bugsytrex — Miri Tote design

Published: 2006-12-10 16:20:28 +0000 UTC; Views: 6878; Favourites: 125; Downloads: 193
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Description This is the image that I'm going to put onto my "test tote bag". Hopefully it'll come out okay. I'll definately know by the end of the day. Apparently, I have to create my final design at a webpage (www.wiltoneasyimage.com) and I will have to do so for all of these tote bag/tee shirt things that I'll be making for folks.

Sooo, as such, I thought that this would be as good a place as any to post up Miriam's "official" SWAT Kats profile (I merely copied and pated it from the SK fanboard. So all you guys from the board who have already read this, feel no need to read further. However, if you're interested in Miriam Lynx I warn you: you have quite a read in store!

Done on bristol board, HB pencil, inked with mircon#1 and 5 pens, derwentt watercolor, primsacolor marker and pencil


Name: Miriam "Miri" Lynn Lynx

Maiden name: Miriam Lynn Boots

Alias/Codename: none

Age: 24

Height: a diminutive 5'2" (in fact, she's so petite, she has the nick-name of "Kitten"~ which she detests, but she's too nice to say anything!)

Weight: 105 lbs.

Eye color: blue

Hair color: chocolate

Fur color: largely, a soft fawn (almost white) with chocolate markings on her lower legs, forearms, ear and tail tips and around her eyes (which creates a smokey effect like she's wearing eyeshadow even when she's not)

Breed: Mixed; her heritage of intrest would be that her paternal grandmother was Saimese (where she received her fur color and eye color) and her maternal great-grandmother was an Egyptian Mau.

Occupation: Antiques Dealer (Owner of "Lynx Antiques"); formerly a criminal profiler for the K.B.I (Katizen Bureau of Investigation) as part of their Violent Criminal Apprehension Division (or VCAD)

Goals: Would like to live her life in relative peace and perhaps one day remarry and have a few kittens.

Key Nemesis: Dr. Hannibal Fletcher (AKA "Sabertooth") a psychotic serial kat-killer whom she "profiled" and through which, the KBI was able to apprehend.

Likes: Reading; gardening (both vegetable and floral~daisys are her favorite!); cooking/baking; history and spending time with her family

Dislikes: "Dirty" law-enforcers; flying (she's afraid of crashing); criminals/miscreants and "hack" archaeologists stealing her late husband's work

Accomplices: none, though she does team up with the SWAT Kats to bring down a few wierdos!

Past associates: Agent Miles Phillips (her ex-agency partner); Director Alexander Ramsey; Allen Schippell (Department of Defense head); various other agents and contacts within the INTEL community

Former place of occupation: KBI HQ, Megakat City Branch

Current place of residence: The historical quarter of Megakat City

Talents: Behavioral science, languages, martial arts (she is a master of judo) and ballroom dancing!

Appearance in series: N/A she's a fanchara! LOL!

Voice: Well, I'd like to think that she sounds like Drew Barrymore

Personality: Intelligent, sweet and demure with an "unfailing moral center" (which, said "morality" ultimately leading to her "provisional status" with the KBI). She can be quite shy (especially around the male gender~ Chance Furlong in particular) and will oftentimes catch herself blushing under a kat's gaze. She can be considered a homebody seeing as how she loves spending time with her family (they have a weekly get-together every thrusday for dinner) and she loves "domestic" tasks which she had become quite adept at, having been a wife for four years. In fact, she loves her family above all things (which is why she decided to quit her job at the KBI in order to care for her husband in the last year of his life). Miriam was raised that as a lady, she should never raise her voice in anger (in fact, her mother taught her that it is often easier to grab someone's attention through speaking softly, than shouting) and she will often catch herself before she yells, giver herself ten seconds, and then proceed to speak calmly and rationally. She is extremely polite and often goes out of her way to express kindness to others (particularly the elderly and kittens). However, don't let her "sweet-as-sugar" demeanor fool you, as it often does with others who are unaware of just how forceful and passionate Miriam can be when the situation moves her! She is in no way a pushover and will assert herself appropraitely. This oftentimes gives her a "room presence" that is much larger than her petite size. She can become quite no-nonsense at times (especially while tracking down a perp) and will become extremely focused on her task. She does have a temper, but thankfully, it's on a long fuse. She is also confident in her ability to take care of herself, having completed self-defense training at the VCAD acadamy.

Brief History: Miriam is the youngest of her parents five kittens (her oldest sister, Victoria;and three older brothers: James "Jimmy", Stephan and Kyle). Coming from a family of law-enforcers (her father was a pilot for the Enforcers, however he was "honorably discharged" due to an injury incured during an aerial assault) and her mother was a district liason for the KBI to the Enforcer HQ. From an early age Miriam displayed a keen intelligence with a natural "knack" for reading people. She was promptly enrolled in a private school which would enhance her sharp mind and put her a year or two ahead of other kittens who'd enrolled in public school. Her dedication and focus on her studies earned her the choice to graduate school a year early and during her senior year, take college credit courses, which she did. Miriam found how the way a kat's mind worked utterly facinating, quickly deciding that her major would be behavioral science. It wasn't soon after that she met Dr. Arthur Lynx, a prominent archaeologist with an educator's residence at Megakat City Natural History Museum. Even though Arthur was 15 years Miriam's senior, just six short months after they'd met, they were married. Miriam was just 18 and Arthur 33.

Shortly after, Miriam found a promising career with the KBI. She was often called the brightest rising star in the Bureau due to her keen intelligence and determination. By 20, she was set on her first case, compiling a criminal profile of Dr. Hannibal Fletcher, the serial killer the media called "Sabertooth". After his apprehension, Miriam shied away from the ensuing media attention that claimed her to be a heroine. After Sabertooth was inprisioned at MKC Assylum, Miriam, despite the warnings her partner, Miles Phillips gave her, decided that she was ready to start a family with her husband (Phillips had told her that she would essentially end her career if she started getting pregnant). Yet after a year of trying to concieve and not having any kittens, Miriam and her husband checked into a fertility facility to determine what the problem was. Soon after, Arthur was diagnosed with a fatal illness that not only would end his life, but precluded him from having any children. The doctors gave Arthur six months. Miriam in her grief made the decided to end her short career with the KBI and instead spend as much time with her husband as she could while she still had him in her life. After a year, Arthur passed away. Miriam was 22 and her husband was a young 37.

After Arthur's passing, Miriam took some of his archaeological finds and donated them to the MKC Museum of Natural History, (forging a deep friendship with his old collegue, Dr. Abby Sinnian) taking others to start an antique dealing business. She is also the head of "The Arthur Lynx Foundation" a non-profit organization dedicated to finding a cure for the dibilitating disease that claimed her husband.

It would be another two years before Miriam would forge a close friendship with anyone of the male gender again. It wasn't until the fateful day when her 4X4 broke down on the side of the road that she would unknowingly set into motion a chain of events that would change her life.

During a brutal heatwave in Megakat City, Miriam found herself stranded at the side of the road, just outside the city. She was returning from an archaeological confrence where the subject of whether or not KATLANTIS was a city of myth, or a city that truly existed. Miriam attended 'cause Katlantis was her late husband's life's work. In fact, before Arthur became ill, he'd found an odd tablet during a dig that he believed to be proof of the actual location of the "mythical" city. However, the brutal heat took it's toll on the old 4X4 (which she had since graduating high school) and during her commute back to MKC, it died. Luckily, she had her cell on her and called for a tow.

Jake and Chance were none too thrilled to venture out into open where the temp was a searing 98 degrees (with a heat index of 110!!) but the two left to find the stuck she-kat. Upon their meeting, Miriam's heart nearly dropped into her stomach when she laid eyes on Chance (Miriam likes the kats in her life to be "big". It was often said that Arthur looked more like a football player than an academic). After a quick exchange, they agreed to drive the diminutive she-kat to MBC studios where she was to be interviewed by Ann Gora.

The boys brought her vehicle back to their garage where they began to work on it. Later that night, Miriam received a frantic call on her cell from Agent Maxwell Clawson (no relation to Jake) he wanted to meet with her immediately. Doning a pair of khacki pants and a black tank-top, Miriam met her old friend at a coffee shop where he promptly gave her a key card. Apparently, Max had stumbled upon information that was stored on that key card that implicated one of their own in a plan to take over MKC! Miriam, who was known throughout the agency for her unflinching morality, was the only choice that Max could trust. However, just before they parted ways, Miriam bore witness to Max's car exploding...with him in it! Soon, she was pursued by gunfire from unknown assailants. She had to get to her vehicle (where she stored her BDA9 and her moblie scanner)! After she was sure she had lost her pursuers, she hailed a cab, Miriam frantically called Jake and Chance's garage, only to find that they were "closed" (the boys were there, they were just working on the Turbokat). Never-the-less, Miriam left a cryptic message on the boy's answering machine, "Mr. Clawson, Mr. Furlong...it's Miriam Lynx. An emergency has come up and I need access to my vehicle immediately! Please call me back on my mobile phone...the number is 268-4468."

After listening to the message, Jake sighed, "Alright...I'll bite." Jake called her back, "Ms. Lynx? It's Jake Clawson....what's the emergency?"

"It's too complicated to explain now. Will you be at the garage in 10?"


"Then I'll explain to you then."

When Miriam arrived at the salvage yard, she was visibly shaken, but determined. After the boys showed her where she could find her car, she promptly opened the back hatch and pulled out what looked like a small laptop computer and opening a hidden compartment that housed her BDA9 (a semi-automatic handgun). Calling the KBI HQ she contacted Director Ramsey and informed him of the situation. "Alright, scan the key card and send me over the files." But the scanner wouldn't read the card!

"It seems as though the magnetic strip has been tampered with!"~Miriam

"In an effort to keep the Agency from finding out what's on that card, no doubt!"~Dir. Ramsey

During the course of the conversation, Dir. Ramsey decided that he would permit Miriam to operate on a "provisional status" until the dirty agent was found and apprehended. Before she was able to hang up with her old boss, Dir. Ramsey received word that Pumadyne had been broken into and their new high-tech robotic pilots had been stolen!("You'd better alert the Enforcers and DOD. Max mentioned Pumadyne...as such it would be in the agency's best intrest if we assume the two incidents are connected."~Miriam) After hanging up with Ramsey, she sheepishly gave Chance and Jake a "nutshell" explanation. "Sorry to bother you so late. It's just that someone's trying to kill me and I need to find out who and why!" Showing the boys the key card, she finished, "Whatever it is, it's on this card. I need to find someplace where I can by-pass the tampered magnetic strip so I can gain access to the information this thing holds!"

The boys naturally, asked to help, but Miriam, unaware of their secret identities, declined. "No. I'm sorry to have gotten the two of you involved this far. Whoever is after this card, sent professionals after Max so he wouldn't discover it's contents. I appreciate the offer, but you should really let law-enforcement handle this." And she left the garage to get the car that was sent to her by Dir. Ramsey a few blocks away.

Of course, the boys weren't just going to sit back and do nothing! The boys decided to start over at Pumadyne where they inevitably bumped into Miriam again, "What are you guys doing here?!" ~Miriam

"We heard Pumadyne had a few fancy, tin pilots stolen...!"~T-Bone. At which point, they decided to pool their efforts. During the course of the evening, not only were they able to take out the hired hit-men, but they were able to read the card that Max gave Miriam (Razor had a computer aboard the Turbokat who could complile the magnetic signature from the card and retrieve the information stored on it. What they found was that Miriam's old partner had made a deal with Turmoil in order to break her out of prision and give her the "fancy, tin pilots" in order for her to rule the skies! In return, Miles would receive two million dollars and "the package". Whatever the package was, the SWAT Kats and Miriam didn't know ("the package" was none other than Miriam herself whom Miles wanted to have an affair with, but Miriam shot him down), but they set out to stop Miles and Turmoil who had started wreaking havok in the city with her new air force!

Yet, even though Pumadyne's robotic pilots were hailed as the "future" of the Enforcers, T-Bone was able to out-fly them! (As if there was any doubt, right?). Needless to say, things got a little tense once the SWAT Kats and Miriam boarded Turmoil's new "mothership", but they were able to bring both Miles and Turmoil into custody.

After their adventure, Miriam's "provisional status" was terminated and she returned to her life as an antiques dealer. When she returned to Jake and Chance's garage, they asked her how things went (acting as if they simply had done as she suggested, letting the law-enforcers handle things) and Miriam shily replied that she was doing just fine, having been helped by the SWAT Kats.

"Umm, how much do I owe you guys?"~Miriam

"How about dinner?"~Chance


"Ummm, errr, ahh...I'm-I'm flattered, Mr. Furlong-"


"Oh...okay...Chance. Umm, I'm really flattered...but-but my husband passed away two years ago...it's....it's still too soon..."

"I understand."

"Do you really?"

"Absolutely. In fact...if you ever just want to hang out, have some fun...you know where to find me."

*Blushing* "I might take you up on that, Mr. Furlon- I mean, Chance." After paying Jake, Miriam took her car and left the two.

"You see that, Jake? She's crazy about me!"~ Chance

"*sigh* You know, for the first time, I'll have to agree with you...the little thing is smitten."~Jake

Yet, a few days later, while at her antiques shop, Miriam received a package. Inside was a bouquet of daisies and a letter:

"Ms. Lynx,
You really are a suprising she-kat. Thanks for all your help.
Take care of yourself, sweetheart.


LOL! Thats' that!
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Comments: 35

OkamiJubei [2018-07-04 05:06:11 +0000 UTC]

Aww... She seems to be a very cute character. So she likes chubby kitties I take it. 

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shadowpantherkat [2013-11-01 22:29:58 +0000 UTC]

This character is SUPER cute XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kobaiy7598 [2013-02-23 08:11:43 +0000 UTC]

She reminds me of Christie from Tekken.

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mrrc0276 [2013-01-05 03:17:33 +0000 UTC]

when are you posting your fan fics of miri and if you've already posted them where can i read them?

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LinkinMark1994 [2011-03-31 15:09:28 +0000 UTC]

i like this...

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pennyfurlong [2010-03-27 05:42:49 +0000 UTC]

Ur relly good and shes so cute!

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CodyFurlong [2008-12-16 22:01:03 +0000 UTC]

You did a really nice job on her, you put a lot of work into your character.

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KRSatterwhite [2008-04-25 21:57:40 +0000 UTC]

very cute character ^^ she fits into the SK world just fine and an awesome story to boot ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bugsytrex In reply to KRSatterwhite [2008-04-29 13:01:06 +0000 UTC]

THank you so much!

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DaniellaAnsatsusha [2007-09-02 18:28:51 +0000 UTC]

Naaaw, that story is soooo cute!

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ReikoChan [2007-04-10 05:57:34 +0000 UTC]

Interesting story. I love the picture as well.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bugsytrex In reply to ReikoChan [2007-04-10 22:47:08 +0000 UTC]

Thanks a bundle! Miri's story was one of those that sort of clobbered me in the head! LOL! Thanks again!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ReikoChan In reply to bugsytrex [2007-04-11 01:44:50 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome. I could tell you took your time developing her and stuff. That's a huge plus for fan character creators.

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Nikakun [2007-01-08 12:09:24 +0000 UTC]

Love this image
and the history too

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bugsytrex In reply to Nikakun [2007-01-09 14:58:45 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much! Miri was a lot of fun to come up with! I'm happy you like it!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Raphaelsgirl [2006-12-21 02:15:40 +0000 UTC]

wow awsome !
shes cool ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bugsytrex In reply to Raphaelsgirl [2006-12-21 16:49:18 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! I can't wait to try to make a Sonny tee after the holidays! XD

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mindychan [2006-12-15 04:54:47 +0000 UTC]

You have an extremely fun and quirky artistic style! Fantastic job~ and yeah.. that's a lot of reading

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Necro-moonie [2006-12-13 07:51:08 +0000 UTC]

I really love the pose, so cute. You did a great job on the coloring. Interesting character as well.

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dimlabyrinth [2006-12-12 03:35:57 +0000 UTC]

Miri is freaking adorable. The pose is cute too.

(My internet is being nice to me now! Rejoice!)

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Majojoy [2006-12-11 17:27:37 +0000 UTC]

aw she looks adorable nice work

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Brunita [2006-12-11 11:43:00 +0000 UTC]


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Turtlefreak121 [2006-12-10 23:28:32 +0000 UTC]

OMG^^ She's adorable! I really like how her character comes out in this!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bugsytrex In reply to Turtlefreak121 [2006-12-11 16:57:18 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so much sweetie!!! luv ya lots!

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Aniela-Evie-Sexfield [2006-12-10 22:18:02 +0000 UTC]


Me want Tote!

Me buy!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bugsytrex In reply to Aniela-Evie-Sexfield [2006-12-11 16:52:20 +0000 UTC]

LOL! You don't have to buy one sweets! If I get good at this I'll make you one. (Just let me practice a little so I don't send you something that looks like crap! ^w^ )

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Aniela-Evie-Sexfield In reply to bugsytrex [2006-12-12 01:28:02 +0000 UTC]


I wanna make you something too!


How about a patch?

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livingangel84 [2006-12-10 21:20:10 +0000 UTC]

i think this is so cute! (i have a bra that color. lol!)

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bugsytrex In reply to livingangel84 [2006-12-11 16:46:27 +0000 UTC]

Mee tooo! hee hee hee (well I did, before my doggie chewed it up! LOL! When we first got her she had a taste for Victoria's Secret! LOL! ^w^)

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livingangel84 In reply to bugsytrex [2006-12-11 20:13:33 +0000 UTC]

my dog was the same way!

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mcaputo123187 [2006-12-10 18:35:10 +0000 UTC]

Wow.... Affter reading that.... I REALLY WANT TO READ UR FAN COMIC OF THIS (I can't wait! XD ) and I would never thought she would sound like Drew Barrymore, Very intresting

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bugsytrex In reply to mcaputo123187 [2006-12-11 16:01:08 +0000 UTC]

thank you sooooo much! I'm really flattered. Me and my buddy are still working on the plot and everything, but I hope to get it started soon!

Thanks again!

OH! And I decided on Drew Barrymore 'cause while I was drawing her one day, I was watching "The Wedding Singer". heh.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

mcaputo123187 In reply to bugsytrex [2006-12-11 21:50:00 +0000 UTC]

Well let me know when its finished ^^*

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

anya1916 [2006-12-10 18:06:45 +0000 UTC]

aaawwwwwww *first impression discovering the pic* yeah it's pure sweetness !!!!!!!

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bugsytrex In reply to anya1916 [2006-12-11 15:51:45 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much!

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