RawiriFull legal name: Admiral Rawiri Andrada
Nicknames: Admiral, Mazer
Species: taniwha (Maori folklore)
Ethnicities: Maori, Filipino
Age: 73
Gender and sexuality: cis man, ??
Weight, height, build: (human form) 6’ , 190 lb, old but fit
Disabilities: cataract (left eye), bad hip
Interests and hobbies: running, Agriculture, strategy
general personality: aloof, defensive, antisocial, resentful
Powers, strengths: is a giant dragon, storms and tides, telepathy, opposable thumbs
Important flaws, weaknesses: sword in his face means he cannot bite anyone and also he is tasting the air forever
Fun character design metaphors that u like to talk about (: : based off of Maori masks and the taniwha. He is obviously v powerful and intimidating and not super friendly. Not a very fun dude and takes himself v seriously. He replaced his face with a mean lookin mask bc he thinks vulnerability is for pussies. At the same time its p obvious that he's in pain like there's a sword in his face like someone put that there and he just never thought to address it. And it makes real problems like his jaw is pinned shut and it hurts to touch it or if he tries to speak but he just acts like it's not there. so yeah he doesnt rly have any friends lol
Backstory: idk lol
art n design beeZah
crit accepted (: