Happy Twilight Day!!! O:
I couldn't miss mah girl's special day!! I know I'm uber late on this, both in regards to the ATG and to today, but! I thought I'd hustle up to finish this, anyway! I guess she's graduating from Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns?
I can't believe how stupidly happy I am with this. I mean, it's completely messy and really littered with mistakes! But I'm still really, stupidly happy with how this turned out. I had some help from a tutorial, and time to really work, and I think it's one of the best digital pieces I've done so far! I know that's not saying much, but I just - ahhh!!! Stupid happy!!
Here's the original, traditional sketch that I said I was gonna color like three weeks ago, lol: 2019 ATG - IX - Day 30 - Graduation!
So, with all that out of the way~ HAPPY TWILIGHT DAY!!!
MLP:FIM©️Hasbro + Lauren Faust
With Love, Liscious