BluefinArts — Dissiverse Next Gen: Princess Evening Star

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Published: 2019-08-05 17:28:14 +0000 UTC; Views: 820; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 0
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Description “Good Evening! Wait...do you need me or are you just saying hello?”

Parents: Princess Luna and Supernova

Species: Batpony hybrid/ Female

Build: Tall/ Average build

Special Talent: Ability to easily read constellations, arranging stars

Occupation: Princess-in-training

Nicknames: Evie, Eve Eve, Star Bright (by her sister Moonbeam)

Born/Residing In: Canterlot Castle

Personality/Background: Energetic, playful and a bit moody, Evening is everything that her older sister Moonbeam isn’t: take that how you will. Where the alicorn is graceful, she’s clumsy, where she’s prim and proper, the youth is...less so. She doesn’t mind it though: she’d much prefer to be herself than be someone she’s not, no matter what the snooty, disapproving elites of Canterlot think. She’s going to be a co-ruler of the Queendom some day, so they better get used to it.

Relationships: Believe it or not, Evening was very much like her older sister when she was younger: an almost perfect copy in a sense. However, this led to her being more cooped up in the castle than Luna liked, so what does the Ruler of the Night do? Have her go make -ugh- friends. And no, their bodyguards don’t count. Obviously, this wasn’t a go-make-friends-so-you-can-combine-your-friendship-powers-to-overcome-evil-and-eventually-take-my-place kind of plan, but Moonbutt genuinely wanted to see her daughters be happy despite growing up with so many rules and regulations, so if sending her youngest off to go have some relationships outside of the castle grounds was the way to accomplish that, then that’s what she’d do. Evening’s first few attempts were...a failure, because most colts and fillies her age were either too scared to be her friend because she was a princess, or they were way too eager because...she’s a princess. Enter Angel Cake, daughter of Applebloom and Tender Taps. The two met one summer after the bat pony princess was getting ready to leave a hip hop dance class she was currently a part of. One look at the tiny, frilly dressed, super enthusiastic ballet dancer made her more than a little annoyed, but after accepting her challenge to try out at least one ballet class with her, she found the younger filly not so bad. And thus, her first real friend was made, soon to be followed by many others.  

Special: Despite not having a horn, Evening does possess a small amount of magic that channels through her hooves, allowing her to cast a very basic levitation spell on objects. Put this against the night sky though, and she can move any star that she wishes and arrange it to her liking. This used to annoy Moonbeam to no end, because her sister would end up making a mess of the space, either by writing foul messages or drawing inappropriate images. And she’d have to fix it before an innocent family would go stargazing and see the word “ass” (not referring to a donkey) floating in the air. Or their mother would find out, whichever one came first. She’s grateful that she’s matured enough now to stop doing that...most of the time.

Like her bat pony kin, Evening loves fruits, and is often seen in the kitchen rummaging through the numerous fruit baskets that are brought in every week. She cherishes plums and cherries the most, hoarding a whole stash of them in her bedroom. It’s a wonder why the place isn’t infested with fruit flies…

As one would expect, Evening’s ears are really sensitive, able to pick up the sound of her mother calling for her all the way up in her personal tower. It also means she isn’t too fond of loud noises, loud high pitched noises, to be more specific. It causes this very intense, echoing ring deep near her eardrums, rending her both angered and disoriented until it stops. Don’t even get her started with creaky doors.

Fun Facts: Like most young mares, Evening went through a ‘rebel’ phase: cutting her long hair short, wearing mini skirts and crop tops to meetings instead of her regalia, and applying copious amounts of makeup, enough to make her look more like a feisty drag queen than a quiet princess. Her mother wasn’t exactly pleased with the sudden changes, but let it slide, considering that her own rebel phase got her banished to the moon. The purple bat pony eventually grew out of it though, and whew boy is everyone else glad.  

Evening is quite the prankster, learning her ways from the best of them and teaming up with Angel and few other friends to scout out unsuspecting victims ponies to unleash havoc on. It’s never anything too dangerous, she makes sure of that, but it’s always a treat to see a pie springing out of its tin into someone’s face.  

Though she’s too tomboyish to admit it, Evening is a diehard romantic, swooning at the slightest glance from her love interest: one of her bodyguards, Aten. Something about him is just so...captivating. Moonbeam can only shake her head as her little sis’s gushes over the big guy whenever they have some time to themselves. She’s too much...
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