So this is actually reeally old, drawn back in like...2015? And I've only just now scanned it. Bleargh.
So, left to right, top to bottom:
"Kailor FIYAAAAR" Thing that Cole is much not amuse
My first drawing of all their speech bubbles being emotionally and elementally expressive simultaneously :3
Ye olde prediction of PIXAL rebuilt, with the chin line but feminine, and an outfit I'd like her to have (arms are bare)(Ugh now I realize how it looks like a bathrobe excuse me whilst I die of shame)
Did anyone else notice how their hair looks like their elements? I mean, I know Kai is obvious, but this really stood out to me when the one online game came out during Rebooted and they did Jay's bangs with the literal lightning bolt shape plastered there instead of subtly there.…
Skylor trying to hide her snakey face and Kai gently like "nuu don't hide I luv uuu!"
And finally, what I wish happened when Dareth intervened in the first Kailor Kiss! Callbacks! Yeah! XD
Commissions of any kind open at all times! (And requests if I like them)