BuryTheMaid — :AtF: Maplethorn | LostClan

#aftertheflood #rp #warriors #atf #maplethorn
Published: 2016-02-25 06:46:56 +0000 UTC; Views: 1084; Favourites: 12; Downloads: 0
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Description ((Old art is temporary til I have more free time!!))


Stripe reference:

Last updated: 
8.26.16 – Age increase, history updated, relationships updated.
5.2.16 – Age increase.
4.1.16 – Age increase.
2.29.16 – Age increase.

Basic Information

Personal Name:

Warrior Name: 
Prefix: Named after his coat color.

Suffix: He received this name because of his prickly personality and his then-rank of medicine cat. 

 58 moons



Birth season: New-leaf


Warrior, Ex-Medicine Cat


Fur Texture: Short and a bit rough.

Pelt Description: Orange and white base coat, with darker "open" stripes and markings.

Body Type: Stocky and muscular.

 Three scars on his left shoulder.

Scent: Catmint and leaves. 


-Inches: 12

-Centimeters: 2


-Pounds: 12

-Ounces: 4


●●●●●●●○○○ ➟ Strength 

●●○○○○○○○○ ➟ Endurance

●●●●○○○○○○ ➟ Agility

●●●●○○○○○○ ➟ Defense

●○○○○○○○○○ ➟ Swimming

●●○○○○○○○○ ➟ Accuracy


+ Reliable

Maplethorn may not always be the most pleasant cat to talk to, but he’s good at what he does. His knowledge and abilities are consistent, giving no doubt that he knows what he’s doing. Maplethorn always takes tasks seriously and he makes it his priority to complete them thoroughly.

+ Sensitive

Despite his sometimes cold demeanor and piss-poor attitude, Maplethorn truly cares about the cats in his clan. As a medicine cat, he was very attentive to any signs of ailment and paid close attention to his patients. Though that is no longer his occupation, he can't help but be particularly sensitive to other cat's needs.

+ Trustworthy

Because of his seriousness, any details or secrets given to him will remain known only to him – this cat isn't a sell-out. He respects privacy and secrecy, so if you put your trust in him, you won't regret it. But the same goes both ways; he'll expect you to keep quiet about things as well if he chooses to share.

- Sarcastic

His past has made him a bit of a cynic and he can’t help but sneak in the occasional sarcastic remark. Along with his bluntness, Maplethorn often comes off as rude and contemptuous. Not that he cares. If you're being irritating, he's definitely going to let you know – and being in a shitty mood is definitely going to make things worse for you.

- Blunt

Not afraid to speak his opinion, Maplethorn is brutally honest and tells it how it is. This tends to upset others, but he believes it would be better to be told the harsh truth than be lied to. On the other hand, because he feels lying is beneath him, others may be drawn to him for straight, honest advice because he tells it how it is.

- Grumpy

Maplethorn has little patience for idiots and other cats who don’t listen, especially those who come for his advice. He does not take kindly to those who don't take things seriously and who are consistently annoying. However, even without stimuli, his default mood tends to be grouchy anyway and at times he can be easily offended.

= Knowledgeable
Back when he was a medicine cat, his medical expertise was phenomenal. That isn't really relevant to his life anymore sadly, but he still has the habit of making sure he's always well-informed. Though not nosy, he is a valuable source of information for a multitude of subjects.

= Observant
Maplethorn has a good attention to detail, which helped especially when working with patients. He's learned to purposefully be aware of both others and his surroundings. Because of this, he's most likely to notice things before other cats.


- Being organized
- Keeping himself busy
- Feeling useful
- The taste of shrew


- Leaf-bare
- Arrogance
- Hunting (he's awfulll at it)
- Snow
- Fighting between clans


- Losing his clanmates to disease (regardless of whether or not he's a medicine cat)
- Feeling useless (brought on especially since giving up his previous position)
- Being made fun of for his weaknesses

Relationship Information

Relationship status:


Orientation: Heterosexual

Looking For

• Lasting Relationship ✘

• Quick Fling ✘

• Unsure ✘




Daisytail (deceased)


Paleclaw (status unknown)


Honeywhisker (status unknown)


Monarchkit (son, alive)
Autumnkit (son, alive)
Vixenkit (daughter, alive)



    Maplekit was born in a small litter of two, with his little sister, Honeykit, in a clan far away. Most of his kittenhood was uneventful, living with his family where they were raised traditionally, to become warriors. The large kit was overjoyed to begin his apprenticeship and when the time came he could barely contain himself.


    As an apprentice, despite his bulky size, Maplepaw had both his strengths and weaknesses; though he could hold his own during his training to fight, he tended to come up short on the hunting end. No matter how hard he practiced, the apprentice just didn't have the knack for it; prey would spook from his heavy steps or zip just past his paws. All in all, it was never an activity he enjoyed.

    His sister on the other hand, was a complete natural, and wound up gaining her warrior title of Honeywhisker early, before all the other apprentices, Maplepaw included. Though he was proud of his little sister, the tom couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy as well. Soon, his performance in fighting took a downturn as he lost confidence in his own abilities. After a moon of little progress, Maplepaw began to give up on even the possibility of him becoming a warrior...it just didn't seem like he was meant to. It seemed to him that all that talent had been given to his sister and skipped right over himself.

    Just as his outlook worsened and his enthusiasm for training with his mentor withered, the young apprentice had a dream. When he awoke, Maplepaw didn't know what to think of it and was hesitant to tell anyone else. But after having it every night for a week, the tom tentatively came to the conclusion that there must've been some sort of meaning behind it, perhaps given to him by Starclan itself. In the course of the dream, a withered, dying vine, desperately trying to cling to life in the dark underbrush, branches out into the moonlight and suddenly begins to grow. By chance, Maplepaw stumbled upon the clan's medicine cat in the forest one day, who was out gathering herbs. More to get his mind off another failed hunting trip than anything, Maplepaw offered to help the elderly cat and found that, to his surprise, he actually thoroughly enjoyed learning about the different herbs and berries and other supplies the medicine cat needed, and soon felt his enthusiasm returning. Instead of meeting with his own mentor, Maplepaw began hanging around the medicine cat's den more and more, eager to help and learn about the cat's duties.

    Finally, though it was soon becoming clear where his talent really lied, Maplepaw told the medicine cat about his dream, thinking, perhaps, that she could decipher it. Having no apprentice of her own, she decided that the dream was indeed a sign, and Maplepaw soon became the apprentice she lacked and eventually gained the name of Maplethorn.

Medicine Cat

    After his mentor died, Maplethorn became the clan's full medicine cat. But as the moons wore on, a general unrest spread throughout the clans of the forest, rumors of disaster or war crippling the confidence of many of the warriors. Some cats insisted that they should strike the other clans while they could, while others were so terrified they wanted to leave the forest entirely. The only thing for sure was the clan was broken up and irrational, getting to a point where they no longer obeyed or even respected their leader. Waiting for a sign from Starclan for some guidance, Maplethorn was caught in the middle as half the clan deserted, his father included. Despite their numbers shrinking, he wished to stay loyal to his leader, who, meanwhile, was becoming increasingly desperate in his need to prove himself capable of leading the declining group. Maplethorn tried to talk him out of it, but the leader soon left with the rest of his warriors to attack a nearby clan, paying the medicine cat no heed. Regrettably, his sister Honeywhisker was part of the party, confident in the abilities she was renowned for.

    After waiting for many sunrises, it became clear the attacking party would not return, leaving the tom unsure of what to do. Eventually, he was left with no other choice but to leave, wandering out of the forest and soon stumbling upon a band of roving cats, led by Fallenash and another tom. He joined them, glad to be in a group again, and offered to be the medicine cat of Fallenash's (then, Fallenstar) clan, once their new territory was split and clans were established.
    Though he wound up settling in his new clan, surrounded by new cats, things soon became agitated. With Fallenstar leaving on a prophetic journey and tensions mounting between other clans, it seemed the tom was once again stuck in the beginnings of another war. More than glad to welcome Fallenstar from his journey, he and Maplethorn gathered what cats would come with them to set out to find another territory, as it was clear things were just going to fall apart. He regrettably left what was left of the clan to his young apprentice, knowing he would do well as their medicine cat.
    That wouldn't put the ol' cat at ease though, and with no sign from Starclan, he was unsure if this second journey was a good idea. A new cat would soon distract him from his worries, however. Along their travels, one young cat named Dreamwalker had sprained her paw and, naturally, it was his job to take care of it. Unfortunately this meant the group had to slow their course so she wouldn't be left behind, but the slow-going meant more time for them to get to know each other. At first Maplethorn wasn't sure what to think of her attitude and in the beginning the two clashed a bit, but as time went on the pair warmed up to each other. Eventually they became close friends, which surprised him. He knew he wasn't always the friendliest cat and frankly, he didn't really care, but Dreamwalker put up with his innate grouchiness and always seemed to want to be with him. Even more surprising, the older tom found himself feeling something he never had before and realized he liked her a lot more than he had anyone else. The feeling was confusing at first, but when he discovered Dreamwalker felt the same way, he couldn't be happier.
    As the moons wore on and their group steadily began to increase as they found more roving cats along the way, they stumbled upon a small dark-colored tom. His name was Sleetshadow and despite obviously looking malnourished, he managed to persuade them into letting him join. As he regained his strength, it was clear he had had a high rank in his previous clan, as soon both he and Fallenstar were leading the lot of them. Maplethorn had no real opinion on the tom, but as his friend was growing more and more tired of leadership, the medicine cat silently expected Sleetshadow to soon step in and fill his shoes.
    That day wouldn't come, however, until they finally found their new territory. It was soaking and deserted, but it was home, a welcoming sight to the worn and tired cats. It didn't take long for things to be established, for their group to officially be called a clan. Sleetshadow did indeed replace Fallenstar and Maplethorn went to work making a new den for himself and looking for any herbs he could around the area. But the more he fell into his old medicine cat habits, the more he realized how empty the rank made him feel now. As part of the code they all followed, he was not allowed to continue his relationship with Dreamwalker. He soon became torn between his love and his duty and sadly the pair relented on following the rules. That is, until Starclan finally spoke to him again, the first time since they left their old home. The two of them appeared before a cat neither had met before and were told their relationship was acceptable, as long as he gave up his title. Maplethorn agreed, as much as it would have pained him before. But before his whole life revolved around herbs and foul-smelling concoctions. Now he had someone he cared for, which was not something his old position could offer him. So, a bit begrudgingly still, he shed his title for that of a warrior and officially became Dreamwalker's mate.


    He isn't happy about being a warrior, as it reminds him so much of his flaws, but he does feel accomplished in a way his apprentice self didn't think he could ever be. But it was worth it in the end, as he is happy in other ways, and for now he is content. And besides all their new neighbors, Maplethorn is finally beginning to feel like he's really at home.
    This new home quickly lost its luster. Just a few moons after all three clans came together, Jasperstar of Bloodclan began stirring things up. When a patrol of Lostclan cats came to confront them, the newly pregnant Dreamwalker was taken as a hostage...and Maplethorn was boiling. After the following gathering though, Maplethorn marched straight up to the Bloodclan border, absolutely infuriated. He met a Bloodclan warrior by the name of Suntooth, who escorted Dreamwalker back to him. She didn't seem to be hurt at all, but the whole situation put Maplethorn's fur on edge. Obviously this band of ragtag cats were hardly deserving of being called a clan.
    When Lostclan cats returned from the next gathering to announce that Bloodclan had declared war on Stoneclan, Maplethorn couldn't help but get apprehensive, though not entirely surprised. He knew this put his own clan in a difficult position and with a litter of kits on the way, the burly tom was becoming increasingly agitated. What if they went to war and Dreamwalker gave birth while they were gone? What if something happened and he wasn't there...?
    Fortunately, it didn't come to that. Sleetstar elected to not get involved and even if they had, there was no way he was leaving camp that day. His mate unexpectedly went into labor early, causing the entire clan to come together to do what they could to help. Despite his journeys and all the patients he had helped, this was by far the most intense and frightening moments of his life. Thankfully there were two other acting medicine cats there to get her through the labor pains, and other clan members who had gone out in search of herbs, because eventually the kits made it into the world, perfectly healthy. It was not the way he had imagined fatherhood to begin, but then again, few things had ever gone according to plan for Maplethorn. He was just relieved mother and kits were alive, though they spent a long time in Ratface's den (and, by extension, so did he) until they were deemed fit enough to be moved to the nursery. Though even then, it took quite a while for the tom to relax. He was a father now! That concept was so hard for him to grasp, especially considering he had gone so long telling himself it would never happen due to his rank. But now he had three little kits hanging off him (or...two rather, as Autumnkit seemed terrified of him for some reason). It was exhausting, but he was happy. For a little while anyway.
    After the relationship between Lostclan and Stoneclan had become strained, Sleetstar returned from a meeting with Owlstar with surprising news. Not only had they regained their allegiance, but apparently had some plan in the works. He should've known by how vague Sleetstar had made the whole thing, as even after his speech, no one seemed to entirely understand what it was he was proposing. None of it sat well with Maplethorn and he chose to stay behind in camp with his family instead of going off to do who knows what in Bloodclan. The whole situation was suspicious and when the battle party returned, he knew his feelings were right. Not only had two clans ganged up against one, but Sleetstar had killed Jasperstar. Yeah, Maplethorn hated that bicolor tom as much as the next cat, but to kill him? Even if he wasn't a "true" leader, he was still a cat...and where did that put Lostclan in Bloodclan's eyes? Not well. Maybe it made sense to Sleetstar, but it sure as hell didn't to Maplethorn.

Relationship Tracker

  Met once

  Familiar with



  Good Friend

  Best Friend




  Slight Crush

  Average Crush

  Major Crush










 ll Apprentice/Mentor


★ Dead 

☆ Missing

Sleetstar | Tom | Leader | BuryTheMaid – 
Dreamwalker | She-Cat | Warrior | CatPuff
Fallenash | Tom | Elder | CatPuff
Clawfire | She-Cat | Deputy | AmberRam
Dappledstream | She-Cat | Warrior | BuryTheMaid
Windrunner | Tom | Warrior | CatPuff
Monarchkit | Tom | Kit | CatPuff
Autumnkit | Tom | Kit | BuryTheMaid
Vixenkit | She-cat | Kit | Vincent-ManGo-gh


Jasperstar | Tom | Leader | CatPuff★ –
Suntooth | Tom | Warrior | Vincent-ManGo-gh

Roleplay Information

Timezone: PST (UTC -08:00)


 ✔ Chat Rp 

 ✘ Comment Rp 

 ✔ Note Rp 

 ✔ Skype Rp 

RP Example:

Believing he was safe for the moment, Maplethorn went on through Dewclan territory, pausing every once in a while to scrape the freezing snow with one paw to get to the grass beneath. There was definitely no way he would be able to find any herbs like this, he concluded, and frowned, sitting his tailless rump down into the snow. The medicine cat sighed, slumping his broad shoulders. His slim options went through his mind yet again and he vaguely wondered if it was worth it. Maybe everyone would be alright? Maybe his meager herb supply would last the rest of leafbare…? 

Maplethorn shook his head, not wanting to even risk that chance. The tom got up again and shook the snow off, giving into a light shiver. He was already here; might as well keep looking. The medicine cat continued on, mind occupied with worrisome thoughts, when he turned the corner around a tree and came face to face with a panicked squirrel. Having been distracted, the tom couldn’t help but jump back and let out a gasp, the tiny creature doing the same. It reeled backward in front of him, but instead of running back the way it came, it made a sharp turn up a nearby tree.

“Strange…” he muttered aloud and watched the tiny rodent, not bothering to give chase. He had never been much good at that sort of thing. Maplethorn continued forward, keeping his eyes on it as it scampered high above him, and effectively failing to notice the she-cat that stood so close by.

Art © BuryTheMaid

Application Sheet © 

After-the-Flood  © CatPuff

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