BlazerAjax220 — Son of the Wolf

Published: 2020-10-12 17:36:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 2738; Favourites: 41; Downloads: 7
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Description Primo Dinaura
Season 1: Circle of Life

Episode 1: Son of the Wolf



It is widely believed that all of the dinosaurs became extinct when an asteroid crashed into the Earth 65 million years ago. However, this wasn't the case, back in the Mesozoic Era beginnings, back in the Triassic Period, another landmass has formed, next to Pangaea, and some prehistoric species migrated to the new landmass, dinosaurian or not.

As the Jurassic Era is unraveled, Pangaea has split into two subcontinents, Laurasia and Gondwana, and more dinosaurs and other prehistoric inhabitants, migrated to the island, and finally, at the Cretaceous, many more dinosaurs and other prehistoric inhabitants arrived, and the island is filled with many Mesozoic species. And soon, unfortunately, the asteroid crashed, but luckily, for those that made it onto the island, will be lucky ones. Millions of years later, this doesn't stop there, as creatures from the Cenozoic Era, from the Paleocene to the Pleistocene migrated there. It's a whole menagerie. Some thousands of years later, man comes to Primo Dinaura and war broke out between man and beast, but some time later, many prehistoric inhabitants were soon gifted sentiences and intelligence who soon learn to speak, be civilized, and make peace with humanity. Together, they form a peaceful society with one another, and the laws in Primo Dinaura are established:

1. He who cherishes nature is a friend.
2. He who defiles nature is an enemy.
3. No sentient prehistoric shall kill any other sentient prehistoric, unless out of no choice (i.e, if all forms of punishments are exhausted)
4. No prehistoric shall kill for sport.
5. All sentient prehistorics are equal.

This is where the story begins...


We begin somewhere in a snowy region in Primo Dinaura, up north, Kyokuchi, it goes on peacefully, as many modern animals, like musk ox, bison, and deer are peacefully spending their time, grazing on grass and ferns, meanwhile, something else stalks them, hiding in the coverage of the winter trees

A loud screech can be heard.

The deer stop, but the predator stops, breathing, his cold breath comes out his mouth and nostrils, as he waits. The deer look back. The creature is still hiding, breathing in and out, waiting for the right moment to strike The deers began running. Then a large white and black feathered, three-finger tyrannosaur makes chase, going after one of the deer. The deer scatter and the tyrannosaur goes after one that's separated until it catches the deer.

Clamping the animal in his jaws, as he breathes, and looks around, standing up and carrying the deer in his jaws, as he walks back home


Night falls, we see two dinosaur mothers rest near each other, one is a feathered tyrannosaur called Yutyrannus, the female named, Xuehua, with a light grayish-blue feather coat with blue snow leopard spots all over her body, she rests by her clutch of eggs while using her feathers to keep them warm. Another mother, who is a Triceratops, also has a clutch of eggs to watch over.

Soon, they hear footsteps and crunching snow, as something walks past the trees, it was Xuehua's mate, his name is Yukiteru, as he brought dinner, a deer he has hunted. The Trikes looks up. The Yutyrannus father drops the deer next to his mate. The others look at him.

Yukiteru: Here... You'll need food.

He nudges the deer carcass over to his mate. The female smiles.

They eat the carcass, and soon call it a night, as the Triceratops and Yutyrannus couple rest.


Many of the residents of Kyokuchi arrive at the scene, where their leaders accompany their mates, as they see the clutch of eggs.

One of them...begins to shake.

Yukiteru: The egg, Xuehua! The egg
Xuehua: It's hatching!

The eggs begin to shake, and they all look, and the egg cracks, as a baby opens his eyes for the first time of the world.

Xuehua: Oh...my...

The baby soon looks at his parents, as it inspects the world around it, and soon kicks a bit, legs popping out of the shell, and he also looks at the Triceratops

Xuehua: Awww...

The baby nuzzles with it's mom, Yukiteru smiles. Another cracking is heard, coming from the Triceratops couple's end, and like their friend's baby, the egg hatches.

Yukiteru: Would you look at that...

The baby dinosaurs cuddle with their mothers, as the other cheer on

Xuehua: What should we call him?
Yukiteru: Hisame...

The other baby Triceratops looks at his mother too, and coos.

Nephele (mother) to Aska (father): And what do we call our baby?

The baby still cuddles with his mother and her soft feather coat

Aska: Do you remember my idea?
Nephele: Kaummalak?
Aska: Yes

While everyone celebrates and is happy for the additions of two new young ones, it's all a party.

Meanwhile, not all have fun, somewhere else in the village... We now see small mammal named Didelphodon hunts after an insect and heading inside of the cave where the Yutyrannus family sleeping. But the cave's empty. Didelphodon grabs the insect and eats it. And behinds it, a large Yutyrannus with dark feathers, grey scales, and gold/green eyes with a scar on his left eye and some scratches, named Hyoketsu, bends his head down towards a small mammal... The mammal gives chase and tries to hide, and Hyoketsu soon grabs it with his claws, and holds onto its tail, as he stares down...

Hyoketsu: Life's - not fair - is it my little friend? While some are born to feast - others spend their lives in the dark... begging for scraps. The way I see it you and I are exactly the same, we both want to find a way out.

Someone clears their throat.

???: Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with your food?

Hyoketsu stops and sees a small prehistoric bird just flew, and lands next to him, as the prehistoric, the Alexornis named, Uzaz, speaks out.

Hyoketsu: What do you want?
Uzaz: I'm here to announce, that King Yukiteru is on his way. This is not a drill, and you better have a good excuse for missing the ceremony this morning.

Hyoketsu, soon looks back, and he's now empty-handed, as the Didelphodon scurries away.

Hyoketsu: Oh now look, Uzaz, you made me lose my lunch...
Uzaz: You will answer to Yukiteru! For missing the ceremony this morning.

The Yutyrannus speaks in pride, in a boastful proud manner.

Hyoketsu: I answer to no one

The Yutyrannus then stood up, looking down at Uzaz, hunger in his eyes as his jaw is slightly open, and he drools, growing more hungry, looking at the Alexornis.

Uzaz: Um... Now, now Hyoketsu... Now don't look at me that way.
Hyoketsu: Are you hungry, Uzaz? Perhaps we could have a bite together!

The Yutyrannus then pounces down, as the Alexornis flies off, and Hyoketsu chases him, but then swats him, as Uzaz tries to escape Hyoketsu, Hyoketsu grabs the majordomo's tailfeathers with his foot

Uzaz: You can't eat me! It is forbidden to eat a member of the king's court!

Hyoketsu then opens his jaws, with many rows of sharp teeth

Uzaz: No, please! Stop it! HELP!

A loud roar was heard was outside the cave, and Hyoketsu stops to hear it.

Hyoketsu (Sarcastically overjoyed): Well, if it isn't my big brother descending from on high to mingle with the commoners.

As he walks away slowly, but stays at his spot

Yukiteru: You weren't at Hisame's birth today...why is that?
Hyoketsu: Was that today? Oh, I feel simply awful...

Hyoketsu whips his tail at the small rock boulder and sends it away to Uzaz who yelped and dodges the rock.

Hyoketsu: It must have slipped my mind.
Uzaz: Yes, as slippery as your mind is-
Hyoketsu: Of course, I meant no disrespect towards His Majesty or Xuehua. As you know, I have tremendous respect for the queen.
Uzaz: As the king's brother, you should've been first in line.

Hyoketsu growls, as he snarled, making Uzaz back off a bit and the Alexornis hid behind the leg of Yukiteru

Hyoketsu: Oh I was first in line! Or don't you remember, that is, until the little fluff-ball was born...
Yukiteru: That fluff-ball is MY son...and your future king.

Hyoketsu smirks

Hyoketsu: Oh, I should practice my courtesy

He turns tail and walks off as nothing happened. As Yukiteru growls and gives him a clear warning

Yukiteru: Don't turn your back on me, Hyoketsu...
Hyoketsu: Oh, no, Yukiteru. Perhaps YOU shouldn't turn YOUR back on me.

Yukiteru roars and runs towards Hyoketsu who is just about to walk away, and stops right in front of him, baring his teeth, snarling at his brother.

Yukiteru: Is that a challenge?!
Hyoketsu: Temper, temper. I wouldn't dream of challenging you.
Uzaz: A wise decision. You are no match for His Royalness.

Hyoketsu smirks, looking at Uzaz

Hyoketsu: Well, as far as brains go, I got the smarts to share. But, when it comes to brute strength... I'm afraid my big brother... will always rule.

Yukiteru smiles a bit, in optimism

Yukiteru: Not always, Hyo. One day, it'll be my son who rules and he will be your Future king.

Hyoketsu: Then Long Live the King...

He walks away

Yukieru: What am I going to do with him...
Uzaz: Oh come on, we both know he should've been expelled from Kyokuchi long ago.
Yukiteru: He's my brother, Uzaz. This is his home. As long as I am king, that will never change.

Uzaz sighs

Uzaz: There's one in every family, sire... I had a cousin who thought he was a woodpecker, he slammed his heads into trees, and our beaks aren't built for it. He was concussed, regularly.

Yukiteru then leaves the scene, to attend to his mate and son


Not far away, at the plains, we see our two mothers tending to their babies, as Hisame is resting with Xuehua, and Kaummalak is playing, bashing his boss into some rocks, as Aska smiles on, and the adults laugh.

Hisame gets up and decides to play around

Aska: C'mon kiddo.

Xuehua smiles, as she watches in the distance, as Hisame approaches to Aska's calf

Hisame: What's your name
Kaummalak: My named Kaummalak. And who are you?
Hisame: Hisame, Prince Hisame
Kaummalak: Cool!
Hisame: Yeah.

He runs around for a bit, thinking of what to play

Kaummalak: Hisame?
Hisame: Yes?
Kaummalak: What do you want to play?
Hisame: Hmmm...
Kaummalak: Everything OK?
Hisame: Yeah. So what do you wanna play?
Kaummalak: Hmmm...


We see a rainstorm gently crossing the landscape of the valley. We see a large cave as we enter inside the cave, getting a view, as we see a large, old gray furred mammoth, with ice hanging off his fur and tusks, named Hoarfrost... As the mammoth murmurs to himself, while making a cave painting, of a white Yutyrannus who will soon grow up to be a mighty king.

Hoarfrost: Hmmm... Ah heh heh heh heh heh...

He chuckles, completing the ceremonial crown in the painting, smearing his trunk with paint on the top of the Yutyrannus head.

Hoarfrost: Hisame...


Somewhere, Hyoketsu is outside the village, on his own, wandering, as he looks for a proper lunch... He walks around, Hyoketsu sniffs the air, looking for food aimlessly, and travels south, and east. He runs towards it.

He soon ends up, in. A Large boneyard... The decaying smell fills the Yutyrannus’ nostrils, as he groans and moves around, but will soon learn he won’t be alone for long... With Hyoketsu seeing the glimpse of an almost dying elephant, and makes his way to it.

A growl can be heard...

He stops and growls, and then kills the dying elephant and eats.

But....is he alone?

He growls, in suspicion, and continues to eat his meal

???: Grrr....

A voice calls out

The Yutyrannus growls back, as blood drips from his snout, as he pridefully defends his kill.

Hyoketsu: Show yourself. If you're scared, you better run or will suffer the anger of a Yutyrannus.

The beasts keep growling. Hyoketsu roars, defending his kill, placing his foot on the carcass, roaring.

The growling doesn't cease.

Soon, the intruders are revealed, as it's two Ceratosauruses and one Rugops, as they growl, as Hyoketsu growls, blood on his muzzle.

Ukushisa: Looks like this is ours guys
Ukatili: I'll get the first bite
Ukushisa: You always get the first bite?
Ukaliti: I am the lead of our little bunch
Hyoketsu: Leave! Now!

He roars, the other three approach him, but a loud roar is heard, as Hyoketsu sees something further away, a black body and flaming red/orange/yellow markings, and it looked like a T-rex, but an abnormally large one, as it approaches

Hyoketsu: Who are you!

The Rex smiles evily. He walks forward, looking down at Hyoketsu

Hyoketsu: Who are you
???: I...am Fennhilus.

Hyoketsu: What do you want...

His mouth drips blood from the elephant's torn body as he eats it up

Fennhilus: To talk.
Hyoketsu: What is it... And why...

He eats up another piece of meat

Fenhillus: To negiotiate...
Hyoketsu: What is it that you want really, to negotiate?
Fennhilus: To bring the end...of an empire.

Hyoketsu's eyes widen...

Hyoketsu: What do you mean... By the end of the empire... Is there someone you know...
Fennhilus: You know all to well who I mean.
Hyoketsu: Yukiteru?
Fennhilus: Of course...

Hyoketsu: How do you know my brother... But importantly... What favor I will do, and will get in
Fennhilus: Let's talk about that...



Work/Drawing (c) BlazerAjax220
Primo Dinaura (c) BlazerAjax220

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