told them that Mr. Allen had fallen asleep about two hours ago and they didn't want to wake him. 
Wally was actually concious now and they could go see him if they wanted to. 

They agreed immediatly.

Wally was sitting in a small cage (so he wouldn't move around with his injuries), on a fluffy blanket, pressed against the farthest wall, with his broken leg in a cast and a bangade over his neck. He looked groggy and scared and  very miserable. 
When the vet kneeled in front of the cage, he wagged his tail, but didn't dare to walk any closer. He just sat there, vedged into a corner. 
Then Artemis crouched down next to her, and she put her fingers through the gate. Wally lowered his head and waggled his tail more enthusiastically, as he clumsily shifted so his head could reach her. 
He gently licked at her fingers before he rested his forehead on the crates and closed his eyes, so she could pet him. 
The others soon joined in. 


A month has passed.
The school started again. 
Artemis was walking back home on a monday evening. 
Megan invited them all to her house on Friday after school, and the blonde was actually looking forward to that. 
She rounded the corner and found herself on the street where her house was. 
Wally and Dick were there, waiting for her. 
She couldn't help but smile. 
Barry and his wife Iris were there too. 
Wally wore new bright red and yellow chest suspenders and there was a collar with lightning bolts on his neck. 
He was playing around with Dick - Robin now - and from the looks of it he was trying to gently knock the cat over, with his snout, while the feline kept dodging. 
Barry and Iris made sure that Wally visited all his friends regularly and they all actually decided to meet every Sunday for picnics. Sometimes they met up in the smaller park by Megan's house, sometimes in Barry and Iris's backyard and they even spent one picnic in the Wayne's manor. Roy even agreed to spent time with them from time to time. 

Wally jogged over to her and let her pet him without any hestitation. She carefully scrached at his neck, smirking when he started thumping his find leg happily. 

Dick was right behind him, and he rubbed against her legs happily, and she saw a new blue collar on his neck. 

Everything was going great. 


...This got so unbelivebly long. I am so so sorry. 
None of you will probably read it, so I'll just wirte a summary here:

Wally and Dick are a dog and a cat and they walk around Gotham, gaining a small group of followers (Artemis, Megan, Conner, Kaldur, Roy, Bruce, Barry and Iris) who thanks to them become great friends. Then Wally and Dick go missing for a week. But then everything is fine.  And they have picnics together everything is good.

To those who actually read the whole thing:   Holy shit dudes. thank you. 

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Comments: 21

Triscribe [2015-08-03 16:09:35 +0000 UTC]

Adorable! xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

WolfSoul14 [2015-01-02 23:31:53 +0000 UTC]

I loved it

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

B-aruaL In reply to WolfSoul14 [2015-01-08 11:49:50 +0000 UTC]

I'm very glad! Thank you very much for reading c: 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

NatsuNoYuki [2014-11-23 02:42:16 +0000 UTC]

I saved this page so I can read it all when I had time and I'm so glad I did 8D

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

B-aruaL In reply to NatsuNoYuki [2014-11-23 17:02:48 +0000 UTC]

I am very happy that you decided it was worth your time sweetie ^^ 
I'm sorry for writing long things sometimes ;_; I just can't help myself. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

NatsuNoYuki In reply to B-aruaL [2014-11-27 13:19:15 +0000 UTC]

No it's okay, I really enjoy it 8D Feel free to write lots and lots.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Ghyst [2014-11-21 21:30:16 +0000 UTC]

This story is adorable to the third degree!!!!!
[hugs you] I can't stop smiling it's so cute!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

B-aruaL In reply to Ghyst [2014-11-23 17:03:08 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Darkshadowtears [2014-10-29 18:05:17 +0000 UTC]

Hahaha I really like how its almost, if not but all of Artemis pov

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

B-aruaL In reply to Darkshadowtears [2014-10-29 20:27:44 +0000 UTC]

I actually really enjoy writing stuff from her point of view xD  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Darkshadowtears In reply to B-aruaL [2014-10-29 21:54:23 +0000 UTC]

Well she does have a crazy mind doesn't she? hehe

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

B-aruaL In reply to Darkshadowtears [2014-11-14 21:20:32 +0000 UTC]

Like all of us! :0 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Darkshadowtears In reply to B-aruaL [2014-11-15 07:08:37 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Not-That-Fast [2014-10-27 15:02:49 +0000 UTC]


This is one of my favorites of yours holy shit

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

B-aruaL In reply to Not-That-Fast [2014-10-29 07:23:58 +0000 UTC]

Pff xD I'm very glad thet you like it~~~<3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

sweetfoxgirl [2014-10-26 16:42:55 +0000 UTC]

AWWWWW!! This is so cute!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

B-aruaL In reply to sweetfoxgirl [2014-10-26 17:37:42 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad you like it!! ^^ Thank you again for all the faves! c: 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TimedRogue [2014-10-26 14:50:24 +0000 UTC]

I just love your storys. <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

B-aruaL In reply to TimedRogue [2014-10-26 17:38:05 +0000 UTC]

I am so very glad sweetie  

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PaintbrushPanther [2014-10-26 14:02:15 +0000 UTC]

THIS ISM AMAZIN,!!! (Yes I read the entire thing)
(I love it lots and lots)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

B-aruaL In reply to PaintbrushPanther [2014-10-26 17:38:43 +0000 UTC]

I think it's one of the longest I made :0 
thank you so much for reading everything sweetie~<3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0