Boskov01 — Kro'Kash ''Foxton''

Published: 2016-06-20 20:10:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 874; Favourites: 10; Downloads: 0
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Description This is one of my World of WarCraft characters. The image was acquired via WoW. This information only relates to the lore of my character and their place within the Lore of World of WarCraft. Naturally this is non-canon to WarCraft lore.


Name: Kro'Kash Foxton
Alias: Foxton
Rank: Lieutenant General
Race: Orc
Born: 2 Months after the Dark Portal (Aged 40 as of the Dragonflight Campaigns)
Hometown: Orgrimmar
Clan: Blackrock
Occupation: Shaman
Affiliations: The Horde, Theramore Isle (until it's destruction).

Kro'Kash was among the first Orc children born on Azeroth after the opening of the Dark Portal, being born two months to the day of the portal's first opening, and remained in the care of his family until the destruction of the Dark Portal at the end of the Second War. His parents were both killed by the Alliance during the Horde's retreat, with Kro'Kash being cared for by a close friend of his parents. When the war ended, Kro'Kash was among the Orcs rounded up and sent to an internment camp, specifically the one in Hammerfall. Kro'Kash made a reputation amongst the humans as being curious and always asking why they (he and his fellow Orcs) were locked up. He usually was admonished by the guards and his clan elders for speaking out of turn but he was determined to learn. This got him noticed by the camp commander who took a curious interest in him and taught Kro'Kash to read and write common and even proposed a program to "rehabilitate" the Orcs to Aedelas Blackmoore but was rebuked and threatened with demotion for even mentioning such a plan. Kro'Kash continued to learn but eventually understood and began to oppose the captivity the Orcs were kept in. Eventually Hammerfall was liberated by Orgrim Doomhammer himself and although the latter died, Kro'Kash found himself a new place amongst the reborn Horde. He had never known the name of the Captain that had educated him but after speaking with Thrall of his own experiences, Kro'Kash took to calling himself "Foxton" after Taretha Foxton, the human woman who'd taken pity on Thrall. He would alternate between names until finally settling on adopting Foxton as his surname.

Foxton was adept at using shamanic powers and quickly found his place amongst the shamans of Thrall's Horde. While Thrall was rallying the reborn Horde, Foxton met a young Orc huntress named Grilla. Right away the two took an instant dislike of one another, the two getting into howling matches almost every time their paths crossed, yet they never came to blows and generally avoided one another. Foxton, like most of the Orcs, fled to Kalimdor at Thrall's command where they struggled for some time before settling in with the aid of the Tauren and Darkspear Trolls. When the humans were discovered to have followed them to Kalimdor, Foxton was among the few Orcs who supported an alliance between Orc and Human and quickly befriended a human scout and hunter named Hyperios Halberd. In a unique reversal of roles, Foxton taught Hyperios (who had never even met an Orc before arriving in Kalimdor) about the Orcs and taught him to read and write Orcish. They proudly fought side-by-side during the Battle of Mount Hyjal against the Scourge and the Burning Legion. During the battle, Foxton saw Grilla had been wounded by a Scourge Ghoul, and without thinking, leapt in to rescue her, splitting the Ghoul in two down the center before using his Shaman magics to quickly stablize her wound and then dragged her to safety. Afterwards Foxton maintained contact with Hyperios, writing each other in a unique mixture of Orcish and Common and periodically meeting on neutral ground to exchange stories of their recent experiences. Finally, Hyperios returned to the Eastern Kingdoms after having been away from home for so long but promised to write his old friend.

Foxton would then join in helping to build Orgimmar, but quietly wrestled with whether he wanted to live in the city or outside of it in the newly formed Durotar. While working on the city, he crossed paths with Grilla again, once again the two getting into a shouting match but this time, the argument started with Grilla asking him why he saved her. Foxton argued that he would not have let her die to an honorless opponent like the Scourge and that the Horde still needed strong hunters like her. Their argument continued for nearly an hour into the night outside the city. This time though, their fighting came to blows, the two starting to struggle with one another until they suddenly froze, looking at each other mid-grapple as they realized that it wasn't hatred of each other, but misplaced and unrealized affection. Their struggle continued but as passion, not anger or bloodlust. Their relationship changed literally overnight, the two returning to the city with quiet smiles being exchanged as they walked back through the gates of Orgrimmar.

Afterwards, Foxton would periodically join peaceful trading caravans from Orgrimmar to Theramore Isle, believing that it helped to build good will and trust between Orcs and Humans. By the time of the Northrend Campaigns, his relationship with Grilla had progressed to where he would finally ask her to become his life-mate, the two marrying in a more generic Orcish custom as they hailed from different clans. For him, Blackrock, for her the Warsong. The two would wait to build a home together though as Foxton's shamanistic powers warned him of a looming disaster on the horizon, a disaster later realized as the Cataclysm. This hesitation ultimately saved their lives as the site they had chosen to build their home together was in Thunder Ridge and was now completely underwater and somewhat electrified by the corpses of drowned Thunder Lizards. They ultimately chose to wait to build their home as Kro'Kash was called away as part of the Earthen Ring to try and heal the damage wrought by Deathwing, traveling across Kalimdor and putting his Shamanistic powers to good use.

The peace between Alliance and Horde ultimately all came to an abrupt end when Garrosh Hellscream was named Warchief of the Horde and renewed hostilities between the two factions with the destruction of Theramore. This caused a moment of friction between Foxton and Grilla as Foxton supported Thrall's faction against Garrosh and she sided more with the Warchief. However she eventually came to support the Darkspear Rebellion, joining her husband in fighting Garrosh's True Horde at the Siege of Orgrimmar. Afterwards, Kro'Kash and Grilla settled down in Durotar atop a bluff once occupied by the Dustwind Harpies, Grilla starting a pig farm. Their life together during this time was simple but peaceful as well as joyous as Grilla soon became pregnant. When the Dark Portal opened into the past Draenor, Kro'Kash considered traveling through to try and somehow meet his parents, something he had quietly wanted to do, but ultimately chose to stay with Grilla and welcome their firstborn, a daughter named Halle'bar, her name an Orcish spin on the surname of Kro'Kash's human friend, Hyperios Halberd.

However, their peaceful life came to a crashing end when the Burning Legion invaded. The three were forced to flee their home which was destroyed by an Infernal crashing down on top of it but neither were harmed. Grilla chose to stay in Orgrimmar with their daughter, while Kro'Kash answered the Warchief's call to war against the Burning Legion, reuniting with his old friend Hyperios Halberd while on the battlefields of the Broken Isles, the two catching up during the conflict. Kro'Kash's service to the Horde awarded him the title of Centurion and he returned one of the Horde's many heroes and the three began to rebuild their lives after the Legion Invasion. Kro'Kash refused to take up arms against the Alliance in the Fourth War, especially after the Burning of Teldrassil, seeing it as an honorless act. He instead spent the time tending to his rebuilt pig farm, built atop the ruins of their old home. Part of this was because Grilla was pregnant with their son at the time. He did, however take up arms to side with Varok Saurfang's Rebels, viewing Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner as an honorless and bloodthirsty leader.

After Sylvanas's ouster, he was approached by Orc General Morash, to join the Wor'Gora, the Wolves of Honor, a specialized Warband put together by the newly formed Horde Council to try and address the needs of the Horde's citizens. Kro'Kash was to be both the Warband's Shaman and leader, being given the rank of Lieutenant General. Kro'Kash, although hesitant to accept the post so soon after the birth of his son, No'kash, eventually agreed and has taken leadership of the Warband as they set out to help the people of the Horde.

Personality and Traits
Kro'Kash considers himself an atypical Orc and considers Azeroth his homeworld. As a youth he was noted for being curious and inquisitive about the world, as well as intelligent. He quickly began to understand that the Orcs were prisoners for something he did not understand at first. But quickly learned that humans were just as much capable of kindness when one of the guard Captains at Hammerfall taught him to read and write Common, but also cruelty after witnessing Aedelas Blackmoore's own cruelty in murdering Taretha Foxton at the Battle of Durnholde and became an orc that would raise a shield first before dropping an axe upon first meeting a human.

This mindset allowed Kro'Kash to make friends with the slightly younger Hyperios Halberd, the two forming a friendship that would persist despite adversity between the Horde and the Alliance. The two would agree that the fate of their peoples would end either with the two joining hands in fellowship or bloodied as one stood over the other's corpse. Regardless, Kro'Kash has made an effort to remain in contact with Hyperios but acknowledges that their being of rival factions makes it difficult if not impossible most of the time. This led to an emotional reunion between the two on the Broken Isles, with Kro'Kash happily embracing the human, nearly breaking one of Hyperios's ribs on accident. The two would fight beside one another throughout most of the Legion Invasion.

Kro'Kash has strived to be a good mate to Grilla, the two being adversarial towards one another at first out of misplaced attraction, but once their true feelings were realized, became a deep and tender love. The two now laugh about their past relationship. The closest they ever came to rekindling the old adversarial relationship was in their debates over whether or not to support Garrosh Hellscream as Warchief, with Kro'Kash seeing the young Hellscream as too bloodthirsty. This wasn't enough to drive them apart and ultimately the argument was rendered moot when Grilla fully sided with Kro'Kash after witnessing Garrosh's leadership driving the Horde to ruin.

As a Shaman, Kro'Kash is considered strong, wielding great Shamanistic powers. He once considered seeking to become a Farseer but has not pursued the matter. He wields a pair of axes that were said to have been wielded by his father, a Blackrock warrior named Gor'Krok. However he does not have any confirmation if this is true or not. The axes are confirmed to have been forged in Draenor before the opening of the Dark Portal. Kro'Kash briefly considered venturing to the Past Draenor during the Iron Horde crisis to try and meet his parents. However he opted not to, especially after hearing tales of what the Blackrock Clan of the Iron Horde had done in the alternate Draenor. He ultimately decided that the parents he thought he might've met in Draenor were not parents he wanted to know.

Like most modern Orcs, he holds a very hostile view of the Demons, particularly the Annihilan or Pit Lords like Mannoroth, whose blood helped to enslave the Orcs on behalf of the Burning Legion. After an Infernal crashed down onto his house, nearly killing his mate and daughter, he started calling Infernals "Home Wreckers" as one destroyed his and his mate's home in Durotar.

While not something Kro'Kash speaks of very openly, he is very much opposed to the continued conflict between the Alliance and the Horde. He recognizes the grievances of both sides but believes they should and eventually will be set aside. Grilla, his mate, is open to the idea of peace between Orc and Human but believes it impossible within their lifetimes. Kro'Kash begrudgingly agrees with the latter part of her assessment.

Kro'Kash rides an armored white wolf named Snowpaw, having raised the wolf since it was a pup while living in Orgrimmar.
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