Hi, friends! So I was doing some exploring around on the internet and came across a little show called Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure and I absolutely fell in love with it’s look! I mean...I had no idea Rapunzel’s eyes could possibly be any larger! And then... I had a thought... What would Final Fantasy characters look like in this style? Well, for those of you who were wondering, here it is! I’m hoping to do other of the main playable characters, but we’ll see if I have time in the future.
❤️ Rosa - Final Fantasy IV
❤️ Lenna - Final Fantasy V
❤️ Terra - Final Fantasy VI
❤️ Aerith - Final Fantasy VII
❤️ Rinoa - Final Fantasy VIII
❤️ Garnet - Final Fantasy IX
❤️ Yuna - Final Fantasy X
❤️ Ashe - Final Fantasy XII
❤️ Lightning - Final Fantasy XIII
❤️ Luna - Final Fantasy XV
I’ve noticed a pattern with main female characters in the Final Fantasy series. They are all kind hearted, determined and very brave (yes, even Lightning is a kind hearted person ) I also know everyone goes back and forth as to who the main lady is of Final Fantasy VII, and I’m not saying it’s one over the other, but I felt that Aerith ultimately belonged in this group more than Tifa and it’ll all make sense one day
I also understand that Luna isn’t a main playable character, but she is a main character nonetheless and I still wanted to include the girls from XV because I love their designs.
And in case you’re wondering, “What about XI and XIV???” Well, I couldn’t decide who I would use other than Shantotto and Y’shtola, so I just left them out altogether I still love them! But this wasn’t the project for them this time around.