CatPuff — Lynxtail 2.0 | Warrior | ATF

#atf #catpuff #lynxtail
Published: 2016-06-23 12:26:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 620; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Description Basic Information

Personal Name:

Warrior Name:

Prefix -Lynx - For her short tail, reminding her mother of the mighty Lynx cat
Suffix - tail - For her short tail

 40+ Moons

Gender: Female

  Bobtail/ Domestic short hair/Scottish Fold mix


Rank: Warrior


Pelt Description: Lynxtail is a medium to long haired she cat with folded ears, thanks to the scottish fold in her. She is at average height with a bobbed tail. She has white to light grey fur with dark grey to black speckles and ears with a bit of a light grey tone on her back and face. Her eyes are light blue and she also has a white muzzle and chest.. 

Body Type: Lynxtail is of average height with a bobbed tail. She is leaner than some others, which helps with running but causes her to lack in the strength area. She has small paws which is great for her gracefulness and lets her more easily twist and turn while running. Her face is a bit flatter than a normal shorthair, this is most likely due to an unknown gene in her heritage. 

Missing half her tongue

Scent: Smoke and a hint of vanilla


 Lynxtail feels deep concern and kindness for other cats, especially younger cats of any clan. She can't help wanting to help a cat in need. She loves to sit and listen to anyone who is having a rough day or who just needs to vent, and goes out of her way to catch an extra mouse for a lonely elder or an introverted kit. She smiles more when she is around cats she knows she helps make happy. 
Lynxtail is a cat who is worth trusting, as she always works her hardest when given a job or a duty. She never leaves a job undone, and will work through the night if she has to. She refuses to return to camp empty-pawed when hunting. She is a top performer, always wanting to do no less than the best when it comes to helping her clan. 

Lynxtail takes pride in her cleanliness, always taking time to groom herself before going out on her daily patrols. She always keeps her nest in order (and tends to clean up other's as well) and enjoys making it pretty with feathers and flowers. She enjoys helping the medicine cats separate herbs and clean up elder's ticks. She eats very carefully as to not get all bloody and messy like a lot of other cats, she cares too much about her pretty white fur. 

Lynxtail spends way too much time worrying. She gets very nervous and uncomfortable when speaking to others, especially high ranked cats like leaders and deputies. She feels very below them, and it makes her feel awkward when speaking to them since she feels unworthy, for lack of a better term. Once she gets to know someone, she tends to be more comfortable and open, but when around large crowds of cats, it makes her incredibly nervous. She gets her worst when she makes a mistake, spending day and night worrying about it. She apologizes way too much. 

[- Submissive]
Lynxtail is very passive and hates to cause conflict. She tends to keep her mouth shut, even if she thinks what someone is doing is wrong or unjust. She blindly follows her leader, as she almost desperately adores them and their power. She assumes her leader in specific, Reedstar, is the wisest of all the leaders and would follow him to her death. 

[-Self Conscious]
Lynxtail is always internally judging herself, always picking at her flaws, mistakes, even belittling her accomplishments. She wants to be someone her leader and clan can be proud of, so she feels the need to be hard on herself more than not. When others compliment her, she can't help finding it hard to believe, but she gets incredibly bubbly if it comes from a leader or other high rank. She would feel this way from warriors if it wasn't for the fact that her father made her unable to trust others easily. 

[= Non-Competitive]
Lynxtail is never one to strike up an argument, pick a fight, or anything of that nature. She would much rather stay in camp playing with kits then go off to beat up some mouse-brained warriors making havoc at a border. She hates practicing battle moves, as she is not strong, and would much rather be chasing rabbits. Her hunting skills make up for her lack in fighting, so she tends to be left to protect the camp when there are skirmishes. 

[= Reserved/Shy ]
Lynxtail tends to keep to herself more than not, finding it hard to initiate conversation. She definitely tries, but once she says something she thinks was wrong or thinks she made a fool of herself, she conceals herself once again and keeps away from the cat she had been talking with for a while. She doesn't like talking about herself much, and much prefers to listen to others. If you feel like sharing a good story, she will sit with you for hours. She tends to become less shy when she gets to know someone and feels like they won't hate her if she makes a mistake. 

• - The Moon
• - Chilly weather
• - Running

• - Water (Swimming)
• - Summer heat
• - Talking

• - Losing someone she loved
• - Tank finding her
• - Death

Relationship Information

Relationship status:

Mate: --

Orientation:  Demiromantic/ Demisexual














|Prior to Birth|
Back in the land of old, a clan cat fell in love with a warrior from another clan. Their love blossomed as the days passed. Soon enough, they decided to become mates, knowing the possible consequences they would face if they were ever found out. They saw each other almost every night for several moons... Until the night when the she cat came to her love with news... She was pregnant with his kits. He was overjoyed and they began to talk about the possibility of leaving the clans to raise their family. The she cat was so excited at the thought of having a family with him, but after she announced her pregnancy, she began to gain suspicion from her clan mates. She was no longer able to see her love as she gained more weight and the kits were closer to joining the ranks of her clan. She was given four healthy kits, naming them Vixenkit, Jaggedkit, Swiftkit, and lastly, little Lynxkit. When the kits grew strong enough, the Breezeclan cat went to tell her mate of the news, surprised by the coldness that came from him. "I no longer wish to pursue this relationship. I want two of my kits to live here with me. If you don't comply, I will tell your clan mates the truth... And you will be without a home." Heartbroken.. The she cat agreed, that night meeting him and bringing Vixenkit and Jaggedkit. 

Lynxkit was confused when she awoke to find her mother in a panic. "MY KITS! WHERE ARE MY KITS?!" she exclaimed. There was a small hole in the back of the nursery, her mother screaming that something took Vixenkit and Jaggedkit.. She was surprised to see her siblings were gone.. Not a trace of where they had been taken to... The clan searched for days.. And found nothing. They assumed the worst, Lynxkit's mother becoming a shell of herself.. When she looked at her and her brother, Swiftkit, she looked so angry.. Like she hated them.. Once the kits were big enough to eat prey, their mother left them in the nursery alone. She and her brother became incredibly close.. Only having each other. Swiftkit began to get more bold, playing with the other kits, but Lynxkit kept to herself. She one day was approached by the clan's leader, who sat and told her stories for what felt like hours.. He made her feel like someone actually cared. She spent a lot of time following him around the clan's camp, never breaking rules or getting into trouble like her brother. The clan began to worry a bit about her, seeing as she remained introverted, never attempting to try to make friends or connections with anyone.. Except her brother of course. She was terrified when in the night, her mother pulled her from her nest with Swiftkit and took her to a dark, isolated part of camp. "I need to tell you something," Mumblesky murmured as she looked at her daughter with sad eyes. She decided she was going to leave the clan, but wanted someone to know the truth. She knew Lynxkit would not dare tell a soul, and so told her of her father, where Vixenkit and Jaggedkit really were, everything. She was sworn to secrecy and then just like that her mother was gone. She didn't make it far, though, as the clan patrol found her lifeless body by the river the next morning. No one knows to this day what really happened to her. 
On the day of the she-cat's apprenticeship, things in the forest seemed to be changing. There was tension everywhere. She was confident whatever was out there was what killed her mother.. She became Lynxpaw and her brother became Swiftpaw, but no one felt much excitement. Everyone was on edge constantly, so as soon as they were named, daily duties began promptly. She was given the clan's eldest warrior as her mentor, something her brother was a bit jealous of. He had been known for his power and skills in fighting. She learned to respect leaders and deputies over all others, and this was something that stuck with her throughout her life. She learned a lot about respect, loyalty, and overall peace over war mindsets. She knew she wasn't a fighter, and so did her mentor. He made her train in battle moves and the like, but spent more time feeding into her skills of running. She would become the quickest cat he'd ever seen, she was sure of it. But this luxury was cut short, when the tom was taken from her by a cat during a battle.... 

The she cat was more than happy to leave these lands when the leaders announced going on the journey to new territory. It was a long time, what felt like forever, before they reached the new territories. Things seemingly became peaceful as the clans settled. She had managed to meet her siblings, the ones she never got to grow up with, during the journey, but told them nothing of the truth, as her mother had asked of her. She was sad to see them go when they joined the ranks once again of their clan. 


 Lynxpaw, after needing to continue training a little bit longer, gained her name, Lynxtail, in the new territories. Her brother became Swiftstep and finally seemed to respect his sister again. He became the only friend she really had, but she began to open up a little more now that she felt safe.. This safety didn't last as once again, one by one, cats she cared about began to disappear. She felt like an outcast within her ranks, so on a whim, she decided to run away. Life as a warrior couldn't be much worse than this, right? Without even saying goodbye to her brother, she left during the night, letting her paws lead her. 

During her journey, it began to get harder to find food and shelter.. She began to get weaker and weaker from hunger and exhaustion. One evening, she came across an abandoned twoleg den in the middle of the woods and decided to sleep there for the evening. To her surprise, upon entering, she was welcomed by a small group of cats. The leader of the group was named Tank, and seemed to take a liking to Lynxtail immediately. He offered to let her stay with them a while and to help her get her strength back by sharing their kill with her. She was incredibly flattered by the offer and agreed to stay. This set up was no miracle, though... She would soon find out the true intentions of this tom. 

As she began to regain her strength, she got a bit uncomfortable with how close Tank would get to her. He would push her nest to be beside his at night and would lash out when she talked to other cats of the group. The other cats started to hate her for a reason she didn't understand.. All the other cats but Tank were female, several of them were pregnant. It didn't seem to click for the she cat until the day that Tank assaulted her. "Come on! You owe me you furbag!!" he hissed, swatting at her. Lynxtail pressed to the ground, crying as she asked him to let her go. "You're my mate now! Just like all these other broads. I feed you and you give me kids. That is how it works, sweety." When she continued to reject him, he lost his temper. Having some of his females hold her down, he had one of them force open her mouth with a clawed paw and in an instant, he sliced his claws over her tongue, cutting half of it off. She screeched and managed to pull out of the grasp of the cats, claws flailing as she raked them down Tank's face. While everyone was fazed by her sudden strength, she ran. She didn't stop running for what felt like days.. 

Bleeding out and on the brink of death, Lynxtail was found by a white and orange she cat along with what she claimed to be her family. The tom, seemingly knowledgeable of herbs, helped stop the bleeding in her mouth. He looked familiar... It never clicked for her he had been the medicine cat of the clan she had left almost two moons ago.. Her tongue healed, but left her with a horrible lisp as she traveled with the family. One night, when the scent of what she assumed to be clan cats came into her senses, she sneaked away from the cats during the night. She had to continue on her own for now, she didn't want to be a burden. While traveling, she was taken by surprise by a group of cats, claiming to be of Bloodclan. At the front of the patrol was a white and black patched tom by the name of Jasperstar. Seeing her, he decided to take her in, part of him feeling bad for her when she made it seem like she was mute. She realized they must have been in need of warriors, as the recent battle had stolen several from Bloodclan's ranks...

Lynxtail was just as surprised as all the others when Lostclan and Stoneclan attacked. She couldn't believe the chaos around her and admittedly, she had run at the sight of their vast numbers. She had began to have flash backs to that horrible tom who had kept her hostage those moons ago. She could only hope her friends would make it out ok. She spent two days in the city, having gotten lost once she found herself surrounded by the large buildings. By the time she had found her way home, she was astonished to see the newly named Dapplestar, who had been announcing the death of Tybalt. She, like many others, were horrified to hear he was gone.. She felt a slight grudge against the leaders of Stoneclan and Lostclan. How could they kill a cat so mercilessly..

Relationships:  Lynxtail's Thoughts and FeelingsThanks to Milovatii for allowing me to use his template!
[  Heard Of ||  Spoken To / Acquaintance  ||  Curious About ||  Completely Intimidated By ]
[  Likes ||  Considers Friend ||  Close Friend || 

Roleplay Information


 ✘ Chat Rp

 ✘ Comment Rp

 ✔ Note Rp

 ✔ Skype Rp

RP Example:

Ad lib from an rp:

Owl sighed softly as her tribe mates settled for the evening. It had been hard surviving with the thought of her brother's death still fresh in her mind. She laid alone, though many tried to give her some type of comfort, she preferred being alone. The brutish she cat sat up a moment as she heard some cracking in the distance, something shuffling the bracken. "Hello?" she called out. Some looked at her with a confused expression, wondering what she was doing, but her eyes remained on the spot that had been moving. "Is someone there?" she called again, fur bristling in nervousness.

Art © catpuff

Application Sheet © 

After-the-Flood  © CatPuff

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Comments: 6

JuneauPaws [2016-06-24 15:01:16 +0000 UTC]

We must rp her and cotton bby

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CatPuff In reply to JuneauPaws [2016-06-24 20:42:46 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Vincent-Mango [2016-06-23 21:30:54 +0000 UTC]

We must fight to find out who is the best lynx !

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CatPuff In reply to Vincent-Mango [2016-06-23 23:24:22 +0000 UTC]

LOL Not Lynxtail she is a goob

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LittleDisneyMagic [2016-06-23 15:52:57 +0000 UTC]

Wow! Poor baby. 👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CatPuff In reply to LittleDisneyMagic [2016-06-23 23:24:57 +0000 UTC]

Haha it was meant to be ;w; She was so plain I really wanted to give her some drama XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0