CatPuff — ATF | Echofire | Warrior | Lostclan

#atf #catpuff #echofire
Published: 2016-04-19 03:44:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 818; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Description  Basic Information

Personal Name:

Warrior Name: 
Prefix: Named after looking like a copy of her father.

Suffix: For her blazing passion and strength

 55 Moons


 Egyptian Mau and Norwegian Forest Cat Mix

Birth season: Fall




Fur Texture: Echofire has long, curly fur. It is smooth, as she always is grooming to keep away matting. 

Pelt Description: Echo has brown fur with white patches on her face. She also has white paws and white tail tip. She had fur between her toes. 

Body Type: She is stocky, very muscular thanks to her breed. She has rather large paws and is taller than a normal cat. 

 None visible

Scent: Vanilla


-Inches: 11

-Centimeters: 0


-Pounds: 13

-Ounces: 0

Statistics: (Kits: 5; Apprentices: 10; Warriors: 20; Leaders: 30)

●●●●●○○○○○ ➟ Strength 

●●●○○○○○○○ ➟ Endurance

●●●●○○○○○○ ➟ Agility

●●●●●●○○○○ ➟ Defense

●○○○○○○○○○ ➟ Swimming

●●○○○○○○○○ ➟ Accuracy


+ Kind

Echofire is sweet to young cats and those who show her respect. She likes to help others when given the chance. She enjoys making others smile.  

+ Calm

Echofire is very hard to stress out in most situations. After so much loss, she is easily able to keep her cool as to think about current matters efficiently. She is very good at keeping a level head.

+ Maternal

Echo is very motherly, constantly smothering her daughter. She constantly fawns over kits and young cats. She can annoy them sometimes with how much she constantly tries to make sure they are well fed and groomed.

- Timid

Echo doesn't like to be open about her feelings or stand out in a crowd. After being known as the mate of a killer, she tries her best to stay out of the limelight. She doesn't tend to talk out of place much either.  

- Bitter

Because of the past she has lived, there are several times in which she becomes rather reserved and snippy. She tends to head into this mood if left alone too long. She usually can't help it and tries her best to hide her negativity behind a smile. 

- Judgmental

Ever since her she made her mistake with her first mate, she is incredibly hard on herself when making friends. She looks at a cat from every angle, making sure she knows as much as possible about them before offering friendship. She also will avoid cats who come off as bad to her.

= Protective
She gets incredibly defensive when it comes to cats she is close to. She would happily give up her life for her mate or children. She also gets a bit overly protective when it comes to friends and kits. 

= Honest
One thing Echo doesn't like is lying. She refuses to lie to cats, even if it may end up causing her to hurt someone's feelings. She feels everyone deserves the truth so never sugar coats anything.  


~Night time
~Fireflies(She thinks they are pretty)
~Loyal Cats
~Being complimented/Praised
~Being noticed




~Fish(Dislikes their taste)
~Gatherings(too many cats)
~Being insulted
~Whining she-cats 




~Losing anymore of her kits
~Falling in love again

Relationship Information

Relationship status:
 Permanently Single

Mate: Furystar, Briarfoot


Looking For

• Lasting Relationship X

• Quick Fling ✘

• Unsure ✘










Coppershade - After the Flood. Coppershade of LostClan

Dreamwalker - Dream

Purefire- TBA

Crescenthowl- Crescenthowl | Keelclan | Warrior  


Maplethorn- :AtF: Maplethorn | LostClan


Autumnpaw- :AtF: Autumnpaw | Lostclan

Monarchpaw- Monarchpaw | Apprentice | ATF

Vixenpaw- Vixenpaw



Echokit and her sister were born in the fall just as any other cats. They were lucky enough to have no complications. She was told her name was given due to her loud mews as a kit. But in reality it was because she was a spitting image of her father. Though her father wasn't from her clan. He was a cat who immediately left their mother when he found out she was pregnant. He apparently had never wanted the relationship to get that far. He called their mother weak and that he refused to father weak kits before he left.. Echokit's mother told her about her father, though never revealed his identity. Her mother's words helped her to loath and hate her father for abandoning them the way he did. Echokit was a bit taller than the other kits, which made them avoid her, though Littlekit always stayed by her side.


From birth, though, Echofire didn't know where or if she belonged.. She felt like an outcast around her clan mates. She looked different than them, acted different than them. She was constantly teased and shunned for her mother's mistake of having a cross clan lover. She tried desperately to prove her worth to them, showing off her strength and her skills in stealth, but she never felt like she was doing enough. Most never praised her or even acknowledged her presence. It honestly made her loath her own clan.. All she had was her mother and sister, who always managed to help her keep up her spirits. This little hope she had left was scorched when the river flooded and her mother and sister were in the wrong place at the wrong time. The two got swept into the river and drowned, unable to fight the rough current of the raging water. 


This put Echofire into a dark place, causing her to begin having thoughts of leaving to become a loner. The loyalty she had felt for her clan had burned out, and now all she wanted was to escape.  She didn't want to abandon the warrior code completely.. For if Starclan stopped watching her, she'd never get to see her family again.. She began befriending cats of the other clans at gatherings or border encounters, though sometimes the encounters ended in fights. She hoped and prayed to Starclan they would show her the way, to the place she belonged.. Hoping someday she'd be where she could be respected and loved by her fellow clanmates. That is when she met her first mate.  The brute was a tom that lived in the clan across the stream.  They had met by mistake, and it was like love at first sight.  They began seeing more of each other behind their clans' backs, making plans for her to join his clan.

Things got complicated, though.  Her mate started becoming murderous, having killed two cats with no real intentions that Echofire knew of. Even when her mother, who now dwelled in the Dark Forest, told her to leave him before he killed her too, she stayed by her love.  A fight between her and her dead mother left her wanting to leave.  Before they knew it, One of the other clan leaders, Fallenstar, joined the small army they created.  They left the forest in search for a new home. One moon later, they found it, and separated into four new clans.  Echofire stayed faithfully beside the brute.  She was ready to start new with her mate and start a strong family! Whether her mother or Starclan liked it or not. Fallenstar vanished one day and many clan cats seemingly began to fade away... Echofire soon enough gave birth to four healthy kits. The two girls were given the names Dreamkit and Copperkit. The white and silver tom, thew smallest of the litter, was named Crescentkit, while the tom who was born completely white, almost like a blank canvas, was named Purekit. Echofire loved them to death, and so did her mate. He took a particular interest in Purekit, soon enough seemingly forgetting about Echofire and the rest of their family... She could see the bitterness towards her mate growing in her other three kits.. Even in herself.. Things were changing, whether she wanted to admit it or not. She swore to herself things would be ok.. She would remain happy!

But of course things are never as easy as one would hope...  As time went on, Echofire began to see how power hungry and horrid her clan was becoming.  She knew she didn't want a part of this. One evening, she received a visit from a cat older than Starclan itself. The cat told her that if she wanted things to become peaceful again, she had to leave. Even though it broke her heart, she decided to leave clan life.  She took her kits, Dreamkit, and Crescentkit, with her. She left her other two kits with her mate, knowing she wouldn't be able to care for four kits on her own.. They'd be better off here.. She knew if she left her two weaker kits, the brute she once loved would most likely kill them.. The clan didn't like weak cats.  It broke her heart to leave them, but she knew it was the will of Starclan..

 She and her kits lived life as rogues for a long time, dreaming of the ancient cat from time to time. She was told the cat's name was Wolf in Whispering Willows, a cat who lived life in a way long forgotten by the clans. Echofire learned to trust this cat as she guided them through the unknown lands. When her children were the age in which they would have been warriors, she returned with them to their old home, her mate waiting for them at the border. He happily presented his new, younger mate to her, as if to stab her and twist the knife. She reconciled with her other two children, now named Purefire and Coppersplash. She felt a swell of happiness to hear the tom had taken her name in her honor. She was so relieved when they forgave her for her leaving them with their father.. Though she was happy to see her kits... She couldn't stay.. not with him ruling over her. She decided to leave her children in the camp and live on the outskirts of the clan's borders after witnessing Dreamwalker and her son receive their warrior names. She was incredibly angered when her ex mate forced her younger son to change his name completely, as if to give her another claw to the face.. To continue to disrespect her and show her how little he cared. His false love had become something she was used to, and she knew it was only a matter of time before he turned his back on his pretty kit of a mate too. She moved further and further from the clan's territory, travelling around as she willed and meeting many cats. Her daughter, Dreamwalker, came to her one day and told her she had decided to leave. The mother was sad, but did not stop her. She knew her daughter never felt like she belonged here.. The same as her son. She could only hope their paths would cross again. 

One day, she met a tom of the clan her ex mate despised, Briarfoot. She and the tom hit it off and he convinced her to join the clans again.. As long as it was with him. They became clan mates and grew close, to the point she was pretty sure she was in love with him. When her ex mate found out, he was furious. She couldn't stand the fact that he was so possessive that he wouldn't allow her to be happy.  He didn't want want her, but didn't want anyone else to want her either... She and Briarfoot decided to leave together, as things in the forest kept getting worse and worse. Her son, now named Eclipsefall, came with them on their travels. Echofire offered for her other son and daughter to come along, but they chose to stay, claiming that the clan was the only home they ever knew.. And they wanted to try to help their father stop his fall into madness. She accepted their decision and left in search of her daughter, Dreamwalker... During the journey, though, she lost her son to a storm. They never managed to find him after they got separated. She didn't know if he was alive or dead, but she prayed every night to Starclan that he was alive and safe somewhere.. The two older cats traveled for what felt like moons until the day everything seemed to fall into place. 

Echofire became excited... She scented her daughter, Dreamwalker!! She and Briarfoot had only grown closer since the journey... They found themselves in a very damaged land, looking as if it has been destroyed by a flood. Soon enough, they found a group of cats who went by the name "Lostclan." She and Briarfoot were taken to the camp and that was when she saw her.. Dreamwalker! After explaining who she was to the tom named Sleetstar, he allowed her and her companion to join the clan. Finally she had been reunited with her daughter. She couldn't believe her daughter had had kits of her own, making Echofire a grandmother! During this time, Echofire and Briarfoot became official mates, giving Echofire false hope that she'd have more children someday. Unfortunately, it was fated after meeting her ex mate that she would never get the chance to mother more kits.. 

The battle with Bloodclan had taken Echofire by surprise. She stayed behind to stay with her daughter and her grandchildren, having no wish to join in the battle. She'd seen so much death and fighting in her lifetime, she didn't wish to be a part of any more. She was very glad she didn't go when the clan cats returned to announce that Jasperstar had been killed. Murdered by none other than Sleetstar, himself.. Echofire began to grow weary of the tom, wondering if he'd be the next Furystar...  Things seemed to calm down for a bit. Kits were being born, the clans were getting along. The death of another Bloodclan leader shook the clans once more, the uneasiness and distrust returning between the borders. Then the murders.. Many believed it was just some hungry fox or a badger, but the strikes to the cats were too.. feline to be anything else.. Too precise, like a hunting attack. Echofire was keeping her head low until the day her mate, Briarfoot, was killed. Crying out to Starclan, asking why they took him so soon, she realized then that she was not allowed to continue her bloodline.. She began to cling to Dreamwalker and her grandchildren out of fear they would be taken from her as well...

The day came when two strangers appeared, asking for Echofire. Echofire feared it to be cats of her old clan, coming to finish her off. Or worse, Furystar, himself.. But instead, she was greeted with two cats she had thought she'd never see again. Her son and daughet. Purefire, the once white tom, stood before her, full grown. He had gained copper stripes, looking very closely to his mother, yet his father still showed in his build.. He bounded to his mother and nuzzled her roughly, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. Coppershade, now a gorgeous calico warrior, stayed back with a soft smile on her face. They explained that Furystar had been killed during a horrid attack, and now they had nothing tying them to their old home. They wanted to be with family.. so they searched for her. Dreamwalker came running out to them, the four reuniting and the two siblings meeting their niece and nephews! They were saddened when given the news that Eclipsefall (Now going by Crescenthowl in an area unknown to these cats) had been lost to a snowstorm. They would make the best of their situation.. They would be a family again.. 

But how long would it last?

Relationships: Echofire's Thoughts and Feelings       Thanks to Milovatii for allowing me to use his template!
[  Heard Of ||  Spoken To / Acquaintance  ||  Curious About ||  Completely Intimidated By ]
[  Likes ||  Considers Friend ||  Close Friend ||

Roleplay Information

Timezone: Eastern Pacific


✘ Chat Rp

 ✘ Comment Rp

 ✔ Note Rp

 ✔ Skype Rp

RP Example:

 Echofire sat silently, staring off in the distance as she stared up at the darkened sky. The fireflies were out again. They flickered shyly around her, causing her to smile a bit. She always loved the night time. It was so peaceful and full of mysterious life that most cats could never understand. She took a deep breath and stood after a moment, stretching and yawning before padding off towards camp. She paused and turned to face a tree, jumping onto the trunk of it and scrambling up to the lowest branch. She continued going up higher until she could see over most of the trees that hid her territory from the sky's warming light. She gawked at the scenery that lay in front of her. The land was so big! And it went so far that she was sure it went on forever.. She wished she could see it.. Explore the unknown.. After a while she finally climbed down again and headed back to camp, thoughts again rummaging into her mind.

Art © Catpuff

Application Sheet © 

After-the-Flood  © CatPuff

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