brad328 — Spitfire Profile: English Rose

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Published: 2019-04-14 00:16:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 11914; Favourites: 193; Downloads: 0
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Description Heroine Name: Spitfire
Alter Ego/Civilian Identity: Isla Anne Hendry

: Flight Instructor / Pilot, Royal Air Force
Rank: Wing Commander

Birthplace: Leicester, England

Age: 29
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 195 lbs.
Build: Muscular
Hair Color: Red 
Eye Color: Blue
Race: Human (Genetically Enhanced)
Gender: Female


Superhuman Strength
: Isla can lift a maximum weight of over 70 metric tons with normal effort.

Supersonic Flight: Isla can reach a maximum flight speed of Mach 1.5.

Superhuman Durability and Metabolism Isla's bones, skin, and muscles are denser and tougher. While not invulnerable, she is able to absorb blows that would affect normal humans and barely register their effect. She is bulletproof up to a .45 caliber round, which is capable of breaking her skin and but not seriously wounding her, and is impervious to smaller bladed weapons and needles. Isla's metabolism is also enhanced to a level where she heals faster than a normal human and processes things such as alcohol or toxins more quickly through the body. As a result of this, Isla rarely gets sick and recovers quickly from more severe illnesses such as the flu.

Superhuman Agility and Reflexes
: Isla's balance, bodily coordination, eyesight, reaction time, and reflexes are enhanced to such a level that she is able to dodge weaponry that has small and medium rates of fire as well as being able to control her power of flight at high rates of speed without crashing.


Born with Cerebral Palsy, Isla was confined to a wheelchair all of her life. But she didn't let her disability put a damper on her life or spirit as she excelled in school, participated in Wheelchair Rugby, and always had a smile on her face. 

Another setback was dealt in her life when, coming back from school, her train derailed. Her injuries were so severe, including loss of sight in her right eye, partial mobility in her left arm, and extensive nerve damage, that Isla was placed in a coma for weeks. But the incident didn't dim her bright smile.

Needing round the clock care she was assigned Jasmine Patel, a nurse a few years older than Isla. Jasmine had recently retired from Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing Service (PMRAFNS), where she achieved the rank of Air Commandant, and started her medical work in the private sector. The two grew close and developed a sisterly bond.

Even though she was confined to a chair, Isla's head was always in the clouds and was enthralled with all things air and space. Along with Jasmine, she was watching comets streak across the sky at her parents' country estate when one of the meteors crashed nearby. The explosion knocked Isla over twenty feet away and, when she awoke, she was unable to find Jasmine. Disoriented from the blast Isla instinctively crawled to her feet and stumbled towards the house, unaware that she was able to walk. Her parents were amazed both at miraculously being healed of her condition and that she was unharmed from the blast. 

Over the next few months Isla regained her lost vision and gained full mobility in all of her limbs, though for once in her life, her bright smile was diminished by the loss of her best friend. While she mourned Jasmine, Isla also used the incident as motivation, training and working hard until she had molded her body into peak physical condition, the young woman intent on joining the British Royal Air Force so that she could take her dreams into the sky in tribute to her lost friend. With her newfound drive in life, Isla quickly climbed the ranks in the RAF and eventually became one of their ace pilots. Her confidence soared along with her career, and though she could sometimes come off as cocky and brash, she was well liked and respected by her fellow aviators. While her military career was on the rise, Isla slowly started to notice that her body was continuing to change in ways she couldn't explain. She found her vision was becoming almost binocular, similar to a bird of prey's, and her physical abilities soon began to exceed what a human was capable of. Late one night in the weight room, she decided to test her newfound strength and was amazed when she easily lifted a weight bar packed with most of the weight plates in the gym, with one only one of her hands. Unnerved by these rapid and intense changes to her body's physiology, Isla took a week of leave and retreated to the English countryside to collect her thoughts and relax. As she meditated on a cliff overlooking a beautiful lake, Jasmine's voice suddenly filtered into her mind, much to Isla's shock. After several confusing hours, Jasmine explained that the meteor that had struck them had contained some kind of cosmic energy, that had bonded both of them together, using Jasmine's life force to completely heal all of Isla's injuries. 

Initially a bit creeped out to now have a voice in her mind, Isla quickly recovered and welcomed Jasmine's guiding voice, the former nurse now turned guardian over her best friend slowly explaining the vast new abilities that Isla now possessed, including the power of flight and the ability to create powerful cosmic blasts from her hands. Isla kept all of these new developments a secret from her military peers and superior officers, only revealing her new abilities to her equally stunned parents. She continued her career in the RAF and soon became their best pilot, which led to her being appointed the leader of her squadron. While she thought about using her new powers to help stave off the criminal element that was slowly starting to creep into the British Isles, Isla found her career with the RAF taking her all over the world, which gave her little time to focus on what was going on back in her homeland. Travelling to new locales would prove to be fateful once again, as Isla found herself involved in a joint operation in the Middle East, the RAF working with the United States Air Force to strike a blow against terrorist forces in the region. Here Isla met Ashley Coleson, who was a brilliant young intelligence officer in the USAF. Ashley was responsible for leading the mission briefings and providing the pilots in the strike force with intelligence on the type of opposition they would face when they ran their sorties. Initially Isla found Ashley to be to "by the book" for her liking and even went as far as to be brash and disruptive in one of the intelligence officer's briefings. Surprised when the normally calm USAF officer called her out and embarrassed her in front of her fellow pilots, Isla initially bristled and fumed, but thankfully Jasmine's inner voice kept her calm and later that evening during her bombing run she realized that all of the intelligence Ashley had provided her squadron had been top notch and had led to the successful completion of their mission.

After returning to base, Isla sought Ashley out and apologized for her behavior and asked her to the base's local pub for a drink. The two of them quickly developed a close friendship, though Ashley's buttoned up demeanor often hilariously clashed with Isla's confident and aggressive mannerism. Eventually they began to rub off on one another, with Isla becoming a bit more serious at times, though she would never admit it, and Ashley began to open up a bit as Isla nurtured a sense of confidence in her. Over time it became clear that there was more than friendship involved, and Ashley soon found that she couldn't deny Isla's shameless flirting as their relationship sooned turned romantic in secret. Things came to a head when one of Isla's strike missions didn't go according to plan, with the terrorists employing new weapons that military intelligence hadn't warned Ashley about. Several of the coalition's fighters were shot down and their pilots taken hostage. To make matters worse, the terrorist's bio-weapons lab that had been the target of the air strike, had been located beneath civilian facilities, which led to the death and injury of many innocent men, women, and children. Distraught by the loss of civilian life and the capture of some of her fellow pilots, Isla became angry when the US and British governments dawdled in their response, initially refusing to put together a rescue operation. Isla took matters into her own hands, and wearing a makeshift costume, flew to the terrorist's base of operations and obliterated their defenses before leading a rebel group inside, where they rescued the British and American pilots and safely returned them to their air base. The event soon gained legendary status among the ranks of pilots and soldiers, and though Isla kept her involvement secret, she was worried that some of the pilots might have recognized her using her powers to help them. Though none of them came forward to try to identify her to her superiors, the fact that she had been hiding her incredible abilities for so long began to gnaw at Isla's mind. 

Following the rescue, the actions of the strange heroic red headed woman quickly became forgotten as many within the governments of both countries began to play the blame game. Ashley was pulled into a heated debriefing where the CIA attempted to lay all of the blame for the failed operation and the civilian casualties at her feet. Thankfully her relationship with Isla had helped her to be more confident and Ashley lashed back out at her superiors and the CIA operatives who had supplied her with the data to prepare the combat mission. After several hours the debriefing came to and end and Ashley was absolved of any wrong doing on her part, though she could tell by the way her superiors and the head of the CIA were talking that her career going forward was most likely going to face a lot of secret red tape. Stressed out and on the verge of a breakdown while also dealing with the fact the mission she had put together had led to civilian casualties, Ashley was ambushed by Isla and pulled into a nearby custodian's closet, where the fiery British pilot helped the intelligence officer bleed off some stress by overwhelming her with her romantic overtures. Leaving Ashley a little disheveled in her uniform, Isla gave her a teasing kiss and told her to join her for a drink before she slipped away. After collecting herself, Ashley decided to throw caution to the wind and joined Isla, flirting with her over a few drinks until the two of them could no longer contain their hidden feelings for one another. Slipping back to Isla's room, the two of them spent the rest of the night making love, their romantic session spilling over into the early morning hours as they let all of their pent up feelings out. The next morning Isla convinced Ashley to join her for a week's worth of leave at a five star hotel in Cairo, Egypt, and the two enjoyed a rather lavish and romantic vacation together. During their time in Egypt, Isla continued to be bothered by the stress of hiding her super powers and in confidence, revealed her abilities to Ashley, in addition to the fact she had been the one who had rescued the pilots. 

Isla was shocked when Ashley became even more excited about the fact she had super powers, but the reason for this was quickly made clear when Ashley revealed to Isla that she herself could fly and also possessed super strength and speed. It appeared the two of them were kindred spirits given that Ashley had also been hiding her own mutant abilities since they had manifested when she was in her early teens. Ashley became a bit shocked when Jasmine revealed herself as well, demonstrating that she could create a telepathic link between Isla and another person, but Ashley's own possession of super powers allowed her to quickly accept what Isla and Jasmine were. They spent the rest of their time in Cairo pursuing their romantic feelings while Ashley also helped Isla come up with a heroic persona that she could use to fight against crime and other evils. Though she initially wanted to call herself "Guardian Rose," Ashley and Jasmine both thought that the new name sounded too much like Isla's fighter pilot callsign and Isla came up with the name "Spitfire" instead, which paid homage to the famous British fighter plane and also took Isla's fiery and confident personality into consideration. The week spent in Egypt was also a pivotal moment for Ashley Coleson, as Isla encouraged her to think about using her own abilities for good, which was something that Ashley had been thinking about since she was in high school. Eventually the two had to return to their duties and it was announced that the US and British coalition was being disbanded as both governments continued to argue over how to handle the civilian crisis they had created with the bombing of the terrorist's lab facilities. Ashley was re-assigned to another region and Isla returned home, accepting a position as a flight trainer and adviser which saw the ace pilot overseeing the development of a new class of fighter aircraft while she trained a new generation of RAF pilots on how to fly it. 

While Jasmine would tell Isla that she was happy with how things turned out, since her best friend had been given a new lease on life and chose to use her gifts to help others, Isla knew there was an underlying sadness that she would never admit to. This was especially evident to her when Isla would visit Jasmine's family. Even though Jasmine could communicate telepathically to her family, it couldn't replace being near them, hugging them, or playing with her small niece and nephew.

Isla decided to enlist the help of her close friend Ashley Coleson and her fiance Tiffany Anderson, the superheroines Silver Falcon and Crimson Valkyrie, who brought their friend to Asgard. Even though the split meant that Isla would lose her super powers, Isla was steadfast in proceeding if it meant bringing her friend back to the physical realm. 

The mystic procedure worked and Jasmine was separated, with Isla retaining her amazing abilities. But the cosmic energy that infused both of their bodies changed Jasmine in ways no one expected. Her body had changed, she was taller and stronger than before, and displayed powers similar to Isla. Jasmine also found she was able to emit healing energies from her hands and the mind link they shared in one body was still active between the two. Jasmine decided to adopt a superheroic identity as well, naming herself Lotus as a tribute to the flowers found in India.

Together, Isla and Jasmine formed a formidable crime fighting duo the press dubbed the "British Bombshells". Their ranks expanded when Jasmine recruited the Scottish Speedster, Hurricane. When Jasmine's role with the World Health Organization expanded, she knew she needed to find a replacement. And when she encountered the Night Bird of Prey, Harrier, not only did Jasmine know she found her replacement on the Bombshells, she knew that Jules would fill a role in Isla's life that had been missing since her time with Ashley/Silver Falcon.


An updated data file for Isla. The bulk of the background used was written by CrimsonVlkyrie as part of her Codex entry for Spitfire. You can read the entry in full here:

Mature Content

Artwork by PGandara

Ashley Coleson/Silver Falcon and Tiffany Anderson/Crimson Valkyrie (mentioned) (c) CrimsonVlkyrie
Spitfire, Lotus, Harrier, Hurricane, and Ember (c) brad328

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Comments: 4

HopeDiamond3 [2021-04-24 04:25:08 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AzureVirgo [2019-04-14 01:47:27 +0000 UTC]

Liked the inclusion of Harrier

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

CrimsonVlkyrie [2019-04-14 01:40:07 +0000 UTC]

Very nice update, I'll have to fix a few things in her codex regarding her eventual relationship/meeting with Harrier.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kenfusion45 [2019-04-14 00:25:38 +0000 UTC]

The inclusion of Harrier fits in nicely with everything else

👍: 0 ⏩: 0