Name: Max Parker
Age: 19
Birthday: 6/12
Eye Colour: Green
Skin: Colour: White
Likes: Excercise and social interaction
Dislikes: Negativity and sadness
Background: Max was born from a family of hard work and positivity in the toughest times, his dad told him when he was a young boy that the solution to solving your problems is to deny negativity and smile through the toughest times, through out his life Max ignored bullies when they tortured him by smiling when they caused him pain to the point bullies stopped picking on him, Max met Chris at his new school and they both became best friends over time when they discovered they are into video games and anime, Max tries to cheer Chris up by introducing him to geek culture when Chris reveals he is struggling with the past year involving bullying, expectations from his family,stress about the future.
Personality: Max is Chris's best friend in Costume of passage, he is cheerful, hyped up and adventurous however he tends to be naive at times especially towards people's feelings which results in him coming off as insensitive, Max tries to cheer people up either by suggesting they look at the positives and smile more in order to deal with their issues however doesn't understand that this only works for him and not other people, despite this he loves to entertain people with jokes and talking about fictional media.