BBRaeluv — Breathe 7
Published: 2010-10-29 05:01:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 7356; Favourites: 81; Downloads: 16
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Description Breathe 7
* * *
"So marry me." The question slips out of my mouth. I mean we both have known this was coming but I didn't think I would just randomly slip it into conversation. But it did come out smooth, which was unintentional.
"Really? Do I have to?" She scrunches her nose but smiles.
"Yes, you have to. You have no choice what so ever."
"No choice huh? What if I say no?"
"But you won't"
"True, but still…." She trails off and looks up at me evilly.
"Oh, c'mon just answer the question." She's making me nervous even though I KNOW she's going to say yes. It must suck for those saps that really have no clue.
"Yes I'll marry you."
"That's not funny."
"I thought it was, just a little?" She pinches her fingers together to show how little.
"Nope." I laugh, "I think I'm rubbing off on you." She laughs and says,
"But seriously, when are we going to get married?" I hadn't really thought that far ahead.
"I don't know. When do you want to?"
"It really doesn't matter, I don't mean it like that, I just mean I don care…well you know what I mean." She stumbles finding the right words.
"I think we should have a long engagement so they can get used to it."
"Me too. But I don't think we should tell them today, I mean we just told them we were dating."
"I agree."
"So it's settled." She says.
"That we are continuing to lie? Then yes it's settled." I smile while she rolls her eyes. But we both know there's truth to what I said.
* * *
I'm sitting in the theatre watching the pre-previews because apparently the show Cy said started in 10 minutes actually starts in half an hour. But I'm not complaining since he got me out of the awkward situation in the hallway. I don't even know what movie we're going to watch. Cyborg comes back with the popcorn and drinks.
"Hey, Robin. Can I talk to you about something?" Great. He's probably going to tell me that I should be nicer to BB and Raven or that I should kick Terra out or ask me to sponsor some addition the T-car needs.
"Sure." But I bite.
"See, well, last night Jinx and I really hit it off, and well I think we're dating."
"You think?"
"Ok, we are dating."
"For how long?" If they've been dating for a year I'm going to shoot myself.
"Officially? Only about a month." Oh thank god.
"Ok. So are you guys serious?"
"Pretty much."
"Cool." I stop for awhile then continue, "You know I'm glad you told me, and I'm not mad at Beast Boy or Raven," ok maybe that's a fib but seriously, "I mean they both told me they were dating people they just didn't tell me who. I'm more embarrassed I never figured it out," That's true I mean I'm the leader I probably should have figured it out by now. "By the way, when did they tell you? And don't lie I know you knew."
"I walked in on them making out so they didn't exactly tell me."
I burst out laughing and the whole theater turns to look at me. Cyborg joins me in my insanity.
* * *
I walk down the hall and into the living room. Gar is beside me and I try to contain my giggles. I'm almost in hysterics at the fact that I'm engaged. It's so weird to think about it. I sit on top of the counter and swing my legs over the side. Gar is looking through the fridge while I think about our future. I imagine what would be different but I can't think of anything. I try to imagine something but I can't. I just keep seeing us as we are. Should I be thinking about the actual wedding? Should I really care about the flowers? The dress? The band? I don't want a traditional wedding. But I don't want an abnormal one either. Love is babbling on about red roses and satin. Happy wants bubbles to be blown or doves to be released. Annoyed complains that doves are stupid because they'll just crap everywhere. I can't help but agree with her but I really can't imagine any of the details. When I do start planning for this wedding, I'm going to need help, Jinx's help. I have no clue to how to plan a wedding.
The ringing phone shatters my thoughts.
I go to reach the phone but Gar already has it in his hands.
"Hello?" He says with his face focusing on the peanut butter sandwich he's making. I hear a voice on the line but can't hear what they're saying, but Gar's face lights up.
"What's up?!" He smiles as he talks..
"That's cool. It was great to see you too."
"Ok, I'll pass you to you her."
"Yeah, She's here."
"Uh Huh," He chuckles and says, "No, I'm not going to say that even though I REALLY, REALLY want to…Bye." He laughs and hands me the phone. "Jinx" he mouths. I figured as much.
"Hey." I say and look around when Terra catches my eye. She's been sitting at the table and I hadn't seen her.
"Sup?" She says. I just laugh and say,
"A lot."
"Drama rama last night."
"Dude I know." I look over my shoulder at Gar and he's laughing while making his sandwich.
"Hey, I was wondering whether you wanted to hang out this Friday? The weather should be nice and we already talked about it but I think I'm really going to need it by the end of this week."
"What's going on this week?" I hear her exhale and sigh.
"I'd rather talk about it on Friday if that's cool. More gossip stuff and annoying jackasses at our alma-mater."
"No problem. Are you driving back tonight?"
"This afternoon, but around 3pm can you meet me at the pier so I can give you your makeup? I can't believe I forgot to give it to you AGAIN."
"Sure. I borrowed some last night so no big deal."
"From who?"
"Oh. My. God. No."
"Oh yes."
"But you actually looked good!!!"
"Hahaha, thanks."
"You know what I mean. Anyway I gotta go! I'll meet you around three-ish?"
"See you then!"
I hang up the phone and Gar smiles at me.
"Did she tell you want she wanted me to say?"
"I'm not sure."
"Believe me you would know." He bursts out laughing.
* * *
I am so not looking forward to this drive back, not to mention the BS I'm going to have to put up with when I get back. Gizmo has been nagging me for the past two weeks to help him rob this bank in Jump City. I know it's wrong but in the past I would have done it anyway. I was so messed up back then. Rebelling because I thought I had to. It wasn't my fault. I mean being "jinxed" is never meant in a positive way. And when Kid Flash and I went out I got better for a while until he dumped me. Then I was even madder and decided to do worse stuff.
I'm going to have to figure how I'm going to avoid this robbery. I've been using Raven/Spark as an excuse but she's gone now. Not to mention See-More wants to take me to our Winter Homecoming and even if I wasn't dating Cyborg I wouldn't be interested. Adonis has also been spreading rumors that him and I have been dating so if I turn See-More down he'll assume that the rumors are true which they obviously aren't. I have to go because if I don't some shit is going to go down and I won't even be able to save my own reputation. I wish I could just bring CY but it's not like I can block out the whole world and pretend that I could actually take him.
My phone vibrates as I'm waiting in line for Pinkberry.  It's a text from Red X. It says:
Hey. Have a date to Winter Homecoming?
Now he decides to talk to me. Before Cy and I were dating, I had the hugest crush on him. I met him after Cy had infiltrated the HIVE. I had used him as a way to get over Cy. It was stupid and we both ended up getting hurt. It turns out he wasn't the only one being used. He had used me to get back at his ex but it's not like I could get mad at him. I had done basically the same thing.
Not to mention I continued to like him after we "broke up". I obsessed over him but he never gave me any attention back. I finally move on and get a respectable, fantastic loving boyfriend and he just decides to ask me out now? It's like couldn't we have had a nice relationship for a while before but no. I don't want to date him now. He could never measure up to Cy but the fact that I'm curious worries me. But I can't help thinking Cy is going to break up with me. I mean he hasn't answered my texts all day and he practically avoided me all night yesterday. And he refuses to tell Robin so obviously I must not mean that much to him.
Not going. Sorry
The text stares at me and I hesitate to press send. I delete what I've typed and stare at the blank screen. I finally decide on an option and press send. The minute it takes for his reply feels like years but finally my phone vibrates.
One New Text from RED X
K cool, wat time shuld i pick u up?
* * *
I sit at the table with my uneaten burnt toast sitting in front of me. The half empty glass of orange juice stares at me. I feel like everything is against me. Beast Boy's against me so is Jinx, Cyborg, Jump City, any villain I've come in contact with, most of the world too and now even the damn toaster. My hair feels greasy and dirty but I have no intention of taking a shower today. Even if there was an emergency or some distress call I wouldn't be invited along to save the day nor would I be allowed to stay at the Tower unsupervised. So I follow them there and do nothing because they don't want me to help ward off the monster.
Raven and BB walk through the doors and she props herself onto the counter. BB examines the toaster, as Raven seems to stare off into space. BB grabs some food from the fridge and our eyes lock for a split second. Every once in a while I'll be able to look in BB's eyes. Most of the time he avoids any eye contact but when our eyes occasionally lock, goose bumps raise on my arms. His eyes are ruthless; they look savage and animal like. I don't remember them being like that. I wonder if it's because he's changed since I left. He turns around and continues to make his sandwich. The phone rings and Raven seem startled. BB answers the phone and I instantly see his eyes change. I see the eyes that looked at me long ago, the same emerald eyes that twinkled when he smiled just as he's doing now. I can see that Raven notices it too.
She stares at him and I can see a change in her too. She doesn't wear her hood over her head anymore and she hangs out around everyone more. She used to be so secluded in her room by herself. It's true she talked to all of us, in one way or another. She "joked" with Cyborg, planned/strategized with Robin, mocked BB, and yelled at me. She didn't talk much to Starfire but she did listen which is more than most people did.  
Raven starts talking on the phone and she's smiling. She even rolls her eyes and BB is infixed on her face as she glances around the room. Her eyes land upon my face and she looks at me for a brief second. She turns back to BB who is smearing peanut butter on a piece of bread. I don't bother listening to her conversation. I continue to stare at BB out of the corner of my eye. He turns around and put the peanut butter back in the fridge. As he closes the door he catches me looking. He smirks and shakes his head, as if he's laughing at me. Is that what he's doing. He is literally laughing at me. This is beyond humiliating.
* * *
Robin and I walk out of the theatre and I can hear my bolts squeak as I stretch. We walk through the mall and go to the food court, and I can tell he's just stalling so he doesn't have to go home to BBRae. Poor guy. He would probably create a villain to chase just to get out of the house. We sit at a table and talk about stupid stuff. I don't even really know what we are talking about. Something along the lines of sports and how we should have a picnic someday soon. I am barely paying attention because I don't know how I should ask Robin if Jinx can move in. The loud slurping sound of my empty soda interrupts the mindless conversation. Robin looks around.
"Do you think it's weird for Terra to stay here?" He asks but I can't read his face, like always, because of his damn mask.
"Well, I mean it's awkward, I mean dude all she wants is BB and she ain't gettin that. Not to mention you certainly don't trust her. And I mean it's not like she could just waltz back into our lives like nothing ever happened. But on the other hand, she does seemed to have changed and she seems like she wants to make up for all the bullshit she pulled. So maybe it wouldn't be so bad if she stayed. But then again she did try to kill us all, twice. Or was it three? So she shouldn't stay. But I mean, I don't know. I really don't."
"Damn. I was hoping you had an answer. I have no idea what to do. At first I was so shocked that she was alive I just kinda invited her in but I didn't really think past that. Then when BB got so mad and I had figured he would be happy. I wish I could have planned for this. Can I really just kick her out? I mean that's going to be awkward. I was hoping she would just leave on her own but it's been like month? Or has it? I have no idea what day it is." Robin is seriously freaking out.
"Dude chill. I don't think, note I said think, that she's plannin' to kill us all so if you wait awhile to see how things play out or to just think about what ur gonna do I think you'll be fine."
"I hope so." Why's this guy always have to be so damn dramatic.
* * *

I'm still in line for the damn Pinkberry. It's been like 10 minutes and they are still working on the same person's order. Does it really take 3 employees to do ONE order? Idiots. I have places to go, people to see, shit to do. Urgh. My phone vibrates again.
I step out of line and out the door. I walk down the street a little before I search for my phone in my bag. It's Cyborg who's asking me whether or not I want to get sushi tonight. That's, no offense, but a stupid question because he KNOWS I'm leaving today, to drive back to the HIVE so he knows I'll say no. Not to mention, the sushi place we like is almost always booked. You need reservations like 2 days in advanced and any other place just isn't worth going.
I angrily throw my phone back into my bag without replying. I literally walk three steps until I hear it buzz again. I swear under my breath as I search for my phone.
"You really should kick swearing out of your vocabulary." Says a voice. I look up to see Red X.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. So which one are you today?" I can't help sounding bitter.
"Woah Woah, there pretty lady. I'm here for you. I didn't have to come."
"Then why did you?"
"Hey is it a crime to be nice?"
"If it was you'd break it for the sake of breaking it."
"What's your deal, I'm trying to be a nice person. Not to mention we have a common interest."
"If you mean by me setting you up with my friend then yeah, a common interest."
"The way you talk about her doesn't make her sound like your friend."
"It's complicated."
"And so am I." He smirks trying to be funny.
"I'm not in the mood." I really don't know why I invited him to join me today I'm beyond agitated.
"I can see that." I don't respond. I feel like kicking myself for even thinking of this "evil" "plan". It's not evil and it certainly isn't plan. We walk own the street in silence. The fact that he hasn't left yet shows he's desperate for a date to homecoming. He looks so different without the suit on. He looks a lot like Robin, which is ironic since Robin was the original Red X.
I wait for the crosswalk to turn green and he leans against the pole.
"Can you at least tell me who's supposed to be my date?" I imagine him and Blondie actually dating. It's kind of ridiculous. I mean as if he would ever agree.
"I didn't think this through I mean there's no way you would ever say yes."
"Just tell me."
"Okay, you know the Teen Titans? Well do you remember that blonde one?"
"You're kidding me right? Who could forget that psycho? And to think you wanted to set me up with that."
"I know I wasn't thinking but seriously I need to get someone dumb enough to be her boyfriend so…" I stop talking because I need to think of an actual reason I can tell him. I mean it's not like I can tell him I'm ditching the HIVE to become a Titan.
"...So she'll leave Jump City because I don't care if the Teen Titans are dumb enough to trust her but I don't and she needs to leave." I'm pleased with the excuse I fabricated.
"What about Gizmo? I mean he's smart with robotics but otherwise…" I slap his shoulder. Even if Gizmo's an annoying, bratty child he was my friend, or is. Was? I mean were we ever real friends? I don't know. See-more and I are friends and we'll remain friends but I think I'm going to cut the strings with Gizmo and Mammoth. They never appreciated me. Like how they just assume I'll help them rob some bank. Red X interrupts me and says,
"Hey, you know no villains want her; villains only see the bad in people. Try to find a hero that'll take her."  I hate to admit it but he's right. He's great at coming up with back up plans but most of the time he doesn't take any one else's advice. He's kind of like Gizmo that way. Which reminds me.
"Still wanna do me a favor? Like a BIG favor?"
* * *
I place the crumb filled plate on the coffee table and I pick up the game controller. I'm partially disgusted and partially scared that it's sticky. I place it on the coffee table and get up to get a wet paper towel. As I'm wiping it, Raven is reading her book and I'm pretty sure it isn't in English. She flips the page and I can see her eyes moving across the page. I put the video game in and wait for it to start up. I make sure the volume is muted so I don't disturb Rae. Terra is still sitting at the table. I think she's scared to draw attention to herself; to be seen.
I sign in as my username and start racing against the game. I'm not really focused on the game and I'm not doing my best. I thought for sure Terra would have left as soon as Raven got here. It's only been like three days but still. Is she really going to wait to be kicked out? Pathetic. She's fiddling with the placemat. I wouldn't mind her living here if she could just get over the whole me-hating-her-guts-and-will-never-like-her-because-i-never-DID-like-her thing then I would be SO apposed to her staying. I still wouldn't like it but I wouldn't hate her. Ok, I wouldn't hate her as much.
I put the controller down and stretch but I just end up lying back on the couch.  The black leather material of the couch is warm. It eases all the stupid thoughts of Terra out of my mind. My eyes close and I can feel myself calming down. The dark blanket of sleep comes over me. I feel in gulped in darkness and am unwinding. My muscles relax and am moments away from sleep.
I'm startled awake when the alarm goes off. My calmness is shattered and I find myself blaming Terra for waking me up. I jump up and stretch. Raven runs to the counter and grabs her cloak and throws it on. Terra looks frantically for her shoes. Starfire, who I didn't even realize was home, comes through the double doors. Raven goes to check to GPS for Robin and Cyborg. She then checks where the alarm is coming from. There's a bank downtown where Red X is said to be robbing a bank.
* * *
I'm so excited!!!! It's my-first-saving-the-day day and I can't wait to show them I haven't lost my touch! I'm practically sprinting back and forth. I made sure Rob and Cy had the coordinates to the bank we're going to and we're now sprinting to the roof.
We all take off flying and I can feel the adrenaline pumping in my veins. It's different than combat practice. Even at the HIVE when they had realistic situations and environment it still didn't feel completely real. We swoop down and land across the street from the bank, where the robbery is just taking place. The T-Car flies around the corner. Robin and Cy emerge and we all storm in as a whole. There's money flying everywhere and there's Red X standing there flirting with the bank teller.
He whips around and red sticky x's fly towards us. We easily avoid them and charge from all angles. But he springs a second batch of them towards us. One hits Terra and throws her into Gar, and they are now stuck together.
I think back to the HIVE combat practice where Jinx and I were against Red X and See-More. I remember that he used our own powers against us and he's more likely to fight indirectly.
Starfire zooms towards him as fast as she can, mistake. He redirects her into Cyborg with the wonderful tools Robin gift-wrapped him.  Robin tries to go hand to hand combat but Red X seems unenthused and after a couple rounds handcuffs Robin's left wrist to the back of his right ankle. It's now just him and me. We circle each other for a while and I think he realizes I was Spark. I can't put my finger on it but I can just sense that he figured it out.
"Long time no see, huh, Lil Sis." Red X smirks. Ok he knows I'm me for sure. Back at the HIVE he used to call Jinx and me sisters; his sisters, which for some reason always pissed Jinx off.
"I guess so." I say with more authority than usually. I feel pride rising through me at the fact that I've made it to the last round. I feel the energy course through me and I can see the blackness engulf my hands. I see his hand twitch ever so slightly towards his right side. It feels like it's happening in slow motion yet so fast. I feel the weight of the energy building in my arms and muscles. He pulls out a x-shaped dagger and lunges. I match each of his jabs with a shield. I distracted him for a quick second to look at his own moves. I jump up and teleport right behind him. I'm winning this easy. I'm back.
* * *
As if being useless in a fight isn't embarrassing enough, but no, I get stuck to the one person who couldn't want to deal with me less. I struggle to escape the trap as I hear BB swear under his breath. Cyborg ran into Starfire, or maybe it was the other way around but they're no longer in this building. Robin's fighting Red X hand to hand. Raven evacuates the bank; something I don't think I've ever seen her do in the past. Soon Robin is knocked out and is handcuffed to himself.
Raven and Red X circle each other and I see something. Raven smirks. She actually smiled and at that moment he lunged at her and she blocked him. She's not even on the defensive anymore. She's attacking him and she's winning. He tries to bring two columns to collapse on top of her but she takes control of them and tosses them to the side. Suddenly it's like Red X doesn't have control of his own body. I look at Raven, who is in a meditative state. Her eyes are white and she looks fearfully powerful. You can feel the amount of energy being released from her and the mere force of it makes gravity seem weak. Red X's limbs move slowly over to where she's levitating. He's forced on to his knees and kneels there. Raven's eyes return to their normal violet. Red X gasps. He breathes deeply then says,
"What can't handle me without using your dark magic?"
"No, this is just more fun." She smiles again but in I-could-have-killed-you-if-I-wanted-to way that strikes fear through my spine.
"Touché." He says.
* * *
The authorities took Red X about three minutes ago but he'll probably escape like he always does. Now the whole team is back at the tower trying to get Terra and I unstuck. She just keeps saying sorry over and over and over. It's kind of pissing me off, kind of? What the hell am I talking about it's REALLY pissing me off. Of COURSE, I get stuck to her! If it were Robin well that would just be awkward but no big deal, same with Starfire or Cyborg. With Raven, it would enjoyable I would have an excuse to be pressed up against her for quite some time but no. I'm stuck to Blondie.
"Sorry." She whispers again, each time it's like a bee stinging me.
"Whatever." I almost choke from lack of swearing. Raven keeps coughing to cover up her giggles.  "This is so not funny, Rae." I ,myself, try to keep from laughing.
"I'm not laughing." She lies; everyone, including Terra, can tell by the way her voice raised about 3 octaves.
"Sure, sure." I say, now smiling just a little bit until I notice Terra is still attached to me.  I mumble to myself about irony and karma.
I hear Starfire gasp and point to something. Robin sighs and then they all start mumbling. The mumbling is ended when Cyborg just bursts out laughing. Raven laughs a lit bit and then comes over to Terra and I, who are half sitting half lying on the counter.
"I've got news!" She smiles slightly; nervously.
"Good or bad?" Terra and I ask at the same time.
"Depends, are you a glass half full or a glass half empty kind of person."
"Shit." The word fumbles out of my mouth.
"I haven't even said the news yet," She rolls her eyes, "The good news is we can get you guys unstuck!" She smiles really big but the fact that she hasn't said the bad news really worries me.
"The bad news?" Terra asks. Raven's smile fades into a smirk. It's sad my girlfriend, well my fiancé, is enjoying the fact that I'm spooning with my ex-girlfriend, who is still in love with me.
"We can't get you unstuck for about 2 maybe 3, possibly 4 days." She tries to hide her smile but her acting skills aren't the best.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" My voice is desperate. Terra is silent
"I'm sorry, but Robin lost the designs he created when he made this shit suit, and he just found them and we thought all we need was Plutonium but apparently he had added some diamond extract and the only thing to counteract the diamond extract is this stuff from Japan that's going to take 2 weeks for them to find and ship but Robin and Cy are going to go get it instead of having them ship it. But it's still going to take like a couple days to find it and for Cy and Rob to fly over get it and fly back. SO a maximum 4 days."
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Comments: 6

AdvilAddict [2017-05-27 00:44:30 +0000 UTC]

I don't know why but I just love the part where Raven beats Red X really badly

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

TheDarkestSecret [2012-12-28 04:19:28 +0000 UTC]

BB is in HELL!!

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

gabbygirl1234 [2012-11-22 07:30:11 +0000 UTC]

poor beastboy

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kute-Katt [2010-11-13 01:05:14 +0000 UTC]

Ooooh this is going to be interesting. xDD How are BB and Terra going to cope with this new.. development? (And no, Raven, it really doesn't help that you seem to be finding amusement in this.)

Keep up the great work!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

fireborn54 [2010-11-08 19:05:09 +0000 UTC]

Cool story can't what to see what happens next

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BBRaeluv In reply to fireborn54 [2010-11-09 04:21:34 +0000 UTC]

im glad u like it!!! i'm on pg 5 of Breathe 8 but i just really started last night so it shuld be up soon

👍: 0 ⏩: 0